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the media plan cocoon

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COCOONMedia Plan

Lecturer: Doan Thi Thanh HuongNguyen Thi Mai Huong - HS153120Subject: MKT304

Class: MKT1610

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<small>C O C O O N</small> 0 2


3.5. Media use decision 18

4. Creative strategy plan 22


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received by young people. But besides that,there is stiff competition from other

cosmetic brands. So, in this essay, I willdevelop a communication plan for Cocoonwith a new collection within a month to theyouth (GenZ) - bringing a close color andpackaging no less" plaything".

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<small>C O C O O N</small>

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Cocoon was born in 2013 and quickly became a favorite product by100% vegan. Cocoon uses abundant natural ingredients such assquash, mint, tea tree, Dak Lak coffee… each product is designedwith beautiful, thoughtful packaging and carries a humane message.The appearance of Cocoon in the game of "big man" in thecosmetics retail industry Watsons is a milestone marking theenty of Vietnamese products into the international playground.Among the domestic brands being distributed by Watsons,Cocoon becomes a special name when it is "the best-sellingVietnamese brand in 2021 at Watsons". Shaking hands withWatsons since 2020, Cocoon vegan cosmetics have affirmed theposition of a 100% "made in Vietnam" product when placed onthe balance sheet with other imported products. Cocoon as wellas promises its expansion into neighboring cosmetic retailmarkets and other regions in Asia.

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preservatives in cosmetics that are capable of irritating theskin, making the skin more vulnerable to the effects of theenvironment, easily leading to skin cancer or other

diseases. Other dangerous diseases such as breast cancerin women, reproductive failure in men.

<small>C O CO O N</small>

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Cocoon has 4 main product lines:

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<small>The demand for natural cosmetics isincreasing.</small>

<small>The domestic cosmetic market shareis gradually rising to its positionahead of the international marketshare.</small>

<small>The policy of the State encourages"Vietnamese people to useVietnamese goods".</small>

<small>A sustainable ecosystem and respectfor the life of all species inspirespositivity.</small>

<small>E-commerce business trends.</small>

<small>The shape of the jar is quite large,the lid is not very strong, so it cannotbe carried when traveling.</small>

<small>Simple packaging design, easy toplagiarize product images.In the form of a bottle design, it isquite unhygienic than the tube form.Scrub beads are quite largecompared to the skin of the face, so itis difficult to cause mild burningwhen you do a strong massage.The thickener should be quiteexpensive each time you use it.</small>

<small>Products are 100% vegan: do not useingredients from animals butcompletely natural.</small>

<small>Reasonable prices, easy to accept forlow-medium income people Highquality Vietnamese goods, meetinginternational standards.Covering more than 1,000 systemsand large and small cosmetic storesin 63 provinces and cities.Extremely "pure Vietnamese"ingredients such as squash, gotu kola,coffee... are available in the country.</small>

<small>Fierce competition on sources of goods,prices, promotions, ... is increasing.Fierce competition with internationalcosmetics.</small>

<small>Consumers are more and moredemanding, expecting more productvalue.</small>

<small>Vietnamese people's preference forforeign goods.</small>

<small>Challenges from the technologyplatform in the post-pandemic newnormal.</small>


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Demographic characteristics: The agegroup from 15-25 years old is a student, astudent, an employee with a certainincome.

Reasons to use the product: Duringpuberty, acne often occurs, the skin will beoily, dry and easily irritated. After the acneis gone, it will leave scars and bruises. Safeand natural cosmetics.

The potential market calls for youngconsumers: The Zoomers (GenZ).

Gen Z respects brands that are highlyconscious of their ecological footprint and howthey care for the environment.

<small>GenZMillennialsGen XBaby Boomers75 </small>

<small>Figure 2.1 Statistics of love of naturalproducts (FirstInsight, 2020)</small>

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In January 2021, Vietnam reached the milestone of 97.8 million peoplewith the urban population accounting for 37.7%. In which, about 68.17million people are using the Internet through different platforms, with anaverage duration of 6 hours 47 minutes. This is a fairly large amount ofInternet usage in a day. (Hootsuite, 2021)

<small>Total number ofInternet users</small>

<small>Internet users as a persentage oftotal population</small>

<small>Annual change in thenumber of Internet</small>

<small>Average daily timeusers aged 16 to 64spend using the</small>

<small>Persentage ofusers accessingthe Internet viamobile divices</small>


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<small>Total number ofactive social media</small>

<small>Social media usersas a persentage ofthe total population</small>

<small>Anunal change inthe number of social</small>

<small>media users</small>

<small>Number of socialmedia usersacccessing via mobile </small>

<small>Percentage of socialmedia usersaccessing via moblie</small>

The year 2021 also witnessed a dizzying increase in thenumber of social network users in Vietnam with more than72 million people accounting for 73.7% of the totalpopulation. This number increased by about 7 millionpeople over the same period last year. (Hootsuite, 2021)

Figure 2.2.2 Overview of Social Media using (Hootsuite, 2021)

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One point of change in consumer shopping behavior in the pastyear is the shift in online shopping channels. Accordingly,statistics from the Department of E-commerce and DigitalEconomy show that customers in Vietnam switch to shoppingmainly on websites and e-commerce trading floors.

Specifically, in 2020, up to 74% of people shop on websites, e-commercetrading floors while buying on forums and social networks reaches 33%.This rate is significantly different from the previous year figure of 52% one-commerce channels and 57% on social networks. E-commerce platformsin Vietnam such as Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, and Sendo recently have alsoincreased the range of food and essential goods to meet the needs ofusers. (Statistics of the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy)

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<small>C O C O O N</small>

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Cocoon's three competitors in the fieldof vegan cosmetics are: Sukin, The BodyShop, Klairs.

Although "late birth", but in theVietnamese cosmetics market, Cocoonseems to have far ahead of my "elders".What Cocoon can do is not only to bringgood quality products, beautiful

designs, and convenient to use, but thisbrand also brings profound values toconsumers. Each product Cocooncreates has a very unique feature ofVietnamese nature.

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Create awareness and buildpositive associations with thecompany and its products.

Reasons to use the product: Duringpuberty, acne often occurs, theskin will appear oily, dry and easilyirritated. After the acne is gone, itwill leave scars and dark spots.

Create a digital strategy focusedon people between the ages of 15and 25. The group is active onseveral digital platforms such asFacebook, Instagram, Tiktok andSnapchat. Most of them visit apersonal care website, blog orYouTube channel every week ofthe month.

Received positive feedbackfrom customers over 70%,negative rate no more than10%.

Attracting the attention ofdomestic media: Yan News,Kenh14, Dantri,...and theattention of foreign media:BBC, CNN

Attracting the attention ofdomestic beauty bloggers:Ha Linh for foreign: PeonyMakeup.

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a) High Quality Images Make the Content More Interesting:High Quality Images Make the Content More Interesting.

Images will always make content more interesting, and the reason forthis is you are able to tell a story and connect with users throughimagery. (Nebase Media, 2020)

b) Choose media allowing immediate interaction:

In today's digital era, people are surrounded by interactive media.Everywhere you look, you will find an example of this form ofcommunication. (Investopedia)

c) Buzz marketing is essential:

People participating in social networks often tend to care, listen, andshare with others, so they often influence each other. Therefore, it isnecessary to generate positive reviews about the product fromvarious sources.

d) The messages must be truly relevant to young people:Cocoon is a Vietnamese vegan product, so this is a limitation foryoung people who love foreign high-tech skin care products.Therefore, it is recommended to use stories and images aimed atpsychological safety, truth and effectiveness.

e) Selecting influencers that are demographically andsocially relevant:

The selected KOL will appear as the face of Cocoon, who mustrepresent young people, have typical thinking of contemporary hteesand a high sense of community.

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Internet AdsEmail MarketingOnline newspaper

E-commerce PlatformSupport Media

Figure 3.3.1. How chosen media classes fit into the aforementioned strategy .


How this media classes fit into the strategy

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Media within classes

Internet advertising

Advertise through GoogleSearch Network (GSN) andthrough Google DisplayNetwork (GDN).Advertise with GSN andremarket to customerswith GDN.

Upgrade the officialwebsite (SEO, UI/UX, etc.)Google:

For GSN, ads will be displayed on theresults page when your customerssearch for related keywords. Forexample keywords "mỹ phẩm thuầnchay", or "toner bí đao" “tẩy da chếtcafe", ect

For GDN, instead of showing ads onresults pages, ads will show up onwebsites (that your potential customerscan use). For example, about a Displayad.

Media use decision

Run online advertisementsUpgrade the fan page withmore viral content.Advertising on famousPages (blogtamsu, relaxcorner, ect)

Review on skin care andhealth groups

Run both imagery ads (appearing onaudiences’ newsfeed) and video ads(appearing on Facebook watch).Viral content for fan page can be basedon:

Advertising on famous pages: 1post/page.

Use accounts that are not related to thebrand to create viral effects, safe andeffective product reviews: 1post/group. - Social trends

- Sales promotions/give-aways

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Instagram Image AdsInstagram Video AdsInstagram Carousel AdsMarque Ads InstagramInstagram

Use the most eye-catching images topromote your products, services orbrand to customers.

Focus on ideas because a video thatruns an Instagram ad can be up to 30seconds in length.

The most optimal advertising method ofInstagram Ads: add many call to actionbuttons, customers will see and thenselect the products they need, click theorder button through the website rightthere.

Ads will be prioritized to appear onInstagram newsfeed. Promotionalvideos display the length of the screen,providing the perfect form of marketingfor product launches or great deals.

Media within classesMedia use decision

Run online advertisements.Colab with Suboi, Chau BuiUsing the influence offamous Beauty Blogers onYoutube such as Ha LinhOfficial (1.07M subscribers),Call me Duy (513Ksubscribers), Trinh Pham(1.22M subscribers), ectYoutube

Run video ads

Colab with Suboi, Chau Bui in TVCs orMVs to increase the impact on youngpeople and their fan community.KOLs will use tried and tested productsto be the most authentic.

Makeover challengesReview products by famousTikTokers like Linh Chi Linh,Le Bong, ect

the platform.

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Email Marketing

The Tiktokers will review to attract andcapture the psychology and interest ofyoung people about the skin care cycleaccording to the TikTokers themselves.

Media within classesMedia use decision

Customers have purchased Cocoonproducts

Customers who are researching andunderstanding about Cocoon products.People who have logged into Cocoon'sweb account and have added productsto the cart.

There are three types of customers:

Building relationships "fromthe brand to the customer".Influencing the initiatinggroup: providing informationto the initiating or leadingconsumers.

Focus on increasing customer loyalty,for example winning customers willreceive special prizes.

Create a clip on the website announcingthat a new program of the company willbe released soon in the near future tocreate publicity effect.

Send promotions and latestevents to customers.Send and introduce thebrand's new products andcollections to customers.

Online newspaper

Promoting for the product,the new face

Promoting for the brand

Not only stopping at vegan specials andexplosive campaigns in the past,newspapers will write articles as ifwaiting for a new boom of Cocoon in theupcoming product.

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Media within classesMedia use decision

E-commerce Platform

Create banners on this shoppingplatform gently but with unity andharmony.

Banners for promotions and discountsneed to be attractive.

Digital billboards featuring products andbrand representative KOLs (in the centerof major neighborhoods to attractattention).

Digital billboards (in bigrevues of cities, attention-catching

ShopeeLazadaTikiPlatforms for ads:

Support Media

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<small>Start: 01/04/2022End: 30/04/2022</small>

<small>Time takes place: 01 monthsImplementation schedule</small>

4.1 Schedule

Internet/digital media

Email Marketing

Online newspaperPublicity

E-commerce PlatformSupport Media

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FailedGood Excellent

Not getting morethan 50% positiveresponse rateNegativeresponse rateexceeds 15%Under 200.000follow FacebookUnder 60.000follow Instagram

Positive responserate ranges from50-75%.From 200.000 to250.000 followFacebookFrom 60.000 to100.000 followInstagram

Positive responserate ranges from75-100%Higher 250.000follow FacebookHigher 100.000follow Instagram

Rate of notopening orreading mail:more than 30%Email open rate:less than 50%Response rate:less than 25%Rate of purchasevia link code fromemail: less than10%

Mail-openingrate: 50-75%.Response rate:above 25%.Purchases rate: above 10%.

Mail-openingrate: above 75%.Response rate:above 30%.Purchases rate:above 15%.

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FailedGood Excellent

The traffic andshares of onlinearticles are lowerthan on the weband on internetchannels.

The traffic andshares of onlinearticles arehigher than onthe web and oninternet channels.

The traffic andshares of onlinearticles are morethan twice as highon the web and oninternet channels.The average

number ofcustomersincreased by 20%less than before.The announcementclip on the websitecan't create a viraleffect

The averagenumber ofcustomersincreased by 20%compared tobefore.The

announcementclip on thewebsite increasedtraffic and sharesmore thanpreviouscampaigns.

The averagenumber ofcustomersincreased bymore than 25%compared tobefore.The

announcementclip on thewebsite increasestraffic and sharesa strong voice onother famous sitesThe sales list on

the platforms didnot increasecompared tobefore

There is not muchto access and addto cart

Sales listings onplatformsincreased by 15%Have a lot ofaccess and additems to the cart

Sales listings onplatformsincreased by over15%

Increase 5-10% ofyour salary andadd items tocustomer cartEarnings are

reduced or equalto the previousperiod.

Profits increasedby 10% comparedto the previousperiod.

Earned profitincreased by over10% compared tothe previousperiod.

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Currently in the cosmetic consumer market, especially theyoung generation of GenZ customers, these ages seem tolove products with advanced technology and prefer"foreign customers". So, for example, Cocoon currentlyhas a disadvantage over skin care products using moremodern technology with competitors in the same veganand non-vegan field.

And in order to reach the market further, especiallythe Vietnamese people's perception of the Vietnamese

brand, Cocoon needs to constantly come up with newbold and creative steps to match the current

constantly changing trend.

Despite their different strengths and weaknesses, a cleargoal and mission, along with the 6 layers of media usedabove, will help Cocoon achieve its awareness andpurchase goals and evaluate the overall picture of theentire media campaign this time will be achieved.


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