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the role and purpose of construction bidding

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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">

1. The role and purpose of construction bidding...3

1.1. The role of construction bidding...3

1.2. Purposes of construction bidding...3

1.3. The role of bid prices in construction bid...3

1.4. Project’s tasks...4


1.1 Definition of construction bid price...5

1.2. Contents and structure of construction bid price...5

1.2.1. Construction cost...5

1.2.2. Other costs...5

1.2.3. Contingency costs (GDP)...6

1.3. Methods of determining bid price...6

1.3.1. Cost estimation of input resources method...6

1.3.2. Discount method...8

1.3.3. Unit price method...8

1.4. Construction bid price process...8


2.1. Introduction of bid package and requirements of bids...10

2.1.1. Bid package introduction...10

2.1.2. Summary of the requirements of bids related to the determining bid price....12

2.1.3. Introduction of contractor participating in bidding...20

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">

2.2. Determine the bid package price...21

2.2.1. Principles to determine the bid package price...21

2.2.3. Determine the costs of materials, labors, construction equipment...22

2.2.4. Resources analysis and determine the differences of materials, labors, construction equipment costs...29

2.2.5. Bid package price...38

2.3. Determining the bid price...43

2.3.2. Detemine the direct cost of bid price...44

2.3.3. Determine the indirect cost of bid price...59 Expenses for temporary houses for accomodation and construction administration...62

2.3.4. Summary cost in bid price...63

2.3.5. Estimating the profit in bid price...63

2.3.6. Value added tax...64

2.3.7. Other costs...64

2.3.8. Determining contingency cost...64

2.3.9. Summary of bid price...65

2.3.10. Comparison between bid price and bid package price...65

2.3.11. Presentation of detailed cost statement...66

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">

For the Owner:

Choose the most suitable contractor compared to the Owner’s requirementsPrevent the monopoly of some contractors, increase the competitiveness and the role of the owner to the contractor

The responsibility and obligations of the Owner which is authorized by the State for implementation of an investment project will be clarified.

For the Contractor:

Ensure the equality to all the contractors. Due to competitiveness, each contractorneeds to develop, research, apply technology advances, suitable business modelsto win the bids, as a contribution to the development of the construction industryin general.

<b>1.2. Purposes of construction bidding</b>

Construction bidding is to provide the owners with the optimum price for theproject and provide multiple entities the opportunity to compete for work.

<b>1.3. The role of bid prices in construction bid</b>

According to Government’s regulations: “The bid price is the price in biddocument after deducting the discount (if any), including all costs necessary tofulfill the requirements of the bid document on schedule.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">

The bid price is based on the production norm of the enterprises corresponding tothe scientific – technological and the business strategy of contractor. From there,each contractor has a different bid price. Contractors with reasonabletechnological measures and low prices will be selected.

The bid price is the contractor's ability, which is the basis for investors to rank thecontractors, thereby selecting the best contractor.

The bid price is an important indicator that plays a decisive role in the contractor’sability to win the bidding, directly affecting the production and business results ofconstruction enterprises.

<b>1.4. Project’s tasks</b>

Determining the bidding package price: “Construction the structural components,exterior finishes. Category: detached house, duplex house, shophouse, townhouseunder construction investment project “PSM HOME – OLYMPIA CITY”.

Determining the bid price for the package: “Construction the structuralcomponents, exterior finishes. Category: detached house, duplex house,shophouse, townhouse under construction investment project “PSM HOME –OLYMPIA CITY”.

Comparing the bid package price and the bid price to decide whether to participatein bidding or not.

Present the bidding price in full unit price.Topic data:

<b>Number of houses</b>

<b>Location<sup>Type of </sup>contract</b>


</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5">


<b>1.1 Definition of construction bid price</b>

The bid price means the price stated by a tenderer in application for bidparticipation, quotation, including all costs for implementation of bidding package asrequired by dossier of bid invitation, dossier of requirement.

The bid price is determined based on the selected technical-technological solutions,norms, unit price, bidding strategies and management of contractors. In case thecontractor has a discount letter, the bid price is the bid package price after the discount.

<b>1.2. Contents and structure of construction bid price</b>

For Lump sum contract: GDT = GXD + GK

For fixed unit price contract: GDT = GXD + GK + GDPKLFor adjusted unit price contract: GDT = GXD + GK + GDP

<b>1.2.1. Construction cost</b>

In which:

𝐺<small>𝑋𝐷</small>= 𝐶<small>𝑇𝑇+ 𝐶GT + 𝐿𝐷𝐾</small>+ 𝑇𝑉𝐴TDirect cost: 𝐶<small>𝑇𝑇</small>= CVL + C<small>NV </small>+ C<small>M</small>

Indirect cost includes: General expenses (general management costs of theenterprises, production management and administration costs at the constructionsite, insurance costs); Expenses for temporary houses for staying and constructionmanagement; The cost of some works which cannot be determined from the design(cost of labor safety and environmental protection, cost of testing materials of thecontractor, cost of moving the workforce within construction site, irregular dredgingpump costs).

Expected profitOuput value added tax

<b>1.2.2. Other costs</b>

Other costs related to the implementation of the bidding package includs: the cost of moving construction machines and equipment to and from the construction site; costs of

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">

ensuring the safety of the traffic in construction sites; costs of returning technicalinfrastructure impacted when implementing; material storing costs, the electric and watersystem, compressed air; cost of installation and dismantling of some categories ofconstruction machines.

Labor demand analysis:




<sub>ij </sub>


<sub>vlj i 1</sub>


<small>ij </small>


<sub>ncj i 1</sub>

In other cases, it can be calculated according to the construction plan or construction schedule.

Construction equipment demand analysis:

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">

7Labor cost:

Equipment cost:


<sub>j </sub>


<sub>VLj</sub>i 1


<sub>j </sub>


<sub>NCj</sub>i 1


<sub>M</sub>Step 4: Determine indirect costs


<sub>j </sub>


<sub>Mj</sub>i 1

General cost shall be determined in percentage (%) estimated or detailed estimate of each item.

Cost for construction of makeshift houses for accommodation and administration on site.

Costs for works can not determine the volume from the designOne-time cost of equipment

Cost for makshift worksStep 5: Estimate expected profit



l% (C



<small>GT </small>


Step 6: Determine the value-added-tax and construction cost summary



t% (C



<small>DK </small>


Step 7: Determine the contingency cost

Step 8: Compare and select the bid price.

Compare the bid price with the bid package price to determine the discount rate:

f <sup>(G</sup>



<sub>DT </sub>



</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">




</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">

<b>1.3.3. Unit price method</b>

Contractor uses their available unit cost system, select suitable unit price withbidding package to calculate. For the construction works which do not have unit cost yet,the contractor develops the unit cost by themselves based on construction method, normsfor input resources, prices of input materials, labor cost and equipment cost that thecontractor could pay. After having a unit cost system, calculate the bid price.

<b>1.4. Construction bid price process</b>

According to the Law On Bidding No.43/2013/QH13, article 43 states that: “Thesupplier of non-advisory services, goods, construction and installation, mixture contentshall be considered for recommendation as the winning tenderer upon the followingconditions”:

a) Having valid bid dossier and dossier of proposals;b) Having capability and experiences satisfying requirements;c) Having technical proposals satisfying requirements;

d) Having deficient discrepancies not exceeding 10% of bidding price;

đ) Having the bidding price after the errors have been rectified and discrepancies havebeen adjusted, minus value of discount (if any) being lowest price for method oflowest price;

e) The tenderer has the proposed bid-winning price not exceedingthe approved biddingpackage price. If the approved estimated budget of bidding package is lower or higher

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">

than the approved bidding package price, this estimate shall replace the biddingpackage price as basis for consideration for recommendation as the winning tenderer.Therefore, the construction bid price process for bidding packages using state capitalshould follow the following steps:

Step 1: Determine (or check) the bid package price

The bid package price is determined by procuring entity within 28 days beforetime of bid closure and can be considered as the upper limit (ceiling price) of thebid price.

Step 2: Determine the minimum price (CFmin)

CFmin are the costs that the contractor is expected to spend at least including taxesto implement the bid package according to the bids in case the winning bid meet thebreak -even revenue (profit = 0)

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">




<b>2.1. Introduction of bid package and requirements of bids2.1.1. Bid package introduction</b>

Project’s name: Investment in construction of PSM Home - Olympia CityOwner: PSM Commercial and Investment JSC

Name of bid package: Construction the structural components, exterior finishes.Categories: detached house, duplex house, shophouse, townhouse underconstruction investment project of PSM Home - Olympia City

Location: Ha Dong, Hanoi

Characteristics of structural and architechtural solutions:Wall:

Exterior wall: solid brick, wall thickness 200mmWall divider: hollow brick 100mm

Wall around WC: wall base built by 12 rows of solid brick, others by hollow bricksTechnical box: built by solid brick to ensure coverage the technical boxAll walls built to the floor

Interior plastering using mortar grade #50Interior plastering using mortar grade #75Mortar thickness : 15mm devided into 2 layersTile finish thickness: 25mm

The height of plastering layer: over the plaster ceiling 100mm, no plasteringAll lower edge of beams, lintels, next to exterior wall (without doors), it is required to add larmier size R20XC10V


</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12">

1Tiled with granite 600x600Lining concret grade #75Cast-in-place slab

Unplastered reinforced concrete ceilingCover false ceiling with DURAFLEX sheet 8mmWhite – water based finish

Roof:Roof tiles

Lito galvanized steel box 200x200x1.2Cement paste grade #75 thickness of 30mm

Sika BC bitume coating or equivalent waterproofing materialCast in place roof

Plaster ceiling with mortar grade 75 thickness 15mmAttic:

Baked brick layer 300x300x20Mortar lining grade #75

Mortar grade 75 slope towards the rain water hopperSika BC bitume coating or equivalent waterproofing materialMoister – resistant plaster ceiling thickness 12mm

Contractor selection form: open biddingType of contract: Fixed unit price

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">

<b>2.1.2. Summary of the requirements of bids related to the determining bid price</b>


6 Soil transportation by 5-ton dump truck outside the

radius <= 5000m, soil grade II (next 10km) <sup>100m3</sup> <sup>0,292</sup> <sup>0,167</sup> <sup>0,177</sup> <sup>0,292</sup> <sup>1,46</sup> <sup>0,84</sup> <sup>1,24</sup>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">


Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel.Reinforced foundation, diameter< 10mm

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">


Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for column, rebar diameter > 18mm,height

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 16</span><div class="page_container" data-page="16">


Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for beam, brace, rebar diameter =10mm, height <= 28m (Steel grade

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17">


36 <sup>Ready-mixed concrete, poured by concrete pump,</sup>concrete

beam, brace, slab, roof, stone 1x2, grade 250 <sup>m3</sup> <sup>43,665</sup> <sup>63,207</sup> <sup>61,935 45,322</sup> <sup>218,33</sup> <sup>316,04</sup> <sup>433,55</sup> <sup>2</sup>37

Film faced plywood with frame, shoring by steelscaffold system. Roof formwork, height

Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel.Reinforcement for slab and roof, rebar diameter=10mm, height <= 28m (Steel gradeCB4400V)


39 <sub>lintel concrete, stone 1x2, grade 250</sub><sup>Mixing concrete by concrete mixer - poured manually,</sup> m3 2,12 2,115 2,314 1,972 10,60 10,58 16,2040 <sub>gutter, concrete drain</sub><sup>Wooden formwork. Lintel formwork, canopy lintel,</sup> 100m2 0,358 0,357 0,402 0,264 1,79 1,79 2,8141

Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel.Reinforced canopy lintel, gutter, rebar diameter < 10mm, height <= 28m (Steel gradeCB400V)

Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel.Reinforced canopy lintel, gutter, rebar diameter > 10mm, height <= 28m (Steel gradeCB400V)


43 <sup>Built by clay brick 5x10x20, building wall straight,</sup>thickness > 30cm, height <=

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18">


52 Plaster ceilling, mortar grade 75 m2 26,783 42,874 31,392 8,83 <small>133,915214,37219,74</small>53 Plaster simple molding, mortar grade 75 m 74,465 181,44 245,37 279,92 <small>372,325907,21717,61</small>54 Plaster 2-layer molding, mortar

451,75 361,17 326,81<small>36,4</small>

Paint beam, column, ceiling, exterior wall directlly withall

types of paint, 1layer priming paint, 2 layers finishingpaint


</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 19</span><div class="page_container" data-page="19">



</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 20</span><div class="page_container" data-page="20">

1Requirements for quality and specifications of materials

Quality, specifications of materials, quality of the structures which is suitablecompared to the design, bill of quantities and national standards and specifications. Thoserequirements are as follows:

Concrete mortar using in structures is ready-mixed concrete with stone 1x2, grade250, slump 14 +/- 2cm, cast in place.

Cement used in structures is PC30 following current TCVN.Requirements of technological solution for the bid package

Construction of soil excavation by backhoe excavator combined with manuallyrepair. Using dump truck to remove excess soils.

For main structures such as: foundation, column, slab, beam, using ready-mixconcrete, poured by concrete pump. Other structures: stairs, lintel, chajja, usingconcrete mixed by concrete mixer poured manually

For formwork of foundation, beam, column, slab, stairs using steel formwork.Other components use timber formwork.

Reinforcement work: reinforcing steel will be cut, bent as the design on site,installed manually at the positon which has been marked.

Finishing works: are technological solution which are being commonly used incivil buildings, hotels, villas, guest houses with the height corresponding to thenumber of floors ≤ 5 floors (≤ 16m)

Type of contract: Fixed unit price contract

Requirements for capital advance, advance capital recovery and paymentWhen starting construction, the contractor will receive an advance of 10%; 15%;20% of the contract value

The contractor will be received in advance for 95% of finished and inspectedconstruction works according to stages after completing 30% of the contract value.The contractor will be received in advance for 95% of finished and inspectedconstruction works at the 2nd phase after completing up to 60% of the contractvalue. (30% of the contract value).

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 21</span><div class="page_container" data-page="21">

The contractor will be received in advance for 95% of finished and inspectedconstruction works at the 3rd phase after completing up to 90% of the contractvalue. (30% of the contract value) but deduct 10% of the advance value contractfrom the commencement of construction work.

The contractor is received the rest at the end of the contract but 5% of the contractvalue will be kept by owner during the maintenance phase or can apply the formof bank guarantee.

<b>2.1.3. Introduction of contractor participating in bidding</b>

Name of contractor: APSM Construction Group Joint Stock CompanyTotal number of employees of the whole enterprise: 550 peopleTotal number of construction employees in the whole enterprise: 500 peopleTotal number of construction workers in the whole enterprise: 500 peopleTotal value of fixed assets of the enterprise: 800 billion VNDTotal value of fixed assets used in construction: 500 billion VND

List of construction equipment and equipment of the contractor

9 <sup>Internal vibrator</sup>3 phase

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 22</span><div class="page_container" data-page="22">

Table 2.1. List of construction equipment and equipment of the contractorOwn working capital: 30% of total working capital demand

Organizational structure of enterprise for each of bid packageConstruction manager: Chief engineer: 01 person

Deputy construction manager: Engineer with seniority of 10 years: 1 personConstruction technical staff: Civil engineer 02 persons

Economic staff : Engineer, bachelor 02 personsOther staffs: Vocational 01 person

Construction guard: 03 persons

<b>2.2. Determine the bid package price</b>

<b>2.2.1. Principles to determine the bid package price</b>

Based on bid quantity and design from the owner.

Estimating norms and construction unit price of provinces or cities.

The State’s current regulations on determining the price of construction estimate.Notice price adjustment of provinces or cities.

Unit price index issued by Department Construction of Province or Ministry of Construction.

Type of contract specified in bids.Legal documents

Circular 11/2021/TT-BXD dated Ausgust 31, 2021 on Guiding a number ofprovisions on determination and management of construction investment costsissued by The Ministry of Construction

Circular 12/2021/TT-BXD dated Ausgust 31, 2021 on Construction norms issuedby The Ministry of Construction

Circular 13/2021/TT-BXD dated Ausgust 31, 2021 on Guiding methods ofdetermination of techno-economic norms and takeoff of quantities of works issuedby The Ministry of Construction

The Law On Bidding No.43/2013/QH13

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 23</span><div class="page_container" data-page="23">

Decision 02.02/2022/CBGVL-SXD dated June 28, 2022 about the Announcementof construction materials price in June and Quarter II/2022 issued by HanoiDepartment of Construction

<b>2.2.3. Determine the costs of materials, labors, construction equipment</b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 24</span><div class="page_container" data-page="24">

Table 2.2. Detailed table of volume construction works

<b>*1. Earthwork</b>

1 AB.21132 Soil excavation by excavator volume1,25 m3, soil grade II (90% volumeexcavated by excavator)

2 AB.11312 Soil excavation for strip footing manually, width <= 3m, depth <= 1m,soil grade II (10% volume excavatedmanually)

<b>*2. Foundation</b>

7 AF.11111A Pouring concrete manually using mixers,lean concrete, width <= 250 cm, stone 4x6, grade 100

m3 211,4500 492.210 238.084 51.415 104.077.805 50.3428 AF.81211 Timber formwork. Strip footing

formwork. Formwork for lean concrete

9 AF.31113 Ready-mixed concrete, poured by concrete pump, concrete foundation, foundation width <=250 cm, stone 1x2,grade 250

m3 748,3500 642.851 122.379 96.143 481.077.546 91.582

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 25</span><div class="page_container" data-page="25">

10 AF.32313 Ready-mixed concrete, poured by concrete pump, concrete foundationwall, stone 1x2, grade 250

m3 48,8400 642.851 403.908 119.929 31.396.843 19.72611 AF.81111 Timber formwork. Strip footing

= 10mm (grade CB400V)

ton 15,7200 16.297.895 2.615.669 105.170 256.202.909 41.118

15 AF.61120 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel for foundation, diameter

<= 18mm (grade CB400V)

ton 2,7200 16.493.884 1.866.249 512.955 44.863.364 5.076.

16 AF.61130 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel for foundation, diameter

ton 7,8600 16.053.680 3.528.111 119.624 126.181.925 27.730

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 26</span><div class="page_container" data-page="26">

220 AF.61422 Fabrication and installation of

reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for column, rebar diameter <= 18mm, height<= 28m

ton 142,2300 16.497.232 2.279.890 549.526 2.346.401.307 324.268

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21 AF.61432 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for column, rebar diameter > 18mm, height<= 28m

ton 24,8200 16.495.730 1.895.447 661.418 409.424.019 47.044

22 AE.21113 Building of clay brick 6,5x10,5x22, forfoundation, thickness <= 33cm, mortar grade 75

m3 160,2700 824.115 345.512 9.684 132.080.911 55.37523 AE.21213 Use clay brick 6,5x10,5x22, build

foundation, thickness >33cm, mortargrade 75

m3 52,9000 813.158 306.581 9.961 43.016.058 16.218

24 AF.32223 Ready-mixed concrete, poured by concrete pump, concrete column, columnsection <= 0,1m2, height <= 28m, stone1x2, grade 250

m3 194,1600 661.946 649.659 119.929 128.523.435 126.137

25 AF.89141 Film faced plywood with frame, shoringby steel scaffold system. Columnformwork in rectangular, height <= 28m

100m2 31,4800 4.152.855 5.948.163 96.913 20.405.053 187.24826 AF.61412 Fabrication and installation of

reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for column, rebar diameter < 10mm,height<= 28m (Steel CB240T)

ton 6,6200 16.053.680 3.528.111 146.102 106.275.362 23.356

27 AF.61422 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for column, rebar diameter <= 18mm, height<= 28m (Steel grade CB400V)

ton 17,8500 16.497.232 2.279.890 549.526 294.475.591 40.696

28 AF.61432 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for column, rebar diameter > 18mm, height<= 28m (Steel grade CB400V)

ton 42,6100 16.495.730 1.895.447 634.939 702.883.055 80.764

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29 AF.32213 Ready-mixed concrete, poured by concrete pump, concrete beam, stone1x2, grade 250

m3 435,8400 661.946 552.332 119.929 288.502.545 240.72830 AF.89131 Film faced plywood with frame, shoring

by steel scaffold system. Beamformwork, height <= 28m

100m2 57,2900 5.596.144 5.665.546 98.804 38.576.222 324.57931 AF.61512 Fabrication and installation of

reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for beam, brace, rebar diameter < 10mm,

ton 11,3800 16.297.895 3.829.825 119.624 185.470.045 43.583

32 AF.61512 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement forbeam, brace, rebar diameter =10mm, height <= 28m (Steel grade CB400V)

ton 0,7700 16.297.895 3.829.825 119.624 12.549.379 2.948.

33 AF.61522 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement forbeam, brace, rebar diameter <= 18mm,height <= 28m (Steel grade CB4400V)

ton 58,8900 16.495.000 2.330.986 538.171 971.390.550 137.271

34 AF.61532 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforcement for beam, brace, rebar diameter > 18mm,

ton 18,1100 16.492.754 1.963.576 620.580 298.683.775 35.560

35 AF.32313 Ready-mixed concrete, poured byconcrete pump, concrete beam, brace,slab, roof, stone 1x2, grade 250

m3 1.239,8400 642.851 403.908 119.929 797.032.384 500.78136 AF.89111 Film faced plywood with frame, shoring

by steel scaffold system, slab and roofformwork, height <= 28m

100m2 95,5100 5.481.282 5.150.496 98.804 58.693.951 491.92337 AF.61711 Fabrication and installation of

reinforcement for slab and roof, rebardiameter = 10mm, height <= 28m (Steel grade CB400V)

ton 131,4700 16.297.895 3.382.120 147.209 2.142.684.256 444.647

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 29</span><div class="page_container" data-page="29">

<b>*7. Lintel</b>

38 AF.12513 Pouring concrete manually usingconcrete mixer, lintel concrete, stone1x2, grade 250

m3 49,2100 596.210 647.226 98.656 29.339.494 31.84939 AF.81152 Timber formwork. Lintel formwork,

canopy lintel, gutter, concrete drain

40 AF.61612 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforced canopy lintel, gutter, rebar diameter < 10mm,

ton 0,8800 16.297.895 4.571.945 119.624 14.342.148 4.023.

41 AF.61622 Fabrication and installation of reinforcing steel. Reinforced canopy lintel, gutter, rebar diameter > 10mm,

m3 14,0600 1.192.755 437.972 19.925 16.770.135 6.157.43 AE.32223 Built by clay brick 5x10x20, straight

wall, thickness <= 30cm, height <= 28m,mortar grade 75, exterior wall

m3 1.391,9200 1.227.715 479.336 19.648 1.708.881.063 667.19744 AE.32123 Built by clay brick 5x10x20, straight

wall, thickness <= 10cm, height <= 28m,mortar grade 75

m3 276,0900 1.236.949 591.263 18.818 341.509.249 163.24145 AE.33123 Built by clay brick 5x10x20, build

column, pillar, height <= 28m, mortargrade 75

m3 27,9700 1.192.755 973.272 19.925 33.361.357 27.22246 AE.35113 Built by clay brick 5x10x20, build three-

step staircase, height <= 6m, mortargrade 75

m3 5,7000 1.241.512 963.539 9.961 7.076.618 5.492.

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47 AK.21123 Plastering exterior wall, thickness 1,5cm,mortar grade 75

m2 8.136,1400 6.603 63.263 553 53.722.932 514.71648 AK.22123 Plastering pillar, column, thickness

52 AK.24313 Plaster simple molding, mortar grade 75 m 4.676,6400 1.058 31.695 4.947.885 148.226

54 AK.84114 Paint beam, column, ceiling, exterior wall directlly with all types of paint, 1layer priming paint, 2 layers finishingpaint

<b>*10. Balcony , Drying yard</b>

56 AK.92111 Paint wateproofing solutions for roof,walls, gutter, canopy, etc.

m2 2.019,4500 197.243 7.300 14.74157 AK.51243 Pave ground, floor, anti-slip tiles

300x300, mortar grade 75

m2 640,9400 101.316 44.902 818 64.937.477 28.77958 AK.51253 Pave the ground, floor, ceramic tiles

400x400, mortar grade 75

m2 673,9700 101.232 39.619 954 68.227.331 26.70259 AK.11123 Install roof clay tiles 22 pcs/m2 , height

60 AK.55413 Pave heat resistant brick by 4- hole brick

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 31</span><div class="page_container" data-page="31">

Qij: The volume of construction work i.

ĐMij: Estimating norms for main materials and reclaimed materials, labor and construction equipment type j to complete 1 unit of construction work i.n: Quantity of type of construction works of the bid package.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 32</span><div class="page_container" data-page="32"> Determine the difference of labor consuming

Table 2.5. Summary of employees and price difference of labor

Unit: VND

<b>No.Code<sup>List of worker</sup></b>

<b>Total difference</b>

1 N0006 Workers level 3,0/7

- Group 1 <sup>man.day</sup> <sup>306,9841</sup> <sup>220.855</sup> <sup>220.855</sup>2 N0028 Workers level 3,0/7

- Group 2 <sup>man.day</sup> <sup>755,3900</sup> <sup>222.508</sup> <sup>222.508</sup>3 N0015 Workers level 3,5/7

- Group 2 <sup>man.day 16.949,1633</sup> <sup>243.318</sup> <sup>243.318</sup>4 N0020 Workers level 4/7 -

Group 2

man.day 5.115,6752 264.128 264.128 Determine the difference of construction equipment costs

Table 2.7. Unit price of construction equipment

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 33</span><div class="page_container" data-page="33">

<b><small>CodeType of machine andequipment</small></b>

<b><small>Fuel andenergyconsumption</small></b>

<b><small>norms of1 shift</small></b>

<b><small>Compositio- rank ofmachineoperationDepre-</small></b>

<small>Other machinesM101.</small>

<small>Single bucket, crawler excavator -bucket capacity:1.25</small>

<small>2801.863.636.0000,9175,851.018.344386.039332.79283litre diezel</small>

<small>M101.0502</small> <sup>Bulldozer - </sup><small>capacity: 110</small>

<small>280851.855.0000,9145,85383.335176.456152.11746litre </small>

<small>diezel</small> <sup>1,030</sup> <sup>1.104.656</sup> <sup>1x4/7</sup><small>M101.</small>

<small>0803Handcompactors - </small>

<small>20035.771.0000,9205,4432.1949.6587.1544litre petrol</small>

<small>Wheel mountedcrane - lifting capacity 6 tons</small>

<small>240629.428.0000,994,55212.432118.018131.13125litre diezel</small>

<small>M102. 0901_TT11</small>

<small>Hoist - lifting </small>

<small>capacity: 0.8 T</small> <sup>290</sup> <sup>187.683.000</sup> <sup>0,9</sup> <sup>17</sup> <sup>4,3</sup> <sup>5</sup> <sup>99.019</sup> <sup>27.829</sup> <sup>32.359</sup> <sup>21</sup> <sup>kWh</sup> <sup>1,050</sup> <sup>41.111</sup> <sup>1x3/7</sup><small>M102.</small>

<small>1001Cage hoist - lifting capacity:3 tons</small>

<small>Mortar mixer capacity: 250 liters</small>

<small>Mortar mixer capacity: 150liters</small>

<small>Dump car - payload: 5 T</small>

<small>260437.559.0000,9177,56257.487126.219100.97541litre diezel</small>

<small>1,030984.5841x2/4 lái xM112.</small>

<small>Concrete pump60 m3/h</small>


</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 34</span><div class="page_container" data-page="34">

<b><small>CodeType of machine andequipment</small></b>

<b><small>Fuel andenergyconsumption</small></b>

<b><small>norms of1 shift</small></b>

<b><small>Compositio- rank ofmachineoperationDepre-</small></b>

<small>Concrete compactor, tablecompactor - kW</small>

<small>Concrete compactor, spatula compactor - kW</small>

<small>M112.2101</small> <sup>Bricks cutter -</sup><small>capacity: 1,7 </small>

<small>2601</small> <sup>Bending </sup><small>machine for rebar - capacity:5 kW</small>

<small>AC welding transformer - power: 23 kW</small>


