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Ets 2023 transcript

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é5 Sf.
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WH Ibi

1 (D) 2(C) 3 (B) 4.(C} ( (D) 2H. 0121 XI t2 SI=(is looking at a map) 1i0|a XI
6 (A) 7 () 8 (A) 9 (B) (C) (A) She's swimming in the water.
q1 (A) 12(BQ. 13(A) 14 (C) 40 (D) (B) She's jogging near the ocean.
16 (C)) 17(B) 18 (B) 19 (C) 45 (D) (C) Chairs are set up on the beach.
21 (Cc) 22(C) 23 (By) 24 (A) 50(C) (D) A hat is lying on the sand.
26 (A). 27 (C) 28(A) 29{C) (A) #APLS0IAI +9lötm SIrL
31 (B) 32 (A) 33 (D). 3⁄4 (C) (B) XP} HCE AOA AoE SIL],
36 (A) 37(B 38(A) 39(B) (C) 91^†ão| äIIttoll siXjs|0| 3L].
41 (C) 42(B) 43(D 44(CỘ (D) =217L=zzll 9|0| ơi SIr†.
46.(B). 47(B). 48 (A) 49 (D) O13] set up 4AISIFE tie =0 SIT{
Ha SSA! -ABVAS/SS Seat -
( 87(D- ( 89 (A) 90 (B) (A) SAF SEh O1Al7} Boll 4Sskt SHE(is swimming in the
86(B © 92 (D) 88(C) 9%(B). 95 (A)
91 (BD) .93(C). water) BAO 0|-|a= Ost
97(CỘ. 99° (B).. 100 (B) (B) SAI SE. OfApt wich 22|0l|Aj 246B! QtE{is jogging near
96 (D) 98(C).
the ocean) 40| oo Set

(C) BE. 9JAIS(Chairs)0| zl#l0[ 24XIs|0| {are set up on the

beach) mào|¬= 2Igl.

(D) SA} SEL BAKA haÙ27Í mai 9I0| #0{ SIEls lying on the

sand) 240] Of. fos OF

3 W-Br

(A) A woman is standing near a desk. (A) She's reaching for an item from a display case.
(B) A woman is climbing some stairs. (B) She’s holding on to a shopping cart.
(C) A woman is entering a building. (C) Some goods are being arranged on shelves.
(D) A woman is looking at a map. (D) Some merchandise has fallen on the floor.
(A) 01 Het oll Af RACh.
(B) 217} AIS SET UE. (A) 0L NSA SAS Youa AS Wo Qh
(C) 0L 9!9s S017! SICL (B) 0|*l7‡ £2) FES SET Sch,
(D) 0X! XI=5 kia SL.. (C) SBS Moto] Beals|o Veh
(D) 2F#E0| Hf=†0| 01A4 SIC|.
9jšl clmb S=Ct+ enter S07|†
013] reach for ~S Yea4a eS Hc} arrange Beloit shelf
5l4j 1?! S2! All — AHl!9| SZ1/ABRI RAL Aldt merchandise #3
(A) AlZl0| sk= AIE 085! ©El, AI£loll 22a desk)0| Htofal Bo
ote Bet Al“l - AlE/AHE/S24 Bet BA
Be oF. (A) SAL Sef Ox} BUS Beata AS Ba Weis reaching for
(B) SAL ©H. 0147| 1IrtS © 0 9Ie(is climbing some stairs) 2
an item) 240] ofL|ge 2eh.
#o| 0|L|am OF,
(C) SAIL ©ẲH. 0X2L 718 ?les S0)7l1 Sl=(s entering a (B) Sef Olxt AB! JH2S BAT VIELis holding on to a shopping

huiLding) 0| 0| S1, cart) S40|S= Ae.

(C) SAI ©ẲH. 345(Some goods)0| 2itt0| Bals[y Stelare (B) AtSlol] te BAS olBst SEF ARO 7E(Some curtains)o| & =
being arranged on shelves) 0| 0|L|z SE.
(D) SAt Set. J#S(Some merchandise)0| HƑ=‡0i| gl0{Z{ 9IE(has (C) SAL SE 2IS(Some cushions)0| HỊ=‡0 40] 2tE(are piled 4

fallen on the floor) à0| 0|L| OF}. on the floor) &0| OfL|S2 Ost

(D) 8l. 3‡S21alS(Some reading materials)O| AU} ol] S04 2! —_

t=(have been placed in front of a sofa) SS0|/G= Ae

Á W-Am


6 W-Br

{A) A fence is being painted in a park. {A) Some musicians are performing on a porch.
(B) One of the women is putting on a jacket. (B) Some steps are being repaired.
(C) Some people are working in a garden. (C) Some music stands are being folded up.
(D) Some people are looking up at the trees. (D) Some instruments have been placed in their
(A) SHUN Ste{S Aska Ich.
(B) OAS S St HO] AHAS Alan Ich. cases.
(C) AFS0| SHA Seta Qc.
(D) AF4#So| Lt£S35 8ajrlan 9, (A) 27150] Sz Al °16l! S.L|,
(B) Alcto| +el=Elx 2Jr.
0i#| put on ^⁄ 9IrI, X‡8öirI(9Im 3J= 5S) (C) HAI SS B82 Qich,
(D) 247/50] AOA eto SOF QUch.
3 #ãf Al£l - AlZ1/AFIS/S4 SšI HA}
(A) SÁI SH, SHIP|(A fence)S Bek SlE(is being painted) 2S 3] perform Ssict porch HZ repair +2fa}C} music
stand #GicH instrument 27]
Of OfL am Ot
(B) SAE SEL OAS # St AlOne of the women)O| MAS ear QH= ats SE AM — ABV/AHS/S4 SS BAL
(A) 8H. 8917I5(Some musicians)0| ÿ‡£t0|A| glö‡m $3lE(are
{is putting on a jacket) @Qo} oh. [Sz ost

(C) BE. ASO] SHoA Asta VWE(are working in a garden) & performing on a porch) S40|22 Bel

ao|1s 2g. (B) SAI ©d. 7IE(Some steps)0| f2l"[ 9IE{are being
(D) SÁI QE} AEHSO| LEPSS 8#pirtstrt SE(are looking up at repaired) +20| 0{L|2 Set,

the trees) 240] ofLjam oct (C) SAL ©S. HữEiHIS(Some music stands}# #Ím 9lE(are being

B M-Au folded up) S40] OfJoe Oct.
(D) SAI ©H. 9I7IE(Some instruments)0[ zI|0|^. e0 sơ 5kE

(have been placed in their cases) 240] OfL [oe OF}


(A) A carpet is being rolled up. in front 7 recipe
(B) Some curtains have been closed. up) @40|
(C) Some cushions are piled on the floor. M-Cn_ What type of food does that store sell?
(D) Some reading materials have been placed W-Br (A) What a delicious recipe.

of a sofa. (B) They have all kinds of cheese.
(C) With a new jacket.
(A) 7ItS 8-1 QIch,
() zIE 34S7} đãi SIrL A ike O14 S248 nịL‡e?
(C) 450] HtEtoll ato} Qc,
(D) H37AA1S0] AT} stoi] Sol Bech (A) zl#l 9!21= Sa|gio|Li|S,
(B) 2289| 3|=8 ~H|ä‡u 91019,
43 pile SCt in front of ~ oll (C) AII ZIZIn† St2IS.

A AB/SZ AM - AB BAY 0l#| recipe 8z|[ZelIEl
(A) SA SH. 7EM(A carpet}S Ba 2t(is being rotled

ata SAl SHS ZS Whal IES
OWLSe OF. (A) PlẠ! 0i ©H, RZ9| foodol|A| ?142‡ 7Est deticiousS†

olgst OF.

TEST 1 3

(B) 32. UH SAS THEA] SS ASO BE 9| Z|=ra|m Bester OAKS Of AN SAE VILL?
Al te] Fa Yoom Ae, (A) 22/7} ABS AAS He.
(B) AiS= rJAtelsị EI7I|9.,
(C) AY to] SE, WHO stores} sellolA] HAt 7hSét new jacketS (C) MS nš9(o| s11 sj412| tị20|0119.,
o|get SEL

13] budget OK! sales figures HEM


W-Am When should we leave for the airport? (A) 1} e281E= SH, When 9220| riệt S80) ©g[,
(A) This afternoon at two o'clock. (B) Saf EO] SEL Zl updatedolA| lệ! 7Fsẽt new# 0|8ẽt ©
(B) | prefer an aisle seat. et.
(C) Mr. Choi traveled there last year.
(C) SE clo] #SE= OFS BE Seo] MEL ofBHo] Heist
7| 0#o|IzH 0# XIA|äEn 9© ãidF,

Pale AM SOs Setolof stL-2? 11
(A) © 9$ 2AIS, W-Am_ Can you cover my shift at work tomorrow?
(B) Xi= SE 3 Z|24lo| Gf Bolg, M-Au (A) No, I’m taking the day off.
(C) 3] M= AHH] 1228 01213t0Ic,
(B) Before he updated the Web site.

[9] leave for ~S Sol SHoict prefer MSsiCt aisle $= (C) It’s on the agenda for Tuesday.

ala Sf APMIS ZE When WHS LHS! Hi] 2 AlzZbOH CHA! est EAI + 9JLỊ?

(A) Se. Ui] SHOE Stohok SEAS SE Aol OS 2a 8 (A) 0|LJ8, All7} ee Hole,
Gein gous AE. (B) ¬7H8lAlo|E8S #idlo[=ä|7| #lols,
(C) 1zZl s|©91 0EzI0l| S1019,
(B) Aa cto] Seb. ãIE©l airport0i|A| AAt 7HSt aisle seat® ofS
et Set. OF} cover (Alot Be AO! VS) cHAlSHCE shift GACH) SLAM. -
take a day off St 4718 UC}, 5£ +IEl agenda 9l
(C) As Go] Set #IE29| airport0|A| ©lậ† 7ksðt traveled o|Set
oa. ate HEY/QAS| Oe
(A) SEL BR Alztol] CHAL Sle S 2+ QUEX| QBsh= Azo 0|L|9
(No)PEu chetet gỊ, 2{Sl6t= 0158 9I2| Sa Gloom WE,
w-Br Where's the hiring event being held? (B) An 219= SEL When IF Fol cist Seojge OF}
(C) P1! Eto} SEL ãIE9| tomorrow0ll4| P14! ?ESẼT Tuesday 0|
W-Am (A) She sent it to a colleague.
(B) In the main conference room, Set og,
(C) If they open on time.’
AZ MALE 0[FI0lA{ #ialxr 9IL3?
W-Br Who ordered these vegetables?
(A) 247} FHS Sella] Stole,
(B) # S|2\Alo 2. W-Am (A) All of it.
(C) BSF AAIZtol] 2S ACHR, (B) | believe Luis did.
(C) it was excellent, thanks.
Of hiring 448 be held @A7h Seict colleague S=
Tt 0| MAS FSM?
on time ÄJAlzlo† (A) #t©,

(B) #o|^2† šS 2408.
ai! SAL SAS SS Where ORS (C) Bz Sztole, wore,

(A) Sat ctof QEf AES] hiringOllAd AAt 7HSSt colleagues O|SSt oHa AHA SEAS SE Who RS
SH. : (A) Hea} AHISE SEL Which Sol] cst Setojope oct,
(B) Set. HAPH OCA, Sela QL=A|S SE Soll 78 #I9|‡l0|alxr (B) Sah. AAS SES ABS Se BLoll Luisthe Et OBS AA
NA] SAS Wel a Yous We,
ot Yous ME.
(C) Tea} Meee Set (C) B&o} AE SE, How 2SZol riiệ! SH0|a oct.


M-Cn Why is the budget being updated?

W-Br (A) When we rented the building.
{B) With the new designs.
(C) Because new sales figures came in.

13 BH OWE st AS SE Mey ofS L LSAL

M-Au_ How often should | mail the notices? (A) SEL OLlol SUS SE Mey OF LOY Ae L}S OHA OLS BE
W-Br (A) Once a month. Chey MAE 2S SHS Metsl Sicilia Moor AE.

(B) After three o'clock. (B) DHYo] SE. 222] end BHO] BAe! ended= o/Bét OG
(C) About half of them. (C) Sat cto] Set WE} going to a movie or to the concertOlAl

_ SAAS SOIL} AE PHO wm MOF SILER? Gat 7hSst a couple of my friends= olSst Set

(A) St Etol] St Hoje,
(B) 3A] 0|#0l(e,

(C) 14S 3 St c8, 16

OF} mail PASS) FRITSCH M-Au We'll take the company bus to the conference
52 SA|AI #49| t5 SE How often IS
(A) Sel. SAS SDL} AR PUOm SHof SEAS SE Aol st M-Cn (A) I’m sure it’s not.
(B) Maybe we did.
Hol št gio|etm| IS MAI|ä‡n 9J©1z Wet (C) That’s a good plan.
(B) Ske+† 2ltSkE ©EI, When 9|2E10I| riệt SHlo|z Oct.
(C) DBs AAS SE How many S2Sol CHB SEO laze Sef. Pre SA} HAS El s[ojzt=o z2! z{L|r†,
(A) 224 Sey OfEL Ich.

(B) ?z|?| 148AIE mẽ,

14 (Cc) 8 ZIãäoiols,

W-Am Which folder are the documents in? Sl$| conference S|9|
M-Au (A) We agreed on the deadline.
3⁄4 SIAI ld9I dAIE
(B) Sure, Pll take a look.
(C) Let me show you. (A) 8AE¬i 2ltl3IE ©E.

ARE AL Sol We? (B) Eto] BH PEt BATES] We HHS O|Sst SEL
(A) ?alE n†z†elo| †9|= xt019,
(B) SE0|#, Al7} st alg. (C) SE. St HAS Ele sottom ZICH OAS HEE BAzol| `
S8 ziIElo|eln SSã|n 9i we,

(C) Z7H3tzi CBIIS, deadlineS 17
Si§| documentAff take a look (SHH) ict 9I2{ 224C} W-Am What should we put in the introduction to the

sta MB7t St= SB BE Which eS
(A) #14 El01 SEL ZS] documentsollAd HAY 7HSSt M-Au_ (A) After the summary.
({B) The research highlights.
olgst SE. (C) | met him yesterday.
(B) Yes/No 87} 2EL. Which YF20l= Yes/No SEO]
Sure= 2429| Yes SH0|2l+ 8 + 9\oa= Oe (A) 29 Fog.
(C) Zig. 0{- r0 AIS2L $I=XIE SE Algol XI4l0| (B) BAL AFOlAl 7} SQSt MHO|e,
(C) HE OA 2S ero,
7 BSL Bet,

15 1} introduction ME summary 2° highlight 7
M-Gn Did you end up going to a movie or to the
concert last night? aa BDA MEO 2S WSS Se What A g
(A) Pit clo] SEL 9| report0llA] AAt 7HSSt summaryS olf
W-Br (A) | saw the new action film. ñ
{B) It just ended. et SEL
{G) Just a couple of my friends. (B) Sef, SA] MBoll 1H A Sojof SIXIE SE 2480| At HoH

OO] BS ASS Bel ULE OIA BES sey 2h} 47B SEI Pe! Worn ee F7 gWour we,
(C) SEa} ArBIeLE OE.
(A) ANE LIS Ht BSS Role,
(B) 3 811018, 18
(C) All £57 So] Bete,
M-Cn We should have a new logo designed.
#41 end up -ing 2 ~öl2J #IF} a couple of SAL EI[2Il| W-Am (A) They're about five miles from here.

(B) | know a good graphic artist.
(C) An order for some new calendars.

TEST 1 5.

Pepe M2S SI ClzflS Wjo¢ he. 21
(A) 0{7|0|A† sn‡e! #i= #o|x| 31019, M-Au How was your business trip?
(B) 7} WES aye! OFE|ABS ef gloj2, M-Gn_ (A) They found some just in time.
(C) AI đzI =Eo|ols,
aA MISH/ BSS] BAS (B) | like that idea.
(A) #4AEnt AIfl3E= ©El, How far 9EtE0l| Hiệt SEi0|rz ogi, (C) It was very productive.
(B) SEL MES RD ClAflS Bho Stef XI|€lol rã =m rỊxJoi Be BUR?
gf ost MAS ayy OEIAES eta Sirty sso] He os (A) 250] GOS) SH 7H 421019,
oe Bsn your AE, (B) OfO|Cloaj}7S}of Sole,
(C) EO] HES SEL BAZ! news HES! Oo] Sst OF (C) BAlo| ttatoI9,
$1 just in time MOK) productive BA] She, MAYO!
19 3Í S2f9| 4nHš Be How IBS

M-Au Did you select a site for the new headquarters? = OF.
W-Br (A) Is that so? eat SHS ©EL, XIIP!/24Ø 9l£ee0| địẽ! SEio|=z oe†,
C) ZiÐl. Sãl0| 0E #c XlEol| 2410| potrI zzlo| rãi
.(B) No one can attend the training.
(C) Yes, in the center of town. gel $71 Yous Bet

Al EALE S16} x1 MLS? 22

(A).817‡9? M-Gn_ Why did Chae-Won hire an assistant?
(B) OFFS mS ol] HAS 4 e012, w-Br (A) She will submit an estimate in September.
(C) dị, AIH[ S47l0lis.
(B) Anyway, they thought ! was late.

Gjệ| select #l8[A@IERJðIf{ site HA], AA {C) Haven't you noticed how busy she is?
aa BAL PAO] MA OS Stoish= ASA Did) IS (A) AGE Sol AIMS ABE Ag.
(A) 22} ABIU= SEL BAO CHB -SEl0|2z ©Ei, . (B) PME ¬1EĐ LỊ2‡ SSILEn 4214019,
(B) Aa HO] SE} B22] headquartersolAl SAF 7HSSt trainingS (C) 2447} SoH} HEA] 0224018?
0|8£t SH, O13} submit ASIC} estimate ZAM) notice 9fOtRlr†
(C) Si, AI AI =!AIE 412124IEZI 0E BE A0 t(Ves)2Er rị 5J BAS 5188 oles 2S Why ee
Set A, Al SA7 ei SA Gent Ute! WSs Aeolp glo (A) Glat lO] SE S129] Chae-WonOllAl SHA} 7ISSt CHAT She=
oP Bet. 0|SEt ©H.
{B) Bez} Nee Oe.
20 o H (C) Sef. Ho] BAS DSS ORS SE BHO ILY7} Soft wee
W-Br Who's going to cancel the meeting?
4] SULT SIZOn Pa[sow OFS al Fn Your Ae}
W-Am (A) Martin is the most senior team member.
(B) Josie’s chair is broken. 23
(C) The client signed the contract.
W-Am Would you mind showing me the new office
7} S113 AAS 2197 space?

(A) UFEIO] Bolla] 7Hat DRtoloy2, M-Cn (A) | think that’s correct.
(B} Sure—it won’t take long.
(B) #AISI eJxI2L#zizgoje,
__ (C) ¬1240| 2II9Al0l| xjelS4OIS, (C) Everyone available participated.
6|š| senior (JlEi x|ÿI?!) x!EI9| DIS] broken SME) DAP MAPA SZHS Sof FEA[Z0{ 2?
(A) SEE 24 4019,
contract AIPKA) (B) SE0|z, Sey Wala] HS A012,
> (C) Alto] SJE eRe 1 ZI tll,
ad 3/0] AS GIS MES SE Who RS o13| participate 87 Isic}
(A) SEt, SIS FAS AS BE AZo oElo| Ejoild 7H DAto| 352i #El/G3I9| Set

ah AAS ABS Ssi4oe Waly your wep
(B) SA Eto] SEL Who SIS S04 cSt Lom Slt TESST Aleto] of= (B) SEL Al ALFA 3718 Moj ak SASH Wo] SE(Sure)ofat

JosieS ole OS.
(C) A&t G0] SEL Who 22271 the meeting0l|A{ 912Ƒ 7Esẽt

client o[Sst oF

a1 CHES FL, Qa zie|x| 848 2Io|el0i 2l Eitinị 9Itel tị 22 YJ CAKE OICIOIM AISI} SERSHLLD?
54E0|r1 3I© 2i), oe (A) olZ ng H88 Z0 ed ZX| 821018.
(B) iE ae] 93IS9! xIeIE HISZI 0131016,
(0) #tEzl ¿IPSlE ©EI, Who Seal tiết Sg0|== Sgl, (C) oFSloH Icy BIA} stot Bf 2! Zot,@k &
of8| join SHF3ICt share (Hol) SIC, BSSkct detail Me IS
24 aid RY) AP} SSH SAS SE Where ISS mtr
(A) BE, ZY) SAH OOM EI#5|EZIE #E 80 0l All
M-Cn We're trying to decide where to order from for 88 Wal FX] BWCIo| ALIS SECk= 1S Psow Beet
lunch. gous Be,
(B) Gat Elo} SEL, BLO] WheredllAl Ht TESBt gone O1Bst 2
M-Au (A) | loved those sandwiches from Gino’s last BỊ
week. (Cc) Bea ABE Set,

(B) My brother’s friend was there. 27
(C) | remember that song very well.
M-Cn Wouldn’t you prefer that Mi-Sun lead the
Pale Bes OCA SRBA| SGotelT al2, training?
() Zl S4 #tr2t 212J0| 9134016. W-Br (A) No, | filed it three manths ago.
(C) xiE¬ xa 424512I 291516, (B) | just gave them to the director.
(C) { don’t think she works here anymore.
ai @ibí ztilo| HA|E

(A) BE. BAS Ocho SEEIX| 28öl2in ẽIrh= HAlE2ol tiãi XI O|Mo| BSS ð‡= 2| 1IA] tt© A3?
(A) OFLIR2, xtE 323 #loi xIS5401S,
LA MEM} SUC BA SOS ASS AIS 7š|2log (B) Al7} Sts OARSa] Sole.
Son goose Bet. (C) THE Gf 0/4 of7jollAy Bex] S Ag,
(B) at rlol ©d, BAIES| where0||A| ©14t 2ksẽt thereE 0|8ẽL
SH. 043} file AS, UA SB) ASIA l]elt†
ate MOH Ao] ER
25 . (A) G4} Clo] SEL Wouldn't you ~? Fol cst FOR lát 7lS

W-Br When do you plan to finish the advertising £l NoB 0|85† e8.
(B) HAt Eto] SEL AES! lead the trainingOlAl AA 7HSet
campaign? :
director# 0|8št ©g,
w-Am (A) Next to lrina’s office. (C) EL Oo] SS Ssh Al GHA] 04L‡m XIpläF= #20 ¬L
(B) By Monday morning at the latest.
_(C) Because it didn’t make sense ta me. = CG OAS O47 [OAY USA] CES Zolepay Pico] SAS Psjaoe
Hest Zoos We.
(A) Ofe[L} AFP A! Sole,
(B) 0£r| so|<= 44g81 ©Z17IX|S.
(C) xiErl= #to| 9t 4©LJ719,

O13] advertising Bu at the latest Fe] S0lEZ make sense 28
t#o| =tHIEfzairll
M-Au We should get some feedback on this book
sta Bl Anes BUE ARS Ze When eS - cover design.
(A) 222 SHete Set Where AERO Hiš! Sel0|+S o0,
(8) Set. Sal Ba Anlels BY alsjelzl Be Rol RE 4691 _W-Am (A) Ahmed has a visual arts degree.
(B) They probably skipped a week.

PMA ARS Hast Boos Ae, (C) It was really hard to hear.
(C) BEt} SEE SEL Why Sheol cist Seolee 2a.
PELE 0] HAL Clapelol chet Olds Bropor sia,
(A) 0t=nJ=7‡ ^lz† 0l@ š†?18 7txIat 21019.
W-Br Where will the guest speaker be joining us (B) ¬&£ 0n 49 71Lt#£|%4S 710|<.
from? (G) 8t E7I šIS%l0]s,

M-Au (A) Nobody shared the details with me. 0|#| feedback 9z! mỊ=8{ visual arts A|f†0l&4 degree 5i
{B) He wasn’t gone tao long. skip #Ljflt†
(C) First thing in the morning, | believe.
asd Ae/Be] BME
(A) SEL, 24 EX] CiApClol] CHEE AES Wofof SICH= Aletol] Call OFS

OIE7t Al2t oles SSE 7IAlnt 3lr|n| #So| #8 ©3|zl© nội

okt gloom. AE.

TEST 1 7

WAAE a} ARGS OF book cover Ol ?14† 2Fsẽt hardE 0|ES AY 7A 300|E1 sJ9|5}? Ole B RAI LOL?
HAt Fo] SEL MES (A) AF4#Sol sslêtr†ti ZJ?‡ ?lI8.
(B) ZI2†ölll s4LEn 9‡2+52|I6.
(C) 27} FPS 9In|3'E=Z| St 27019,

013] rather 3, 2! keep ~ short ~S zI#†6IIISFII 5+

29 allt QA} Meto| Ha} OF

W-Am Would you be able to delay the meeting? (A) CAL ElO{ SEt S22] meetingOlAl AAt 7iSét agreeS o|Bet

M-Cn (A) How much storage does it have? 24,

(B) Most people seemed to enjoy it. (B) tt. #I9{ãt7l0| == Alztolel= 9|ziol #ziãk=xlš #= ã 0l
(C) Tatyana needs to leave for the airport in an
32 5‡2IcIH rHị©tS XIAJõln $2 g1,
SISE A [Bt USAR? (C) Gat Elo] SEL A] isn’t it2olAl ?14† 7LsEt HIEf?! | am not
(A) Ht SO] SOL} Hz? sures 0/83! OE.
(B) IC APO B7lE A Beatol2, .
(C) ELElOFL I} St AlZt Sol] SHOw Setsor 2, PART 3
O48 storage AS (SA) leave for ~S Bal Stole} 32-34
ats BE/28e| URS
(A) Em ‡dpl=©Md. - W-Am Hello. °2I’m calling about my tickets for
(B) Zin‡ 2‡ff8l= LE. How BRE Hiš! S102 ©E], tonight's baseball game. I’m hoping to
(C) Se. SIS Aol Seta? QAsk= 0| E†E|olLl2E š† Alrt # upgrade my seats so we can sit closer
ol] SHOR SAsHOok SICH SOS A7[St + BSS ©#|xl©m ot
Bi Zour 21g, to the field. The reservation is under my
name: Joanna Reynolds.
M-Cn Let me take a look. Hmm. *41'm sorry,
W-Br Will you rent a car or take the train while you’re
visiting? Ms. Reynolds, but our system seems
to be down at the moment. | can do the
M-Gn_ (A) They found some near the coast. exchange manually, but it’ll take a little
(B) | don’t fike driving in the city.
(C) Mostly some old desks. longer.

BHPSHS Sot AHS Ops 2712, OLLIE 7/AHS Ef 21712? W-Am No problem. | have time.

(A) ơ0| ửllât 2Zlol|x| 3 7| 317141016, M-Cn Thanks. Oh, and °4just a reminder that

(B) At HAA SMStE A Bopstx] 0‡0LS, better seats will cost more—you'll need to
(C) WSS HE aetololla,
pay about 15 dollars more per seat.
O18] rent cHojstch, #elct coast of2K7) mostly Ws Fe
0ị CHASHI2, 2S Bt OFF 7| lZI tE0| #t2‡2to19.,
ae OS F082 Be Hel Re .. 87|zl0l| r| 7ip|o| 8# + 9= zI4+{8 £I¬alo|E=äEn
(A) Bea} APIGIE OE Where $2 Fol] lst SeolQ= OF,
(B) SE. HREstE Set Ol} SCS BE Me OF Rol SAjolAl 2a MOIS, ofhxt OSS AM} Holsxola

5k= 248 ã0IAI BSc TAS S Aol2te SUS Salsjom a StH B22, S. ASoxlst Hols M, Aho AlAelol
Hplohl Your Beh Eel A Zoe, WHS +SOe a UA AZMLS
(C) Bea seg SE,
dị #8t0Lo, Alzl9Iole,
M-Au_ Seven thirty at night-is rather late for a meeting,
isn’t it? tỉ GA PBILICH, Of, Bela SAIL SHAL CLA] SSSA En] Hị
~" Be xe HỊ HjM‡S, st apelet 15S 3= LỊ Aor
wW-Br (A) If people agree on it, | will. euch.
(B) | promise I'll keep it short.
(C) | am not sure who he meant. 0lš| field 71 reservation ol2f exchange wetsic}

manually ts2= just a reminder SAIL} afd CHAI
Ojo steal

32 01! souvenir 7IG% increase 24 L 1S3AL

Why is the woman calling? SH AS Abst BA — HIXEL01AI024-2†2IAIZÌE= 24
(A) To request a ticket change SAKE nÍA|E† HỊAlol44 0{XIOI2{ r #® XielE HỊ HỊMIFHjust ä
(B) To make a dinner reservation rerminder that better seats wilL cost more)+ ‡l2|A|Z|m 9©

(C) To order merchandise Az (c)olct.
{D) To plan a vacation
| Paraphrasing C3t2! cost more
CHAK 2H MSHS Sin Whe kl? + 82] An increase in price
(A) E|ZI 1# 921ã17| ?lö1
(B) AY AALS offetat7| oak 35-37
(C) SSS ALS | Sal
(D) 7} ABS ML! Bak W-Am Thilo, are you going to the company
M-Au lunch Jater this morning at Sullivan
oid #Iãl H8 #tzl — 0|XI2‡ #lšlöl= 34 Bistro? 3°I’m not sure how to get there.
O1RKE 3 CHALOIAL OFF 22 ElzI 510 #lẽ‡ẽ†r((fm cating ahout W-Am
my tickets for tonight's basebalL game)AI Z‡4{ #i¬all0|=E= œ4! M-Au Well, °Sthe train stops right near it on
(I'm hoping to upgrade ~ to the fietd})En SIâ==' ZIEđ (A)0|Ft, Hanover Street, but you'd have to transfer
a few times. You know, °5:36/'m getting a
ị Paraphrasing r#†9|upgrade my seats tide with Farida, and she has.a van.
+ M89! a ticket change
Oh, that would be convenient! ?’Do you
33 know where her desk is?
Why does the man apologize?
(A) An event was canceled. Yes. °7She has the cubicle closest to the
(B) Aline is.very long. stairs.
(C} A payment option is unavailable.
(D) A computer program is not working. Of 82, 25 ON Fal Seale WAS RA Sale yA!
š|2J0l 2‡L‡8? 2427| 7= AS Seda.
XE 2H AlfölE=?l?
(A) SAVE HARI, kí BAPLðrH|7‡ HỆZ 23|0||A† ZiZ‡2I|S, ä|x|BL 8 ì
#o|Elt sils. zi nịa|rtzt #o| z2 2‡S. ETGðIDI SW6I!
(B) Bo] of ZIch
(C) 2 MEY APS ofget + gich

(D) BE] Ze Teo] ASSIA] ET, Of, —12I #fsl2LlIgl n†a|r‡ X‡2|2‡ 0}ElX 0|A|S?
tỉ - LÍ, HIE0IA]2EZF7b/EE zls}o| X‡e|oll®,
O13] unavailable 0/SSt+ Qi
24 ZICH I'm Fl transfer Zd0|E|L†, l&ẽlf† convenient Eielẽt
3J42 All APSE Bal — EEA} ARISE 0(2 cubicle Z40(/= 42 42 25 Szt
SAKES Ad CHALOIAY Ofxfoll] Atapstoy, A|ASIO] EO! down at the
sorry, Ms. Reynolds, but our system seems to be
What event will the speakers be attending later taday?
moment) HOGS WES (D)OIct, (A) A job fair
(B) A film screening
Paraphrasing CH3!9] our system seems to be down (C) A lunch
Ị -? Beal A computer program is not
"working (D) A conference

34 about? SIXISE SE toi 0|! šIAI0|| ZI2{šI 2491212
(A) 34el 4ta†sI
What does the man remind the woman (B) 45a
(A) A meal voucher (C) #14 4JAL
(B) Some free souvenirs (D) 312!
(C) An increase in-price
(D) A refund policy Sil Al# Atš† gHZi — $|XLS0| #tXIöEE $AI
OIE 2d CHALOAL AXIO BA #j2J0[ ZF=Zl(are you going to the
tl= 0i2102I 910 #1ãl| 412|AJZlE=2l2 company lunch later this morning at Sullivan Bistro?) S97, &t
(A) 4a Ai7t ARIE Wejchs} Zo] XE ZICKI'm getting a ride with Farida)
(8) 42 7/45 ơ! HHEt 24iâ= Hot BES (C)Ojc},
(C) 7424 oft
(D) #2 34

TEST 1 9

36 M-Au You might have to work overtime once ina
while, like when food deliveries arrive late,
Why does the man say, “she has a van"?
(A) To suggest inquiring about a ride but that doesn’t happen often. 4°Why don’t
(B) To express surprise at a coworker’s choice of you think about it for a few days? Let me
know what you decide.
(C) To explain why a coworker was late ef ?F45jAIIS, A|=l?Ị, 017] Alot AE Aol ABE SEO
(D) To clarify that a coworker helped him move BRal2, AN2 24 Sot 319] Alta S st Bolgyoia.
1 Xtaloll BO] Qt 2?
tiAFE 9| “—L40JJ2I| #fo| Qloje"2bn WstL7}?
(A) Ela) 7H Zoll Biel Bose AS wots Of 9Ị, SE T12) 91%, St 7A AAo] VE 2s AlZtolo2y.
(B) SHS ASF MEH SASS Hola | 280] BO] UE?
(C) Sa7+F2 OFS Aes
(D) SE7} OAS S2tcha Sys] sepa eS AS AOPS sof te Voie, SA] wWso| ee
ti G2 SPR, SxlPt TH 40| XE QUAKE COL, OA
O13! inquire SCt express HStsict clarify 2246] Sich, g†8|r† Set O2tay BE A] OHA? AMS sey Ale.

aH SILL] Ot: apo} — TLL{ol|7if HHO] QICH= BO} ofc

HOI OA} BAO 7H AS SEcHI'm not sure how to get oF{ definitely S4!6{ significantly Hol, AEs] once in
there)! Six, SAVE SAL} StH 7} GAolAl #IAlư|FIP! Sĩ gì z† a while 713
OfE}O} ElLi(the train stops right near it on Hanover Street, but
you'd have to transfer a few times)z. &t S, AMIE DHe[c}e} Zto| 38
Ai ZICH(I'm getting a ride with Farida)flA{ SSS 0tzãonm
0]Aj0ll7i| AH Z = Qh SHS gopsapa Ysjay Bays ores E + Where do the speakers work?
(A) At a grocery store
SirI. tfERA| SIEFĐ (A)0|r|. ‘ (B) At a shipping facility
(C) At a restaurant

37 (D) At a doctor's office

What will the woman most likely do next? SE 0|rlo|A| #tã†E=2I?
(A) Reschedule an event (A) 2l
(B) Talk to another coworker (B) 2S NA
(C) Request time off
(D) Make a phone call (C) 8

(D) s8

ALE Chol] FAS st 2 Ze}? šilzl #IIỊ Hịg# #HA — š|XISSI| rLTJ
(A) SAE ag Hsp]
(B) FE Seer cysts] EixL ÃI HÍAlOfA4 0412| XIE† +|#ZEl0JI All 1ðElZlo| 1©ã|r(We
(C) $4] 2aa}7| Tieed a neW assistant manager here at Jeera Groceries)PiA{ 0
(D) Ms} 247| Ziolzll 2i =9! †me| 2|/†Zlo|s4rYoue been one of our best
cashiers for two years now) št 212 0E SIEIĐ (A)0|C|,

oud M5! AbSt etal ~ 0|XI2‡ cHS0I št eỊ 39
0x71 = AM CHALOWAY T2ICFO| X}217} OFEIX[(Do you know where
What does the woman say she is concerned about?
her desk is?) Bt}, EIA} AEtollAt 7PSt 2E7S ZHAO] XIel(She has (A) Fuel prices
the cubicle closest to the stairs)@}i taj] = Woe Ho} MEPS (B) Her work hours
(C) A staff shortage
(D) An inventory process
0{^h= “20 Chat ARSC Bester}?
M-Au_ Hi, Sarika. °®We need a new assistant (A) Cle 7}24
(B) + Alzt
manager here at Jeera Groceries. You've (C) 4 #3

been one of our best cashiers for two. (D) xin #tz| Zl5†
years now. Are you interested in the
position? O13 fuel Ci inventory Az (el)

W-Br Wow. | definitely am. 99My one concern Sal AME ALSt BEE — Ofnf2| Pay ApSt
is the working hours. Would my schedule OAAY7E 2d CHALOIAL Bt 7EX| 42 AS AIZKMy one concern is the
change significantly? working hours)0|#Er H#OOS WES (B)o|c},


40 2] be supposed to ~ol7|@ {01 2Ict_ plenty of BE
apologize A@IsICt_ inconvenience 24
What does the man suggest that the
(A) Complete a training program
({B) Order extra equipment Why is the woman calling?
(C) Hire a consultant (A) Her taxi never arrived.
(D) Take time to make a decision (B) Her luggage is missing.
HỆ 2 woman do? (C) Her train was canceled.
SAE Oo FAS stefan AletsH=71? (D) Her ticket is lost.
(A) 8S De 0|Z-ã{2| L 1S3L2| 0J0{L(Why dont
(B) 7} Stu] Rot7] ZiãlölP† s†e| gIel(Let OXHE= Oy Hs}S Sh WET?
(C) ZABE Tal (joc, (A) #AJPI =3†ö|X| 891L},
(D) AIz8 Em 421607| (B) Bol 9101241.
(C) 7IAEL2I2-rI,
0š| equipment 24l (D) #§ #4ãIrt,

aya AUS! ALS} tai — Ef xpo] alot ApSt 54 #lãil L8 ttãi - 012I2L#tslälE 33
i17. 0†A|9† rỊ|AJ0ljA{ HA ©t 442fBJ] = 0jZE| 34 HỊA|olA| đlHl0|A{ s2 8^ 127|) 2= Sẽ 2A| SỈ
you think about it for a few days?) BOG 1B EVIE QEGl FAC! was supposed to take the two PM.

me know what you decide)a. FOOSE BES from Denver to Colorado Springs, but it was canceled) HAf FE
XE cObsHO SICK need to book a different-train)z. House a
Paraphrasing Clst2/ think about it for a few days BE (0)0|rl.
op + BE] Take time
cHst2] decide + 32 make a decision

| Tam an ce Hư wee —


M-Cn Good morning. This is Westerly Travel’s 42
customer service. How may | help you?
What event is the woman planning to attend?
W-Br Yes, “'l was supposed to take the two p.m. (A) An awards ceremony
from Denver to Colorado Springs, but it {B) A trade show
was canceled. | need to book a different (C) An art exhibit opening
train. 42I'm presenting at a trade show
first thing in the morning, so I'm hoping (D) A building inspection
you can get me on another train today.
012L 0| 31A|0l| ã†*{E†-2I#|©17I?
M-Cn The four p.m. departure gets you in by (A) A44
six thirty, and there are plenty of seats (B) z9 tza|
available. (G) n2 #t£Iã[ 2IIE†2^J
(D) 58 8a
W-Br That sounds great.
{3| inspection 34
M-Cn “And to apologize for the inconvenience,
I've upgraded you to business class at no SHS ASE Apet PHai — 0|AL7L ã‡2Jš† 2IIšJ€l SEAƑ kHralaz ©E= 7Ƒ
extra charge. 047L 2Ã! HỊAMIIA† S:©† #†2!2|0JAJ X9! px at a trade show ~

CHE 7|AlE§ ~2IZ*4 HEIT|(m presenting
another train today)+ š#© 2= MES (p)ojct,

tị ?PH3ã|MIĐ, 9l^Eln| 0{#AI 2 xH|^e|L|r†, PAS
9ICEI7‡3? .
0 HỊ, tih|0|Ajz#P|r ^zgl^711| 7R= OS 2A] ARS
What does the man give the woman as an apology?
E‡2|= #Enl ‡|4.to{£t, r†# 7I2k# 0I9†äll0‡ šk=n|®. (A) A partial discount
0ƑãIol| 9{ #†2†2|01|4] xI2† A94 ØIX| ⁄4#ö|LỊ7‡ SE (B) Vouchers for future travel
(C) A full refund
JHE CHE 7/AHS Fal FMON Sole, (D) A better seat

kỉ ©% 4Alol St†2†£l 6A] 30871x| c5†E† + Vola, LIXHE OTOL] Aino] HEAL #918 ZI88LE2f?
342 WO] USUCt. (A) #84 Sol
(B) BE Oj8ol 44 SIE 2E
aaa. (C) S94 she
(D) | BE ats
-1#|~ S018 [x SB) A ASHE OfniojlA| B7} RS
9io| HỊSLị2. 3zl^.= #Ì^12|0|EäJ =Z‡2LỊF|. TEST1 11

5i: AI A[Š† tHi - ÐM2L 012I0llDI Alnt9| HEALS MIBSh= 2 0XF= 0jr|olAj 3Jãl=7‡?
(A) BH lel
tiX7L nŸX|S† rỊ^JOIA| lo Alnl6F= eIn|# HỊZL|^ Beyaz eị (B) #|°|ZF
—1z|0|Eẽll ZSjFl(And to apologize for the inconvenience, IVe (C) APS HELA
upgraded you to business class at no extra charge)i! HOUR (D) HSAt Baz

8e (DONC,

: Paraphrasing CHSt2] upgraded you to business class SNS HA HịS ti - 0119| 2| ;
: ¬ #lH9| A better seat
OAH Fd CHALOIAL Stoll SE! xISAI 0| 0/4 ©n| rIịz|Ziol
=5lö|x| ĐSIFHSome automotive parts we ordered from your

“á-&6 factory haven't arrived at our dealership yet). St 2Om Ho} a
EF (C)0|rt.

W-Am This is Marcy Ardmore at Sladen Motors. 45 does the man
M-Au 44Some automotive parts we ordered recipients
from your factory haven’t arrived at our What problem with some e-mails
W-Am dealership yet. mention? ,
I’m sorry to hear that. We sent your (A) Confusion about the intended
order over a week ago, but the shipping
company has been experiencing delays. (B) A delay in message delivery
Unfortunately, 45the tracking e-mails they (C) An incorrectly typed word
sent us don’t contain enough detail to
determine when the parts will get to you. (D) Lack of information

| see. 45Do you have contact information SEXHE Of] OF SAAS eSHE7}?
(A) Hat Alt} BS
for the shipping company? I'd like to see (B) 1AJx| zi& xI@Œ
what I can find out. (C) He ?l24# tro|
(D) BH Ss
46Yes, I can give you their phone number.
But Ill also call them. Hopefully the more 0lš| confusion #& recipient A} +82! incorrectly Sela,
inquiries they get, the more seriously Sete. lack #3
they’Il take the issue.
SH M[Et AbSt HE — EXIT} SHSSHE Of Vo] Baal

XFS2L'##§Sol 04 xišI rJlz|Ei0l| =5†2†ZI 841019. alA| 2ICKthe tracking e~mails they sent us don’t contain enough
detail to determine when the parts will get to you, #Woor A

AS AAS Vole, cease SS SApt Pesta] i Paraphrasing CHs}9l don't contain enough detail
i ‡ + BEOl Lack of information
StH #5] 0|lel0l= 0| 9N #fELX| tirlEt + 318
Ale WS Ba7} Ses 2ul2,
What will the woman most likely do next?
Of ABA SS St Seas 7a 3JL‡2? HỊD| ators (A) Arrange.a meeting
(B) Make a phone call
At VBA selsta soja. (C) Speak to her employees

a ui, Hess ota ES + UALICH ofzlet Ase #ls†äI) (D) Review an invoice

BQ, SS o| 8+5 ¬0|2| EXIE gị 41250 OXKE ClSol FAS §I 2l 482).
(A) S12] Bus]
HOSAOM Sct. (B) 3} 42]
(C) ZJ#t5oI2I tap]
o3| dealership (HS) Hlel4 unfortunately (D) $# a=äPI
ĐEFEPIE contact information ta inquiry 22
ðIi2l A2 AFE† tHZl - 0{XI7LrES0I š† 9t
seriously S2fotall, KIxJð}2I : OfAI7} SE Hay CHALOIAL BS SUP Aes 7412 QHEA(Do you
have contact information for the shipping company?) SOWA 2t
44 Of Al QSx] Fels} AICHI'd like to see what | can find out)TL
älxt, HXE2L zielzis 9Ir{ Z2F(Yes, Ì can give you their phone
.Where does the woman work? number) st ACB HO} BES (B)O|CH.
(A) Ata distribution center

(B) At a conference center
(C) At a car dealership
(D) At a real estate agency



47-49 48 L 1S31

M-Au Amina, “how are plans progressing for What does the woman say people at the company are
_ W-Br the September release of our new model currently working on?
of mobile phone? (A) Exploring publicity options
M-Au (B} Finding a new vendor
47Good. “Right now, the marketing (C) Assembling a sales team
W-Br department is looking at advertising (D) Negotiating a monthly fee

et options and thinking about the best way 02EE S|AI AtltS0| EÌNI 2918 õm ICEn S†ã=2E?
Oo] to get maximum exposure in the media. (A) Sot BM By
tị (B) AH EtOH eda] SA4
Of Great. And what's the update from our (C) ade a
manufacturer about when they'll begin (D) Bulg ay

production? Last time we spoke, *9you $1 publicity S$ vendor HniaA] negotiate HYsict

mentioned that the factory was at full SHal ME APSE EHH — SỊAI AlEtS0| SÍNI 6E SIrEn 01147} 3ư 24
capacity with other projects, and I'm OFA} FA CHALOIAY SAAN OFA) SAMOA] Ba SMS mdgiA| n|L|0|
worried that'll affect our timeline. LBS et SMO] BHHS AlZtsh7 QICKRight now, the marketing

| just spoke with them, and they'll free up department is looking at advertising options ~ maximum
room for us soon. exposure inthe media) Hons SHE (A)OIct.

OIL, OBOP RAISES Sey +IgI0l tiệt I8‡2 0421) - |ị Paraphrasing cist9| looking at advertising options
#i8fE|T 9/8? 885 “1 Exploring Publicity options
#Elar3l0|8, iat ope SOI Bt BS i {

A Z†ö‡H 9019, ¿9

BOS, ala Pal MAS APE] XIzE9lZI0|AI Why is the man concerned?
ZE|ESE #|tj 2LEslat SJr|i! 9219184018, 2| (A) Customers have complained.
+2l0l iš†8 n|ãI7‡ tỊ 2‡ale|HJS, (B) Price estimates are high.
HE Sa} of7 atu @ Sales 9lãl HỊ#| #FI2 8S. (C) Some changes require approval.
(D) A plan may be delayed.
O31 progress #lfW*†F† exposur-e manufacturer
MEEBAl production 44! at full capaci4tIcyHst LE 9 2145IE2E
2FsðlE affect SHS olxIct
(A) ¬24So|s08 I7 |5NL|.
47 (B) Z1 7I20| H|Mtrt
{(C) H2i Arstol] Selo| Beste
What is the conversation mainly about? (D) A180] x|tf“l + 3\LỊ.

(A) A policy change 3l ne I
(8) A product launch
(C) Some customer feedback Sas AU ANSE Biel — Lixo] al AE
(D) A scheduled maintenance visit
HAULELES tim _ 3240| rẽ zs=ziee Z#|Jr| nel gioi 8
Chats 8 #9l0J ?tðt 24012? Hol SiẽEg n|ã17† #† Z1Zl(you mentioned that the factory was at

(A) 85 tai
(B) ME BA) full capacity with other projects, and I'm worried that'll affect
(C) z4 sia
(D) 0‡El 8XỊ 512 whe our timeline)0|z‡z 8 tom Hoteage (D)olct.

| Paraphrasing CHS}9} affect our timeline 5

+ Wat] A plan may be delayed

oH Sa WS Hai — r]JãtS] SA 50-52

tkiXL 33 HỊAI6|A] 0121612 930 SAI=l= SHE 41sglol CHEt 74S} W-Br_ Hi, Luca. ls the restaurant almost ready
0| 0|82|(how are plans progressing ~ release of our new model for this afternoon’s awards dinner?
of mobile phone?) SMT, FOlo} ofxb7} Xlz|z13IEI(Good)El41 #HI
M-Au 5°Actually, now that the room’s been set
Alo nh Olof? 9i 71 ese ade (B)OICt. up, 51 see that we're short a few tables
and chairs.
í Paraphrasing r]S‡9‡ release of our new model of mobile |
phone ~ 289] A product launch |
i . - ¬ Tae

TEST 1 13

W-Br Oh, °"I've already taken care of that. | OARS Bt AlZt Fol] #9lo| nỊị called a rental company, and they'll be (A) ssol
delivering the furniture we need in an (B) SAA S28 Het NS
hour. (C) 2Ule2 |
(D) E†*‡©‡ 2]x}
M-Au Thanks for doing that. 5*Did you also look
over the final guest list? | haven't had time oh Al Ape 2h — Of) št Alzi SoI HEiEIrlrt 5= 21

to do that yet. EÌM2L ÃI HIA|oIlA] EXSE 9|XI7L #S6ÌCHI sea that were short a
few tables and chairs)+! ð|X‡ 0ÌA7L X|E|šWCHIve already taken
W-Br 52No, | haven't. Why don’t we do that care of that)ElA| rịơ| 5|AJollA| et Alzt rlol| gioẽt 2| r8 H[ställ
together now? B All called a rental company, and they'll be delivering the
furnitúre we need in an hour)0|z! 3â + ZEtđ (D)0|F|.
BALL? ị Paraphrasing CHS}9| the furniture
~ 3°! tables and chairs
tr} #‡E 0|HSỊ HZ|?‡ Z3⁄EHl| EZI©‡ 9|XI7| Sĩ 2N mạ S:ãl
1018, 52

0} _ 01, ¬zl3J7LơIn| ZI£|3oIs. rời 5|AI0l| Z15‡2#En| št What will the speakers most likely do next?
Alzt Flo] BRS APS MSs 3 2401|. (A) Review a guest list
(B) Meet with a photographer
tỉ ABA st BAI DOA, BS AE Behe ASSL? (C) Take a break
ME TS 74B0[ BRL, (D) Taste some food

OH OLS, B Moja, Als ZO] SHE A] Ofn42?

dlệi take care of =8 Xlelðlr† look over ~S HESICt

50 3I†SE r†g0l #%& št 2l 42212
(A) Se] BE AS!
What are the speakers preparing for? (B) APAIAV} BLY]
(A) An interview (C) 8MöÙL. _
(B) A food delivery (D) S415tz2|
(C} A special event
(D) An inspection aH Al Afet Bal — sIx†Zo| rES0I št 9I you aLso
5#CHNo, l
SSE PAS BST WE? HZEL = my CHAI 4S Ae SEH 24EZ8IEAI(Did together

(A) Qt look over the final guest list?) 3$, 01XI2L #
(B) 3A IS haven't) Zt0| äl= 2| 0lAJWhy dont we do that
(C) Sst BAL now?) leeste 2e.= =0} SE (Aoln.
_(D) da
ịịÍ Paraphrasing_ CH#t2] look over the final+1 quest list ¬ 2l89| Review a quest list
3i XI: AFš† ele- 5IXtSO| #H|ä‡m Mee
OLA] 2d THAD AIO] Oe OF AWM] BE #H|E 7|9| 8E 53-55
Alls the restaurant almost ready for this afternoon's awards
dinner?) SX} GAy} St wHAI7} BktCHActually, now that the M-Cn 53Marcella, we have a problem with the
room's been set up). tư Hee #0} 8= (@0IH.
W-Am business conference we're hosting next
| paraphrasing rIIS‡9| awards dinner M-Cn week. | just got a call from the conference
ị 2 H9lA special event W-Am center, and they said there’s been wafer -
damage to three of the meeting rooms.

51 Oh nol 54But the rooms will be repaired in
time for our conference, right?
What does the woman say will be delivered in an
hour? They said there's a lót of damage.
(A) Some flower arrangements
(B) Some gifts for attendees OK. 55Well, the weather’s supposed space
(C). Some audio equipment to be nice, so we could host some
(D) Some tables and chairs of the seminars outdoors. It’s a little
unconventional, but there’s plenty of
surrounding the conference center.


Bay HỆ

et nị#2Mz†, rE# Z£0I| 7J|3|öHE HỊXL|2. #|el0| #XI7E 95 -
324019. t2 2|9|2!0IAj Map} Bee], S| 37417} What does the woman recommend? ưì
+äl 9I9irint SH9,, (A) Using an outdoor area
(B) Arranging technical support =¬-
Of Atel! SEAIPL S19} Ajztol] StH] HS] Spell?
(C) Confirming a catering menu
lMI2†3Cfn IS, (D) Interviewing some job applicants

Of MOS, of, kiM|2‡ &rfmr ä‡L†2‡ AIn|L† s28 ote|01|A4 OE FAS AstE7t?
#ỉ + %8 2I0l|8. =8 1JZ†^lo|zI ä|x|pt s|I£† =iol
#700i ciklõ|&l0ke, (A) OF2| SZ! AHS
(B) 712 AIA Bu]
(C) 33 34 ole S38
9j#j_ unconventional 1243! (D) +4 BS

53 013] applicant xIBIAt

What event are the speakers discussing? SH AE Aläf tiếi - 012IE| XỊt! LLš†
(A) A bank opening 01212‡ n†A|Et rịAj6llA† 2‡u|2† S 01246|2‡ A|nILt 2# 0}(B) A contest 9 + VS HO|ct(Well, the weather's supposed to be nice, so we
(C) A business conference
(D) A company anniversary could host some of the seminars outdoors) HOFER YAS (A)


SASS OF SAS slain ETI? Paraphrasing CHS}2} host some of the seminars
(A) 2a 7a
(B) rẽ] outdoors > 429] Using an outdoor area

(C) HIZL|A s|9{
(D) 5IAI 24?! 56-58 301 Cist

ahs Ma] US EES — SE} B0| Ost Si SHAY M-Au OK, 58Marion, the new health-care
SAVE Bd CHAPOHAY 012102 ckS 20) 7HSISHE HIALIA sI9|ol| #
xil7t A824CH(Marcella, we have a problem with the business software is all set up on your computer.
It should be pretty straightforward to use.
conference we're hosting next week)al @2|HA| HH YSOe rị But call technology support if you run into
SS 0(0| 71 Gloom AES (C)0|F[, any issues.

54 W-Am Great. ©5] hear a lot of health-care
M-Au providers are switching to this same
What does the man mean when he says, “there's a lot W-Br software.
of damage”?
(A) He finally fully understands a problem. Yes. 57lt’s becoming popular because it
(B) The woman should expect a bill in the mail. retains all of a patient’s medical records
(C) The woman’s assumption is incorrect. from different providers in one central
(D) A schedule needs to be adjusted. system.

Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt.

IHAL nlãll?‡ 5LƑ In Bret my :221S 9In|äl=2‡? M-Au No problem, Francesca. What's up?
n†9†õlm SJC,
(A) —= nIÃILI ZAE 9t1a| HS osolct, W-Br_ | overheard what you said, and just to
() 0lxE= mo ø 3l A18
(C) 0|I©I g2‡0| SSILL clarify, 5®the program can only collect and
(D) 34S Zãllo‡ šIrỊ, retain records from providers who use the
same software, 5°:58g9 Marion may find
0|Š| assumption ##† adjust ZZlö|F† she still has to call around to obtain all the
patient records she needs.

šj|#ˆ 5|19| 9| n9} — 1r|ä|7‡ =irE= #9| Of
a Ze, eS, MES le ATES} AHO BS
9/0|AI 9jZI7| 8I9I Alzlo| stãI s50] =n8 2I9IX(But the rooms #l^lol9. ^L8öP?lol sỊ ztišt 2106. eee SA]
will be repaired in time for our conference, right?) 0{#20l| riẽt 9| +12Im 2l APSO} Stop .
- fe =AI 032g 0iaet 2I0|18 n|ál?‡ z|A| 9110 Bt] >z|2‡ 8
* MCE IAS BASE Ose S + Qh thepA| SES (C)olct. 0i #02, #2 9I8 xIS2tS0| S48 + =Eplolz
tiện UC 524018,

kị LỊ, ŠtX‡S| 8E 9|8 7|S8 ä|LIS| SY Awol] Mets]
Ol CLOSE SASS He] 71S At 11016,

O12 +42|ƒLirt, 3†sljãjA| nịptalle.

TEST1 15

Sf MAOH, ÐEHI^?|. #2 Bole? from different providers in one central system). #oOGe AES
O2 Sol ote YS FAs] SOA Sol of FAD, oj (B)OICt.

Z8 -glE S9lši 2z =tlo|5 1LSšLE xIZxIs| 7|S8t . Paraphrasing [Hst9! retains all of a patient’s medical
“+lälm stttš† + 4101, 2|LJ7| tiỆ2|20| #1 set Sir}
ASS MS BOP NS] HEE shot Sf TE Yoja, records from different providers in one
central system -: 3{9{ makes information -
oF straightforward Zest AZ run into (ZAloll) more accessible :
HESICt switch MEsICh HPCE retain Sztelct
interrupt Solsict overhear 2S] Ect clarify 58
Bol set obtain Ic}

54 What might Marion still need to do?
(A) Contact some service providers
What industry do the speakers most likely work in? (B) Sign a release form

(A) Medicine (C) Check some financial information
(B) Music
{C) Publishing (D) Repairsome equipment -
(D) Finance
(A) MUA Sarto] S2t5}7]
SINS2 OB AAA Ust= A ALL? (B) S7t SAMol Asp}
(C) 21 Be Stelsp|
(A) 215+ (D) ul z|8l?|
(B) 8©}
(C) aa 1 oad Ait Abt giữi — nịzl20| 01ZÍ5| äI0† 8t 2= SE 9
(D) 3S # tinl 0ixf2‡ n†xIB† rỊA|O|A| z5-1ạ|© S9lð! +E9|0|E Al8ư†
= APBAS] 7|Bot Aol PHS + 91012 ofe[So] Beet St 7]
: STA Mal UWS Be - StS] 2S gall S# MS AOA oes] zlsiE öIl0E St Althe program can only

EHIXPIL 3l HịA|lJA| 0†7|29I Z4#H0 AN Slee ATE SHOI7} 24X|=|SI collect and retain records ~ call around to obtain all the patient

CHMarion, the new health-care software ís all set up on your records she needs)0lakz Hoos a2 (A)oId.
computer) Sfa}, 34 tứin|| 012I©l n‡zl20| E2 9|= x|#2^leg0| 4z!
2 APES Netelat Qc Sct) hear a lot of health-care ị Paraphrasing HIS{9† call around - t9 Contact
providers ~ same software)a) Sta, = Hay OfA}7} obxjet CHAfoH
Al Of2)20] Best sx} 7/BS HOA. oes] Hes sof St Also 59-61 321 CHS}

Marion may find ~ she needs)0|@}a1 $t 7WOm Hot BES (A)OICH,

57 W-Am Let's get this product-innovation meeting
According to the man, why has a software program W-Am started. °°Sales of our fruit-and-nut bars
become popular? M-Au have been strong, so we'd like to develop
some other types of snack bars. What do

(A) It is less expensive than similar products.
(B) It makes-information more accessible. you recommend, Stan?’
(C) It reduces environmental impact.
(D) It comes with customer support. Well, we know that many people are
allergic to nuts, so °°we should develop
extol] SR ATE eS of 02ÍE #2 =|StE2H? some snack bars without nuts. The
(A) Ulseet ABYC} ABaict. only thing is, we'd need a separate set
(B) Bol Cf A] HAS 2> %rỊ.
(C) HS! OKIE StS Belch of equipment to avoid contamination
(D) 244 A\Aa} Sal AS act. between the two production areas.

O43} expensive HY accessible S208]+ WE reduce We don’t have room at this facility for
Bolct environmental #282] impact St that. ©'Pedro, you’ve been to our new
production facility in Glenview, right? Is
there space there for new equipment?

SHA AS Abst EHS — ELxpy} BtsH= ADESSO] TBO] Ot7] Qt | think there’s extra space there. °'I'll check
Ole with the facility manager to make sure,
HAI SE Ant HAA Sx}o] SE OS 7/ES sito} Be AlAwl
Oi] StPtot7| Of Ol ChakSt ASAE Se] P77} UCKIt's becoming

popular because it retains all of a patient's medical records


0 XI 5|ál 5I9I8 AJX†äZt@LlIr†, 2‡e! Zing HỆ #HI|2‡ ai Mist Ataf 2Hel — Aeko| haste of =°a n
SAS Hol UojAl CHE $:819| ^~H|HEE 7f|3†S†E{3r m=
Ÿ†LItt. 0{El zi ##‡ö|AJZIo|, ^£1? L 1S3L

1 Š, HEALäf0I 2into| Vea 7/7} V7] Sol ABBE ALHHKS 7HEtsHOF SICHwe should develop ~ without nuts)? #t |,
f= AMMHEES JHELSHOF SILICH, Etx| ZAIE, = AHAL toy EIA] SAE FAL FO Nolo] OSS exis gi=o| 2IH|2| ga
&ICH(The only thing is, we'd need a separate set of equipment ~
AfOlol SSS Bx Sa Ao] By] MET} Bei Ich,
0{ ofA MOE AA S2t0| Moje. MSs, Seles] ye between the two production areas). HOOP BES (B)OIc},

AH URE ALLO] 7} SHAR? 747 [Ol] AH StH|7} SOlZt BZto} : Paraphrasing Cist°] need a separate set of equipment
L9? -› M2] Additional equipment will be
i2 27I7l0I 09I zz†0| 9= 2l #08. s|XIEt All needed
##z|xI07ll 5t44š| 9‡0ts12laL|rl,
31 atlergic 92JE7|2†SlE separate 8l=9| avoid
MIAIBFI contamination 2 facility Arg What does Pedro say he will do?
(A) Contact a facility manager
59 (B) Adjust a budget
(C) Change a work schedule
What are the speakers discussing? (D) Research a product
(A) Proposing a business merger
(B) Relocating a company’s headquarters SEE PAS St Aoleja Ash=7/?
{C) Developing adcitional products (A) AI2l #te|XI0IIHI =9Ị
(D) Hiring more employees (B) 04t
(C) Ha wa wy
SSS Fol chat Hest QTE?
(A) x] Ste atet (D) AB BAY
(B) BAP oO} - see MP APSE ELE — HỊ< 2| š† 2I0|#Em BiSE= 9
(C) 7} Me Het
(D) Ja 7} ag OHA E £ tim rỊJAlol4| nị=z0|2I salol| 9E AI 24t Alelol 7k
ki9fEXI(Pedro, youwe been to our new production facility in
O13] merger 24 relocate 0/Malct Glenview, right?) B2 ¥, 747|ol A Zul7} Sojzt Bzto] ea]
ote Mal LS ERA — 5|X†S9| ;=9| A[št (Is there space there for new equipment?) At, = Hal Lx}

0217| 34 rJAlolA| s9! z8 HỊ7| Bt Braj CHE Sao} ALHHRS Ol WSe7} AM Belatolal] StoetHICHI'll check with the facility
7IIE†ä|2| StI(Sales of our fruit-and-nut bars have been strong, manager to make sure)zl HOOR AES (A)OICt,
so we'd like to develop some other types of snack bars)B1A] 201
8 ##l2|(What do you recommend, Stan?) #©r{ r‡= š|xtEn| Paraphrasing CHSt9} check with the facility manager
XE 2lItm| #izlfl =S|E 001 71 31a X†El© (C)0|F|.
i + 4H2I Contact a facility manager
: Paraphrasing tl#‡9| develop some other types of snack
bars -: 4&2] Developing additional 62-66 CHS} + Uae

products ‘Ị M-Au Welcome to The Boat Center. How may |
W-Am help you?
60 M-Au
W-Am Hi. §2Do you have any tickets for the Sea-
What challenge does Stan mention? M-Au Ride Special tour today? | was hoping to
(A) A profit margin will decrease. W-Am catch a last-minute tour.
(B) Additional equipment will be needed.
{C) There are not enough job applicants. Sorry. ®*We're sold out. It’s a really
(D) There are delays in production. popular tour this time of year because the
AHS OF UASS 9I35LE2I? penguins are migrating through the area.
(A) #2] So] GAS Ao|ch
(B) 37} #H|7‡ Bast Aojcy, Oh, too bad. I’m leaving tomorrow
(C) ZJAP‡-#ẽIr† morning, and | was really hoping to take
(D) 2to| x|etsln sIrl, one of your tours.
OF! profit margin 9|
Well, &the Island Exploration tour still has
a couple of spots left.

®Great! ®4And that'll give me time to get
something to eat before it starts. | see
there’s a coffee shop just down the street.

TEST 1 17

et HE AIE{Ol] OAI 2 SICIBILICh, Sole =9I=elz9? SH Ai: AlBl PHẾ — BIAI?L BISH= 5Ile† mi EE7| Am|£l E042} ©l
OF SNM, Si alas SA EIP|^nlli #o| EDIO| 7] Si= 0#

L8? 9†l0l E0|E ãI1! 219109. 0]AJ7L ÃI tỊA|0lA| S3 sile† si= EJ2| ^m2ï £o| E|ZI0| SI=Z|(Do
ki Zk&EILIr|, nlzlo|0|9, #0z‡Eo| 0| xI#tE x|L† 0Eött
you have any tickets for the Sea-Ride Special tour today?) SA,
QOL S125 0] AITIONES BE Plz] She Eo|Z|ES,
Of of, Obv}ofet, LHS) OFSIol] AL Hed] $0] StLHS 2 al kta AAVE OHE(We're sold out)olajHA| WSO} Of xI4S AIL} olsat

ARIES TL ROA AS 0| Al7loii= 217]QH= Fol(It's a really popular tour
ch -&, A BPEL FOL 0}4] x†e|7L Fo} 7H EtOF 34019,
this time of year because the penguins are migrating through
Of BOLD! ACH} Alatol7| Mol] AS Z At ajZto| Ay7|zt0}2.
2 BEE Aol] FATGO| Holz. the areaj@}a? FOR WES (A)o|ch. ke

oF! last-minute H#2] migrate OISéiCt exploration ị Paraphrasing_ r8}9[ penguins are migrating |
Se spot Atel i ¬ #ld9I migrating birds ;

“Time Tour — 63
4 A.M. Fishing Expedition
| Whale Watching Look at the graphic. What time will the woman depart
40 am. on a tour?
Sea-Ride Special (A) At 9 a.m.
4+1 A.M. island Exploration (B) At 10 a.m.
42 pM, (C) At 11 am.
(D) At 12 pm.

Alzt 8510| 9Jsftl, 01h= 3 Aloll Eo†S mat 24121?

(A) ©“l 9AI

(B) 24 10A)

(C) 24 114]

(D) 23 12AI

ous Al2t Set Pai] — OfXi7| OVS HịLE= AI2†

EiX7I All EM CHALOAL 4] Bt EolE= ZIẽl2L Hot SIEHthe Island

AzE soi Exploration tour still has a couple of spots left) ð|І, 0|2|2‡ £
tị(Greatl) Ro, VHHol 4 Ete] Sole SF 12a Soj goa
2H 9A| MAI O44
= #2 (0)oIn.
S#l 10A| dal 2k
Qa f1Al Slle† HE Ep] Ana
Ses 124] | StH

62 What will the woman most likely do next?
(A) Return to her hotel
According to the man, why is today’s Sea-Ride (B) Visit a café
({C) Call a friend
Special tour popular? (D). Store her bags in a locker
(A) {t offers'a chance to see migrating birds.
OAE ClSoll SAS St 2A WLI}?

{B) Water conditions are likely to be favorable. (A) 282 Sopp|
(C) A guest chef is preparing lunch. (B). 7H Est}
(C) SPO Hs}s7]
(D) Someone special will be guiding the tour. (D) AHS Sol] 7h Sets]

eA} SH, OS otef AS Ep] Anis FOE oy O17] 4t=2}? SHAL MIS! APSE BHEA — O12}7} CHSol] Bt es
(A) OIScHE MIB 5 + SlE ?|si8 XIgẽtr|. LAI} OFAISE CHALOAY AlBtSI7] Mol AS ZA AL AZto] ay7 balcl(And
(B) HỊr† 0710| 2S 2a -
(C) 2H QAP #i+lS H|ã‡n 9Jr, that'll give me time to get something to eat before it starts) St
(D) SiSẽt =œ:7|7‡ SOS Obst 2401, =, OMe AZo] HUS0] HOH! see there's a coffee shop just
down the:'street}at et e8 Hot SHE (eyelet.
6|#] favorable 9Fsẽt
__ Paraphrasing Hato a coffee"@ shop + ea acafé


65-67 Ci+s3}| 65 tai
Why does the woman apologize? m
M-Gn Hi. I'm here for the health and wellness ư
conference, | parked in the event center (A) A conference session is full. hi

parking area. | was wondering, ®Sis parking {B) An elevator is not working. {C) A workshop has changed locations. _
free for conference attendees? {D) Parking is not free.

W-Br ®5No, I'm sorry. We don't provide any 0|ZlE OH ALSHE I}?
reimbursements for parking. But ®5if (A) S12] AfZtoH| ©I#io| #† 3r†
you’re willing to move your car, there's a
cheaper parking area at Seventh Avenue (B) #fz|til0|E|2‡ “‡Sä|x| 9‡Ert,
(C) aes SATE #12ISlr†
and Vine Street. It's about a block away.

(D) =a} 2.27} 0{L|E|,
M-Gn Oh, unfortunately, 71 don’t have time. I’m
aH Ai A[ẽ! PHa! - 0{X|2EAlnlölE 08
scheduled to attend the strength-training
seminar that starts in fifteen minutes. But IAI 28 CHALOMA S]°) SAS 22R}7} ##9IXl(is parking free for
conference attendees?) ZAt, Of} OIS@(No)AHH ZISSICKI'm
tomorrow lll get here earlier and park at sorry) AL WOOs AES (p)o|ct,
the other lot. Seventh and Vine, you said.

W-Br That's correct. 66
Look at the graphic. Which location does the woman
el ĐH3äI9, 712} ®lol0| ?iệt #I°| #443 SH@LIEI,
8ỊALa†-EAL T"90J 2Zã|3l019, 2i8EL2I 90Er, zIe| (A) Area 1
BI4IXIE 2227| #89)7‡2? (B) Area 2
(C) Area 3
(D) Area 4
7hOll Cf AES ER} Zzt0| oie. se wc wor
AlE† 8Ez0l 9|ä†ti, 0Ix‡E 0|gl #4 ##15LE2|?
(A) PS 1
et 0[, PIEƒ2Ic Al7!o| §JHI2., 15% 20J AJ2|ãl= ey (B) #42
Zest MOILLO 4418! oo|7Ee, axle jes cy eal (C) 743
S|4| LỊE 190i SAPS. THIS UES! J, tae?
0 Sl&LIt
šI|44 AJ?† 8E! P2I — 01X2I-#£lä|E ãI^

3] attendee 44a} reimbursemenatts Stat
FALE Ad CHALOIAY AES #z1 9|Efo| 9J©0{ 7gl2I9† HỊ©! 2‡ol gỊ |
MaStprleeet VStirneeet Bet At Szt0| UCKif you're willing to move your car there's a
ca]! | cheaper parking area at Seventh Avenile and Vine Street). 224
Center |f- 66 FEUD, SAỐITO HEA 7H 30j02 YESSỐ (c)olct,


Seventh Avenue Why is the man In a hurry?

a (A) A workshop is starting soon.
(B) A parking pass is about to expire.
nO 7 whol 7 {C) A shuttle is running fate.
| (D) A friend is waiting outside.

su re} [I3] SAKE HAF REZ/?

4 (A) #4@o| # AIZtEIr.

(8) Z†HI0| # taEtr|
(C) MB0| Stax gich

(D) 277} Holy 7 (Chaya etch,

OF! expire BE=r|r†

SAE = HAH CHALOIAY A[210} SICH) don't have time) HAT 1544 Sol)

ARSHS #4 4šI xIn|Ll0l 21448! 24(I'm scheduled to attend the
strength-training seminar that starts in fifteen minutes)o[2ka

TEST 1 19

St Hoe Ho} SES (A)O|Ch

: Paraphrasing CH3{2| the strength-training seminar that ‘eo ==,
starts in fifteen minutes
+ 3=f2I A workshop is starting soon alt 300 a= 60
169,99224 149.9981]
68-70 Cis} + 3H Wee.
0}#l2- 250 etn

129.9984 699 5000

M-Gn Molina’s Office Store. How can | help? 68
W-Am Hi. ©8I've been trying te order a product on
Why does the woman call?
M-Cn your Web site, but every time I get to-the
W-Am (A) She wants to request a refund.
checkout screen, everything freezes, and | (B) She is unable to place an order online.
can’t place the order. (CO) She wants to extend a deadline.

®°What are you trying to buy? (D) She is unhappy with a product purchase

©The Enzo 5000 scanner.

M-Cn Hmm. That product's currently out of recently. ,

W-Am stock. Can | recommend the Rhenium 60 OYAR= OW MSHS ste7t?
(A) HES 2Mstn ACh
M-Cn instead? It’s a popular model. , (B) 2ajelom ASS + 8iL|,
(C) 7lẽFS #1tã‡m ACT,
| really need the Enzo 5000—I'm an artist (D) #‡2 “nii§† xJZol| Z?†o| Ich
and | make my own prints, so | need a
model that produces top-quality images. Đ|#{ extend ?fJ6l† purchase uð|F† recently #k20|

| see. Well, “we're expecting a shipment CH Sail LS BSA — OA} Hats}E Sat

tomorrow. If it includes the model you're OXI A CHAO BALO[EOA| AES SRST SAIBt AES St +
looking for, I can reserve it for you.

2† @ACKi've been trying to order ~ | can't place the order)! 3©.
kỉ Sz|L† 14A. ^E0jpILir†, SUS =oI=gl7I92 Be See (B)0|rỊ.

0} _ ?H3ãA|G, #AIo|E0I4| x[E£S ZEtã|ejzr sIXỊpP z4Hj| cee rete tena — oy
Sitol| =s†äHEI tt) z1: Hi 18 š! +2| 21019,
| Paraphrasing CHS}9l order a product on your Web site
tt Abe SIE Jl B72? ị #H°| place an order online

0ị 9I5000.2JL|0I9, 69

tỉ 53, ¬1ÄIS2 SIM E#0lLIr|, HA! als COS AME Look at the graphic. What is the price of the item the
AA? 9l2| 9E melo|olle. Woman wants to buy?
(A) $169.99
0 #1“ 50000| Bet Besa, AE os7}et appro! (B) $149.99
BASS USOR, Tay 4[a1 SAO] O|M[AE XIẠIãHE (C) $129.99
(D) $179.99

sapl0| PH.

tị 1316, 8, H9 HỊị4#o| 8 0i|4lo|a||9, ãt©AlE=

BHO] TSttl MCHA TALS Ms] SHS oe wes

Ag. :

o8{ íreeze Ei#FI place an order 2È8lr| currently AlZ} Attol StH, 1A} AE B29] WAS anew}?
SAM out of stock SH9! reserve (Wiz) 74 Sc}
(A) 169.9974
(B) 149.9982

(C) 129.9982

(D) 179.9982]

=>Xena 300 Rhenium 60 34t Al2† Be! Pail ~ 0IXPI AtslE 8719| 724
$169.99 E2LL E timj HỊA|O|A] Al2l= 2401 91(What are you trying to
68Enzo 5000 buy?)?!Z| #A{, 0{XI?L 9£ 5000 ^ZIlI-l(The Enzo 5000 scanner)#†
Ares 250 $179.99 a1 HESS YY 7S TOA lS 5000S SOM WES (D)oIch,


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