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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">



<b>HOMEWORK </b>

<b>Exercise 1. (File 1) </b>

1. A 1.

<b>A. She is walking up the stairs. </b>

B. She has both hands on the handrail.

C. She is descending the stairs.

7. C 7.

A. A woman is using a broom. B. The area is under construction.

<b>C. A woman is mopping the floor. </b>

2. B 2.

A. She is holding a newspaper.

<b>B. She is taking a book from the shelf. </b>

C. She is reading a book at a library.

8. B 8.

A. They are performing indoors.

<b>B. They are gathered in a circle. </b>

C. They are marching in step.

3. B 3.

A. A film is being played on the screen.

<b>B. One man is pointing at the screen. </b>

C. Some people are talking on their phones.

9. A 9.

<b>A. She is looking at the clothing item. </b>

B. She is trying on the item. C. She is changing clothes.

4. A

<b>4. </b>

<b>A. The man is packing a suitcase. </b>

B. The man is putting on a suit. C. The man is sitting on the sofa.

10. C

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">

A. They have just crossed the finish line.

<b>B. The bikers are wearing helmets. </b>

C. The bicycles have baskets on the front.

B A. She is preparing her meal.

<b>B. She is seated at her table. </b>

C. She is having some dessert.

6. C 6.

A. The man is lying on the lawn. B. The man is moving some plants.

<b>C. The man is mowing the grass. </b>

12. A

4.B or C

4. American accent → American accent → Australian accent

A. The woman is holding a pen.

<b>B. The woman is typing on a keyboard. </b>

<b>C. The woman is using a computer. </b>

D. The woman is opening a file cabinet.


2. Australian accent → British accent → American accent

A. She is turning a page.

<b>B. She is operating a machine. </b>


5. British accent → American accent → American accent

A. He is taking a picture.

B. He is holding a piece of paper.

<b>C. He is writing something on the bulletin board. </b>

D. He is reading a magazine.

3.A 3. American accent → Australian 6.D 6. British accent → American accent

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">

accent → British accent

<b>A. The men are working together. </b>

B. They are cleaning the desk. 4. D

4. Australian accent → British accent → American accent.

A. They are going down the steps. B. They are walking on the street. C. They are standing by a door.

<b>D. They are on a stairway </b>

2. A or B

2. American accent → Australian accent → British accent.

<b>A. The woman is using a cash register. </b>

<b>B. The man is next to the counter. </b>

A. Some people are fixing bicycles.

<b>B. They are riding along the street. </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">

<b>Exercise 4. (File 4) </b>

1. B 1.

A. He is wearing a white vest. B. He is driving a vehicle.

<b>C. He is doing construction work. </b>

D. He is buying some tools.

2. C 2.

A. They are taking pictures. B. They are putting on hat.

<b>C. They are sitting on a bench. </b>

D. They are leaving the park.

5. C 5.

A. The man is using a machine. B. The woman is paying for a shirt.

<b>C. The woman is holding a bag. </b>

D. They are eating in a restaurant.

3. D 3.

A. They are hanging a picture on the wall.

B. They are facing each other. C. They are organizing the desk.

<b>D. They are looking at the computer. </b>

6. A 6.

<b>A. He is moving the furniture. </b>

B. He is loading some boxes. C. He is opening the door. D. He is installing a bookshelf.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5">


<b>HOMEWORK </b>

<b>Exercise 1. (File 1) </b>

1. B 1.

A. The woman is baking some bread.

<b>B. Different kinds of bread are laid out for sale. </b>

C. The woman is pushing a shopping cart.

7. C 7.

A. The flowers are being planted. B. The wagon is full of food.

<b>C. There are several types of flowers. </b>

2. B 2.

A. The middle door is wide open.

<b>B. There are plants on both sides of the stairs. </b>

C. A man is walking down the stairs. 8. A


<b>A. The vehicle is in the driveway. </b>

B. The garage door is open.

C. A woman is entering the house.

3. B 3.

A. Some people are riding their bikes.

<b>B. The bikes are parked next to a wall. </b>

C. Some of the bikes have baskets.

9. C 9.

A. There are some cars on the bridge. B. The river is crowded with boats.

<b>C. A ship is floating under the bridge. </b>

4. A

<b>4. </b>

<b>A. One woman is holding a cup of water. </b>

B. One man is writing in a notebook.

<b>C. There are some cups on the table. </b>

10. C 10.

A. There are no clouds in the sky. B. People are wheeling carts out of the building.

<b>C.The statue is taller than the building. </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">

5. A 5.

<b>A. Some food is on the table. </b>

B.The tables are all occupied.

C. A waiter is setting the table. <sup>11.A </sup>11.

<b>A.There are monitors all over the wall. </b>

B. All of the people are watching the same channel.

C. The men are displaying monitors.

6. B 6.

A. The woman is opening her suit case.

<b>B. The suitcase is on the floor. </b>

C. The Porter is carrying the bag.

12. B

1. <small>British accent →</small> American accent → Australian accent

<b><small>A. They are fixing a wheel. B. A tire is being repaired. </small></b>


4. American accent → American accent → British accent

<small>A. The silverware has been polished. </small>

<b><small>B. There is some food on the dishes. </small></b>

<small>C. The waitress is taking an order. D. Chairs have been arranged in the </small>

<small>corner of the room. </small>

<b><small>A. Some people are crossing the street. </small></b>

<small>B. A bus is being parked. </small>

<small>C. Passengers are getting on a bus D. The cars are waiting at the railroad </small>

<small>crossing. </small>

3.A <sup>3. American accent → </sup><sup>British accent </sup>

<small>→ </small>Australian accent

6.A or C

6. British accent → Australian accent → American accent

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">

<b><small>A. She is packing a suitcase. </small></b>

<small>B. The door is being opened. </small>

<b><small>A. Two Women are shopping in a store. </small></b>

<small>B. The products are lying on the floor. </small>

<b><small>C. Merchandise is displayed for sale. </small></b>

<small>D. Customers are paying for their purchases. </small>

<b>Exercise 3. (File 3) </b>

1. B

A. The woman is making a purchase.

<b>B. There is merchandise on the shelves. </b>

C. Boxes are being closed.

D. The woman is putting food in a cart.

4. B

A. A man is cleaning the window.

<b>B. Some chairs are near the windows. </b>

C. Some people are entering a room. D. Some papers have been left on the


2. A

<b>A. people are crossing the road. </b>

B. A tire is being changed.

C. People are waiting at the traffic light.

D. The sidewalk is being paved.

5. C

A. The man is watering some plants. B. Flowers are being planted in the garden.

<b>C. The man is pushing a wheelbarrow. </b>

D. The roof is being repaired.

3. D

A. Some pans are being washed. B. The waiter is wearing a uniform. C. The tables are covered with

<b>B. There is a bridge over the water. </b>

C. Children are playing on the dock. D. The bridge has many vehicles on it.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">


<b>HOMEWORK </b>

<b>Exercise 1. </b>

<b>Who (file 1) </b>

1. A

1. Who is the woman?

<b>A. She is my new secretary. </b>

B. She is talking with her client. <sup>4. A </sup>

4. Who will organize the annual meeting?

<b>A. I have no idea. </b>

B. Once a year.

2. A

2. Who organized the reception?

<b>A. That would be the general director. </b>

B. The organization is complicated.

<b>(A) It isn’t plugged in. </b>

(B) Sure, you can use mine.

4. A

4. What time will the train arrive?

<b>(A) In ten minutes. </b>

(B) It runs twice a day.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">

<b>(B) After finishing this report. </b> (B) It’s a new contract.

3. A

3. What is Mr. Jackson’s position at the company?

<b>(A) He is a sales manager. </b>

(B) In the left corner.

(A) We should sign a contract.

<b>(B) Try my office number. </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">

7. Who is organizing the conference for this session?

<b>A. The planning manager is responsible for it. </b>

A. His office is on the first floor.

<b>B. Ask Miss Johnson. </b>

4. A

4. Who will notify the employees of the new policy?

<b>A. One of the directors. </b>

B. Yes, they are new employees.

A. I have not sent them yet.

<b>B. That would be Richard. </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">

<b>(B) We can’t finish it on time. </b>

2. A

2. What did you order?

<b>(A) Pizza. </b>

(B) Yes, it will be in order. <sup>7. A </sup>

7. What ingredients do you need to make it?

<b>(A) I will show you the recipe. </b>

(B) I don’t need it anymore.

<b>(A) It is better than the old one. </b>

(B) It’s not mine.

9. B

9. What type of training programs does the company provide?

(A) I am in the construction business.

<b>(B) It varies from department to department. </b>

5. A

5. What do you intend to do after finishing the project?

<b>(A) I will have a few days off. </b>

(B) Yes, it is very nice.


10. What is the best way to get information on the new product?

<b>(A) Visit our website. </b>

(B) The service is very poor.

<b>(B) Her name is Marge Simpson. </b>

(C) I think I can manage.

9. A

9. Who will represent the company at the annual stockholders’ meeting?

<b>(A) The president of our Seoul branch. </b>

(B) Because the prices continued to fall today.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12">

(C) It will not take very long.

(A) It has plenty of memory.

<b>(B) The maintenance office. </b>

(C) I bought the computer.

<b>(B) The project manager. </b>

(C) We will have a press conference.

(A) All of our clients will be invited.

<b>(B) Sandra, the president’s secretary. </b>

(C) At the conference room on the first floor.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">


15. Who should I contact to get a password for the computer lab? (A) You will have your own

(A) I think it is too late.

<b>(B) Mr. Ford is responsible for that. </b>

(C) His office is close to mine.

(B) Don’t drink and drive.

<b>(C) Can I have some lemonade? </b>

(A) In his office.

(B) He is leading the discussion group.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">

(C) I have not done it yet. <b>(C) He is going to ask for sick leave. </b>

4. A

4. What does the package include?

<b>(A) A book of instructions. </b>

(B) Yes, I will send the package to her.

(C) You should pack them in groups of dozens.

9. A

9. What do you think of the client’s complaint?

<b>(A) It has some validity. </b>

(B) I think that’s a good idea. (C) She is not my client.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">


<b>HOMEWORK </b>

<b>Exercise 1. </b>

<b>I. Where (file 1) </b>

1. A

1. Where is the copy machine?

<b>(A) On the second floor. </b>

(B) I need two copies. <sup>4. B </sup>

4. Where is the closest supermarket around here?

(A) I will buy some eggs.

<b>(B) Next to the post office. </b>

2. B

2. Where are the documents stored?

(A) The store is open on Sunday.

<b>(B) In the drawer of my desk. </b>

5. A

5. Where is the guest list for Friday’s reception?

<b>(A) Mr. Smith probably knows. </b>

(B) It will be held in the banquet hall.

<b>(B) In the city center. </b>

<b>II. When (file 2) </b>

(A) Of course, I will.

<b>(B) After Finishing this work. </b>

2. B

2. When are you taking your driving test?

(A) I failed three times.

<b>(B) Two weeks from now. </b>

5. B

5. When is the construction scheduled to be finished?

(A) I’m finished with it.

<b>(B) Not for another three weeks. </b>

3. A <sup>3. When will your new book be </sup>

6. When can I expect my order to arrive?

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 16</span><div class="page_container" data-page="16">

<b>(A) Early next month, I hope. </b>

(B) That sounds fine.

(A) I ordered a new printer.

<b>(B) It will take a few days. </b>

<b>III. Why (file 3) </b>

<b>a. </b>


<small>1. Why does Rachel want to move to Boston? </small>

<b><small>(A) She got a better job there. </small></b>

<small>(B) Because she likes public transportation. </small>

<b><small>(B) To catch the first train. </small></b> 5.B

<small>5. Why is the parking lot so empty today? </small>

<small>(A) You should not park your car here. </small>

<b><small>(B) Today is a holiday. </small></b>


<small>3. Why do I have to submit this form again? </small>

<b><small>(A) We never received the first one. </small></b>

<small>(B) To the Personnel Department. </small>


<small>6. Why is the company moving its office? </small>

<small>(A) My office is on the second floor. </small>

<b><small>(B) The current office building is too old. </small></b>

<b>b. </b>


<small>1. Why is the parking lot so empty today? </small>

<small>(A) You can use this parking lot. </small>

<b><small>(B) Most people left early. </small></b>

4. A

<small>4. Why are you in such a hurry? </small>

<b><small>(A) I don’t want to be late again. </small></b>

<small>(B) I will go with you. </small>


<small>2. Why is the company moving its office? </small>

<small>(A) My office is on the third floor. </small>

<b><small>(B) They built a new building. </small></b>


<small>5. Why do I have to submit this form again? </small>

<b><small>(A) Some information is missing. </small></b>

<small>(B) To the Marketing Department. </small>

3.A <small>3. Why does Rachel want to move to </small> 6.B <small>6. Why was the meeting cancelled? </small>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17">

<small>Boston? </small>

<b><small>(A) She wants to live with her family. </small></b>

<small>(B) Because she likes traveling. </small>

<small>(A) The meeting starts at noon. </small>

<b><small>(B) The president’s flight has been delayed. </small></b>

<b>Exercise 2. </b>

<b>Where (file 4) </b>


1. Where is City Hall?

<b>(A) Just across the street. </b>

(B) The hall is overcrowded.


6. Where should I store these boxes?

<b>(A) Leave them here. </b>

(B) The bookstore sells that book.


2. Where can I buy tickets for tonight’s show?

<b>(A) At the box office. </b>

(B) Two tickets, please.

3. Where was this picture taken?

(A) I will stay there for one week.

<b>(B) I will be at the Marriott Hotel. </b>


9. Where is the nearest post office?

<b>(A) It is one mile away from here. </b>

(B) Post it as soon as possible.


5. Where did you park your car? (A) The park is not far from here.

10. Where are you going to send this letter?

(A) Yes, it is written in this letter.

<b>(B) To our central office. </b>

<b>When (file 5) </b>

1. B <sup>1. When is the board meeting? </sup>

(A) It was really boring. <sup>6. B </sup>

6. When does the supermarket close? (A) In the open-air market.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18">

<b>(B) At 9 o’clock tomorrow. (B) At 10 o’clock. </b>

2. A

2. When is our next payment due?

<b>(A) The end of the month. </b>

(B) Please pay the bill. <sup>7. A </sup>

7. When is Samantha moving into her new apartment?

<b>(A) Probably next weekend. </b>

(B) She hasn’t come in yet.

3. B

3. When do you start your new job? (A) Yes, let’s get started.

<b>(B) They will let me know soon. </b> <sup>8. B </sup>

8. When are you going to start the project?

(A) It is going very well.

(A) They have already left.

<b>(B) Someday next week, I hope. </b>

<small>(A) Go to the information desk. </small>

<b><small>(B) I tried to contact you. </small></b>

6. A

<small>6. Why don’t you go shopping with me tomorrow? </small>

<b><small>(A) What time is good for you? </small></b>

<small>(B) I will check the ticket availability. </small>

2. B

<small>2. Why has the meeting been postponed? </small>

<small>(A) Yes, it has been posted. </small>

<b><small>(B) I thought you knew the reason. </small></b>

7. B

<small>7. Why is Tom taking a new job? (A) From January to November. </small>

<b><small>(B) He has been offered a better position. </small></b>

3. A <sup>3. Why is your price higher than that </sup>

<small>of your competitor? </small> 8. A <sup>8. Why did you cancel your magazine </sup>

<small>subscription? </small>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 19</span><div class="page_container" data-page="19">

<b><small>(A) Our product is better in quality. </small></b>

<small>(B) Yes, we won the competition. </small>

<b><small>(A) I have no time to read it. </small></b>

<small>(B) I have to buy a copy this week. </small>

4. B

<small>4. Why did he retire from his job? (A) It has been two months now. </small>

<b><small>(B) His health was getting worse. </small></b> 9. B

<small>9. Why haven’t you asked Mr. Gibson to come to the party? </small>

<small>(A) At the Imperial Hotel. </small>

<b><small>(B) I will do that tonight. </small></b>

5. A

<small>5. Why was the new project cancelled so suddenly? </small>

<b><small>(A) Due to a lack of funds. </small></b>

<small>(B) His project was a great success. </small>

10. B

<small>10. Why do we have to depart so early? (A) I could hardly sleep last night. </small>

<b><small>(B) We must get to the station before 8 o’clock. </small></b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 20</span><div class="page_container" data-page="20">


<b>HOMEWORK </b>

<b>(C) That would be a big help. </b>

(A) That’s very kind of you.

<b>(B) I think the battery is dead. </b>

(C) I will show you the exact figure.

3. A

3. AmE/ AmE

Do you mind if I borrow this book for a day?

<b>(A) No, go ahead. </b>

(B) Where did you borrow the book? (C) Mind your own business.

11. C

11. AmE/ Am

Does this train stop at Cambridge? (A) Please go to platform number 5. (B) It takes just 5 minutes on foot.

<b>(C) We will be there in half an hour. </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 21</span><div class="page_container" data-page="21">

(B) Yes, I called her last week.

<b>(C) It will be done before this weekend. </b>

6. B

6. AmE/ AmE

Did you leave all the reports on my desk?

(A) Yes, I will leave in an hour.

<b>(B) I still have them with me. </b>

(C) He will come back again soon.

<b>(B) I am not sure. Let me check first. </b>

(C) I should prepare for the exam with my computer.

7. B

7. BrE/ BrE

Has the final decision been deferred?

(A) Yes, it was the final decision.

<b>(B) Yes, I was told that. </b>

(C) No, it’s not very different.


15. AmE/ BrE

Are there any other questions regarding the new policies?

<b>(A) Can I ask one further question? </b>

(B) There will be no one here until two o’clock

(C) Sorry. We don’t accept any cash.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 22</span><div class="page_container" data-page="22">

<b>Exercise 2. (file 2) </b>


1. British accent →American accent

You don’t look well today.

<b>(A) I’m feeling a bit sick. </b>

(B) Maybe tomorrow. (C) Yes, we looked at it.

Possible Answer: I haven’t been sleeping well.


7. American accent → British accent These shirts also come in different colors.

<b>(A) What colors do you have? </b>

(B) A small one, please. (C) It’s a blue shirt.

Possible Answer: Do you have one in red?

This color is fine with me.

(B) No, she’s from South America.

<b>(C) Yes, let’s discuss it tomorrow. </b>

Possible Answer: No, I’ve already looked at it.


8. British accent → Australian accent Could you leave the package in the lobby, please?

(A) Sorry, I already left the office. (B) Okay, I’ll meet her tomorrow morning.

(A) It’s about the budget.

<b>(B) That’s a good idea. </b>

(C) No, we didn’t talk about it. Possible Answer: I won’t be attending.

(A) Who’s next in the line?

<b>(B) I should go and introduce myself. </b>

(C) The furniture is old.

Possible Answer: I believe it’s him.

(A) A wide range.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 23</span><div class="page_container" data-page="23">

(A) I’ll get you his phone number.

<b>(B) Really? What are the new dates? </b>

(C) He seems fine.

Possible Answer: Yes, it won’t start until Thursday.

(B) No, we already met.

<b>(C) Let me ask the manager. </b>

Possible Answer: I’ll do it right away.


11. British accent → Australian accent We cannot complete the research on time.

(A) It was completed early. (B) It is Mr. Wang’s research.

<b>(C) Let’s ask for more time. </b>

Possible Answer: Maybe we can get an extension.

<b>(A) Sounds good. </b>

(B) Yes, with cream.

(C) It’s next to the city museum. Possible Answer: Yes, that is a convenient location.

I think that space is too small.

<b>(A) I’m busy tomorrow. </b>

(B) Yes, I took notes at the board meeting.

(C) This factory was built 15 years ago.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 24</span><div class="page_container" data-page="24">

(A) Yes, I will take care of it.

<b>(B) I’d love to. </b>

(C) I think it’s tomorrow.

6. A

6. AmE/ AmE

Would you like some refreshments?

<b>(A) Thank you, but I am on a diet. </b>

(B) Yes, I need some fresh air, too. (C) No, I didn’t go to the party.

2. A

2. BrE/ AmE

Can I expect you to be back tomorrow?

<b>(A) I will be here at six. </b>

(B) You did a good job. (C) At the airport.

7. B

7. AmE/ BrE

Can you tell me where I can claim my baggage?

(A) Yes, you can claim yours.

<b>(B) Please go down the corridor. </b>

(C) It will take an hour.

(A) Yes, the room is very nice.

<b>(B) Thanks, but I can do it myself. </b>

(C) Yes, I reserved a table.

9. A

9. AmE/ BrE

Would you like to participate in the survey?

<b>(A) Yes, I’d like to. </b>

(B) No, you wouldn’t. (C) Yes, he does.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 25</span><div class="page_container" data-page="25">

<b>(B) Certainly. I will show you how it works. </b>

(C) Do you think it would be any better?

(B) Let’s move the meeting to Thursday.

<b>(C) Do you want to do it right now? </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 26</span><div class="page_container" data-page="26">


<b>HOMEWORK </b>

<b>Exercise 1. (file 1) </b>

1. B

Did you work late yesterday?

(A) I’m going to work overtime tomorrow.

<b>(B) No, I left at noon. </b>

(C) Yes, that’s my plan.

5. A

Isn’t there a vending machine on this floor?

<b>(A) Yes, at both ends of the hall. </b>

(B) The entire floor was clean. (C) Yes, there isn’t any.

2. C

Would you like a ride to the station? (A) I ride a bicycle to work.

(B) Sorry, I can’t remember it.

<b>(C) Thanks, I’d really appreciate it. </b>

6. A

Have you seen any movies recently?

<b>(A) Yes, a couple of times. </b>

(B) They are exciting.

(C) Yes, I have been busy with work.

3. A

You went to the museum, didn’t you?

<b>(A) Yes, a new exhibit opened. </b>

(B) No, it was nice. (C) 5 dollars per person.

7. A

Should we get to the Italian restaurant by seven?

<b>(A) Sure, I’d like you to. </b>

(B) It lasted half an hour. (C) They cook seafood.

4. A

Would you rather take a bus?

<b>(A) No, I prefer to walk. </b>

(B) It took 10 minutes by bus.

8. C

Don’t you want a short break? (A) The break time was short. (B) A short-sleeved shirt is O.K.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 27</span><div class="page_container" data-page="27">

(C) We took a taxi to work. <b>(C) We’ve got too much to do. </b>

<b>(C) No, not yet. </b>

Possible Answer: Actually, he finished them this morning.

No, he’s going to do it tomorrow morning.

(A) I know him.

(B) Yes, I have your keys.

<b>(C) I can’t decide what to get. </b>

Possible Answer: I just found one yesterday.

<b>(A) Yes, he won’t be in the office. </b>

(B) Four times, actually. (C) He directed the film.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 28</span><div class="page_container" data-page="28">

<b>(C) No, it’s my first time. </b>

Possible Answer: I’ve been there several times, actually.

Possible Answer: I think he is working late tonight.

He should still be here.

<b>C. Whichever is easier for you. </b>

Possible Answer: I would prefer if you fax them.

Send them by e-mail, please.

<b>(A) Yes, I did it last night. </b>

(B) The service department. (C) No, it doesn’t.

Possible Answer: No, I’ll do it right now.

(A) It’s a large project.

<b>(B) I’ll have more time next week. </b>

(C) The new budget.

Possible Answer: I have some free time now.

(A) On Friday evening.

<b>(B) Neither, I called your mobile phone. </b>

(C) Yes, call me.

Possible Answer: I called your office.


12. Australian accent → British accent Will you go to the convention center first, or check into the hotel?

<b>(A) I’d like to have a rest, actually. </b>

(B) It start at about 8 o’clock.

(C) You were the first person to arrive.

Possible Answer: I can check in later. I’d like to go to the hotel first.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 29</span><div class="page_container" data-page="29">

(A) No, I can’t make it.

<b>(B) Yes, but Mary did it instead. </b>

(C) Yes, it is in the right order.

2. C

2. Marcus didn’t say he would repair the security system, did he? (A) It’s for the Safety Committee. (B) Do you have the password?

<b>(C) Yes. He’ll be here to do the work soon. </b>

7. B

7. The plot of this movie is very interesting, isn’t it?

(A) I saw the movie yesterday.

<b>(B) No, I think it’s overdramatic. </b>

(C) Yes, it was packed with many people.

3. B

3. Haven’t you made an appointment with the dentist yet? (A) If the dentist wants the patient’s records.

<b>(B) No, I changed my mind. </b>

(C) Because it’s an important appointment.

8. B

8. Weren’t you supposed to have left for the meeting by now?

(A) Yes, he left an hour ago.

<b>(B) Don’t worry. It was postponed. </b>

(C) I will meet him later.

4. A

4. That building down the street has been available for a year, hasn’t it?

<b>(A) Yes, but it was leased a few days ago. </b>

(B) No, our office is downtown. (C) Because the street is crowded.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 30</span><div class="page_container" data-page="30">

5. C

5. Amelia picked up her baggage at her final destination, didn’t she? (A) She checked in at the railway station.

(B) She said she lost her bag on her way to the hotel.

<b>(C) That’s the first thing she did </b>

<b>when she arrived. </b>


10. Don’t you like to go and watch baseball games at the stadium? (A) Sure, it was a very exciting match.

<b>(B) Of course, I love watching sporting events. </b>

(C) The new stadium is very comfortable for baseball fans.

(A) Yes, it was sent yesterday.

<b>(B) From Hong Kong, I think. </b>

(A) I’m going on Monday.

(B) He’s not sure whether he’ll accept it or not.

<b>(C) It’s warm and humid. </b>

Possible Answer: Quite pleasant, actually.

<b>(C) I think it’s going well. </b>

7. A

7. Australian accent → British accent Why did you go to the airport so early?

<b>(A) To do some shopping. </b>

(B) I went this morning. (C) It leaves at 7 a.m.

Possible Answer: I needed time to exchange some money. Because I had an early flight.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 31</span><div class="page_container" data-page="31">

<b>(C) I didn’t think it was good either. </b>

Possible Answer: I didn’t think it was so bad.

(A) Yes, I booked two tickets.

<b>(B) Sure, I’ll do it after work. </b>

(C) May I see your ID card, please? Possible Answer: Sure, I can do it during my break.

<b>(A) Both are fine. </b>

(B) I think it’s going to rain. (C) At about 6 o’clock.

Possible Answer: Neither, I prefer the bus.

9. A

9. British accent → Australian accent How do I get to the convention center?

<b>(A) Take the bus across the street. </b>

(B) There’s an auditorium and cafeteria.

(C) In the city center.

Possible Answer: There’s a free shuttle just outside.

5. C

5. American accent → British accent

When is he coming? (A) Only for a week. (B) To Brazil.

(A) Yes, I was at the office.

<b>(B) No, only for about a year. </b>

(C) She will be back this afternoon. Possible Answer: Yes, for more than ten years.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 32</span><div class="page_container" data-page="32">


<b>HOMEWORK </b>

<b>Exercise 1. (File 01) </b>

1. C. At 2:00

2. B. He may be late 3. A. Future projects 4. B. Meeting topics 5. A. Production rates

6. D. Waiting for a decision 7. B.

She was meeting clients

8. A. Investing in a building project 9. D. Do some research

<small>1. C. At 2:00 </small>

<small>2. B. He may be late 3. A. Future projects </small>

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.

<b>W: We have a meeting at 2:00, right? </b>

<b>M: Yes, we do. /but I might be a bit late. I’m interviewing an </b>

applicant/for the researcher position at 1 o’clock. I don’t know/how long it will take.

W: Do you know/what’s on the meeting agenda?

<b>M: I’m going to talk about next month’s projects. And Ms. Rhodes </b>

will discuss our production schedule.

<small>4. B. Meeting topics 5. A. Production rates </small>

<small>6. D. Waiting for a decision </small>

Question 4-6 refer to the following conversation

<b>M: Evelyn, /have you received the memo/with the agenda for </b>

<b>Monday’s meeting? </b>

<b>W: I have, /Monday’s meeting is mostly about production rates/at </b>

the manufacturing plant. But I was wondering/why there wasn’t anything listed/about the renovation proposals/for our new office in Baltimore. Are we going to discuss that/at the meeting?

M: I don’t think so. The legal department is still reviewing the

<b>proposals. We should wait until they make a decision. </b>

<small>7. B. She was meeting clients 8. A. Investing in a </small>

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.

M: What did you think about Diana’s Presentation/on Tuesday?

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 33</span><div class="page_container" data-page="33">

<small>building project 9. D. Do some research </small>

<b>W: Actually, /I wasn’t at the presentation/because I had a meeting </b>

<b>with some clients from Russia </b>

<b>M: Oh yes, I forgot, anyway, / Diana suggested/we invest in the </b>

<b>construction of some apartment buildings/in China. She thinks/we </b>

could be very successful in that country, as it has a huge potential market.

W: That sounds like a good idea. I think man-agreement will want to

<b>conduct some research /before they approve her idea. </b>

<b>Exercise 2. (File 02) </b>

1.B. At a clothing store 2.A. Try on dresses

3.C. The woman does not have change 4.B. Go to the cash machine

5.B. At an airport 6.A. Pay the charge

7.A. At a fast food restaurant 8.C. The hot chocolate is sold out

1.B. At a clothing store 2.A. Try on dresses

Questions 1 and 2 reder to the following conversation

<b>W: Excuse me, where can I find a fitting room? </b>

M: There’s one on the left side behind that counter

<b>W: How many dresses can I take to try on at a time? </b>

M: You can take three at a time

3.C. The woman does not have change

4.B. Go to the cash machine

Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following conversation M: I’d like to buy this. Here you are

<b>W: I’m sorry sir, but I don’t have change for a hundred. Do </b>

you have any smaller bills?

M: No, this is the only one I have. Can I use a credit card here?

<b>W: No, we do not accept credit cards. You can use the ATM </b>

<b>outside the building. </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 34</span><div class="page_container" data-page="34">

5.B. At an airport 6.A. Pay the charge

Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following conversation

<b>M: Here are my ticket and passport </b>

W: How many pieces of luggage do you have?

<b>M: Two. I also have one carry-on bag </b>

<b>W: Your luggage is three kilos over the limit. You have to pay </b>

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following conversation

<b>M: I’d like to have a double cheeseburger, small French fries, </b>

<b>and a hot chocolate </b>

<b>W: I’m sorry. We’re run out of hot chocolate today. Would </b>

you like to try another drink instead? M: I’ll have a coffee then

W: All right. So, that’s a double cheeseburger, small French fries, and a coffee. Would you like anything else?

7. A. In an office

8. B. He has received a promotion.

9. C. They will hire some new employees 10. A. At an estate agency

11. D. On a website

12. C. Three o’clock tomorrow 13. D. A restaurant reservation 14. C. Come one hour earlier 15. D. The man’s name

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 35</span><div class="page_container" data-page="35">

2. B. Reschedule his appointment

3. C. He will be working

<b>M: My name is Daniel Anderson. I have an appointment </b>

<b>with Dr.Randal for a checkup at 2 o’clock on Wednesday. Unfortunately, my work schedule changed so I have to work that day. Can I move my appointment to someday next week? </b>

W: That’s okay. Let me see. We have Tuesday at 11 and Thursday at 3 o’clock available

M: Tuesday will be good. Thank you

4. D. At an online shopping company

5. B. They are expecting a lot of orders

6. C. Sending all the packages to a delivery company before 2 o’clock

<b>4-6 </b>

Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation

<b>M: We received a large amount of orders last night from </b>

<b>our website </b>

<b>W: That’s not surprising. Next Wednesday is valentine’s </b>

<b>day. A lot of people want to send present to their family and friends. We will have a lot of orders until next week </b>

M: You’re probably right. We’re going to be really busy this week. We’d better hurry up. The packing will take a lot of time

<b>W: Yes, we have to pack all the orders and send them to </b>

<b>the shipping company before 2 o’clock. That’s the cut-off </b>

time for the next day delivery

7. A. In an office 8. B. He has received a promotion.

9. C. They will hire some new employees

<b>7-9 </b>

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation

M: The manager said that we having a meeting in five

<b>minutes. By the way, have you heard that Mr. Thomas </b>

<b>Phillips from the London office has been promoted to general manager in the Marketing Department? </b>

<b>W: Yes, I have. I’ve also been told that the department is </b>

<b>expanding and will hire some new staff members sooner or </b>

<b>later. </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 36</span><div class="page_container" data-page="36">

M: really? Do you know what field they will be hiring in? A friend of mine just got a master’s degree in modern marketing techniques and is looking for a job

10. A. At an estate agency 11. D. On a website 12. C. Three o’clock tomorrow

<b>10-12 </b>

Question 10-12 refer to the following conversation

<b>M: Hello, I am interested in the four-bedroom house on </b>

<b>Marble street advertised on your website. Is there house </b>

<b>W: Hold on for a second. I’ll check my planner…Yes, you </b>

<b>can. Is there o’clock okay for you? </b>

13. D. A restaurant reservation

14. C. Come one hour earlier 15. D. The man’s name

<b>13-15 </b>

Questions 13-15 refer to the following conversation

<b>M: Hi, I’d like to make a reservation for dinner tonight. Do </b>

you have a table available for 12 people at 7 o’clock?

W: Just a minutes, let me check for you. I’m sorry. We don’t have anything available. 7 o’clock is the peak time during the dinner rush. So, it is difficult to book a table for that

<b>number of people. However, I can ar-range a table for you </b>

<b>at 6 o’clock, if that time works for you </b>

M: Hmm… 6 o’clock would be fine. I’ll tell everyone to come directly from work.

<b>W: Great. I’ll put you down for 6. Can you tell me your </b>

<b>name, please? </b>

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 37</span><div class="page_container" data-page="37">


<b>HOMEWORK </b>

1A An office supply company employ 2C To ask about payment

3A A copy of the order form 4D To find out the status of an order 5C The items have been shipped 6B Faster delivery of the order 7C The fax machine is out of order 8A Today 9D Call a courier company.

1A. An office supply company employ

2C. To ask about payment3A. A copy of the order form

<b>Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation </b>

W: Hello, Mr.Tortelli. I’m calling from Harrel-son Office

<b>Supplies. I received payment for your last order, but you </b>

<b>didn’t send us the full amount </b>

M: really? The last bill I got/was for $200/and I sent that amount last week

W: Our records show/ that you were also sent a bill/ for some ink cartridges

M: There must be some mistake. I didn’t order any cartridges.

<b>I can send you a copy of the order form/if you want </b>

4D. To find out the status of an order

5C. The items have been shipped

6B. Faster delivery of the order

<b>Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation </b>

W: Good morning/this is Rebecca Howe calling from Woody’s

<b>Restaurant. I ordered some serving dishes a month ago,/but </b>

<b>they still haven’t arrived. I want to know/when they will be delivered </b>

<b>M: I’ll check that for you right now. Yes, your order was sent </b>

<b>3 days ago/and should arrive by the end of this week </b>

<b>W: oh no, I need them by tomorrow. Is there any way to </b>

<b>speed up the delivery? </b>

M: I’m not sure. Let me call the warehouse/and see if there is


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