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Psychological Pressure Of Students From Parents.pdf

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In today's modern life, everyone has their own psychological pressure and no one is the same, psychological pressure can come from family, society, relationship - communication, economy... students too, they also have their own psychological pressures. Students are a special social group; they are in the stage of their physical and cognitive development. The purpose of this research is to study a part of the psychological pressure of students, that is, the psychological pressure of students from their families. This study is a study on students' understanding of psychological pressure, their attitude andbehavior when under pressure from their family and then propose specific measures. Psychological pressure is always an issue that many researchers around the world are interested in. According to a survey by VIMHANS mental health center with 150 educational institutions in New Delhi, 40% of students always feel stressed during exams. In China, according to the Beijing Center for Suicide Prevention and Research, which surveyed 15,431 victims of depression over two years, the results showed that those aged 18-25 accounted for 37.6%. [1] [2]

Psychological pressure can be caused by the external environment such as the impact of others or it can also be due to the negative perception of thingsand events for a long time, leading to psychological pressure.

1.3 Student psychology:- Want to be respected by adults. - Want to be self-affirming in society.

- Developing self-awareness: self-assessment, shaping self-development trends

- Stable feelings towards the profession help them learn and create.<small>2</small>

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- Maturity in relationship - communication: the need to communicate with family decreases - communication with friends increases.

1.4 Manifestations of psychological pressure:

Psychological stress takes place inside the body, but it also manifests itself outside the body as well as the mind through behavior, thereby helping people understand and recognize the signs of stress. Here are a few common manifestations of psychological pressure.

1.4.1 Physical manifestations:

- About the body, the most obvious manifestation in the donor is about psychological pressure or common diseases. For examples:

+ Tired+ Usually sweat+ Feel dizzy+ Want to faint+ Heart beat fast+ Absent – minded+ Have a headache+ Difficulty concentrating1.4.2 Emotional expression:- Emotional confusion, rapid change - Recovery, anxiety, fear

- Guilt

- Hopelessness, pent-up feeling - Disorientation, self-blame, vulnerability

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people under psychological pressure will lose sleep or sleep poorly; loss of appetite or loss of appetite; do not want to study, work, communicate normally; Heart palpitations, high blood pressure... Over time, it will lead to dysfunction of the circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system...causing dangerous diseases such as blood pressure disease, heart disease... atthe same time as well. lead to mental and physical illnesses. In addition, people with high psychological pressure often use stimulants such as beer, alcohol, and tobacco to relieve pressure, which can easily lead to lung, liver and kidney diseases.

1.5.2 Emotional impact:

Psychological pressure not only has a negative side but it also has a positive side. Pressure is not necessarily a bad thing because there are many cases and situations where people need to put pressure to progress and develop more. That is why many parents put pressure on their children to hope that they can improve more and more. But this pressure must depend on each person's situation and situation because some people can withstand the pressure but others can't. If the psychological pressure is too great and the person under pressure is not capable and capable to cope. In this case, they both have to try hard to be able to bear this psychological pressure and also have to cope with the immediate difficulties. When what they bear has exceeded the subject's tolerance, it will give rise to psychological stress and mental fatigue. When the psychological pressure is too great, it is easy for people to lose faith in life, lose direction as well as the will and energy to rise up in life. Their own view will also become negative, pessimistic, have negative thoughts, doubt everything, no longer believe in anything, just like the saying "the last drop of water", just a stimulus acting on them also makesthem look to suicide to get relief.

1.6 Causes of psychological pressure from family:1.6.1 No listening for children:

Parents always think that they have understood their children, so there is no need to listen to their children. Make them feel unfair because they always have to try to listen to their parents but when they talk no one listens to them.

1.6.2 Not paying attention to children's feelings:

At the student age, there are many times when children need to have a lot of sympathy and empathy for them when something happens, but there are


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some parents who do not pay attention to their children's feelings but say words. harshly, criticizing children, making them feel uncared for.1.6.3 Excessive imposition of children's abilities:

- Due to family tradition with high academic achievement.- Wanting children to fulfill their parents' dreams.

- Wishing child had a better life without really knowing what they wanted.

This study was conducted for the purpose of surveying the opinions of the subjects about psychological pressure from the family, from which it was possible to know the level of pressure as well as the causes of the subjects' psychological pressure. and suggest specific solutions.

- Method of research by document: refer to books, newspapers and specialized documents on related issues, thereby generalizing the concepts as the basis for the topic.

- Research method by questionnaire: the questionnaire is clear, detailed, neither lengthy nor too short. When reading the question, the reader can understand the question. This method also allows to conduct research on a large area, many participants suitable for the topic with this number of subjects.

- Methods of processing and statistical analysis of research information: classifying and synthesizing data according to the research criteria. The next step is to process the data into the specific characteristics of the groups and then convert it to the general characteristics of the population.

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Here, it can be seen that the level of understanding of psychological pressureof the students is at a good level or higher.


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Based on the chart as well as the data table, we can see that the majority of students suffer from the most psychological pressure from their families, which comes from studying - "Study pressure" and "Take part in other activities". ". Through these two figures, we can see that most families are too focused on their individual learning.

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In Table 3, most of the students' majors were chosen by themselves, but in Table 4, when they received low scores, most of them chose to be stressed. And in Table 5, although when talking about studying with their parents, most of the students are normal or a little comfortable, but there is still a part that accounts for 43.8% - nearly ½ of the total number of students are stressed. and very stressed when talking about studying with parents. From here, we can see that: although the majorcan be chosen by you, how you study is strictly controlled by your parents to receive low grades or talk to your parents about studying. It also makes you stressed, leading to greater psychological pressure on you. Through this, it can be seen that the majority of families, especially parents, always focus too much on theacademic achievements of their children.


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As analyzed in 3 charts 3,4,5, in addition to the pressure that you have to bear from studying, there are other pressures such as friends, family conflicts, etc. In Table 6,7,8,9, This 10 is the expression of students when receiving pressure in the family.

- As for friends, looking at the data and table 7 can see that most of you are very uncomfortable (40%) and a bit annoyed (46%) but when you look at thedata and table 6, you are the rest is sometimes, rarely, never telling your

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not be told because:

+ Because of old-fashioned parents

+ Parents often do not understand their own problems+ Because parents don't listen

+ Fear of being scolded+ Because not close to family+ Parents don't care+ Disagreement

- In chart 11, when there is conflict with family, most of you are silent and endure, there are a few other ideas that say they have opinions but still don't have any approval, so it's okay. can only endure and be silent.

In this chart, it is the relief whenever the students feel psychological pressure. Most of them are listening to music, reading books, going out - playing games<small>.</small>


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With the answers in the survey, you often have to suffer from family pressure from studying and family conflicts due to disagreements. Make youafraid to face and gradually shrink into your shell and endure those pressures. The family, especially the parents, should also have more effective solutions than just putting pressure on them. Some ways to reduce psychological pressure in family: know how to listen, how to keep calm, try to absorb ideas, responsibility and sharing of work, do not put too much pressure.

The current state of psychological pressure in people in general and in college age in particular tends to increase, especially these pressures mainly come from your family. And if you continue to accept that great pressure for a long time, it is easy to have psychological diseases or consequences later. Hope everyone can change their perception so that they can reduce the pressure on everyone.


[1] Vũ Minh Thương. (24/07/2005). An do: nhieu hoc sinh tu tu vi so thi truot. Retrieved 08, 03, 2022, from Gioi tre - nan nhan so 1 cua chung tram cam (26/07/2005). Retrieved 08,03, 2022, from

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1/ Gender:a. Maleb.Female

2/ The school you are attending:3/ What year are you studying:a.Year 1

b.Year 2c.Year 3d.Year 4

B.Survey Information

1/ How do you understand psychological pressure?a. Very well

b. Know brieflyc. Have heard about d. Completely don't know e. Other

2/ What do you often experience psychological pressure about?a. Studying

b. other activitiesc. Friends d. Living time

e. Other: Finance, teaching, work, ... 3/ Your major is your choice or not?A. Chosen by myself

b. Because of going to universityc. By following family traditiond. Forced by parents

e. Due to undermined

4/ How do you feel when you get a low score?A. Comfortable

b. Normalc. Stressful


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d. Very stressful

5/ How do you feel when talking about learning with your parents?A. Very comfortable

b. Comfortablec. Normald. Stressfule. Very stressful

6/ Have you ever told your parents about their interference in your friendship?A. Always

b. Usuallyc. Sometimesd. Rarelye. Never

7/ How do you feel when your parents interfere your friendship?A. Very annoyed

b. Uncomfortablec. Normald. Comfortablee. Very comfortable

8/ When there is a conflict with your family, do you often eat with your family?A. Never

b. Sometimesc. Rarely

d. Abstain from foode. Yes

9/ When you have difficulties to share, do your parents listen?A. Absolutely yes

