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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: Improving Human Resources Administration in Techlead Joint Stock Company

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Supervisor: Dr. Nguy Thuy Trang

Hanoi, November, 2022

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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61CACKNOWLEDGEMENT

I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Nguy Thuy Trang, my supervisor, forproviding valuable assistance and advice. Her kind support and helpful advice sawme through the process of completing our thesis. Mrs Trang's encouragement and

remarks enhanced and improved my work substantially. The thesis would have been

challenging to complete adequately without her instructions and motivations.

I also truly appreciate the assistance with the research from Techlead JointStock Company. The company not only allows interning and experiencing thedynamic and professional working environment but also provides me with access tothe company's data which is particularly valuable to the research. I would like to showmy gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Tran The Trong, the Branch Manager, and Mr.Nguyen The Tuyen, the Operations Manager, for allowing me to intern at Techlead.They also provided me with expert advice and insightful comments, which really

aided me in gaining valuable experience in developing my research.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to every participant whoengaged in the questionnaire and interview, I would not have completed the research

without their contributions.

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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C


Human resource is one of the most important resources contributing to the

company’s success. In particular, Techlead joint stock company is an IT startup,

so it needs to focus on improving the effectiveness and quality of HRM. That is

the reason to choose the topic “Improving human resources management in

Techlead Joint Stock Company”.

After analyzing and researching previous studies, as well as the context of

Techlead, the author has selected five factors of HRM to study: (1) recruitment,(2) training, (3) assessment and evaluation, (4) compensation and benefits, and

The factors contributing the most impact on effectiveness of HRM atTechlead are Assessment and Evaluation, Compensation and Benefits, Training.

Besides, five factors have a significant positive relationship with the effectiveness

of HRM.

Thus, the authors suggested some recommendations to improve humanresource management at Techlead.

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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61CTABLE OF CONTENT


TABLE OF CONTENTT... - SH HH HH nh nh nh nh nh nrệt ii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..000....cccccceccecceeeceeeeseeseeseeaecaeeeeeeeceeeeaeeaeeaeeaeeaeens ivLIST OF TAB.LES...-- Ánh HH TH TH ng HH nh nh nh nh VLIST OF FIGURES 0.00... ... viINTRODUCTION01155 —... 5... 1

`C00000:D) NhỊOQẦtẨđCQiiŸ££::455.. 1

Research öobj€CfÏV€S...-- .-- LH HH HH TH TH KH HH ky 2Research questions T8 ...ồ. a.eo----.-.. 3Research SCODG...- - - Q n HHnH nH H H H H H H HH 3Methodology 002017277... .AAI... 3

Structure of the researCH...- - - S ST nh. HH TH TH HH HH nh Hiệp 4CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF TECHLEAD JSC ... 5

1.1. Foundation and deyelopmenf... - --- 5 3 1+ ** si, 5

1.2. Core business aCfÏVÏfÏ€S...-- HH HH ng HH nnnnrệt 5

1.3. Vision, mission and core ValUE ...-. - - + + 5 3+2 ‡+svvxsseerxseses 6

1.4. Company Structure ... -- .- c 2c 332113321113 1158118111811 111 Eeree 6

1.5. Techlead’s core business a€fÏVifÏ€S§...- Ghi, 9CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK... Si 10PP. vi 0i 7... ... 102.1.1. Literature review of international studies... ... --- -- «+ 102.1.2. Literature review of Vietnamese studies ... ..---.<+5 10

2.1.3. Research Sap...ccccccccccccsccssssessseeesecessecssseesseeceseeesasessseeesseeeeeesnees 11

2.2. Theory of Human Resources Management ...--- 5-5 «<< <<<+2 112.2.1. Definition of HRM o... cc ccccccccescceseeceneceeseceseeesseeeeseeesseeeseeenseeees 11

2.2.2. Factors Of HIRÌM... HH HH HH HH nh nh 12

2.3. Proposed research Írame€WOrFK...-- .-- - -- cv rệt 20CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY... ..- 2-2 223.1. Con... 22

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3.2. Quantitative mefh0ds...-- - ---- c 21123211111 1111118111811 1111 1x ekek 22

3.2.1. Data N.Ủ..uNNỌẠỌẠỌẠỌIỊI))ađaai... 22

3.2.2. Participants of the research ...ccceescessceeseeeeteeeseeeeseeeeeeeenees 22

3.2.3 Questionaire developmenIf... ..-- 5 2 5 3+2 1£ ESvEeseeserereseeres 23

3.3. Data amall ysis ho... 253.3.1. Evaluating of scale reliability by Cronbach’s Alpha... 25

3.3.2. Exploratory factor amallySis ...00:ccceccceseesseeeesceeseeeseeeeeeseenseesees 26

3.3.3. Regression amallySis ...cccccccccscccessceeneceseeceseeceeeesaeeeseeceeeseeeeenees 26CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS... 27

4.1. Participant in the SUTY€V...- . G21 1v 1S SH 1 rệt 27

4.2. Quantitative research results ... .- -. .-- ¿555cc sscsssseeeeeesez 28

4.2.1. Evaluating of scale reliability by Cronbach’s Alpha... 284.2.2. Analysis of the scale validity ...cccccccccccccccccseeesscsssceseseesseeesseesseenaes 314.2.3. Assessment of factors contributing to HRM and Effectiveness of

FARM ooo eeccccccccceceseeseeseeseeseeseesecseesecaecuseuceecesseeceeaecaeeaessecaeeaeeeeseeeeaeeaeeeeaeeaeeats 364.2.4. Analyzing the impact of HRM’s factors on the effectiveness of

FIRM in Techlead ,JCSS... - G5 + ng HH gi, 38


5.1. oi 0 43. 42

5.2 y1... ... ... 425.3. Assessment and Evaluafion...- --- -- + k vn HH HH Hệ, 43

5.4. Compensation and BenefifS... -- ---- - c2 22. S2 rrrey 43

5.5. Internal communicafionn...-- - - tk ni, 44

0 0)/90013/0)05MmỤ›:... dd... 45

Summary of the findings... .-- --- - c1 33 3S 39 1111 1T Errrrree 45

Limitations of the SÍUdÌy...- LH HH HH HH Hiệp 46

Suggestions for further research...-- ¿5c + c3 ** Evxeeerserrsseesesee 47

REFERENCE 0.44... 48

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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C

Assessments and EvaluationAnalysis Of Variance

Average Variance ExtractedCompensation and BenefitsCurriculum vitae

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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61CLIST OF TABLES

Table 2.1. Scale of tH€S1S... 0 n1 9g ng ng Hệ 17Table 3.1. The number of Questions ...-- 5-5 21333211333 E+EESeeereeeerrseeere 23Table 3.2. Observed variables of the scale of factors influencing human resource

MANAGCMENE 0101 .ẦẦẦẦ..1ä131D... 23

Table 3.3. Observed variables of the scale of the effectiveness of human resourceMANAQCMENE ooo... ee ee cece ceee cess ceseesesceseeseseeseesecsaseeeeseseeseseenaees 25Table 4.1. Sample structure by Seniority ...-.-- 5+ + EsskEsEeeeeskerske 27Table 4.2. The results of reliability analysis of the Recruitment scale... 28

Table 4.3. The results of reliability analysis of the training scale... 29

Table 4.4. The results of reliability analysis of the assessment and evaluation scale .30Table 4.5. The results of reliability analysis of the compensation and benefits scale .30Table 4.6. The results of reliability analysis of the internal communication scale...31

Table 4.7. Total Variance Explained of independent variables... -- --- 32

Table 4.8. Rotated Component Matrix’ of independent variables...- 33

Table 4.9. KMO and Bartlett's Test of independent variables ... .. 34

Table 4.10. KMO and Bartlett's Test of dependent varIables... .-- - ---‹ 34

Table 4.11. Total Variance Explained of dependent variables...-- -- --‹ 35

Table 4.12. Component Matrix° of dependent variables ... ... -- ---« 35

Table 4.13. Employees’ assessment about factors contributing to human resourcemanagement in Techlead JSC. oo... eecccesseceneceneeeeeeeseeeeneeeeneeeenees 36

Table 4.14. Employees’ assessment about effectiveness of human resource

management in Techlead JSC. ...-- css 5 + + vs sskeseserse 38Table 4.15. Summary of Regression annaÌyS1S...- - --s- sc++sks+sksseeeseeeree 39Table 4.16. ANOVA test of the Linear RegresSIOn... ..- -- ccS« sec 39Table 4.17. Unstandardized Regression coefficienS... .-- --- «<< c++ 40Table 4.18. Summarize the conclusions about the main hypotheses ... 41

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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61CLIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1.1. Techlead JSC.’s Organizational Structure (The author)... 7Figure 1.2. Techlead JSC.’s Core Business Activities (The author)... 9

Figure 2.1. Proposed research Íram€WOTK... ..- -- «5 xxx ng riet 21Figure 3.1. Research process ... .-- 5 «xxx HnHn HT ngư 22Figure 4.1. Sample structure by Øð€TId€T... .-- s5 5 + xS* nnnnnriệt 28


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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C

According to Kamoche (1997), HRM in the 2lst century entails a widerange of tasks, including job analysis, attention to the needs and desires of the

workforce, hiring and selecting competent workers for a given position, offering

training programs to employees in order to boost their current performance,offering incentives and benefits to employees, resolving conflicts betweenworkers and management, determining wages and salaries, etc.

Noe et al. (2010) explained that as competition in the business sector is

escalating, HRM is the only element that may provide a company a competitiveedge. The performance, attitude, and conduct of workers at work are all influencedby a set of procedures known as human resource management. Early on, thehuman resource management department was not seen as a crucial component of

a business, but now, without it, a company cannot be properly run. HRMencompasses all actions pertaining to employee benefits. These include managingrelationships with workers, paying employees, offering health and safety benefits,training and developing staff, etc.

From a macro perspective, human resources are understood as the overall

social labor capacity of a country in general or each locality and organisation inparticular (Bukova et al., 2018). Currently, all countries in the world have put theissue of human and human resources at the centre of the national, economic andsocial development strategy (Hidayati et al., 2019). Researchers and businessesare aware of the importance of building and developing high-quality humanresources. Because human resources are a determinant of economic growth, theirdevelopment is not only a driving force for the development of the knowledge

economy, a factor promoting economic restructuring and increasing workers’

incomes, but also a driving force for international economic integration

(Banomyong, Thai & Yuen, 2015).

In the case of Vietnam, Vietnam is experiencing a period of goldenpopulation structure (understood as the proportion of labourers doubling thedependent population), that is one of Vietnam's advantages, especially whileengaging in the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). In 2007, Vietnam joined the World


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Trade Organization (WTO), the integration mechanism of the country'sinternational economy has been extremely systematic, delivering comprehensiveresults. The young labour market holds great potential for human resources if theyare properly and methodically trained. Vietnam has a young population, so humanresources are plentiful and relatively cheap (Nguyen, 2019). This is an advantagethat businesses operating in the field of information technology need to focus on

fully exploiting and promoting. With the Industrial Revolution 4.0 booming inVietnam, information technology plays a key role to help integrate Vietnam into

the international economy. Information technology can be applied in manyeconomic sectors and in any type of business. Besides, human resources 1s the keyto gain success for companies and corporations in any profession, especially in IT.

However, Techlead Joint Stock Company is recently confronting newchallenges in the operation process. Being a small and medium-sized enterprisewith young and inexperienced employees, TechLead needs to solve some

difficulties, such as pressure in employees’ effectiveness, quality and work

progress. Besides, after employees are trained and become professional, they tendto resign to find a bigger company. That makes the company not only lack seniorlevel human resources, but also loose sources. One of the reasons is that Techlead

JSC’s reputation and C&B do not meet employees’ needs and wants as other

large companies.

Accordingly, the author chose the topic “Improving Human ResourcesAdministration in Techlead Joint Stock Company” to analyze the situation ofHRM in the company, discover the strengths and weaknesses and giverecommendations for the company.

Research objectives

The following research is expected to achieve these objectives:

(i) Identifying factors influencing HRM effectiveness in Techlead JSC.

(1) Evaluating the impact of each factor affecting HRM effectiveness in TechleadJoint Stock Company.

(11) Proposing some recommendations to help managers at Techlead Joint StockCompany to enhance and promote HRM .

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Research questions

The following research is expected to answer these questions:

(1) What factors influence HRM effectiveness in Techlead JSC?

(2) How does each factor affect HRM effectiveness?

(3) In the research area, are there any suggestions or recommendations needed in

order to improve HRM that Techlead Joint Stock Company can offer?

Research scope

Content scope: The research focused on human resources management atTechlead Joint Stock Company, including: HR planning and recruitment, trainingand developing employees, assessment and C&B.

Geographical scope: The research is based on Techlead Joint Stock Company inHanoi.

Time scope: The research was conducted about data in Techlead Joint StockCompany for three years (from 2019 to 2021).

Quantitative research

Questionnaire design, data collection, and data processing are all used inthis quantitative study. SPSS (version 25.0) is used to process the collected datain order to operate acceptable experiments on research theories and, as a result,interpret and discuss the research findings as well as draw the conclusions aboutthe study.

Primary data

The questionnaire survey is used to gather primary data in order toinvestigate the three study questions in greater depth. The survey has 65 qualifiedparticipants who have completed the questionnaire's multiple-choice questions, allof whom are employees and former employees of Techlead Joint Stock Company.

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Secondary data

Secondary data for the study was gathered from books, journals,magazines, and published studies on the topic of HRM on websites namelysciendirect.com, researchgate.com, libgen.com, science PG, and someVietnamese studies from National Economics University's library.

Structure of the research

This research includes four main parts:

Chapter 1: An overview of Techlead Joint Stock company

The first chapter of the study provides general information about the

Techlead JSC and its business situation from 2019 to 2021.Chapter 2: Theoretical framework

The second chapter focuses on presenting prior literature of personnel

including the definitions of HR, and roles of HRM. Furthermore, this chapter

explains the procedures employed to accomplish the research objectives. This

chapter will cover the participants’ introductions, data collection, and data analysisprocedures.

Chapter 3: Research MethodologyChapter 4: Analysis and Findings

In this chapter, the researcher aims to figure out which factors have themost impact on HRM in Techlead JSC in the period 2019-2021. Chapter 3 beginsby providing the current problem of employee turnover at Techlead. Following,data collected from questionnaires, interviews, and annual reports of TechleadJSC are analyzed to identify the problems. Finally, a summary of the findings isprovided at the end of the chapter.

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1.1. Foundation and development

In short, Techlead JSC. (Joint Stock Company), which will be called Techleadhereafter, is described through some basic information in Table 1.1 below:

The company has the English name “Techlead Joint Stock Company”, andVietnamese name “Cong ty Co phan Techlead”. Techlead is in Zen TowerBuilding, No. 12 Khuat Duy Tien Street, Thanh Xuan Trung Province, ThanhXuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Techlead JSC. is a company operating in the field of informationtechnology with the main goal of providing application service, creatingapplications and training for students based on advanced technologies inprocessing, storing and transmitting data.

Techlead was founded on 16 May 2017 by a group of young information

technology engineers who share the same goal.

Techlead JSC. was established in 2017 by Mr.Trong Tran and his workers in order to expand their projects and business in Thai Ha stress, Dong Dadistrict, Hanoi City. The foundation process would not have been possible withoutthe invaluable guidance of Mr. Trong Tran, who played a key role in setting upTechlead JSC..

co-Over time Techlead has expanded in scope and size thanks to financial andtechnical conditions which had increased for 5 years.

In 2022, Techlead JSC. changed its address to 12 Khuat Duy Tien stress, Thanh

Xuan district, Hanoi city.

1.2. Core business activities

Techlead Joint-stock company established its position in the market as a

competent IT service provider, and has been gaining customers’ trust in service

quality and price with 5 years of experience in the field of IT.

Techlead offers the following services:(i) Website application development

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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C(ii) Mobile Application development

(11) System development

(iv)Software testing training

The company is mainly responsible for the service of InformationTechnology supplication. So far, Techlead JSC. has been working with bothforeign and domestic enterprises to provide IT service such as Sweden, Americaand France.

1.3. Vision, mission and core value


Techlead aims to become a partner of major internet companies in theworld such as Google, Facebook, Tencent, Alibaba... to be able to cooperate aswell as constantly learn from leading companies in the world. Besides, they havethe vision to become the leading IT company in Vietnam.

TechLead is oriented to become a leading enterprise in the field oftechnology and training high-quality technology laborers, providing a happyworkplace environment, contributing to the development of a civilized andprosperous society.

Core value

The company is working on 5 core values: “Aspiration — Progressive —Creation — Dedication — Sharing” and with the slogan “we enjoin work, you enjoinquality”.

1.4. Company structure

With 20 to 30 employees, Techlead divides the organization intodepartments based on their factors as shown in Figure 1.1 below:

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Figure 1.1. Techlead JSC.’s Organizational Structure (The author)

A functional organizational structure is “An organizational structure inwhich staff is grouped by areas of specialization and the project manager has

limited authority to assign work and apply resources” (PMBOK , 2017).

This structure helps Techlead be more specialized as low-level staff havelittle cross-functional duties and only focus on current specialization. Below is alist of advantages and disadvantages Techlead encounters with its functional

organizational structure.

Developer Department

For developers, they bear these responsibilities: Participating in thedevelopment of the company's existing websites and applications; scaling existingsystems to accommodate website scaling; developing a new website or

application, while working closely with other teams of the company; participating

in research and development of solutions such as video streaming, p2p, crawler,etc. and regularly learning and becoming familiar with new languages/technology:Microservices System, Cloud Computing, Cluster distributed storage systems. ...

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Quality Assurance Department

The responsibilities of the quality assurance department are significantlydifferent: Developing back-end system features according to company projects;joining the optimization of the available features; and exploring, testing, and

implementing new technologies to serve these two requirements. They areresponsible for ensuring the output quality of the product.

Testers find bugs in the website or application, then send information to thedeveloper department to fix the bug.

Marketing Department

The Marketing Department is responsible for promoting an organization's

business and mission. It acts as the public face of your firm, organizing andcreating all marketing materials. The Marketing Department's mission is tocommunicate with prospects, customers, investors, and/or the general public, allwhile presenting a favorable picture of the firm.

HR Department

This is the division of a company responsible for effectively the company’shuman resources, which are its current and prospective employees.

At Techlead, this function has some responsibilities as listed below:

Recruiting: HR personnel are in charge of the recruitment process, whichincludes drafting job descriptions, distributing recruiting material, scanning CVs,and so on.

Managing employee-employer relations: HR personnel assists in the

movement of information from one end to the other, ensuring that all parties’needs, and expectations are met.

Compensation and benefits: HR tasks include creating compensationstructures and assessing competitive pay practices on the compensation side. A

compensation and benefits expert may also work with insurers to negotiate group

health insurance prices and coordinate operations with the retirement savings plan


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Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C1.5. Techlead?s core business activities

During 5 years of operation, Techlead focuses on three core businessactivites as shown in Figure 1.2:

<small>Core business activities</small>

<small>| | |</small>

Building platforms Providing application Training students about

and technologies service information and technology

Figure 1.2. Techlead JSC.’s Core Business Activities (The author)Building platforms and technologies

Techlead's team creates technology products and launches them to themarket to help those who are in need of the application and save time, effort,money and provide the optimal experience for customers.

Providing application service

Techlead has many years of experience developing applications on iPhoneand Android platforms for customers in many fields. With the dedication,thoughtfulness and high technical level, they are confident to provide acomprehensive service with the ability to consult, design, develop and operate tomeet all needs of customers.

They conduct in-depth data analysis to understand mobile user behavior,thereby optimizing app compatibility and user experience across different mobiledevices. They develop apps based on the most powerful frameworks, capable of

delivering high return on their clients' investment in mobile app development.

Training students about information and technology

They have top mobile app developers who stay on top of technology trendsto serve businesses around the world. Their analysts conduct qualitative andquantitative research on the market, make research-based forecasts, while a teamof developers and designers create outstanding applications , sophisticated and

refreshing on mobile for their customers.

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The second chapter concentrates on presenting previous literature ofpersonnel, including the definitions of HRM, roles of HRM. This is conductedwith the aim of gaining knowledge about HRM and identifying the research gap.Furthermore, this chapter explains the procedures employed to accomplish theresearch objectives. This chapter will cover the participants’ introductions, datacollection, and data analysis procedures.

2.1. Literature review

The research review aims to synthesize, analyze and evaluate international

and domestic studies related to HRM as well as improving human resources

2.1.1. Literature review of international studies

Human resources management is one of the key characteristics in anyorganization. In reality, Owen tried to convince fellow capitalists that investing inpeople could produce a greater return than investments in machinery. A numberof persuasive reports suggest Owen was right: An excellent route to long-termsuccess is investing in employees and responding to their needs (Levering andMoskowitz, 1993; Waterman, 1994; Collins and Porras, 1994; Deal and Jenkins,

1994; Farkas and De Backer, 1996; Lawler, 1996; Becker and Huselid, 1998;

Applebaum et al., 2000; Pfeffer, 2007; Schwartz and Porath, 2014; Barrick et al.,2015;). Besides, “A skilled and motivated workforce providing the speed and

flexibility required by new market imperatives has increased the importance ofhuman resource management issues at a time when traditional sources of

competitive advantage (quality, technology, economies of scale, etc.) havebecome easier to imitate” (Becker and Huselid, 1998).

2.1.2. Literature review of Vietnamese studies

The author has conducted review some theses related to human resource

management, such as:

Dinh Van Toan (2012) systematized the theoretical and practical basis ofhuman resource development. After that, he supplemented effective requirementsto enhance the quality of human labor in Vietnam Electricity.


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Alang Tho (2013) demonstrates that analysing the state of human resourcemanagement can be based on the five following aspects: Working organization,Recruiting system, Training, Assessment and Compensation and benefit.

According to Nguyen Van Lich (2015), human resource administrationshould focus on six features ( recruitment, training, welfare, assessment,progression and work arrangement) to enhance the quality of labor.

2.1.3. Research gap

Firstly, the scope and subjects of the previous related studies are notextensive enough. The author tends to investigate either former or currentemployees of Techlead JCS. Therefore,the data observed are insufficient to fully

analyze existing problems.

Secondly, there has not been much research on improving HRM ina startupas Techlead JSC. The company is expanding the marketing, so that managers needto discover issues and problems which they are facing.

Thirdly, most previous studies do not suggest specific solutions after dataanalysis and findings to improve and enhance the quality of HRM in a startup, inparticular in IT companies.

2.2. Theory of Human Resources Management2.2.1. Definition of HRM

Milkovich and Boudreau (1997) shared human resource management asdecisions towards the employee's relationship among employees, and betweenemployers and employees, towards the employees working performancecontributing to achieve common goals and individual goals. Human resources

management is defined by Harvay and Bowing (2001) as “the management of

activities undertaken to attract, develop, motivate, and maintain a high performingworkforce within the organization”.

According to Schoonover (2010), modern HRM helps the organizations indelivering timely encouragement and measurements that allow the employees toacquire initiative, autonomy, and accountability, facilitating initiative, autonomyand accountability among employees is considered as training.


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Shamim et al. (2016) has the similar definition to Harvay and Bowin’sthat HRM is the science of managing people based on the belief that humanresources play a key role in the long-term success of organisations and businesses.Human resources management aims to recruit people who are knowledgeable,quick and dedicated in their work, manage their operations, reward theirperformance and develop their competencies.

There are numerous, varyingly sophisticated definitions of human resourcemanagement. Two of the more significant ones are:

A purposeful, integrated, and cogent approach to employment, growth, andwell-being of those working in organizations is known as human resource

management (Armstrong, 2016).

The process through which management develops the workforce and seeksto provide the human performances that the organization needs is known as human

resource management (Boxall and Purcell, 2016).

Armstrong and Taylor (2020) identified the goals of HRM is:

(i) Supporting the company in achieving its objectives by establishingand operating HR strategies that are integrated with business strategy.

(1) Ensuring that the organization has the talented, qualified, and engagedpeople it needs.

(11) Spawning a positive employment relationship between administrationand employees and a climate of mutual trust.

(iv) Contributing to the growth of a high-performance culture.

(v) Encouraging the application of an honorable methodology to people

2.2.2. Factors of HRM

Martinsons (1997) and Beulen (2009) investigated the purpose of HRMand concluded that distinguishing these factors stems from an organizational andemployee-centric approach. They continued by stating that knowledge is an


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essential part of human capital, which has a substantial impact on the value andimportance of organizational continuity and profitability.

Cascio (2009) presented that HRM has six main roles in any organization,including recruiting, compensation and benefit, training, admin, internalcommunication, and improvement. Noe (2010) identified that roles andresponsibilities of the HR department depend on the size of the company, thecharacteristics of the workforce, the industry, and the value system of company

management. According to Reilly (2011), HR’s roles are:

(i) Doing the basic right (paying people, recruiting efficiently, respondingquickly to queries),

(ii) Supporting line managers, providing good quality people data and a

provider of ‘workforce intelligence’, which can only be obtained by ‘HR staff

getting out more, talking and listening to staff, and not relying only on employee

employing labor, and compensation and benefit.

There are eight responsibilities of HRM (Shamim et al., 2016) includingemployment and recruitment, training and development, compensation, benefits,employee and community relations, personnel records health and safety, and

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involvement" tactics are used by progressive organizations to enhance human

<small>resource management.</small>

According to Cascio (2009), HRM plays six key factors in any firm,including internal communication, training, administration, compensation andbenefits, and recruiting.

Pham Thai Hao (2018) contended that there are four elements influencingHRM (income, opportunities to be trained, relationship with colleagues, tasks andmanagers). Moreover, recruitment, training, welfare, assessment, progression andwork arrangement are evaluated if they are related to HRM in a company (NguyenVan Lich, 2015). Nguyen Quoc Hung (2015) analyzes six factors of HRM

(determining human resource, analysing tasks, recruiting, training employees,

compensating and assessment).

The author has collected and selected five suitable elements related to

HRM in Techlead JSC. to analyze. They are recruiting, training, assessment andevaluation, compensation and benefits, and internal communication.

opening, several characteristics are considered.

Parsa (2021) also considers that the goal of recruitment is to provideeffective methods for drawing in a growing number of candidates. Planning forpeople has as its goal identifying the type and quantity of personnel required. Bothcurrent and future needs should be considered when determining the quantity.


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These criteria should also be taken into account if there are immediate intentionsfor expansion. The kind of people needed is just as crucial as the number.

It is important to carefully examine the technical and educationalrequirements for managing different tasks so that the suitable people are hired.Recruitment is sometimes confused with employment. However, the two aredistinct from one another. The process of finding a job involves many steps,

including recruitment.

. Training

Since many sectors and businesses continue to adopt new technology, it isnecessary to maintain current staff development (Zhang, 2016). The goal ofeducation and training tools is to support employees in distinguishing theirprofessional development opportunities and goals (Beulen, 2009). As such, itaffords a major contribution to retention management. HR information systemscan be used in staff development by assisting employees in identifying and

enrolling in appropriate or required training courses related to their current job orin developing skills and abilities that will allow them to perform new jobs

(Martinsons, 1997; Beulen, 2009).

Any company plan includes training. To improve employees’ technicalabilities or their softer behavioral skills and be able to deliver the service standardsthe firm has set for itself, almost all of the staff have taken training. In addition tothe required training that Financial Consultants must complete before receivingtheir license, managers have created and implemented a number of trainingcourses that cover a range of topics, such as product knowledge, sellingtechniques, objection handling techniques, and more (Parsa, 2021)

. Assessment and evaluation

Employee assessment is one of the most important factors influencing theeffectiveness of employees (Borovyh & Molodchik, 2019).

Wu (2005) notes that choosing the right performance metric is acomplicated task that requires many different types of judgment. In fact, having aclear set of criteria is essential for any form of review. Scores on evaluations

strongly depend on these factors. Sidin et al. (2003) placed emphasis on the need

to identify the pertinent and crucial criteria for every evaluation process.

Roberts (2003) emphasized the value of employee involvement in theassessment procedure. He has outlined the philosophical underpinnings ofparticipation in his paper, including its inherent motivating value, the growth ofthe information accessible, and the chance to include employee participation.


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The primary goals of performance reviews are two-fold: first, to recognizepersonnel who fulfill organizational goals, and second, to pinpoint goals that weremissed and create plans of action to guarantee they are realized in the future

(Rafikul Islam, 2006).

Compensation and benefits

Mathis and Jackson (2010), proposed that Performance evaluations areused to administer remuneration and salaries as well as evaluate specific employee

strengths and deficiencies. Beulen (2009) asserted that this procedure is also

referred to as employee rating, employee evaluation, performance review, and

outcome assessment. Its goal is to assess a worker's performance and give themfeedback on their past, present, and upcoming performance objectives.

Employee compensation and benefits, according to Dessler (2014),encompass any types of income that employees get that are related to their job inaddition to their normal earnings or salary. They are made up of both direct and

indirect cash payments, such as the 13th payment, bonuses, profit-sharing, etc

(medical coverage, health insurance, paid vacations, etc.).

Benefits play a significant role in employees’ total remuneration, which has

an impact on their welfare and financial stability (Kristal 2017). The compensationfactor is very crucial, both in the recruiting and retention phase.

Internal communication

In internal communication activities, the goal is connecting organizational

culture and communication practice (McKenna, 2006). According to severalresearch studies on managers’ viewpoints, poor communication 1s to blame for

60% of problems in the firm. The authors' most current research is summarized inYates (2006), who finds solid evidence that businesses with very successfulinternal communication methods outperform their competitors in terms offinancial performance and organizational stability.

In tandem, internal communication has been recognized as one of thefastest growing specializations in public relations and communication

management (Tkalac Veréié, et al., 2012; Men & Bowen, 2017). Men (2021)

investigated that internal communication, sometimes referred to as employeecommunication, internal relations, or internal public relations, has witnessed

significant growth in recent decades as a discipline and profession.


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Re-structuring HR functions: a new model for HR? in

Annual Review of the HR Year Ahead, 2011, Institute

for Employment Studies. (Reilly P, 2011)

Improving human resource management of Thanh Hoa

Petroleum Joint Stock Company (Nguyen Van Lich,

Improving human resource management at CIPIConstruction and Technology Transfer Joint StockCompany (Nguyen Quoc Hung, 2015)

Management approaches for industry 4.0: A humanresource management perspective. In 2016 IEEECongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)

(Shamim, S., Cang, S., Yu, H., & Li, Y., 2016)

Human Resource Management: Functions, Challengesand the Assessment of the Methods of EnhancingEmployees Performances and Preventing IndustrialConflicts to its Bearable Minimum in an Organization

(Oladimeji, 2020)

GIS as a Student Recruitment Tool for Building

Hospitality and Tourism Programs. Journal ofTourism (Parsa, 2021)

Human resource management applications ofknowledge-based systems. International Journal ofInformation Management (Martinsons, 1997)


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Assessment andEvaluation

Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality ofWork Life, Profits (Cascio, 2009)

The Contribution of a Global Service Provider’s

Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) to

Staff Retention in Emerging Markets ComparingIssues & Implications in Six Developing countries.Information Technology and People (Beulen, 2009)

Improving human resource management of Thanh HoaPetroleum Joint Stock Company (Nguyen Van Lich,

Improving human resource management at CIPI

Construction and Technology Transfer Joint StockCompany (Nguyen Quoc Hung, 2015)

Management approaches for industry 4.0: A humanresource management perspective. In 2016 IEEECongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)

(Shamim, S., Cang, S., Yu, H., & Li, Y., 2016)

A Review of Employee Turnover Influence Factor andCountermeasure. Journal of Human Resource and

Sustainability Studies (Zhang, 2016)

Human resource manager at Nghi Son | Thermal

Power Company (Pham Thai Hao, 2018)

Human Resource Management: Functions, Challenges

and the Assessment of the Methods of EnhancingConflicts to its Bearable Minimum in an Organization

(Oladimeji, 2020)

Employee Performance Appraisal System

Participation: A Technique That Works (Robert, 2003)An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing the

College Choice Decision of Undergraduate Students inMalaysia. Asia PacificManagement Review (Sidin et

al., 2003)


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Compensationand Benefits

The new employment relationship versus the mutualinvestment approach: implications for human resource

management, Human resource management (Wu,2005)

Improving human resource management at CIPI

Construction and Technology Transfer Joint Stock

Company (Nguyen Quoc Hung, 2015)

Notes of organizational culture andpower:communication perspective, lecturenotes 1n

communication management, University of

Queensland, Queensland (McKenna, B., 2006)

Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of

Work Life, Profits (Cascio, 2009)

The Contribution of a Global Service Provider’sHuman Resources Information Systems (HRIS) toStaff Retention in Emerging Markets ComparingIssues & Implications in Six Developing countries.Information Technology and People (Beulen, 2009)

Human Resource Management. 13th Edition, Western College Publishing, Ohio (Mathis, R.L. andJackson, J.H., 2010)

South-Human Resource Management (2nd ed.). London:

Pearson. (Dessler, G., 2014)

Improving human resource management of Thanh HoaPetroleum Joint Stock Company (Nguyen Van Lich,

Improving human resource management at CIPI

Construction and Technology Transfer Joint StockCompany (Nguyen Quoc Hung, 2015)

Management approaches for industry 4.0: A humanresource management perspective. In 2016 IEEE


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Review (Kristal T., Cohen Y., 2017)

Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality ofWork Life, Profits (Cascio, 2009)

Internal communication: Definition,parameters, and

the future. Public Relations Review. (Tkalac Veréié,A., Veréié, D., & Sriramesh, K., 2012)

Management approaches for industry 4.0: A humanresource management perspective. In 2016 IEEECongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)

(Shamim, S., Cang, S., Yu, H., & Li, Y., 2016)

and the Assessment of the Methods of EnhancingEmployees Performances and Preventing IndustrialConflicts to its Bearable Minimum in an Organization

(Oladimeji, 2020)

Evolving research and _ practices 1n internalcommunication. Current Trends and Issues in InternalCommunication: Theory and Practice. Palgrave

Macmillan (Men, L. R., 2021).

2.3. Proposed research framework

On the basis of previous international and domestic studies, the authorselected five factors influencing HRM in Techlead JSC. These factors include (1)


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recruitment, (2) training, (3) assessment and evaluation, (4) compensation andbenefits, and (5) internal communication.


Figure 2.1. Proposed research framework

Based on what are discussed in the previous sections, the author proposesthe research hypothesis as follows

H1: Recruitment (RC) has a positive effect on human _ resource

H2: Training (TR) has a positive effect on human resource management

H3: Assessment and evaluation (AE) has a positive effect on human

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3.1. Research process

The author conducts the thess following these _ steps:

Thesis overview problem hypotheses andresearch model

Dicuss results and

Process and analyzeCollect data

company’s employees.

3.2.2. Participants of the research

The objective of this research is to investigate the determinants of thequality of human resource management at Techlead JSC. Therefore, depending onthose pieces of information, the author can propose possible solutions to enhancethe quality of HRM.

Paticipants of the research are current and former Techlead employees. Thenumber of the company is currently 50. Besides, the number of former Techleademployees is more than 20, but the author just can connect with 15 people.

Therefore, the total respondents are 65.


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3.2.3 Questionaire development

Designing questionnaire

Table 3.1 The number of questions

Content Number of questions

Assessment and evaluationCompensation and benefitInternal communication

Personal information

(Source: Survey results from the author)

The questionnaire contains three main parts:

Part 1: This part includes demographic information of the respondents; age,gender, working experience year, qualification.

Part 2: This part is designed based on Likert 5 scales to consider factors

