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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">
- Remove high-pressure pump PE- Turn the engine and pump to the top
- Loosen the high-pressure oil fittings from the pump to the- Remove the fuel lines and return oil fittings
- Remove the bolts securing the pump to the engine block- Take out the high-pressure pump from the engine.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3"><b>1. Disassembling, inspecting, and adjusting the high-pressure pump PE</b>
To remove the high-pressure pump PE, follow these steps:
- Clean the pump body and disassemble the fuel delivery pump and governor.- Remove the cover screw and the high-pressure fuel components.
- Open the pump element balance door.
- Use a specialized tool to remove the pump cams and camshaft.
- Remove the bottom cover screws and disassemble the pump piston components.- Remove the pump cylinder retaining screw.
- Pull out the pump cylinder from the pump housing.- Retrieve the gear ring, clip, pump shoe clip, and rack.
<i>(Ensure that the pistons and cylinders are kept separate for each pump unit to maintain proper reassembly.)</i>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">To check the high-pressure pump PE, follow these notes
- Pump body: Check for cracks. Minor cracks may be welded and machined, but severe damage requires replacement.
- Piston and cylinder: Inspect for scratches, wear, and contamination. Replace if significantly damaged.
- Pump Shaft: Repair wear or pitting by welding and machining. Straighten bent shafts.
- Bearing Races: Replace excessively worn races. Repair or replace deformed bearing cages.- Pump Cover: Weld and machine minor cracks; replace if critical. Machine warped covers.- High-Pressure Spring: Replace cracked or bent springs.
- Rack: Weld and machine cracked holes; straighten bent racks. - Piston Spring: Replace cracked, pitted, or warped springs.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5"><b>1. Disassembling, inspecting, and adjusting the high-pressure pump PE</b>
To check the VE high-pressure pump:
- Check the pump piston, spill ring, and distribution cover:
- Tilt the distribution cover slightly and pull out the piston. When released, the piston should move smoothly downward.
- Rotate the piston at different positions. If it sticks at any point, replace the assembly.
- Install the control link into the distribution cover and spill ring assembly and ensure smooth movement without play.
Figure 9.8 checking the piston and distribution cover
Figure 9.9 for checking the spill ring.