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intelligent business pre intermediate unit 7 location

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1. Keynotes...3

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<b>1.Keynotes :</b>

<b>Vị trí</b> kinh doanh có thể là 1 <b>nhân tố </b>quan trọngcho sự <b>phát triển </b>của nó. Nếu một cơng ty muốn thành lập 1 văn phòng ở địa điểm mới - ởgần các <b>thị trường khu vực</b>, ví dụ - nó cần phải chắc chắn rằng <b>khu vực</b> đó có <b>cơ sở hạtầng tốt và có 1 nền kinh tế ổn định</b>. Một vài chính chủ đã đưa ra <b>mức thuế thấp</b> để thu hútcác công ty thành lập ở khu vực đang <b>phát triển</b>. Sau khi quyết định đến khu vực hoặc thành

<b>phố để thành lập 1 văn phịng mới, các cơng ty phải tìm ra 1 địa điểm, nơi tốt cho mặt bằng</b>

của nó.

(Một trong những dự án kinh doanh mạo hiểm thành công nhất Thế Giới là một thành bangnhỏ - thành bang được học bài học kinh nghiệm từ Singapore và Hong Kong).

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Một mặt trời nhiệt đới lặn xuống phía sau những cây cọ và bờ cát trắng của bãi biểnJumeirah. Nơi đây, máy móc đang xây dựng nhà cửa trên một trong những hòn đảo nhân tạolớn nhất thế giới, được thiết kế theo hình dáng của cây cọ. Ngơi sao bóng đá người Anh, dẫnđầu bởi David Beckham, nằm trong những người mua sớm nhất của 2.000 ngôi biệt thự đượcbán hết trong 1 tuần.

Dubai dự kiến rằng, lượng dầu dự trữ sẽ cạn kiệt trong khoảng 10 năm. Nhưng thành phố tựtrị này đang sử dụng thu nhập từ dầu để đầu tư vào các lĩnh vực khác nhau trong tương lai,đang thay thế dầu thơ cho con người.

Ngày nay, Dubai có 272 khách sạn với 30.000 phòng và khoảng 5 triệu khách du lịch nướcngồi mỗi năm. Ở sa mạc, hịn đảo Dubai đang được xây dựng – 1 cơng viên giải trí với 19 tỷđô, lớn gấp 2 lần Disney world ở Florida.

Thành phố tự trị đã xây dựng những trung tâm thương mại khổng lồ được miễn thuế và ramắt nhiều sự kiện thể thao như là giải đấu golf Desert Classic và giải đua ngựa Dubai Worldcup và nó đã trở thành 1 điểm du lịch, mang đến nhiều sức hấp dẫn như là đi săn trên sa mạcvà du lịch trên biển.

Dubai mở cửa cho người nước ngoài. Trong 1,5 triệu dân của nó, có khoảng 80% là ngườinước ngoài.Với phong cách sống thoải mái của Dubai là 1 lợi thế để nó trở thành 1 nơi tuyệtvời để sống và làm việc.

Trong các khu thương mại tự do của Dubai, khơng có đối tác địa phương được yêu cầu. Cáckhu vực này đang thu hút các ngành dịch vụ bằng cách thiết lập sự phát triển cho các công tyđa quốc gia chuyên về các hoạt động tương tự. Ví dụ, Internet City văn phịng khu vực củaMicrosoft, Siemens và IBM, cùng những chi nhánh khác. Media City là ngơi nhà chung củanhững văn phịng khu vực của một đài truyền hình. Có những kế hoạch cho KnowledgeVillage, thứ có thể thu hút nhiều trường đại học nước ngoài.

Dubai dự định tự thành lập nó thành thị trường vốn hàng đầu trong khu vực. Trung tâm tàichính quốc tế Dubai hiện đang được định hình (hình thành), và các ngân hàng đầu tư hàngđầu Thế Giới đã sẵn sàng đợi để chuyển đến đó. Thành phố mới của các tòa nhà chọc trời baogồm Burj Dubai, một khối văn phịng có thể sẽ là cao nhất Thế Giới khi được hoàn thànhtrong 1 vài năm tới. Giorgio Armani dự định sẽ mở một khách sạn trên những tầng cao nhất.Nếu thành công, Dubai sẽ không chỉ là 1 khu du lịch nghỉ dưỡng mà còn là 1 trung tâmthương mại quan trọng.

1. Read the article on the opposite page and decide which of these statements is true.-> Dubai has a future as a tourist destination and business centre.2. Read the article again and answer the questions.

2.1. What are they building on the large man-made islands off the coast of Dubai?-> Building houses .

2.2. How long will Dubai’s oil production continue?-> Ten years.

2.3. What attractions does the city-state have for tourists?

-> Beaches, hotels, theme park, tax-free shopping, sporting events, desert safaris, dhocruises.

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2.4. What is the population of Dubai? What percentage of the people are originally from thecity-state?

-> 1,5 millions; 20 percent are from Dubai.2.5. What kinds of companies are setting up business in Dubai?

-> Multi-nationals, IT and computing companies, media and TV, banks and financialcompanies.

3. Which of the following is complete (C), under construction (U) or planned for the future(P), at the time of writing the article?

Dubailand, Burj Dubai- U Media City- C Knowledge P


<b> Which location is best for each of the business activities? (Một vị trí tốt)</b>

1 bank – in a town ( ngân hàng - ở trong một thị trấn)

2 big supermarket – out of town ( siêu thị lớn - ở ngoài thị trấn)

3 pertrol station – beside a motorway ( trạm xăng – bên cạnh đường cao tốc 4 duty-free shop – at a airport ( cửa hàng miễn thuế - ở một sân bay )5 Ship building – near the sea ( đóng tàu – gần bờ biển )

<b>3. Vocabulary:</b>

Vocabulary 1:

<b>what facilities does a region need to develop as both a tourist resortand a business centre? (Một khu vực cần phát triển những gì để vừa là trung tâm dulịch vừa là một trung tâm kinh doanh)</b>

Accommodation: ( chỗ ở ) apartment blocks, villas, hotelInfrastructure: airport, road link, park

Attractions: beaches, shopping, theme park

Vocabulary 2:

<b>1: Match the definitions 1-6 with a phrasecombining a word from A and a word fromB. </b>

Capital market ( thị trường vốn ): A place where people and businesses can deal in stocks andshares, raise finance and market investments

Investment bank ( ngân hàng đầu tư ): A financial institution that specialises in buying stocksand shares and also gives financial advice to businesses

Multi - national company ( công ty đa quốc gia ): A large corporation with activities in manydifferent countries

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Service sector ( khu vực dịch vụ ): The companies in a economy that don’t manufactureanything, but provide services such as banking, insurance and tourism

Shopping mall ( trung tâm thương mại ): A large area, often inside a huge building wherethere are lots of shops

Regional office ( văn phòng khu vực ): A company’s local office in a different country or cityfrom their main office

<b> 2 : Use a collection from exercise 1 to complete the sentense</b>

<b>1 Shell is an example of a multi- national company</b>

<b>2 Hotels, restaurants and travel agents belong to the service sector</b>

<b>3 Christian Hansen works as a share dealer for ABM Amros, an investment bank4 Fred Pierce is going to work abroad for two years at his company’s regional office</b>

5 I’m going to <b>the shopping mall</b> to buy some clothes for my trip

<b>6 Many weathy people invest their money in the capital market</b>

Vocabulary 3:

<b>Multi- part verbs: Choose the correct words in italics.</b>

1 The sun <b>set</b>/set up at 6:30 yesterday

2 I’m planning to set<b>/set up</b> a new business, selling holidays abroad3 If you run/<b>run out</b> of money, you may have to ask the bank for a loan4 Many people leave their job to<b> run</b>/run out their own business5 We <b>sold</b>/ sold out 50 tickets for the dhow cruise tomorrow night.

<b>6 I wanted a ticket for the cruise but they were sold/ sold out</b>

7 The market for luxury cruise is<b> growing</b>/ growing up

8 Tom’s children are growing/<b>growing up</b> . They are now 12 and 14 years old9 It took 20 years to build/<b>build up</b> the business to a chain of supermarrkets .10 It took six months to <b>build</b>/ build up the new block for our regional offices

Vocabulary 4:

<b> Collocations: Match the words with a topic from the list from the list above to make apositive factor. You can use some words more than more. ( low high strong weak stableeasy positive good) </b>

EX: A strong economyLow inflationStable currency

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Good prospects for growthLow taxtion

Then you need to consider other factors . For example, does the location have a good

<b>infrastructure - a modern airport , good roads and perhaps shipping facilities if you need</b>

them ?

<b>And the third main area to research is the financial side. How much will it cost to rent office</b>

<b>space? Does the government of the region offer special encouragement to foreign business</b>

such as low<b> taxation</b> ?If the local government has a positive <b>attitude to foreign business</b>

and the cost are low, then obviously these are going to be big advantages.

<b>4. Language check: </b>

<b>Future plans and intentions</b>

1. We use will /won’t to talk about intentions when we make the decision now to dosomething in the future .

2. We use be going to + infinitive to talk about intentions when the decision was alreadymade before .


We use the present continuous to talk about arrangement for things to happen at a fixedtime in the future.

<b>6.Practice :</b>

1.Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets:

1.We want to build up our US sales,so we are going to set up a regional office in Chicaga.

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(<b>intention, decision made</b>)

2.I am travelling to Chicago tomorrow on the 8:15 flight .(<b>fixed arrangement</b>)

3.I <b>am going to look at some office premises that we might rent (intention, decision made</b>

4.How will you travel / are you going to travel roud Chicago?(<b>intention</b>)5.Harry Schwarz is meeting me at the airport with his car.(<b>fixed arrangement</b>)

6.We don’t know which is the best location. I am going to collect as much information as Ican.(<b>intention, decision made</b>)

7.I will present all the options after my trip.(<b>intention, decision now</b>)

2. Complete the dialogue with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets .Morethan one answer is possible in some cases.

A : Can you come to a meeting tomorrow at 10? We are going to discuss the plans forexporting the new model and we ‘d like to have your ideas.

B : I’m afraid I can’t am leaving for France this evening .

I am attending/ am going to attend the Paris sales conference .A : When are you coming back ?

B : Not till next week . I am staying/ am going to stay there over the weekend .A : Well, I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time .I will tell the others that you can’t come.

<b>7.Career skills:</b>

<b>Put the dialogue in the collect order:</b>

1 . Can we meet next week to talk about the trip to Panama?2. Good idea. What about Thursday morning?

3. I’m afraid T can’t make Thursday 4. Can we meet on Friday then ?

5. Well - I’m busy on Friday moring , but I’m free in the afternoon.6. Friday afternoon is good for me. Let ‘s say 3 o’clock?7.Yes. that’s fine.See you on Friday afternoon at 3.

<b> 1.Would you like to live in Dubai? Why/Why not?</b>

Reasons I want to live in Dubai:

1. Luxury and amenities: Dubai is renowned for its lavish lifestyle and excellent amenities.The city boasts skyscrapers, shopping centers, 5-star restaurants, and luxurious villas. Dubaioffers a high standard of living to its residents.

2. Financial opportunities: Dubai is an international financial hub, attracting numerous globalcorporations and banks. This creates many job opportunities and high incomes for thoseliving in the city.

3. Business-friendly environment: Dubai has low personal and corporate taxes, making it anattractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors. The local government is also supportiveand friendly towards businesses.

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Reasons why I don’t want to live in Dubai:

1. Climate: Dubai has a tropical desert climate, with extremely hot and humid summers.Temperatures can exceed 40 degrees Celsius, making it challenging to live and work forsome people.

2. Cultural and religious restrictions: Dubai enforces strict regulations regarding culture andreligion. Some individuals may not agree with these rules and restrictions.

3. High cost of living: While Dubai provides a luxurious and convenient lifestyle, the cost ofliving can be high, especially in terms of housing and education.

<b>2. What factors are important when setting up a regional in a foreign country? When setting up a regional office in a foreign country, there are several important</b>

factors to consider:

1. Market potential: Evaluate the market potential of the foreign country, including its size,growth rate, purchasing power, and potential demand for your products or services. Look forcountries with a stable economy and a favorable business environment.

2. Infrastructure: Assess the quality of infrastructure in the foreign country, includingtransportation networks, communication systems, power supply, and access to essentialservices. Adequate infrastructure is vital for smooth business operations.

3. Human resources: Consider the availability of a skilled workforce in the foreign country.Evaluate the local talent pool, education system, and language proficiency. Access to skilledemployees with relevant expertise is crucial for the success of your regional office.4. Cultural and social factors: Understand and respect the local culture, customs, and businesspractices. Adapt your strategies, communication styles, and products/services to align withthe local market preferences. Building relationships and integrating with the local communitycan also help foster successful operations.

5. Cost of doing business: Consider the cost of doing business in the foreign country,including factors like real estate prices, labor costs, taxes, and administrative expenses.Analyze the overall cost structure and determine if it aligns with your budget and financialobjectives.

6. Cultural and social factors: Understand and respect the local culture, customs, and businesspractices. Adapt your strategies, communication styles, and products/services to align withthe local market preferences. Building relationships and integrating with the local communitycan also help foster successful operations.

7. Supportive business ecosystem: Look for a foreign country that offers a supportivebusiness ecosystem, including access to financial resources, networking opportunities,industry associations, and government support programs.

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person 1 person 21. what time are they arriving?

2. who is going to pick them up?3. when do we have a meetingwith sales team

4. what’s happening at 10:30 onTuesday

5. What about on Tuesdayafternoon

We have meeting with customers from 11:00 to 12:30

<b> Write an email to your colleagues at Head Office. Explain the plan and tell them who isgoing to pick them up.</b>

Dear [Colleagues' Names],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you about the plan for your upcomingvisit to Singapore next Monday, as well as to let you know that I will be picking you up fromthe airport.

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As discussed, please find below the detailed itinerary for your stay in Singapore:Monday 20th:

Arrival at Singapore Airport at 17:30

I will be there to pick you up and drive you to the luxurious Palace Hotel

In the evening, we will have dinner at the hotel, giving us an opportunity to relax andchat about the trip ahead.

We have a meeting scheduled with a potential customer from 11:00 to 12:30, allowing usto further discuss our products and services.

Lunch will be served at 12:30, giving us a chance to debrief on the meeting and make anynecessary plans.

In the afternoon, we have set aside some time for a short meeting to discuss our futureplans and goals.

At 15:00, I will arrange for a taxi to take you to Singapore Changi Airport for yourdeparture.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach outto me at any time.

We are looking forward to your arrival and making your visit to Singapore enjoyable andproductive. Safe travels!

Best regards,Luong Thi Minh Hai

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<b>Speaking: Work with a partner. Prepare a plan for a trip. Complete the diary pagebelow with the arrival and departure times. Invidiually, write two appointments in thediary page. Then try to arrange a third appoinment with each other.</b>

Morning: Sightseeing tour at 9:00 am

Afternoon: Lunch at a local restaurant at 1:00 pmEvening: Optional cultural event at 7:00 pm

Morning: Conference presentation at 10:00 am

Afternoon: Workshops and breakout sessions from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Evening: Schedule a meeting at 7:00 pm to review the progress made during the day and plannext steps.

Morning: Project review meeting at 9:00 am

Afternoon: Free time for personal activities or shoppingEvening: Farewell dinner at 7:00 pm

<b>10. Culture at work </b>

<b>To plan or not to plan?</b>

I think when travelling or starting a project we should make a plan . Because when we have aplan in advance ,it will be easier for us to work . When we plan in advance , ít means we areprepared. For example , when you have a trip, you should plan in advance to have a smoothtrip.

Flexible Fixed You are spontaneous and can make

arrgangements at short notice .

You want to plan schedules carefully and fix arrangements well in advance .You do not consider it a problem to cancel or

change appointment.

You like to keep appointments . You do not like to cancel or change arrangements.

