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Essential word for the toeic

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with MP3 CD

Lin Lougheed
Teachers College



^ . by i eid
teen mxnel
‘Np oh puso ay be pnd dee ny Som 103
"`." 109ns



Lessons 26-30 lagement lssui What the Book Is About
Property and Departments tnìo ‘This book teaches you vocabulary shat will help you when yo fake the TOEIC (Text of English Internationa
aad Mectings and Commitices 183 Conyenueication), The TOEIC sveasuts the Engl proficiency of pepe workinagn international busines op ing
Quality Const 189 to.use English to communicawtieth others, Although the cxam doesnot specificaltleyxt specialized vocabulary, the tems
Produce Development 195, ‘om the exam ate i apecialioe contents
Renting and Leasing ‘This book will help you understand specialized contexts that ae often used on the TOEIC. Fach chapter focises om a par
Word Review #6 201 ticular contest chat has appeared ve TOEIC, The contexts are specialize, but the words are not, The worl ate ges
Lessons 31-35 jurants and Events, ‘eral vocabulary. They cant he wed in may contests You wil learn these words in eoarexts thar ate used he TOEIC,
‘Selecting 4 Restaurant 205 How to Use This Book
Eating Out au “This book com 50 lessons and cch leuon intndoces you ro 12 new won in 2 spite context I you shady one le:
Onletieg Lunch 217 som everyday. i 50 dayyouscan lean 640 new words, You will practhteeiwocn eby do series ha jus ke
M4. Cookasia nCagreer the questionson the TOEIC,
35. Events Word List
Word Review #7 (the fe page of echle will cea ls of 12 words Ror exch word you wil we the definition af dhe word and
Lessons 36-40 Travel two fentenes ting the word in context,
36. General Travel 29
37. Airlines 25 This pape
38. Tins 281
39. Howes 357 + Iaetedaee ou tothe word forthe kev
40. Cat Rental 36
Word Review #8 200 Shyooa wthesword in cutest
Lessons 41-45 Entertainment 1 Seraavreefersence ytime you need to check the meaning af « worl
41, Movies
42. Thee Word Families
43. Music
44. Muvums ‘On this page, you ail se the ver, noun adjective, and adver forms of sx words selected from the wor fir
45, Media

Word Review #9 ple Peper
Lessons 46-50 Health puldiy
46, Doctors Office 507
47, Detiats Office 339 popular
48. Health Fowurance
49. Howpta 335 iid ok endings that change ra soune, vei nein snd adver
50, Pharmacy: XI
Word Review #10 vi
Answer Key
‘Word Indox sử
Appendix: Audioseripts for the Listening,
Comprehansion Exercises 46L

Words in Context
"Next you will 1a paragraph called Words in Context. You will have the opportunity 19 se and we dhe words forthe fe ‘Words can be made of roots, prefixes (before the rot), and sufex (after the roe).
snpete the paragraph say words fom the wo is, ‘re lpesia) + cieula e000) + ti (uli) recreation
* Read the paragraph over to oe all the words fo that keson wed in context {In Engh, many ofthese rots, prefies and ulfines come fiom Greek and Larin words Leaning the meanings of di
ferent woot, pins, ad ulin wl help yo increase your vocabul
0 the patagrph as afte as you like w rinfase the meanings of the words Bay
re meaes apn
Listening Comprehension eunive ting together again
recorder think aboot again
TOEKC he word oe the lesan by doing exercises that ae jue like dhe laening questions om the renin ‘rain again
You will ce ä photo You wil chaove the satement shat bese describes the photo ‘This book wil expove you w many words that use connon not, prfies atl saline
Hien toa queen or statement a choose the best resporse:
il listen toa convertion and answer three questions about 2. Recognize Prefixes
You wil liven 10 4 lk and answer shee questions ahoue ie ‘cis audto or change the mieaning ofthe root wor in ome way. Learning te meanings of ferent putnes will ly
you expand your vocabulary

am will ratice the words forthe en in content esas the quetions conversion, atl elk all ie worGrdomsthe
woud list foreach leson. Yow sll abo practice listening ails and eestaking sills that you will nod when you take
the TORIC Ba... sẽ.
eal sree me xen
Reading Comprehension đu before, in fromt | foretell, forehead
pe | kem rey ree
In chs section, you wll practice che wor foe the lesson by doing execies thar ate just ke she reading questions om the

k5 Yng ni chao dhe best word eo complete each sentence
6—Viu wll ead puragraph and choase words to complete it
ant 7—You will ead a psig, or tao elated pages, and answer comprehension questias,
You will practice the words forthe les in context beats the ead panages all se words fom the word i foe each
lesan You will also patie reading sills al test-taking sis cha you will need when you take the TOEIC: F

Strategies to Improve Your Vocabulary leo | tem ial oes
‘One af he best may to inprve your vcabulary bt rea and read often, When jo rnd, you
+ See words in coneest in not incorrect, inconvenient

+ Expone youre new words mul- many multicolored, multilevel

‘he more you ra, the mare wor you wll ee, The more wor you see, the more you wil earn, Reading an
enjoyable enperience, ake te ya ea ching resttionygou. Then you wil hae an, pean
‘lay and bu sills you will nee for dhe TOEIC, all ac once, hen you tea these ae veal strategiyeosu
inyprone you woeabulary.

3. Recognize Suffixes
Sifts ca ll you whether awor isa 9oun eb, ative adverbs. As you an once diet sien, hey

will hip you understand the excanings of new words
Some common safte n Ealiỹh: 4, RecogWonrdiFazmielies
Word famitcy are related yrouprs of words that have the sume woot but different suffines
ine Prone. authorize
ae refierte, bette
[en Ugh wide |
a ng, verify
By adding den te tò the orginal word, depend new words are formed. The meaning of cach wo i sia ev
ction, sion | nation, conlasion the others, but each one has life grammatical form.
nen —-.- When you Team a new word i i ery cay t9 understand the other wonls chat ate part of the sane word fly tn enh
Qgc ehœc | importance, independence - chapter of sis book, you wl se examples of war faies
5, Make Your Own Word Journal

0 una rếngcrưc *+ Use special notebook jus for reoning your new words
dự. h9; conwunier ‘Make a new page cach day ov each time you tad 2 new stil oF ory,
or each new word. write the woe, a mony definition, she orginal sentence where yo found rhe wor and then
“ness Fappinen, weno ‘make up your own sentenuscineg the word
cabin membership, fenihip la eee oe prior de

* smploye aaeniec

AMjeaihes ‘considered differnt schools
Ife t chase this one
# say way
su ‘mountainous, rice
“ale, ible | preventable, erie
eal “nei, mca
“ful ‘rial, wonder
de aces, lo

vive productive, eee
can em. | important, dependent


6. Keep a Daily ReadinLogg

Ls mportan 1 ead something. in English every cay, side from cla apne Ii inportant read thing that ote
40 you. You wll get more our of the experience this wa. f alo important to read many diffrent hinds of

> This hess you fo geting bored, an more important, hep yu am a wider vary of wxabulaty.

pe lowing seeps wil help you real in a way tha ill improve your vocabulary:
Read without ‘Do not stp to look up unknown words. You can unvdertand the genera ies ofa pastage
withoat erry wor
_Underine or highlight unknown words ot mite them on a eparate pce of pe
- Goes the meaning of unknown words Use the context an! your knowlalge of refines and sifines and word mi
ies 0 do this.
-Chone fwe key words and write in your reading log There should be unknown word that are important for
he meaninogf
Look phe iv hey won in your dictionary
- Write a one-paragraph summary of the pauage. Try to we the five Ley words in your summary

att hele to make popes for 1 readingeglo
Study Contract
Two Ie tas lot ofdisciplitonleearn afc lang malze your commitment be upaing «contract with
Date yeaTrhisecolntratct ,wil oblyiougatotsepend acertain numberof hours each week Learning English for accra prod
SSoutee: (book. web, magazine, etc) ‘of time Sign the contract below to make your somite
Koy words + Print your name below on fine 1

1+ Write the tiene you wil pend cach werk waning Engl on lines 4-8. Think shout ow rch time you have to study
Summary: ‘very day and every week and make your iced eshte
Seay 4 date the comttact on the at Tne
© Atthe endof cach week, ad! up your hour, Did you meet the requieemeeesof yout


L——_____—_.. promise to study

for the TOEIC. I will begin my study with

Barron's Essential Words for the TOEIC
and Twill also study English on my own.

Tunderstand that to improve my English
Tneed to spend time on English.

promise to study English
Iwill spend fours a week listening to English.
Towill spend f— ours a week writing English.
Twill spend. urs a week speaki ish.
Twill spend fours a week reading English.

This is a contract with myself. J promise to fulfill
the terms of tfiis contract.
Signed’ Date

Extra Activities
Strategies to Practice Your Vocabulary [IIIIIEIn addition wo studying this hook, there ate many ways that you can study on your own, You should te tớ gui tea

Now that you have sigthne ceontdract, you are commit cuadying English fora cerain amount of ime cach week English as much as you can, You shoul also practice speaking and 2, Here are soe wayyouscan practice your làn
The bes ay todo this ist pick a time wher you will practice 1 day Pataca» routine spat of developing ood ening, reading, speaking, and writing sills in Engh, Check the es you plan to try and add sone idea of your own,
study abit, Hene ate some ways tha you can pectice the vacabalary you leat in this book, Internet. ved Self-Study Activities

41, Review Every Day Tinog a on the ne
News webs CNN BBC, NBC, ABC, CBS
very die you sit dwn cook with dis book, you should look over the words fram the prevjous kavn, Dey the ate Ds i Engl '
very tne you wok with your Word Journal o¢ Daily Reading Log. Wuhiie

view words Gam previous leone Speaking,
sce words that yor ae unsure of Use Skypewo talk with Rigi speakers
+ Include these words i the following suggested practice activities
2, Road Out Loud ‘Wiite canals wo website contacts
Saying your vocabuwolrdas rouyt lou is anoeher way wo enforce theen, You can read won lists out lod, an Mức bly
al read the passsha acogntaeinsyur vocabulary words. You can readout Tod Leave co ng on blogs ml YouTube
+The word lists fiom each lesen in this book Post messages in achat eo
+The Voctbulay in Context paragraphs in this hook Use Faebook and Tiicter
+The passages you ted for yo Dally Reading Lo,
+The word lists in your Word Journal Reading
Real news and maparine ails online
3. Categorize Words boo Web esearch on topics that interest you
Make list a worthda syou waneto review: Be sure tinthue woreds that have giyvou edfinculy, Divide the words
ino categories. For example, you could make a fit of things you have or doat hore, things you have or do at an office, Flo logs that incre you
thing you see or daat a stove, Any one word appear in more than one catopoyr
+ Chow lat of words vo review Speaking,
+ Divide the fit ino categories
+ Use the words fom each category wo write paragraph "`...
1+ Using the sme wor, dhink of new eaegaris and make new le Practice speaking with » conversation busy

4, Associate Words,
Chore «word fiom your lst of wor tà evi and Hit won you ano
Wau search
Avocitiony hye

jobsparking spaces +

Wont wearing ah
Awsociaions Paces whete you sce warnings:
lect wines
tte packages

NHie ily journal
Wie leer 1 an English ypeak Go to bepthinplesekipedaorguik! Nin Page
‘Male list of she things you se every’ day ‘This website i writen in simple Enh, Pick any subject and read he entry (reading
Write decspuianosf your fraily and fiends Whaishtorteessay abut the ape (writing) Give a presentation abet i (peaking), Reco the presentation, Then watch
‘the video and write doyin what you std. Correct any mistakesyou made and wconf the presentation aan, Choose
aorhor epic an do ths asin
Discuss Any Event
Reading Gato fp nena com
Real newspapers aml marinien sEngl Gagple Nevhava vatioef tliynks. Pick one event and eed dhe ates aboit (urisng)
Read books in Bngish White a shor exsay about the event (writing), Give a presentation abun i (ipoing), Reco the reseation, Then watch
Read rape novels in English the vido and yice dat hat you said, Corte any tistake ind vend the guesenation again. Then close

Examples of Self-study Activities sorter event and thi gain
Whether you wal an atic i neaspaper of on a website, you ean ase that ati in avatety of ways topractice sede Report the News

ing svc, speaking, and btn i Engh Listen co an English-language news eeport on the rai or watea news program om TV (Livening) Take notes as yo fi
tay, Write« sunmary’of what you heard (ering.
Read aout i Pretend you sea news reporter Use che information fom yoe esto tere the news (ipoating), Revo the presentae
Paraphiase and write shout ie ton, Then wal the vila and wriee down what you si, Corect any ashes yom made and recon the puesta
Give tlk presentation shout ie gain, The stent to anor 1 progr and do this sin
Express an Opinion
make a video ar present, Read letet tà the editor in the ncwopaper (rein). Wit a etc in repose in which yo ddcuss whether you spice
Listen wo of wach what you rsurda. Weis down your preset ‘vith the opision expres in the fre eter Explain why (rte)
Cornet your misses,
Doeal pai,

Plan a Trip Pretend you have 1o givea calk explaining your opinion (peeking), Record yourself giving the tlk Then watch the video
‘Chose a city, loose a hotel, go to that hoes wetnite and ehoove a roam, and then chown some ses wo vst (reding) ad write down whe you ssid, Correct any mistakes you made anal so the prewatation again, Then teal awther
Waive «report about theci Tell why you watt eo go thete. Desthechơrn iandbtheefarm you will esse, Tell what eter tothe editor aldo th sgu
sites that iy you plan ani and when. Whee wil you eat! Howe wil you get around? Review a Book or Movie
thi place (ring), Pretend you have vo give afecoyoureploannned ip Real a hook (eng), Thiok about your opine ofthe book. What did you like about i? Wh
{ypeaking). Make vale of yousealkling about thiscity. Then watch the video anal wie down what yn sal, Comet ‘Who would you recommend the hook wo and why? Pretend you area book reviewer fora newspapor Write a teiew ofthe
sy mistakes you made and recon the peeentation apa, Then choose ane city and da thi again, Fook with your opinion a revemnmerdatons (writing)
Giaveorl presentatioanbout the book. Explain what the book i about and what your opin is (eabing) Recon
Shop for an Electronic Product ‘youll giving the preintation. Then wath the video and write down what you id, Corect any
{Chonean clecteanic proc and wead about ie (veding), Write report about the react. Tell why you want to buy ie, ‘econ the presentataiionn. Then tead anotbohoek rand do this sain
be ‘You can this une activity afer waching v me (090g)
ow itaeeter sornce recommmenancgis pronust(aviting) Preyotu ehavne todgive «tall abdoisuprtoc ‘Summarize a TV Show
( poabing). Make a vileo of youre aking about tix product. Then watch the video and rite down what you sald Warch a'TV sow in English (lvening, Take moavx yeou sKien, Afier watching ite a summaorf yshe show (uvitingh
Carte any sstkes yon made and record the presentation again, Then choose another peat and do thiags ‘Use yr ones give an onal summary ofthe show. Esplin the chatacters, etting and plot (pein, Reon youl
Discuss a Book or a CD “speaking, Then wach che vdeaon write down what yo aid, Correct any mistakes yoo
Go to wonsamason com ‘nasi, Phen wach another FV shaw al do this sin.
Choy abook or CD or any prelct, Rea the joc decra pevitewso(rnadi), Wraireptorteabout the prog
dc TH Shy yuu want to bay one or why itis inteeting ro you. Describe features,
Nw write a feet someone rscommending this polict (eeting) Pretend you have wo ive a alk about this product

(peaking). Mok siden of youl aking about this product. Then watch the vido and write đoạn what you
Cornet any mists you made the proxtation again. Then chooye another product and do thi aga


¬. area

S+ T The . moi c mm a
Fe A caste Weese n Cor

‘agement 1. 4mutual arrangem«ceonnttra,ct
|The landlord sn tenant were i agreement shat the rent should he

rome to che make of the math
È. 282 e ongeeree te er il do py he ewan for

| amunarpaanienr:cconefidence

‘2 We should not begin the work without the anurance of «signed contract
He spoke with amurance about the sills of his contract Ineyer

‘cancellation annulment woppsng
4 Work on the project had w sop because of the cancelation ofthe contract
“The anclltion classe appear atthe back of the contrat.
deer9fmn oiat tno tfeivence

ce reading the comet | was sill unable ro determine if ut company
ra Tale for back wages
1b The sill ofthe uaion bargainers wil determine whether the automotive

plane wil open next weck

K1 Bmefore = engagina gin 2 . ce .E inporanttoi es

1h Heengaped us a facinating discussion about current busines Law.
‘etablish to tiate permantco abridng yab:out
42 When this company was exablihal, the owner signed contracts with ll

thei employees.
1b The wetract establishes a relationship berween the company and the service

wan obligated by the contract to work 40 hours a week.

1b, felt obligated so fini the project even though Icould have exercised my

“4 Sear n action or penne oF

‘ides concerniend |

sith able remthie pvrobelern wo eee
Dã 7c (ống Candue.

‘both partes agree to the terms, we ca finalize the contract, _ Read the following pasiage and write the words tm the lente below
apseerent Aston the borage assigned she for ned pation
abide by sangl evi

acer deemine gio
—¬ ‘The patienate agreeable vo the terms, > xử ¬— nung parties

1 ssume su thatthe ntract wa reviewed by ou Lever Contre ae an imegel pa ofthe workplace. The parse of contact wo
‘What asurance is there chat the company wil say in busines daring che Wife of
hệ coaukt' | yee STS es) Iecween 49 oF more
‘He spoke soafedl abow the terms ofthe contrac, 6 The conuae () — the ser and
(5) ___ the partis ftlow them. Contacts ofc ince the
‘We can cael the antract, but that will ase a numberof problems amount vat a client will pry contractors aud sehat servicer will be provided,
‘Nealon fe wally include in a wer contact in cave the ate it For example, in your office, you may haye # conteact that provides
published “1...
“The canecld contract ended wp costing our company a goad deal of money, =
certain amount of time. A contract often states ways to (7),
— TM “The terms ofthe contract obligate ws to work for atleast one more mons i Ý the galiợ of work delved ix accepahle. Wellwrten contacts wus
‘obligation According to the contact, dhe company ha the obligation to provide child cate
[pene erdee ¬ | (8) —_ ways to (9) _ problems tke these
a "1111111111 when they happen. Bone (10) __ in a contact bor paris
shoul think cael they wil have wo (11) ___ the conditions

provide Since the machine i yey tlie, why dont we cance the serve contact specified in iA contact wally specifies ow the two patter can
provider thy provide” if ther panty fails wo meet the tems.
provision ‘We must mapotate a new contract with out ler serve
“The provision for camceing the contract sin the last lame,
spss “The contac specifics an anual salary tie.
spsifeaion | The work was done aconting vo the peiicnions of the contact.
specifi There 90 specific pt ofthe coract chat prevents us from hiring ete


'WORD PRACTICE Part§ Incomplete Sentences
Choose the word shat bet complet thes
LISTENING COMPREHENSION 10, The two side were no clotso e4 frinal _ at 11 flay tụt mg bơc mac

Nước Hee 0 a aed
WĐosgeolic — (D)agee blgaory ——{D)abligation
11, Our union rprerentative 14, The —_ for terminating the contract wste nơi
Part1 Photo rights would fede. diced
Loatothke picrue ihe wa (À) se (© sorely AY provi
(®) aswrance ——_(D) ame 1) prow jong
12. you —__your reservation 48 hoinuadrvance, 19. The contract call fir he union vo __ wh het
A896 yout ll on be bill baring eprsetaive wl
{A) oblige (© engage (A) speci (C)eobins
(8) cancel (Dy decrmine © Dyspeiy
Part2 Question.
tente the question und the tee thepono hat be Part 6 Toxt Completion
L@®£® Choo the word or phe hat bet completes dc em
Rental Property for Everyone
Part 3 Conversation More and mare people are investing ia rental property these daye. Whether you have asmall ypartment
Litem tthe dialog, Then read each question srl cheese the bee anasie, in your house torent, oF dectoiindveest in an apartmoreonffitce bulking, ental property can provide
‘What problem da the speakers have with th 6 Whar docs the wornan sugges doing ‘extra income for you and your family. What dows every landlord need to know?
eompter sop (A) Aang the company to write a now contact Leases
(A) Ie ori renew the contact (0) Canceling the contac, A lease is an between a landiord and a tenant, Standard lenses are avail
(B) I can repair the compute, (©) Renetwheiennngtat
(C} send inconc bil (D) Waiting ie dhe contract rus ou 161A) agree
(D)lt charges them for extra spare pars (BỊ sgeel
5, Wher wil dhe contrat nin ou (©) agicable
(8) In 9 mc {(D) agreement
(8) In ine moneh supply totes, and many property owners find them quite satstactory, Read the standard l Idly

(©)In one your to determine ft meets the neeodf ysour situation, You may want to make some additonal
(Dn fe yeas 17, (A) prison
Part4 Talk (1) poisons
(©) pron
Lien the tlk: Then rd ach question snd aie te bet anne (D) prov
he stalin 9, When cam the pattie vip the contact? You may want to add a pet clause, for example, or make diferent specications pertaining to the secu
A) A law (A Ta teo dây rity deposit, I you decide to make changes tothe standard lease, you should moet with a lnayer. The
(An ign of the contre. (8) Atthe end tate is the most important tool you have # you needto reso8ldivspeute with your tonant, When you
(C)A sectetay. havea lease wribytaolawnyer, you __ that you have the protection you need,
(0) Someone who has cachislagereedment 1 (A) asare
1, Which pac of the contract ate they loking at? (0) ill sre
(A) A cancellation clause ©) are asucing
B) Tha auras a ali (D) ate asta
(C) The agveemene on paymene
(DIA provin cianesofibaonkrnupt.

6 ESSENTIAL WORDS FOR THE TOEIC moar Santes Office Cleaners Marketing
Part 7 Reading Comprehension Customer Questionnaire
(Questions 19-25 refer tthe following ker ad forme Date contract signed: March 23, 20— Sate i fn od la
Type of faciity: cit 0 deve by ope
Sanuos Office Cleaners T Ty tủa cnc s member of pop co
T12 Main SỈ single office The xetô rhệng vo thế iợng khi of oncrer rs the moe
Dottie building 2. comparev. 10 examine siilatitien and dlilerences
Windsor, Ontario private home ‘4 Once the customer compared the two products, her choice was easy,
December 15,20 Bother |K.The price for dis bean is high compare wo the other rand othe
Mr James Harsion Frequency of service: nu
| 17 Hantand Road Odaity 3. competition 9 contest oe sug
Winsor, Ontario Biweekly ‘4 In the competition for afternoon dines, Hector’ as came out om tap,
Dear Mr. Harti, monthly 1h. In onder co heep up with the compton, we need to mutket our pratt
We ane very srry thot yout have decitodeeandcet Bother eet

your cleaning service contact with ws. In order 1 Reason for contract cancellation (choose one): 4, comme v, 1 aos wo ase wp
osu tht we provide our custowtmhethre bsest Tho longer need service 4 The busin plans consumed all of Frits ateention this al
possible service, we abvays try to determine the Digned contract with a diferent company 1 Markering cont cognume 3 gol part of» company’s budget,
Teawins foe contract cancellatkons. Please take 3 1B payment dispute not satisfactorily nsolved 5. enavince ¥, to bring wo beice by argument: to ponuadc
few minutes to fill out the enclosed forma. This is ‘2 Thesalcaman convinced his customce to fay his entre inventory of pens
for ont inforeaion oy complthee ftoeindges specific complaint not resolves 1 Before a busine can convince cncomnery tht i piesa
‘not obligate you to buy any product oF enter ito Bother product i munt convince i makeing. all
iy ew agreement with onc company. We appre: ‘Comments:= was alee calisfied wilt the 6. currently adv. happening the proent rac rose
jate your sooperation. at any tine i the fare | Currently we do mon of ou advertising on the Internet
you decide to fenew your contract with us, please 1. Curtndy, customer ate demanding big discnants for halk ones,
ido esitate to contacmte fad 2, practice fllomed coshusianically for ashore ines 3 craze
Sincerely. The mini dress wan a fal once though wo be Fiabe. uc now its
Kosa Santos ‘making «comeback.
Rosa Santos

1b, Clase tates may ncm boringbut they have proven ta eis
19, What isthe purpone ofthe fee? | 22. The wont ania ferter ne live 3s elonet in teapieation n.2 thing oF person thac toes fesking
(N Tofind out why Me. Harneo lsongoer wnanes 22 His work amintoathe mtarviin odenpartment
thi serie {RMara igh sales tm Spun weve an inpiraton so oar Baoan wep
(1) Toask Me Hation wo renew bis cnerae. 9, mathet v, the coure of buying and welling « prskaces m. the dem fora
(C) To advertise new services prose by the p2esleWehten Omar few bap making his chutney, he marked them
sampsny ‘Thderoe coo wdraorora to gourmet sfohroebrightly clove losing yea, bu this year
(D) To offer the customer a beter contract. post market
robo sec intrested ying
20, Wiha i Ms Santos's busines? 10, permasion the power wo infers: s der canvition a bb
(A) Cantomereeaions. ID TChoempsaenmiiensar teaches techniques of person 4 itease sles buy thee
(0) Cleaning service 1K product ue ditrent methods of pera get pope to
(C) Canara reve, 1. pdata yomni: ih ht
(DỊ Candlet resolution. Be e abn vhitpronetyivewemarsiwnagll

IR Aloo isc
21. Why id this cuaamer cance the cor teen bon, i Pa
{AV The company damaged sanething in is fie. peopubrits ie poo pt pr sey
(B) The employees proved unucistseorviyce Di an hi nen
(C) He hada digeeamboeu hniebill
(D) He focat wane this ype of reise anymore.

£ ara The sore poor location did noc help strat cumomers. =
Read the following pasutge nd serie the words in the barks below:

| wow acraction ‘Having a clown in the toy seve was afoolproof arection for peti wo tae ll tract -xnnwumen.
— aunesise aye Neo cl i ca UIÊN " corns —

compare ‘he compara the paces before she mace a decison ‘ani rring nay to realie hin deere opening + bine that ell pants ot
| compari | “There was compari in dhe quay of the two bral | the Internet Aer completing buines plan tht help him w determine that
a | comparable | "ger an average for horwe cw the agent soughe prices on coniparsba | there war demand foe his (1) inthe @)

In onder w compete tai’s mathe, companie need to advetve on the Yani is ready to start promoting his busines. Having (3)
A company mut alway be awate of what ks competition i doing, the bank cha hore wa a martha there were poole wing to buy plants on
the lmenet—be neal wo find thec (4)
‘Companies Lop the prodacs campettine by main them able on the (Once he hasan etablned bas, Yani lite otber busines ames will have 19
tren vi on en sandnal (5) `...
mac the cnr lealy hạ (6) _Tthi end henaso» mae
—] coma “The analy was able w consume new information quickly, sure that his cam se layyy sinh dc phe they
“The government vaxks consumer spening coy. by Yasi jebinta pnsik hồ custowitmhethre). toheep
ive | ceamahic bringing him dee busines To do ei he will Rave co ()
He ra a study of the use of comumabglooeds. ‘comnumers that he oes a good product ar 4 fair pric, pecially when
market 40) otle budinesvheíchxbie h(11)

makenne “The sly department diayreal about haw to market tht newet product
AÀ geod dư ta s chưng căn find away to all even an unattactie phalu
ghey manage did chang c nhượng he prc be

— "ằ= he ete mer nd tr be ot?

Part § Incomplete Sentences
'WORD PRACTICE Choose the wand that best completes the sentence
10, Matleting wpecialinns have condacted extensive
sedi af khai cntomers wo 4
panieuln pvaluet 13, Manufactureiske vo kowow what features
A) atiractve (C) xuat find wt
(1) steaction (D) xmxing (A) commer: (C) camempden
11, Smart shoppers will _ similar bean of 4 tem (8) com {D) consumable
tefone making devaon TS 2o
ol tthe picantd uligre w te te (compares (Cl esspvwde vse
(Choos the sentence that et decrithebpecrre A) market (©) mustered
erie won co(D) nào (1) marketable (D) marketing
12 four work ist wo your —_. please aay ws 13. A caanalr y oflthe __ product onthe
‘marker indicated ạt our poooet Lk ination
¡8®@ Ð ‘within 60 diy tind phon eases
(A) say (© sation (A) compere (C) competed
Part2 Question-Response (1) satsfcrory—(D) std (8) commpeiog, —_(D) competion

Listen the question and the thee penible nopomses. Chee the reponse that be Part6 Text Completion
2006 tvAa®6 (Choose the won or ple that bet ga th ve
Dear Valued Customer,
Part 3 Conversation ‘Smart consumers like yourself are concerned about your family’s nutrition. Health isa top priority, and so

Linen w the dialogue. Then red eavh yuetion and chose the bot reponse {s value. You want high-quality food products at competitive prices. That's why we ate introducing Farm
4. Wy des the store need to be mate competitive? 6. Who wil the woman call? Fresh, our new line of 100% natural and organic frazen dinners. We know you'l love the great natural
(A) There curre4nreecelsiyon, (A) A phowogeapher taste of Farm Fresh dinners such as Turkey and Wild Rice, Wild Salmon with Spring Grocns, and Country
{B) Prodctiviy haw dropped Lely. (B) A photocopy sloperion Chicken with Vegetables. Farm Fresh dinners are packaged with 100% recyclable materials
(©) The2rnew competitor neat (©) Acamomer 16, (A) sat
{DD New employees have lite experience. (D) A matheting exousive BỘ aeơaeise
5. How will the store attract more custome?
(A) By piving ther wil product [But we don't have to use 2 Lot of fancy words to convince you to enjoy Farm Fresh frozen di
(1) By giving ther dacouns ‘We will let theie great taste ___you to keep corning back for more. Please use the cnelosed
(©) By selling new prod
(D) By featuring happy customer in ad 17. A) convince
Part 4 Talk ) compere
Lite tthe talk, The rd each question sad chee the be ance (C) comume
‘Whe woul listen wo ` 9. Wbok sử the livenen be thi afternoon? (D) compare
(A) Casomers (A) At home
(BỊ Campeiten. B) Ina workshop. ‘coupons to buy up to six Farm Fresh dinnoefrysour choice a 25% off the usual retail price. We know
‘bythe great taste and the sreat price.

(CDSasdems (QAca nore.
(D) Salespeople (D) With alien.
What ate they trying identify?
(A) Theis weaknesses.
(18) How wo price their sevice,
(©) Tha s1909 poines
{D)theWcomhpetoion i,

Part 7 Reading Comprehension
(uitions 1925 rer the flowing eport Sindy the following definitions and examples
1 haracterstiae, evealing of indivi trai 1. am inva

Catherine Cosmetics Company
Sales Department Meeting Report That salespervon has an annoying characteristic —he aways pushes
March 29, 20~ tomtoebuyrthse extended warrant.
Wer ved te sales figures for the past qu are currently experi: leis characteritic ofthis company 1 provide only 4 hated wareaney with
ening, a significant drop sales inou hair cane proxtvets. This his been its pnb,
oltg on since the beginninogf the ye ‘whem we inteetced the improved 2. coasequenene thát khích flows necsaily
‘version of cue top-selling ba Catherine's Cuts. Our advertising The comequence of not flowing the service instructions for your ca is that
ven successful in eonvinciny or constoubuymtheese rprsoc, the warramy nivale.
market ws such as these manufactures with
100% natural ingredients andl no testing sn fae, our competitors quence of not having. cen «enti fo evctl Lala had
are doing quite well in this area and © been for number of years, We sewer avis
now from ou research thatthe popularity of allnatural cosmetic products
‘sore than just apassing fad, and thi is why’ we decid to branch out into think about cacflly
this area, We have carefully compan our products to those of our theee ac The customer coosidered buying dhe computer until he Keatned thatthe
rest competitors. We ha looked at proiuct ingredient, packaging, tar
set consumers, pricing and sales strategies. Our prodict is simila oF even warranty covwaes vreryalgitee
better, in all ways but one, Our packaging is significantly less eye-catching i, Afier considering al the options, Della decide co buy a used ca,
than that of our competito + and it does not convey the important aspects of 4. coves «, w provide protection against
the products 10 econsumer, tha that these products are entinely made
joe bere ten ae 0 attract more customers, We ‘The warranty coves the est ofall repair fora peiod of one yea,
accommend employing a new designer to create better packaging for the Ib. An extended warrany covers the product fora longer perioof time,
| Catherine's Curls line of proxtuets 1. Our contract with the deaning company wile
Ih. After dhe watraneyexpte, you will ave copay fr repairs youre
19, When did the sales department havea meeting? 22. The word marten fine 6 iy cloves i meaning 00 6. freqadsu, eoccunrritng lcomymonly widespread
(A) Acthe beginninogf the yex, (A) produce a. Appliances Frequcrey come with 4 c-yest warranty
(18) In Marc (8) factory bb. Warrantfsor this ie of appliance are frequently lite in their covetape,
(C) Aquacter of a your ago (©) purchase 7. imply sto indibcy ianftereence
(D) Acthe el of list yee (D) demand 4 The slesperson ipl thatthe watraney covet all daa wo the iP

20, Which of che follwing might be par 29. The wofinline 10 clase in meaning0 ‘The ssle amociaee promised that our row matte would ative by Hoon

Gathrind’s Curlsine of probes? (A) need ‘0 Satry
(N) Shap. (8) fabion 9. protect v.19 guard
(18) Han fri, (© even The warranty procect the comurnerapaint a defective proc.
(G) Nail polish, (D)shh bị. The warrawilnl parotyect slot of money nepal
(D) Lipaek sharwed me a product I had vever heal of
[ough it because of the good reputation wf the manwtactrer
21, Acconing 4 the teport, why ate fewer people buying, Ih. The compkanenw y thatthe reputation ofits procs was the nt ing
Cathrine Cánh poduenl tuc aee it had
(A) The pdee se tao high 1. eequie ¥ to deem oecenary or eset
1) The ingredients tent natu A Acar wareanay ay rie the ower w have i service hy a cenifed
(C) The packages are attractive. mechanic.
(D) The ypof perodact isnoe popular bh Thế lay reuiro thet cach iter clealy display the warranty information
12, variety many diferent kins
4 There vatetyof standard ero hát soi fan van.
KA varcy of uneapected problems appeared after the product had en on
the market fr about six months,

ah chươnnhe | A warranty fs characterized by the leg of is sms, Na 6 0 6 nho
idjetive | charaterinic | Ie charatertic of many companies w offer an extended warranty fora fee | characteris ‘covets implice reputations
| chase | A voramy carry, prods lor plese ple wile ere comeaquenss expire premiered
a "| tie 7 > ie mi ‘oni Co HO=mO - wey
Ti ;
der H l a to wand behiis pnrxldoces,
‘consideratoionT Afi om comer, aie decided he veer waranty wl be “ul a| ‘Warranties area seller (1)
(Mout major purchuves such as computers or cars come with a warranty, ax do smaller
wommidcrable |The fee fr dhe ett yeat of protection was a comiderable expense, purchases sich an seus or other dctonic hewsewaten, Waranicsatneơi

imply | The lenperiom imple that che cow ofthe extended warranty would be fo ĐỒ ay ha, at ae (9) found on prods

‘he individual
Implication The implication ie dhat if you deop the pronuct an it breaks the eps are IF you ate making + purchase, you should (4)
cet by the wattanty.
‘Correct us f the proiuct by the consumer i implicit inthe terms ofthe (6) __ of a warranty, a not all warranties are the same, tn fact,
thee ba ge (6) among them. Check the warranttoy:see
‘what KhákmƠI and for what amouanf teime. At the
phiệt Tan protexel dhe warranty by taking exellent cate of his nen rower minim, waranty are roi to promis thatthe prwioll dotwht
oncom Fac yout wn protection, you should have a warcany that ponds for»
seplacemene ptt. (8) __ tha ie will dos for example, that 2 Mendcr will blend or
protective, _Mfredo is very protective of the condition af his car and gets all the preventive «aie ger wil ry hae Mave warrants ae god for fa tm then they
o You an (10)
‘mainhtis ewarnranarynrecquieres. onaby blusing

[prentucts from companice with good! (11) and by takignoog
cate of your new purchase There ate (12). to not aking eaeof
“product, a more warranties quite cha you we the produc in a certain manner,

~‘Thhe wena af thheemadug he knigu i

WORD PRACTICE Part 5 Incomplete Sentences 13, The feel of __ impli by the warranty was
LISTENING COMPREHENSION Cheese the wend that bes competes the sentence
10, The timing belt __ hos sgn of wear ace (1 protect (© provection
bout 180,000 mile (8) protective (D) protect
(A)chaaete — (C) characterize 14 thanbe very hep so conserthe __ of the
{B) characteriaic (0) characerncally manufacturer and the merchant when ming «
Part 1 Photo 11, Jacques and Louisa wil only purchasing major purchase.
appliances that come wih 4 money toa (A) repuration —(C) epatiog
susan. 8) mepurble ——_(D) ejuted

A) coniideration —(C) considering 15. Ifthe appliance beaks down within two year of
() consider (D) considerable pprchase, che manufacturer is send
996 12, If theres any _of the directo feplacerscn atmo charge
involvement, we nd t fallow wp wif snd A) comnidered (C) expired
Part 2 Question-Response thoroughly (8) protected (D) sequined
Lien te the question the thee reponse. Chew the repens tet bet anacen the quoion W imply (©) implicued
28H 1880 (1) implicit {D) implieation

Part 3 Conversation
Ltn tothe datlgue, Then rd each question and chose the bet repens Part 6 Text Completion
4. How long is the bic warranty efetive 6. Whar docs the woman desde todo (Chea the word or phi thes beamlets ti tóc
(A) Thìn dạn (A) Take her car to an approved mechanic
(B) Suợ đàm, (8) Bay the exceed warranty. One-Year Limited Warranty
(© One yen. (C) Ree the bac watrany This warranty the purchaser from all malfunctions of the pre
D) Two year. {D) Buy» diffrent ca.
5, What will hipipf ethne woman uses an unappeored 16, (A) protects
mecha (B)_protecoes
(A) There xen (C) protection
(1) The warraney in mm elven (D) prowective
(©) Protection is decremedby 50% materials oF workmanship, Only the original purchaser of the products cencied li
(D) She wil have fl coverage ‘automatically invalidates this warranty. This warranty the manutactorer 1
= A) require
Part4 Talk (9 mại
Ltt nthesll, The rad rach question wd chon tc Öm đen © requiing
7. Nhat isthe point of the lt 9. How cana customer receive money back fr (1) ha require
(AN) Incas wand warranty ms be fined defective product! defective product oF to rund the full purchase price to the purchase, at
(18) {fa tenis ruse, the weateamnayeybe (A) Fellow the directo on the package. The manufacture’ lability does not exceed the purchine price of the product. Ths w
invalidated (8) Reza i wo the place of purchase, ‘imply thatthe purchahsasearny riign thhe tcasse ofa deSective product beyond thư sti
cs with wna weat ave diffe v0 (€) Repackage it canh, ‘waranty ‘one year irom the date of purchase. A receipt o other proooffpu
epi (D) Reeit wmithin 30 days, 18. (A) should expire

(0) Customer often don't understand warranties (BỘ igh expire
8, Wha is dhe audiencfeortis elk? (© will apire
(WA factory epuicpeno. (D) can expice
(8) Acaastomer Jn ores to make claims under the terns of this warranty,
(©) Sowneane who rats machines
(D) Bayern

Part 7 Reading Comprehension
Questions 19-25 fer othe fling two leer Manhew Bieline a6 rie
Customer Service Manage "1... .ẽ...
‘Kuchen Elect Kaichen Electronic, In 4 The ate pave her ake wo the Meringcomi
October 12, 20— 194204 Honeywell Boulevaed 1h. Marcos busines plan aes the needs nll busine owe
Mn. Sophie Bonen ‘Victoria Spring AL vol, 1 stay cleat of to hee from happening
IV Montrese Xueet Dear Me, Beste, 44 To.avoid going out of busins, owners should! prepare «proper businew
Stoneybnook, MI 1b. Loy errors in accounting could have been avoided by a business consuls
Dear Mr. orden, {hue ectoyour letter offering to ven me wei
Idd toute pice of ty detective one.} loi |
telmel tụt my varoan, hai aưenh: cepMed ARer ‘ion with his banker.
ftortuatly, the demonstrate» 10 show clay and deliberately: w present by example
the toate expired 4 momh age The the muster Í have decked to accept the AteAlaa een bth rs of ag
ternn of the warrany oot camer out pro ‘nuking his deat ate
‘once thas eqited, Comequcodly. we wil not be rhahedl toaster, Your company fas 4 good 1. The fence demonsned through «cue wy hata nce plan an
she ta seed yo eral. However, we wil be ae af Geguenly ee oor poder: fe Tết DETẾ impesa lendee
tosend yon to expand, prngres oF impose
tm exchangs tne have ever haa problem with ly developed et ideas ito a busines plan by taking a clas atthe comma
Please let us know if wich an ata te tre e2fetfsi 1E TT sity college.
———- efuybnliltoadet ai sanh a wells a brand new one, 1h. The rexaurant Wanda apes ten years ago bas developed io &
Please dont hesitate o contact me if you have any However. would ike to be asured thatthe refuses ao i
‘questions We appreciate your haineh toaster will be protected by a Warranty, unt 6 a ew. evaluate vs to determine the valve o mpc of

.estet wøgld be If tha is the case, then please send mie | 4 impotoretvaluaate ynourtcompetion when making busines plan.
Sincere the roster 3 soon a powuble, Thank jo 1h. The lender evaluated our creditability ad vided to oun ws anes
Sree father v.10 accumueloactoent:d
Sephie Bordwaurr 2 We gathered infoforrourmplaan frtom imanoy snours
Sophie orden 16H gater tha ier rates fo sl busines wil som hangs
(offer na propor w propos: to prescot in ordc wo mec a Heed or
Co nen cơ các úy bọn gb
1b Jackie must offer fer banker new wativca in onder co encourage the bank to
Tend her money toward het ar-ap ess
priadem, foat mcos yipo
19. Why did the customer eeu the oaserE EON peimary concerned with convincing she a of din apy
1) Ie dost work for the lon loạn
(8) be was tom expemive {The developers ae thiking peimarily of how wo ener the Sou American
(©) She wantsabrand new one (1) thinking bone ket,
(D) She prefers a diferent model, (depve ak he chance of lus o¢ damage
20. When di she purchtheatsosee? (D) worrying about Te ima ok fr ne ary bas ices api
(A) A mơnh ao. 23. The woe oye ine 6 ofthe con 1 Espfotao enw aienagig
(8) Last Octobe neetnin n Oetksater 1btunseinew anndt avroiidinng probplieoms,
Exaocnetyela yap ". . 5... te
(D) Aliovernayeear ago. vs make stoner oF mote pone
ce strengthen your plan by including the powbiy of wing cons
21, Mhat wl she gt in place of the retuned rouse A Weaevocroniegwooenaen si or thsw nane.
(A) Nothing.
(8) A refund, 4 a eae 6 a ee win ib Scien em
(©) Abarow !toner,
(D)A aitlrent, epuited raier



aoe bo E20-igt0CiES ‘Road the flowing jdsage and rte the sores inthe bls belowh

"¬-.-- Sia he ie ee ITTP Hinh oe ole Ray
1. PP Tl toe he base er pO | ee mộ ia lệnh

roan | TR [oat pargit dementia br ew a bute ea | ry ful i 0), + usin la The in plas
TẾ anen | ‘Te lure of ac bane ls dancntauive of har an penal ø "".....-.-.«-

TƯ Gralla aaNet ea ~ @ _ "` `...
Nó EBnSp 2)|DkeierWyiArrpicur130ITEĐ1ĐTTETDTI | : 010101027009 i
Re ire pTeenijlene devon worl tn fk ae il aaa lạ ha hạt, hi DI Nhhipilbatile
"...ẽ .....
sha esa boing te
Fa | tae Fae ese those ati ad erate di als for ou lan aig ii espe wi condi tact ede k
sạmh | eshavion [Yoo ear the pfs vation fhe tines lan i tre tt:k{ li 0), Si sư
non | oh ‘cinder anor eve nh an an one pa KT... ca. 2c. cenna
he te se dee pent Te rps mut be ale w
Re Tiof geeedRan aT Re Ne a one hough sha comin hse mate ed he no rie hi
"`... Ti We ln WL OY SEL OE w ad dha saint ber of pial cme a
10 support the bails,
aljgctive | satel The haliuygiltui ði0u1E pblsii srXbnbig bit 7 Abiplnealiasok the) i sno ie, Chit

Se Ee No aunt of liens an veer god plang Không thức l empath "The: bade plan we the coy’
ETE stuinuion | Them lionof ovean unt or ance des by denne Ty ee comin (10, Ji a aera rit
oducts, an statepes. The plan should (11) what distin
Mlalt€.- | sbaiaeal buinet pn, tise the eniteprncrprovkats oF services on ener
The subsilutel amount was uct lange than the origina amount

tho common fr business to fail Bocas che owner il invest ook
soflicient capital to tun the busines A good business plan should
tài thịt hoe as wel

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