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discussion report topic the importance of event management in public relations

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<b> Group 2: 231ENTH3211_14 Supervisor: Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Ly</b>

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<b>Teacher: Nguyen Thi Phuong LyGroup preparation assessment: </b>

<b>Presentation assessment: List of students (in the order of presenting)</b>

<b>1</b> Nguyễn Minh Đức <sup>Introduction + Conclusion + </sup><sub>Canva</sub>

10/10Tích cựctham gia thảo

<b>2</b> Nguyễn Tiến Dũng <sup>Overview of event </sup>management + Overview of public relations

10/10Tích cựctham gia thảo

<b>3</b> Hà Mạnh Cường <sup>Brand Building + Visibility </sup><sub>and Exposure</sub>

10/10Tích cựctham gia thảo

<b>4</b> Đào Thị Linh Chi <sup>Crisis Management + </sup><sub>Content Generation</sub>

10/10Tích cựctham gia thảo

<b>5</b> Nguyễn Trà Giang <sup>Relationship Building + </sup>Engagement and Interaction + Canva

10/10Tích cựctham gia thảo

<b>6</b> Dương Thị Duyên Solution

10/10Tích cựctham gia thảo


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(Lần 1)Học phần: Tiếng Anh căn bản 1.1

Giảng viên: Nguyễn Thị Phương LýLớp HP: 231ENTH3211_14

Nhóm: 2

I. Thời gian và địa điểm

1. Địa điểm: Thư viện Trường Đại học Thương Mại2. Thời gian: 14h30 ngày 20 tháng 09 năm 2023II. Số thành viên tham gia: 6/6

III. Nội dung thảo luận:

1. Tìm hiểu, nghiên cứu và tìm ra phương hướng giải quyết đề tài thảo luận, lập dàný cho tiểu luận.

2. Nhóm trưởng phân chia công việc và deadline.IV. Đánh giá chung kết quả cuộc họp:

Các thành viên nhiệt tình trong quá trình thảo luận và nhận nhiệm vụ mà nhóm trưởng giao.

Ngày 20 tháng 09 năm 2023 Nhóm trưởng

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(Lần 2)Học phần: Tiếng Anh căn bản 1.1

Giảng viên: Nguyễn Thị Phương LýLớp HP: 231ENTH3211_14

Nhóm: 2

V. Thời gian và địa điểm

3. Địa điểm: Phòng google meet4. Thời gian: 20h00 ngày 01/10/2023VI. Số thành viên tham gia: 6/6

VII. Nội dung thảo luận:

1. Các thành viên nộp các phần nội dung được giao.2. Chữa các lỗi cơ bản của bài.

3. Hoàn thiện word và powerpoint.VIII. Đánh giá chung kết quả cuộc họp:

Các thành viên nhiệt tình trong quá trình thảo luận và nhận nhiệm vụ mà nhóm trưởng giao.

Ngày 01 tháng 10 năm 2023 Nhóm trưởng

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(Lần 3)Học phần: Tiếng Anh căn bản 1.1

Giảng viên: Nguyễn Thị Phương LýLớp HP: 231ENTH3211_14

Nhóm: 2

IX. Thời gian và địa điểm

5. Địa điểm: Phòng thư viện Trường Đại học Thương Mại6. Thời gian: 14h00 ngày 08 tháng 10 năm 2023

X. Số thành viên tham gia: 6/6XI. Nội dung thảo luận:

1. Tổng kết hoàn thiện tiểu luận Word và Powerpoint.2. Tập thuyết trình.

3. Tổng kết hoạt động của các thành viên và đánh giá.XII. Đánh giá chung kết quả cuộc họp:

Các thành viên nhiệt tình trong quá trình thảo luận và nhận nhiệm vụ mà nhóm trưởng giao.

Ngày 08 tháng 10 năm 2023 Nhóm trưởng

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<b>Table of Contents</b>

<b>I. Introduction ...6</b>

<b>II. Content... 6</b>

<b>1. Overview of Event Management...6</b>

<b>2. Overview of Public Relations ...7</b>

<b>3. Building Brand Image and Recognition...7</b>

<b>3.1. Creating Memorable Experiences...7</b>

<b>3.2. Leveraging Events for Brand Exposure ...8</b>

<b>4. Case studies...8</b>

<b>4.1 Break the Ice 2023- TMU Welcome Festival...8</b>

<b>4.2 Ho Chi Minh City Export 2023 ...8</b>

<b>5. Content Generation ...9</b>

<b>5.1 Impact on Business and Marketing ...9</b>

<b>5.2 Driving Traffic and Generating Leads: ...9</b>

<b>5.3 Strategies for Content Generation...9</b>

<b>6. Events in the PR Landscape ...9</b>

<b>6.1 Types of PR Events ...10</b>

<b>6.2 Event Planning and Execution ...10</b>

<b>6.3 Measuring Event Success ...10</b>

<b>7. Building Relationships and Trust ...10</b>

<b>7.1 Understanding Context of Stakeholders ...10</b>

<b>7.2 The Role of Building Relationships in PR ...11</b>

<b>7.3 Transparency and Authenticity ...11</b>

<b>8. Engagement and Interaction in PR ...11</b>

<b>8.1 The benefit of Engagement and Interaction in PR ...11</b>

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The process of planning and executing an event is known as event management. This process includes pre-event planning all the way to post-event planning. Event

management goes by many different names. Some event planners are called

administrative assistants, some are called event coordinators, and others are called event technologists. Whether the events are internal or external, large or small, in-person or virtual, they all have to be planned.

At the start, an event manager makes planning decisions, such as the time, location, and theme of the event. During an event, event managers oversee the event live and makesure things run smoothly. After an event, event managers are tasked with reviewing eventdata, submitting KPI and ROI findings, and staying on the ball for any post-event

In addition, Event management plays a critical role in the planning and execution. Anyevent's success depends on proper preparation and management. The top event

management company will anticipate every basic and minor component of the project and will take all necessary risk mitigation measures ahead of time.

<b>1. Overview of Event Management</b>

<b>- Event management is the application of project management to the creation and</b>

development of small and/or large-scale personal or corporate events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, weddings, formal parties, concerts, or conventions. It involves studying the brand, identifying its target audience, devising the event concept, and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event.

<b>- The event manager is the person who plans and executes the event, taking </b>

responsibility for the creative, technical, and logistical elements. This includes overall

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event design, brand building, marketing and communication strategy, audio-visual production, script writing, logistics, budgeting, negotiation, and client service.

<b>2. Overview of Public Relations</b>

<b>- Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing and disseminating information</b>

from an individual or an organization (such as a business, government agency, or a nonprofit organization) to the public to influence their perception. Public relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment. The exposure is mostlymedia-based, and this differentiates it from advertising as a form of marketing


<b>- Public relations aims to create or obtain coverage for clients for free, also </b>

known as earned media, rather than paying for marketing or advertising also known as paid media. But in the early 21st century, advertising was also a part of broader PR activities.

<b>- Public Relations (PR) and event management are two interrelated skills that </b>

can help you build and maintain a positive reputation for your brand, organization, or cause. PR involves creating and delivering strategic messages to your target audiences, while event management involves planning and executing successful events that

showcase your value proposition and engage your stakeholders. Both skills require creativity, communication, and coordination, as well as a keen understanding of your goals, context, and resources.

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- There are many types of events, such as weddings, ceremonies, and music shows,... they provide a diverse experience for participants. A brand promotion event thatimpresses customers with a fun and unforgettable experience will contribute to

strengthening the success of the business.

- First, event management can create a unique brand image attached as well as come up with interesting ideas, continuously innovate, and propagate outstanding productimages, new products that want to promote the brand will attract customers.

- Second, open booths right at the event for customers to experience directly. We can invite brand ambassadors, celebrities, and influencers to use the product to have positive feedback on the product and to create trust for customers.

- In addition, we can carry out some activities at the event. For example: flash, discounts, giveaways, or sweepstakes will reach many people improve sales, and create loyal customers for us.

<i> 3.2. Leveraging Events for Brand Exposure </i>

Besides advertising in the media or the internet, organizing events is the fastest and most effective way to direct the interest of customers as well as expand the influence of the brand to the public.

- Events are where organizers focus on the products they want to showcase and attract the interest of people with the media to know the brand. Individuals including businesses when organizing events can exchange, build relationships, impress their customers to memorize the brand.

- When the event resonates, a large number of customers and sponsors help us call for large investments and easily receive larger projects to improve the quality and

influence for the development of the brand.

<b>4. Case studies</b>

<i><b> 4.1 Break the Ice 2023- TMU Welcome Festival </b></i>

- The school's event management invited famous guests such as Double 2T - Vietnamese rap season three champion, Erik the famous singer who is loved by many people. At the gala, we also have guitar clubs and dance clubs. This is an opportunity to create an exciting atmosphere for new students as well as advertise images of the

university with their clubs.

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<i> 4.2 Ho Chi Minh City Export 2023 </i>

- With more than 250 booths in many fields with countless interesting things, the special thing of the event is the presence of the Chinsu brand to introduce the popular product set that is widely sold in Japan with anchovy fish sauce, Japanese soy sauce, seasoning seeds from mushrooms, especially Chinsu Wasabi chili sauce. Customers coming here can experience the dishes made by the chef along with spice products.

<b>5. Content Generation</b>

Content generation is the process of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a target audience.

<i> 5.1 Impact on Business and Marketing</i>

In business and marketing, content generation is crucial for success. It builds brand awareness, establishes credibility, and fosters customer relationships. Unique content differentiates businesses and attracts a loyal following. It also fuels inbound marketing, driving organic traffic and nurturing leads through valuable information.

<i> 5.2 Driving Traffic and Generating Leads</i>

Well-optimized content improves search engine rankings. Businesses can attract a wider audience by leveraging different content formats. Engaging and informative

content acts as a magnet, drawing potential customers to learn more about a business.

<i> 5.3 Strategies for Content Generation</i>

Content generation requires creativity, research, and planning. Successful creators use strategies like thorough research, content calendars, storytelling, visual elements, and SEO techniques to produce valuable content consistently.

In this digital age, content generation acts as the fuel that propels businesses and individuals toward growth and success.

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- Influencer events: Specifically designed for social media influencers to experience the brand, try products, and share their experiences with their followers. Choosing the right event type depends on the specific objectives and target audience of the organization.

<i> 6.2 Event Planning and Execution</i>

- Set Objectives: Determine the goals and objectives you want to achieve through the PR event. Identify what you want to communicate, who your target audience is, and what outcomes you expect.

- Create a Planning Timeline: Develop a detailed timeline, outlining all the tasks and activities that need to be completed leading up to the event. This will help keep you organized and ensure that everything is done on time.

- On-site Execution: Oversee the event setup, registration, and overall

management on the event day. Ensure that all elements are executed as planned, and address any issues or unexpected situations that may arise.

Remember, event planning and execution require strong organizational skills, attention todetail, and effective communication with team members and stakeholders. It's important to stay flexible and adapt to changes for a successful PR event.

<i> 6.3 Measuring Event Success</i>

- Attendance: Measure the number of attendees to determine the event's reach and popularity. Compare the actual attendance with the anticipated numbers to evaluate the event's appeal.

- Media Coverage: Track the amount and quality of media coverage before, during, and after the event. Evaluate the media's response, such as articles, interviews, or social media mentions, to gauge the event's impact on the target audience.

- Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the event's ROI by comparing the total costs incurred with the revenue generated or other measurable outcomes. This can include sponsorships, ticket sales, partnerships, or leads generated.

By measuring these metrics and conducting an in-depth evaluation, you can gain valuableinsights to understand the event's success and make adjustments for future events.

<b>7. Building Relationships and Trust</b>

<i><b> 7.1 Understanding the Context of Stakeholders</b></i>

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- Before getting to work on the journey of relationship building, it is imperative for PR professionals to understand the context of stakeholders. These stakeholders can encompass customers, employees, investors, suppliers, government bodies, the media, and the community at large.

<i> 7.2 The Role of Building Relationships in PR</i>

- Building solid relationships with stakeholders is essential in public relations.- Events provide a unique platform for face-to-face interactions, allowing organizations to engage with their audiences in a personal and meaningful way.

- Events also allow for open dialogue, addressing concerns, and receiving feedback, which are crucial for building trust.

- Event management does not stop at single events. Organizing repeated events can help build strong relationships with stakeholders. Annual or recurring events can become opportunities for ongoing interaction and strengthening relationships.

<i> 7.3 Transparency and Authenticity</i>

- Organizations should make efforts to present information in a clear and

accessible manner. Annual reports, financial statements, and sustainability reports should be easily understandable by stakeholders, fostering a sense of transparency.

- Trust is the bedrock upon which successful relationships are built. - Transparency and authenticity serve as the cornerstones of trust in PR.

- When organizations prioritize transparency by providing complete and accurate information and demonstrate authenticity by genuinely living up to their values and commitments, they are well-positioned to build lasting and meaningful relationships withstakeholders.

<b>8. Engagement and Interaction in PR </b>

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- Community Events: Organizations can use events to engage with the local community, demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility and building goodwill.

- Events provide PR professionals with a tangible platform to engage stakeholders,convey messages, enhance brand visibility, and address challenges effectively.

- When executed strategically, events can be powerful tools for building and maintaining strong relationships between organizations and their stakeholders.

<i> 8.2 Measurable Results </i>

- Event management in public relations allows for clear metrics and evaluations. PR professionals can measure the success of events through various key performance indicators (KPIs) such as attendance, media coverage, social media engagement, and surveys. These metrics help organizations gauge the impact of their PR efforts and make data-driven decisions for future events and communication strategies.

- The work of evaluating and measuring events has a huge impact and influence onthe entire system. It helps organizations recognize their strengths and weaknesses and also helps organizations understand public opinions, thereby providing development paths and reasonable changes in projects.

- Supporting Social Causes: Organizations often use events to support social causes and give back to the community. Whether it's fundraising events, charity drives, orvolunteer initiatives, these activities demonstrate social responsibility and a commitment to making a positive impact.

- Sustainability Initiatives: Many organizations incorporate sustainability into theircommunity engagement events, promoting environmentally friendly practices and

showcasing their dedication to protecting the environment.

