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group assignment integrated marketing communication viet tien company

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GROUP ASSIGNMENT Subject: MKT304 – Integrated Marketing Communication

Lecturer: Mrs. Tran Tuyet MinhClass: MKT1726

TEAM MEMBER – GROUP 2Nguyen Sinh Thanh - HS173208

Do Minh Dang - HS173171Pham Thi Thao - HS171443

Quan Linh Chi - HS171357Phung Phuong Anh - HS171229

Do Thanh Truc - HS171463

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I. Introduction1.1. Company1.2. Product1.3.Objectives

II. Analysis of Promotional Program Situation2.1. Internal analysis

2.1.1. Promotional/ Marketing Department organization2.1.2. Firm’s ability to implement promotional program2.1.3. Agency evaluation and selection Review ofprevious program results

2.2. External analysis

2.1.1. Consumer behavior analysis

2.1.2. Market segmentation and target marketing Marketpositioning.

III. Analysis of Communication Process

3.1. Analyze receiver’s response processes3.2. Analyze source, message, channel factors.3.3. Establish communication goals and objectivesIV. Develop Integrated Marketing Communications Program

4.1. Advertising4.2. Direct marketing4.3. Digital/Internet marketing4.4. Sales promotion4.5. Public relations/publicity4.6. Personal sellingV. Budget Determination

5.1. Set tentative marketing communications budget5.2. Allocate tentative budget

VI. Evaluate promotional program results/effectiveness (How/ tools)VII. Conclusion.

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VIET TIEN company was established in 1975. With the mission of constantlyimproving customer satisfaction with the best products and services, Viet Tien is nowone of the leading enterprises. Vietnam's textile and garment industry

● First-class Labor Medal

● High quality Vietnamese goods for 20 consecutive years● Top 10 famous brands in Vietnam

● Top 10 most trusted enterprises in Vietnam

With over 40 years of development experience, Viet Tien has now risen to affirm itsposition as one of the leading office fashion brands in Vietnam. However, in thecontext of fierce competition in the Vietnamese fashion market, Viet Tien is stillmaking creative efforts day and night by expanding and diversifying productcategories, improving the competitiveness of products; At the same time, focus ondeveloping a professional distribution system to bring the most convenience andenjoyable experiences to customers.

● Viettien: The mainstay for office and office fashion

● Viettien Smart Casual : Youthful, comfortable environment for travel, walking,sports, party, home wear

● San Sciaro: Product line aimed at successful customers● Vietlong: Low-cost segment for students, urban and rural workers● T-up: Elegant, modern and sophisticated women's fashion● Viettien Kids: For children from 2 to 11 years old2. Product


Viet Tien Smart Casual brand was born in 2011 with the goal of affirming a new andstrong step of the leading garment and fashion enterprise in Vietnam, which aims tomeet the increasing demands of customers.

In Vietnam, Smart Casual style is very popular with office men because of itsflexibility, comfort and convenience. And those things are clearly seen in the brandViet Tien Smart Casual.

As a pioneer brand with the mission of linking the formality and work schedule foroffice men with basic formal wear product lines: shirts, vests, trousers… Viet Tiendevelops more clothing lines. Following the trend of the world, honoring comfort butstill keeping the elegance, luxury and elegance.

The image of a mature, elegant, modern man is built not only by experience, but alsoby fashion style. Therefore, Smart Casual style is developed from understanding

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customers and is also the elegant, comfortable, youthful and dynamic message thatViet Tien brand is enjoying for modern gentlemen.

3. Objectives

● Enhancing value: Viettien aims to enhance the value of its brand and productsthrough investment in technology and production techniques, using leadingmaterials and applying international standards.

● Providing products aimed at new customers: Viettien Smart Casual's goal canbe to create high-quality clothing products, from materials to styles andproduction technology, and target a younger audience. , change the mind ofcustomers towards their products.

● Brand building: Viettien Smart Casual can aim to build and develop a strongbrand. This can be done through building a trustworthy image, unique designstyle and building good rapport with the client.

● Expanding markets and enhancing exports: Viettien focuses on expanding notonly domestic markets but also other Southeast Asian and Asian countries,through opening agents and exporting products. focuses on developing manydifferent product lines, to meet the needs and styles of diverse customers.II. ANALYSIS OF PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM SITUATION

2.1. Internal analysis

2.1.1. Promotional/ Marketing Department organization

Promotional activities are rarely conducted. Maybe it's just activities to attractcustomers and increase sales when launching a new product.

The form of promotion is quite monotonous, mainly reducing prices and increasingaccompanying products. These forms are also applied by other companies due tothe limited level of customer attraction.

The brand's long-standing promotional campaign is like a promotion on the occasionof the store's opening: from January 15 to February 5, 2008, buy San Sciaro orManhattan products (excluding accessories) with a value of less than 1,000,000VND will get 1 San Scaro caravette worth 500,000 VND buy over 1,000,000 VND get1 caravette clip or 1 San Senaro manchette button worth 690,000 VND.

Or Promotion policy for customers buying in bulk. The brand implements a directdiscount policy on the order value and many practical promotional incentives in linewith the business philosophy: Good price - Beautiful model - Enthusiastic support.

1. Good price: Quantity discount

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● Price is one of the important criteria to choose a long-term cooperationpartner, so they implement a direct discount program according to the orderquantity as follows:

● 10% discount on total bill when buying 30 products or more.● 5% discount on total bill when buying 10 products or more.● From 100 products or more: Price is negotiable.

● Support nationwide delivery

2. Beautiful model: Always update new products

● Viet Tien Garment Company is a leading wholesale distributor of work clothesnationwide. With a diverse customer network and regular wholesale orders,the company always maintains a new source of goods, no inventory status.● This company always introduces the latest product lines and models on themarket to wholesale partners and customers who buy uniforms. By regularlyupdating and publishing information about new products on the website, thecompany facilitates customers in tracking and choosing the right products.

3. Enthusiastic support: Detailed and professional

● With the mind "your satisfaction is our pleasure", all Viet Tien agent staffalways advise detailed and professional customer care, as well as supportbefore and after buying a product. wholeheartedly, enthusiastically forcustomers, regardless of the large or small order, individual or business.2.1.2. Firm’s ability to implement promotional program

More than 40 years ago, when Vietnam's garment and fashion industry was still in itsinfancy in terms of the number of businesses, Viet Tien was always a pioneer inintroducing a variety of models, designs and types, contributing to shaping a brand.Elegant and luxurious brand. Focusing on quality, Viet Tien's products always bringconfidence and comfort to users. It can be said that, from that confidence andcomfort, Viet Tien has contributed to the aura of Vietnamese men, becoming theircompanion from the moment they graduate until they are successful and busy..Not stopping with the famous office fashion, Viet Tien has developed a Smart Casualfashion line with a variety of types, designs and forms, which can be used in manyenvironments such as walking, traveling, and sports, at home…

Along with new breakthroughs in color and texture, Viet Tien's Smart Casual outfitgives men a youthful, elegant, modern and luxurious look.

To assess the company's ability to apply for the promotion program, let's take a lookat the SWOT of Viet Tien's Smart Casual product line. A SWOT analysis is a list ofyour company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The basicobjective of a SWOT analysis is to assist companies in developing a completeunderstanding of all aspects involved in making business decisions.

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The SWOT analysis of Viet Tien's Smart Casual includes:Strengths:

● Focus on high-quality materials and attention to detail in designs● Emphasis on comfort and versatility in clothing options

● Targeting fashion-conscious individuals who value functionality in theirwardrobe

● Offering timeless pieces that can be worn for various occasionsWeaknesses:

● Limited brand recognition compared to competitors in the fashion industry● Limited distribution channels may hinder reach to potential customers● May not appeal to individuals who prioritize trendiness over functionalityOpportunities:

● Expansion into new markets and demographics

● Collaboration with influencers or celebrities to increase brand awareness● Diversification of product offerings to appeal to a wider range of customersThreats:

● Competition from established fashion brands with larger market share● Economic downturns or shifts in consumer spending habits

● Changes in fashion trends that may render the brand's designs less desirable.2.2: External analysis

2.2.1: Consumer behavior analysis:

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Viet Tien's Smart Casual product line is a clothing line aimed at customers whoare looking for fashionable yet comfortable clothes at affordable prices. To analyzethe consumer behavior of this product line, we can consider several aspects:

● Demographics: Viet Tien Smart Casual's main target market will be youngpeople from 18 to 35 years old who are fashion-conscious and willing tospend on fashionable clothes. This age group is more likely to experimentwith new fashion trends and styles.

● Psychological: The psychological characteristics of Viet Tien Smart Casualbuyers will be individuals who value comfort and style in their outfits. They willalso have a preference for casual clothes that can be worn on differentoccasions. These customers may also be interested in sustainability anddiversity in many life circumstances.

● Consumer behavior: The buying behavior of the target market for Viet TienSmart Casual will be influenced by factors such as brand reputation, price,quality and convenience. Customers can also consider the materials used inthe garment, as well as the durability and versatility of the product.

● Purchase Channels: Most of today's consumers prefer convenience shoppingchannels like online stores or mobile apps. Viet Tien has its own website so

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that consumers can visit it at any time. So it is important for Viet Tien SmartCasual to have a good e-commerce platform so that customers can browseand buy products easily.

● Marketing Strategy: Social media marketing can be an effective way topromote the Viet Tien Smart Casual product line. Facebook is a popularplatform for fashion marketing, where influencers can showcase clothing andengage the target market.

=> In short, Viet Tien's Smart Casual product line has the potential to attract a widerange of customers who are interested in trendy, comfortable and affordable fashion.By understanding the demographic and psychological characteristics of the targetmarket, analyzing consumer behavior, leveraging the right purchasing channels, anddeveloping a powerful marketing strategy, Viet Tien Smart Casual has successfullypositioned itself in the fashion industry.

2.2.2 : Market segmentation and target marketing Market positioning1. Market segmentation

Viettien Smart Casual product market is segmented by the Corporation according tothe following criteria:

a. Segmentation by geographical area

● Products are mainly produced and supplied to the domestic market.● Currently, Viet Tien's men's shirt products are present throughout the country,

from urban to rural areas.

● For Viettien Smart Casual product lines, they are concentrated in big citiessuch as: Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang,..

b. Segmentation by demographic factor - sociology

● By age: according to each age, fashion needs are also different, mainly:23-35. At the age of 23-35, the demand for apparel increases sharply. This isthe market segment with the largest purchasing power. This age group prefershealthy young clothes, rich in designs, types, harmonious in color, especiallyinterested in fashion rather than price. I like the image of a mature man,elegant but still showing youthfulness.

● By gender: Married men and women (or boyfriends). Men like polite, simpleclothes but still exude youthfulness.

● By occupation and education level: The product focuses on young people whoare doing office jobs with relatively stable income.

c. Segmentation by psychological characteristics

● Have the need to change or maintain the style in the direction of the office,more elegant and thoughtful but still want to show the dynamic, youthful andtrendy fashion

● Like stability, don't want to follow new trends constantly.

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● However, many customers in this segment think that Viet Tien Smart Casualis a fashion brand for middle-aged people, not suitable for young customerslike them.

d. Segmentation by consumer behavior

● Refer to product images on the website or mainly on Facebook, but often buyproducts directly in stores to be tested and consulted thoroughly.

● Usually buy clothes on occasion such as when there is an important event,early summer/winter, ... rarely buy randomly.

● Prioritize the durability, fabric quality as well as the diverse applicability of aproduct.

● Geographical area: Urban areas are big cities across the country such as: HoChi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang,..

● Dress neatly, politely and trendy every time you go to work, go out,... . Findproducts with good materials, sweat absorption, durability and reasonableprices

● Love high quality Vietnamese goods.3. Product positioning

Viettien Smart Casual products focus on young customers and middle-agedcustomers who prefer youthfulness and comfortable fabrics. The product lines ofViettien Smart Casual always focus on simplicity, cool materials, youthful designsand reasonable prices.

III. ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION PROCESS3.1. Analyze receiver's response processes

The feedback process of the recipients of the Viet Tien Smart Casual product linecan be analyzed according to the AIDA model:

● Attention: Potential audiences who do not know about the Viet Tien SmartCasual product line will need to be noticed through promotional activities,communication or appearances on social media channels, advertising on theInternet. billboards or television. The brand uses attractive visual content andmemorable slogans such as “Lịch lãm khí chất Việt”, creating such anattractive, attention-grabbing advertising image and message will helppotential customers Pay attention to the product line.

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● Interest: After attracting the attention of potential customers, Viet Tien willattract their attention by providing detailed information, attractive values aboutthe Viet Tien Smart Casual product line. They also target the emotions andpreferences of their recipients, using inspirational stories, powerful images,and prominent events such as the social concept “Vietnam Tien Len” bornunder the AFF Cup series of events, chained with big idea embodies the spiritof always moving forward with the elegant temperament of Vietnamese menresonating with the long-standing Vietnamese brand spirit, to create apersonal connection with the brand.

● Desire: In order for potential customers to want to own Viet Tien's SmartCasual products, the company has created a desire by creating specialappeal and value. Viet Tien Smart Casual's message as "Thời khắc của sựlịch lãm" also aims to create a desire to own Viet Tien Smart Casual productsin the recipient. The brand provides unique services such as the launch of 3models that are suitable for the body shape and preferences of the targetaudience in different regions, along with that, Viet Tien Smart Casual keepsup with the trend of the football tournament. During the AFF Cup, they broughta series of creative posts "Việt Nam Tiến lên", "6 kiểu cổ áo sơ mi Việt NamTiến Lên", thereby arousing the desire, national pride, and full of topicality infootball matches. with products from Vietnamese brands, moreover the brandis also a Thuan Viet brand, stimulating the desire and desire for "Vietnamesepeople to use Vietnamese goods" in the recipient.

● Action: Finally, Viet Tien needs to motivate potential customers to take actionto purchase. The company may offer special offers, promotions or flexiblepurchasing policies to encourage potential customers to purchase theproduct. At the same time, create a convenient and easy buying process sothat customers can access and buy products easily.

Viet Tien Smart Casual's message aims to motivate recipients to take action, such asthe slogan "Cài tự hào, nối khát khao" during the football tournament event. Viet Tienalso launched the Viettien House created by Viet Tien. uniformity in quality betweenstores, opening a luxurious, modern and quality shopping space to help Vietnamesegentlemen freely choose products that match their style. implementing discountcampaigns, giving additional products when buying products, encouraging potentialcustomers to buy products.

Through this process, the AIDA model helps analyze the interaction process of therecipients of the Viet Tien Smart Casual product line, from attracting initial attentionto creating desire and encouraging purchase action.

3.2. Analyze sources, message, channel factors1. Sources

Viet Tien's advertising strategy focuses on active marketing through advertisingcampaigns using communication channels such as television, online advertising,print press, sponsorship, etc.

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Viet Tien created many campaigns to praise the country of Vietnam. Besides articles,Viet Tien also releases short clips or TVC. The video content is the daily moments ofVietnamese men, including: working, relaxing, spending time with family. In anysituation, they are always elegant and brave with the companions of Viet Tien.Thereby expressing the diversity of products, as well as the youthful, modern andfashionable that Viet Tien is aiming for in the upcoming journey.

2. Message

Viet Tien is considered the most famous office fashion brand in Vietnam because ofits long history (more than 40 years) and popularity in all locations, when mentioningthe Viet Tien brand, almost all of them think of shirts. Men's office has made thename of this fashion brand, becoming the "Standard of office fashion". Therefore, thedynamic and flexible fashion items of Viet Tien Smart Casual are also graduallygaining advantages and recognition from the public. The message of Viet Tien SmartCasual is aimed at young customers who prefer elegant and minimalist fashion butstill have a youthful and dynamic style. With the message " Tối giản, trẻ trung - Thổibùng khí chất ", this campaign wants young people to change their perspective onViet Tien Smart Casual as a fashion not only for middle-aged people but also foryoung people.

● Drive traffic to physical stores and online platforms: The goal here is toencourage customers to visit the brand's physical store or website to make apurchase.

● Build customer loyalty: A loyal customer base is essential to the long-termsuccess of any brand. Communication efforts can focus on building customerrelationships, providing outstanding customer service, and creating a positivebrand image. Focusing on product quality is extremely important to be able tobuild customer trust in the brand

● Differentiate from the competition: In an increasingly crowded market, it isimportant for brands to stand out from the competition. Communication effortscan be geared towards highlighting the unique qualities and features of the

