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luận văn linguistic devices used in harry potter series

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<b>BINH DUONG PROVINCE – 2022 </b>

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<b>SUPERVIOR: </b>


<b>BINH DUONG PROVINCE – 2022 </b>

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Binh Duong, July 2022

<small>Nguyen Dang Minh Hoa</small>

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This research would never have been possible without the constant assistance, guidance, and support of many people. They deserve much more than an acknowledgment.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Tran Thanh Du for his guidance, wisdom, and understanding. Words could not describe how he helped me throughout my academic pursuits and thesis completion.

I am a single mom facing so many difficulties in life. I would like to express my love and appreciation to thank my parents and my little son for their support, patience, and strength. They provided me with great love and encourage me to try my best to complete this project. I could not have been able to complete this project without their intense devotion.

I am greatly indebted to all my lecturers at Thu Dau Mot University for their endless enthusiasm and undeniable helpful lectures. I would be very grateful to the staff of the Post-graduate Department for their support during my time of studying.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge J.K. Rowling. Your characters have caught my heart and inspired me to do new things in the field of linguistics.

Binh Duong, July 2022

Nguyen Dang Minh Hoa

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<b>ABSTRACT </b>

This study investigated J.K. Rowling’s novel entitled Harry Potter consisting of seven books. It aims at exploring and analyzing the linguistic devices used in this novel to illustrate the characteristics of protagonist characters such as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. It also attempts to explain the impact of Harry Potter on both adults and teenagers since it is an excellent novel for them to learn about a variety of topics, including friendship, loyalty, and good and evil, thereby having a clearer view of the ideology of the author, J.K. Rowling. Qualitative descriptive approach is the main method that is used to explore several linguistic devices such as metaphor, allusion, simile, etc. Data for these devices is collected from seven books: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The results show that all of the investigated devices are flexibly used to contribute to the deep understanding of the characters in the novel and clearly show the author's ideology.

Key words: Harry Potter; linguistic devices; Rowling, ideology, characteristic.

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1.1. Background to the study ... 1

1.2. Objectives of the study ... 4

1.3. Research questions ... 4

1.4. Scope and limitations of the study ... 4

1.4.1. Scope of the study ... 5

1.4.2. Limitations of the study ... 5

1.5. Significance of the study ... 6

1.5.1. Theory ... 6

1.5.2. Practice ... 6

1.6. Organization of the study ... 7


2.1. Theoretical background ... 8

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2.1.1. Literature and roles of literature ... 8

2.1.2. Linguistic devices in literature... 9 Definitions ... 9 The roles of linguistic devices in literature ... 13

2.1.3. An overview of Rowling’s life and works ... 16


5.1. Summary of the research ... 85

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5.2. Implications and recommendations... 86

<b>REFERENCES ... 88 APPENDICES ... 93 </b>

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The first chapter provides the background to the study, the objectives, the research questions, the scope, the limitations, the significance, and the organization of the study.

<b>1.1. Background to the study </b>

From an unknown author from the United Kingdom who wrote a book about a boarding school and a young magician with little attention in 1997, J. K. Rowling has become one of the most popular contemporary novelists thanks to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the first book of the Harry Potter series. It was considered "one of the best books of 1998" by School Library Journal, Booklist in the United States, and Publishers Weekly. Moreover, it was also voted as the 1998 New York Public Library Best Book of the Year and the 1998 Parenting magazine Book of the Year Award. The series of Harry Potter has created a legendary "magic universe", with Hogwarts and apprentice witches and dark forces hunting them day and night. It is one of the quality works of art for audiences of all ages, capturing the hearts of both professionals and the general public. Harry Potter, both the novel and the movie, has set many records. This novel has been translated into 73 languages.

A series of six books about the fictional life of Harry Potter has been published since 1997. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005), and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007) are the titles of the next six books. Millions of copies of these books have already been distributed around the world. The books have sold over 500 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling series of all time, with the last four novels

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shattering records for the fastest-selling books in history. The popularity of the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling is undoubted. Additionally, Warner Bros. produced film adaptations, which became box office successes. As one of the best-selling books of the past 20 years, the Harry Potter series has a devoted following all over the world. It has attracted fiction fans with its quantity and quality, having spread its reach outside the fan community.

Reading is not only about relaxation, but also about thinking and analyzing the literature from different perspectives. It allows students to expand their knowledge and imagination, which makes it an excellent way for English learners to become proficient in the language. Rowling has had a positive influence on the youth and adolescence of an entire generation. Through Harry Potter, she contributed to the moral lessons and upbringing of millions of kids. It educates kids on the virtues of friendship, loyalty, and good and evil while also fostering their imagination and their language acquisition ability.

This novel also catches the attention of many linguists who would like to get into the details of linguistic devices. Linguistic devices are words or phrases that convey a meaning that is different from the literal one. Specifically, Murali (2015) investigated that Latin roofs and etymology, reporting verbs, and adjectives help to compare the heroic and villainous characters’ descriptions in the Harry Potter series. Next, Bonifacio (2013) claimed that J. K. Rowling mostly used compound, complex, declarative, simple past, and active voices to narrate the story. The transformed sentences were mostly composed of one or more kernel sentences, which had been strung effectively together through the use of connectives. Meanwhile, the description of characters in positive and negative terms is much investigated by using reporting verbs, adverbs, and adjectives to contribute to the depiction of a heroic or villainous identity for individual

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characters (Nygren, 2006). However, linguistic devices are still not studied much in this novel.

Language is used to express thoughts and feelings to others (Pinker & Bloom,1990). Asoulin (2016) similarly believes that the main function of language is as an instrument for expressing thoughts. The language of literature is different from the language used in daily life. Literature communicates both the information and experiences of the author. This is achieved through the employment of different linguistic devices. In reading, readers do not only concentrate on what is said but on how it is said; that is, the linguistic technique, which employs linguistic devices.

The analysis of language techniques used in the Harry Potter books is believed to have significant benefits for improving audience comprehension of artistic works. The understanding of the linguistic devices may help the readers to be enhanced by an awareness of linguistic devices in literature. This perceptive insight is based on good reasons, not based on subjective assessments. By utilizing linguistic factors, this finding can be helpful for English usage.

The researcher believes that the analysis of the language methods used in the Harry Potter series has not received enough attention. Sometimes, despite having certain thoughts, we are unable to express them effectively. We can read several writings and literary texts in newspapers as well as numerous inscriptions in advertising, but we are unaware of the figurative meaning of these texts or what the author was trying to convey by employing particular language. This explains why the researcher decided to deal with this problem, which has affected a lot of people. As a result, the researcher chooses to apply a linguistic devices approach because it is thought to provide an objective understanding of language and primarily concentrate on the literary text being analyzed.

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For these reasons, the researcher decided to carry out the thesis on "Linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series". This thesis is necessary because it is expected to use a descriptive approach of linguistic devices, which is considered descriptive to understand the language objectively. It primarily focuses on the literary text under study and provides more insights into the language by examining linguistic devices in the Harry Potter series.

<b>1.2. Objectives of the study </b>

<b>To make a small contribution to future research on linguistic devices, the </b>

general objective of the study is to examine the use of linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling. These devices specifically include allusion, conflict, exposition, flashback, foreshadowing, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, repetition, symbolism, and personification.

These are the following specific objectives of the study:

(1) To point out linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series;

(2) To explore the effects of linguistic devices on depicting characteristics of the main characters to help readers comprehend the thoughts and feelings of characters throughout the analysis of linguistic devices;

(3) To investigate the ideological and educational values that the author

<b>would like to express and educate adults and teenagers valuable lessons in life. </b>

<b>1.3. Research questions </b>

To guide the research, the following answers are put forward:

(1) What are typical linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series? (2) What are the effects of these linguistic devices on depicting the characteristics of the main characters?

(3) What ideological and educational values are reflected in these linguistic devices?

<b>1.4. Scope and limitations of the study </b>

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<b>1.4.1. Scope of the study </b>

The scope of this study is the seven books of the Harry Potter series, including chapters of the books, and not the film series. The data collected are in plenty of particular contexts of the main protagonist, especially the words, the speeches, the conversations, and the narrations in which the author uses linguistic devices.

 Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

 Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

 Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

 Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

 Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

 Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

 Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

This paper also focuses on these devices such as allusion, conflict, exposition, flashback, foreshadowing, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, repetition, symbolism, and personification.

<b>1.4.2. Limitations of the study </b>

This study examines a series of seven books published since July 21, 2007 (Rowling, 2007). However, the paper still has some limitations. It is difficult to further analyze all linguistic devices in all seven Harry Potter books. In some cases, the basic contexts are delved into using common linguistic devices. It could not be more detailed in investigating the villains such as Dark Lord Voldemort or Death Eaters, as well as other supporting characters like Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, etc. Internal issues & social implications surrounding Harry Potter have not been analyzed in this paper through linguistic devices. Despite these limitations, this study could collect enough data to achieve its objectives and manage to answer the research questions.

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<b>1.5. Significance of the study 1.5.1. Theory </b>

The findings can serve as a source of knowledge or a reference for future studies. As a result, researchers will be able to do more linguistic researches with a more comprehensive investigation rather than with distinct items. Linguistic devices are powerful tools that must not be overlooked in storytelling. They can add emphasis to phrases, evoke moods and emotions, and provide insight into an author's words by making the storytelling clear and vivid. By using these devices, authors definitely make the most of their storytelling

<b>1.5.2. Practice </b>

English is the most common foreign language in Viet Nam. People consider English an essential part of life because it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. The analysis of linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series describes the significance of approaching linguistic comprehension. In other words, understanding more linguistic devices and their uses helps readers better understand foreign languages in terms of human, attitude, and culture from literary works.

This study identifies many linguistic devices and their functions and clarifies their effects on writing style of J.K. Rowling and emphasizes the positive impacts of exploring the good personalities of the main characters, especially the protagonists, such as loyalty, bravery, determination, and self-sacrifice, thereby bringing a lot of educational value to adults and young readers.

It also encourages readers and English admirers to attain much beneficial knowledge, especially understanding of linguistic devices, so that they can use them fluently, flexibly, and appropriately in life for several purposes, such as asking, finding information, exchanging ideas, suggesting even expressing their emotions while writing. The mastery of a foreign language enables us to

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communicate with people from other countries, achieve mutual understandings, and further our trade contacts, economic cooperation, and cultures.

<b>1.6. Organization of the study </b>

This study consists of five chapters as follows:

<i>Chapter 1 includes the background of the study, objectives of the study, </i>

research purposes, research questions, scope, limitation, the significance of the study, and the organization of the study.

<i>Chapter 2 provides the theoretical framework concerning the analysis of </i>

linguistic devices. This chapter can be considered a brief overview of Harry Potter, the roles of linguistic devices in literature, and some previous studies related to Harry Potter.

<i>Chapter 3 involves the research approach used in the study as well as </i>

collecting and analyzing data.

<i>Chapter 4 is results and discussion in the form of answering the research </i>

questions mentioned in chapter 1.

<i>Chapter 5 is the conclusions, limitations, and recommendations. In </i>

particular, It summarizes the main points, acknowledges several limitations, and offers recommendations for future research in the field of linguistic devices.

This part provides an overview of the thesis “Linguistic devices used in Harry Potter series”. The next chapter presents the literature review.

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This chapter gives the definitions of key terms and deals with the review of relevant literature on the analysis of related linguistic devices. The chapter also reviews the previous academic literature on Harry Potter in terms of grammatical and semantic aspects.

<b>2.1. Theoretical background </b>

<b>2.1.1. Literature and the roles of literature </b>

Literature is important to all of us in so many ways. According to Juden (1995), a book or piece of writing that has received praise is considered literature. Literature technically refers to all written works that have ever been produced. It is one way to express social consciousness. And indeed, literature is a reflection of life in all its aspects. Languages are beautiful, and the effective use of meaningful words on the literary stage and the quality of the writing can persuade the reader to engage in the enjoyment, awareness, contemplation, and feelings that the author intended for the reader to have a clearer understanding of the literature’s significance. According to Madison (1997), literature is a communication tool for thinking, conveying imagination, and expressing exquisite art. The act of studying or reading each literary work allows the reader to comprehend the feelings of the characters as well as the author's reflections on the society, culture, politics, and economic conditions of the period. It can be seen as a study of man, including his needs, desires, interactions with others, contractions within himself and his community, and reactions to all of these aspects. Hence, the role of literature is to discuss all these aspects and human relationships in their entirety (Liu & Yang, 2017).

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People all read literature for a variety of reasons. They could be our age, our interests, and the previous kind of literature. People choose literary works that are appropriate for their ages and interests to help them entertain and relax.

Literature also stimulates learning interests and contributes to educational purposes. Most people around the world first engage seriously with literature when they are in school. Reading and writing have been drilled into all of us from an early age, and we try to read literary texts for information, knowledge, and even examinations (Liu & Yang, 2017).

Additionally, it is crucial for educating people about the various aspects of life, including the social, cultural, political, and economic institutions that are now in place. Any aspect of literature is worth studying, and linguistic devices are no exception. The existence of certain linguistic devices in literary works can prove how linguistic features constitute meanings and effects.

<b>2.1.2. Linguistic devices and their roles in literature Definitions </b>

According to Crystal (2008), "linguistic" is an adjective from linguistics that is defined as a term that has to be used with care because of its ambiguity; it can be the adjective of a language, as in such phrases as "linguistic philosophy," "linguistic skill," and "linguistic minority". It refers to an approach characterized by the scientific attributes of that subject, as in "linguistic analysis." The term "device" is considered a means derived from mathematics and is used particularly in generative linguistics to refer to an abstract design specifically constructed to enable analysis. According to Cuddon (2013) and Malmkjaer and Anderson (1991), linguistic devices are words or phrases that convey a meaning that is different from the literal one.

Linguistic devices, as a term, have been applied to many literary works in which what is said is replaced with what is intended. These devices replace the

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subjectivity of standard analysis with an objective or scientific analysis of the style of the literary text. Intelligent use of linguistic devices can enhance the impact and effectiveness of your writing. They can be applied to many genres of literature: poetry, drama, novels, and short stories. They can be utilized in both fiction and non-fiction materials and add something special or original to your writing. Moreover, they can be applied in literary and non-literary texts.

Linguistic devices cover two distinct domains: linguistics, which domain approaches literature as a text, and criticism, which domain reviews literature as a message. The purpose of the analysis of linguistic devices is to attract awareness of how language is being in literature.

For the study carried out without any difficulty, some key terms related to linguistic devices should be introduced:

A part of linguistic devices is stylistic which is known as rhetorical devices. It is one of the main important fields which gives the reader a clear understanding of the author and his style (Leech and Short, 1981). The focus of stylistics is the language style. The writer can use any number of stylistics to tell his or her story. The writer’s choice often depends on the type of genre he or she is writing and personal preference. Also, the writer uses more devices in a novel than in a short story. The writer uses more devices in his or her writing to create a more interesting, meaningful, authentic, and interesting story. They are devices or expressions used to persuade or communicate with an audience. He implicitly states that stylistics is a linguistic description of a language style study (Verdonk, 2002).

Linguistic devices can be considered as literary devices. They refer to another specific aspect of literature or a particular work, which we can recognize, identify, interpret or analyze. (Wambui et al., 2012). Literary devices are properly referred to as both literary elements and literary techniques. These devices give

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life to words that are present in all literary genres, including poetry, theater, fiction, and fiction. We learn that the fiction writer’s choice of literary techniques is an important element of fiction. They are based on content and can refer to the narrative, or story elements, such as setting, character, theme, symbols, and any other elements you might need to tell a story. These devices, such as metaphors and similes, are the building blocks of literature, and what makes literature so enchanting. Language evolves through the literary devices in poetry and prose; the different types of figurative language make literature spark in different ways.

non-Concerning analysis of linguistic devices, it is a branch of linguistics that examines how language should be used properly in writing. Since every writer tries to personate his or her thoughts in a literary work of writing by applying linguistic device analysis to his or her creation in a unique way that differs from others, the writing style is an essential feature of a literary text that implements a unique acknowledgment to the writer. Most of them convey the same message or idea through several techniques and different meanings because each technique has its way of capturing and displaying things.

Analysis of linguistic devices has been also regarded as a means of examining and analyzing the meaning and the purpose beyond the literary works. It has extended to go beyond this structuralistic way to depart for a more pragmatic trend to link the meaning of the text to social and cultural context. Consequently, using linguistic devices in literature is an analytical tool to understand the significance of the used textual patterns. Furthermore, the analysis intends to explore how the used language, vocabulary, and syntax operate to bring the interpretations of the text. Subsequently, every writer has his/her distinctive way of defining and modifying their views. Each of them has a unique technique that they use in their literary works.

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Individuals are typically impacted by their style of writing. If readers are familiar with the writer's writing style, they will be able to comprehend the speaker's point of view. However, there are situations when readers are unable to understand what the author means. They may explain it differently because the elements that attract the attention of someone may not be considered by another. Through linguistic devices, writing style can be displayed in the way of speaking, selection of words, grammar, and tone of voice.

The analysis of linguistic devices is for the objective of determining and discovering the writing style of an author. In this paper, the researcher concentrates on some devices such as allusion, conflict, euphemism, exposition, flashback, foreshadowing, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, repetition, symbolism, and personification to investigate the ideology and educational values that Rowling embodies.

<b>(i) Conflict </b>

Conflict is a linguistic device characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces. It can be friction between characters in a scenario, or the real opposition of characters (Brown, 2021).

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An allusion is a figure of speech in which the author briefly mentions a certain topic, such as a location, an event, or a piece of literature (Leppihalme, 1997, cited by Harmon, 2015).

<b>(x) Symbolism </b>

Symbolism is a linguistic device that contains several layers of meaning, often concealed at first sight, and is representative of several other aspects of concepts than those that are visible in the literal translation alone. It refers to the use of an object, animate or inanimate, or another idea in a written work that represents or stands for something else (Cuddon, 2013).

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This study also emphasized the fact that the value of appealing visuals in advertising cannot be overstated. The findings of this analysis will be valuable to bank advertisers, advertising students, and future academics.

In the study of Zulkipli and Ariffin (2019), the interplay of rhetorical devices and intertextuality in projecting the branding image of promotional discourse, such as online advertisements for three common fast food chains in Malaysia, is examined. The objectives are to identify the social influence in the shaping of the language of advertisements or the promotional discourse by analyzing the rhetorical devices and elements of intertextuality and analyzing aspects of creativity and cross-cultural variations represented in the promotional discourse. Zulkipli and Ariffin investigated the frequency of rhetorical devices used by the Three Fast Food Chains, such as alliteration, hyperbole, personification, repetition, and so on. In the advertising of Texas Chicken, McDonald's, and KFC, a total of 9 rhetorical devices were identified, with 9 in McDonald's and 4 in KFC. On 66 occasions, Texas Chicken had the highest frequency among the nine rhetorical devices, while McDonald's and KFC both had 28 occurrences. For example, in Islamic countries, consumers are more likely to respond positively to commercials that have received Halal certification (or Halal sign). KFC, Texas Chicken, and McDonald's in Malaysia have all been very supportive and informative about their Halal status to encourage more people, especially Muslims, to eat their food. Rhetorical devices are indeed an important aspect of advertising as they emphasize the importance of originality and creativity in advertising items and have an influence on customers' purchase decisions. The study also highlights the relationship between the use of rhetorical elements in advertisements and the companies' level of popularity in Malaysia.

What is more, Wibowo (2015) carries out a stylistic study on the literary works of Ki Padmasusastra, a famous author after the age of Javanese poets. The

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ways he used stylistics in his work made the progress of the Javanese language and his creativity in authorship helped advance the civilization of the people. The data sources for the objective factors are collected from four literary works of Ki Padmasusastra in the form of gancaran prose: (1) Serat Rangsang Tuban, (2) Serat Prabangkara, (3) Serat Kandha Bumi, and (4) Serat Kabar Angin. Wibowo investigated the uniqueness and specialty of the language use of Ki Padmasusastra through the four literary works above. Specifically, the study focuses on some language styles such as simile, metaphor, and visual imagery. A simile is used to describe the beauty of the body of Rara Apyu; "Rara Apyu has a sexy body... like a young leaf of an angsoka flower, her face glisters like a full moon." In terms of metaphor, "the moonlight is said to be as if tearing through the leaves" or "The wind blows, bringing the fragrance of the flowers, and it deepens the pain of the sorrow in the heart." indicates that the exertion of the metaphor projects the utterance to be more alive. Besides, imagery, the function of the readers' visual organ is linked to visual imagery. For instance, ‘Rara Apyu has a sexy, clean, yellowish, soft, and tender like a young leaf of angsoka flower, her face glisters like a full moon…’ are expressed to describe the beauty of the body of Rara. On the other hand, the words used by an author in an attempt to impact the reader's thinking through the use of their audio organ are referred to as audio imagery. For example, "the great love of the king for Kyai patih made the soldiers quiet; there was an absolute silence". This audio imagery, which describes the silence in the ballroom of the palace, arouses the imagination of the readers. It awakens the readers' senses, causing them to hear and feel the scene depicted in the novel. In summary, the uniqueness of the use of metaphors and similes enhances the beauty of an idea that an author wishes to convey to the readers. The imagery of the story used in describing characters makes the story real and alive.

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In the stylistic study of Jaafar (2014), after investigating the stylistic analysis of two poems by well-known poets of English literature, namely; E.E. Cummings and the Irish noble laureate Seamus Heaney, she concludes that stylistics as a scientific discipline is beneficial to those who are teaching and studying English language and literature. Stylistics can help not only international students but also native English speakers. Based on linguistic data, stylistics can support in a logical and scientific comprehension of literary writings. The reason for choosing two poems by two different poets and not two poems by one poet is to make it clear that stylistic analysis can be more clarified and stylistic analysis would be more explicit. The use of language can be clarified as follows:

a) Assonance: the repetition of the vowel sound to create internal rhyming within the poetic line. life/ time; pale/air; white/high; beating/breeze.

b) Alliteration: the repetition of the consonant sound, for example; the third line whitewing, beating –breeze, also in the eleventh line; with –wind, and the fifteenth line; Climbing—carrying

c) Free repetition: which means the repetition of full words in the poem. For example, the word "and" is repeated so many times in the whole poem, about 10 times.

d) Simile: "my hand is like a spindle." We can easily recognize similes by the use of the words "as or like."

Through the stylistic tools of foregrounding and its types, one can reach the right interpretation of the poem even if there is no prior knowledge about the literary work. Stylistics gives us, in one way, the opportunity to enjoy the creativity of English literature, especially English poetry.

<b>2.1.3. An overview of Rowling’s life and works </b>

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J.K. Rowling. She was born on July 31, 1965, in Yate, near Bristol, England. Her

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teenage years were not fun. Her family life became more complicated since her mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and had a strained relationship with her father, with whom she remains out of touch to this day. During her school years, she was extremely interested in writing and was good at foreign languages, but was often judged to be not very good academically. Rowling began writing the Harry Potter novels in London while working for Amnesty International after receiving her degree from the University of Exeter in 1986. She went to Portugal in the early 1990s to teach English as a foreign language, but she soon returned to the UK and settled in Edinburgh after a quick marriage and the birth of her daughter. Living on public assistance as a single parent, she continued to write when working as a French teacher. Rowling was deeply affected by her mother's death which had a huge impact on her work.

She created the popular and critically acclaimed Harry Potter series, a lonely orphan who discovers that he is a wizard and enrolls in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Harry Potter became a worldwide phenomenon, she became the world's first billionaire writer in 2004, according to Forbes magazine. Rowling is consistently included in the list of highest-grossing authors. Even so, she gives most of her money to charity.

Rowling's most famous literary work is Harry Potter. It is about the adventures of a young boy, Harry James Potter. He was born on July 31st, 1980 in Godric’s Hollow, England. He was Lilly and James Potter's only child until they were slain by Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the story. He is an orphan and lives with his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, his guardian aunt and uncle, and cousin Dudley. They consider Harry a burden and treat him badly. He sleeps in a closet under the stairs. His relatives are adamant about not celebrating his birthday. Harry realizes one day that he can make things happen just by thinking about them. With the help of a half-giant named Hagrid, he knows that he is a wizard. Harry

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is snatched away from the Dursleys' hellish existence and enrolled at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a magical school for witches and wizards.

Harry travels to the train station a month later and boards the train bound for Hogwarts on track nine and three quarters. Harry makes friends with other first-year students on the train, including Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, a Muggle girl chosen to attend Hogwarts. Harry was the only person to have ever survived an attack by Voldemort by somehow rebounding from the latter’s "killing curse," which left him with a lightning-bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. The major plot revolves around Harry's struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, overthrow the Ministry of Magic, and subjugate all wizards and Muggles. After being sorted into the Gryffindor house, Harry Potter became best friends with Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. In the first year, Harry plays Quidditch, makes friends, meets Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, and encounters Voldemort for the first time (Book 1).

Harry has returned for his second year at Hogwarts, but events are taking a darker turn (Book 2). The mysterious Chamber of Secrets has been opened at the school, and not for the first time. He learns that Tom Riddle, a.k.a. Voldemort, opened the chamber the first time and left part of his soul behind to manipulate Ginny Weasley into doing so in the present. The basilisk, a hugh snake, that lives in the tunnels is defeated by Harry, who then uses one of its fangs to destroy the diary that contained Tom's soul which remain alive inside.

In Book 3, Harry knows that he has a godfather. He thinks Sirius Black, the madcap escapee from Azkaban, betrayed his parents and gave away their location to Voldemort. Incidentally, Lupin is a werewolf. The old friends are together to fight Peter Pettigrew, who is actually the one who betrayed Harry's parents. By going back in time with Hermione, Harry saves Sirius from the Dementors, the wardens of Azkaban.

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The fourth year is full of danger for Harry. He accidentally becomes one of the champions when Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament. He has to go through challenges that involve dragons, merpeople, and a deadly maze. The Triwizard Cup at the end of the maze ends up being a portkey that transports Harry and classmate Cedric Diggory right into Voldemort’s lap. Voldemort has taken shape again, and he is terrible and frightening. He kills Diggory, and Harry barely escapes. After all, a Death Eater has been sucking down Polyjuice Potion and pretending to be Mad-Eye Moody to harm Harry.

Voldemort is back in Book 5. The entire wizarding world does not believe in Dumbledore and Harry Potter about speaking out against the Dark Lord. Dumbledore, Sirius Black, Lupin, and other individuals have resurrected the Order of the Phoenix from underground. The primary purpose of this secret club is to stop Voldemort. At Hogwarts, Harry is frustrated by the newest Defense Against teacher, Dolores Umbridge, who refuses to teach them defensive magic. A clash between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters takes place, and Sirius is killed. The wizarding world finally understands that Voldemort has come back and is a threat.

In Harry's sixth year, Dumbledore pulls him closer than ever and asks for his help in the battle against Voldemort. They know about the history of Tom Riddle. They realize that Riddle acquired the necessary skills to make horcruxes. The key to taking down Voldemort is to find the physical items that contain fragments of the soul. He creates seven horcruxes. The dangerous race is on to find the horcruxes before Voldemort realizes what his enemies are planning. Draco Malfoy was given the assassination assignment of Dumbledore by Voldemort. When he was unable to carry out the murder, Severus Snape took over. They know about the legend of the Deathly Hallows. If you are the owner of the Deathly Hallows, you will be immortal. Harry and his friends find out about

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all the Horcruxes and destroy them. A bloody final battle takes place at Hogwarts, and Voldemort is finally destroyed when Harry is the new owner of the Deathly Hallows (Book 7). Harry is truly a hero of the wizarding world. Although he was severely badly treated in his hard and abusive childhood, he also has a lot of great characteristics: humble, kind, and brave, and he appears to be unaffected by his early trauma. He is a strong man. He is also incredibly protective, which is normally associated with women. He is brave. He always speaks his mind and opinions freely. He is the archetype of the classical male hero. His personality is expressed through some contexts below with an analysis of linguistic devices.

Ronald Weasley was an English pure-blood wizard, the sixth and youngest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley. He was also the younger brother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George, and the elder brother of Ginny. He became close friends with fellow students, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Together, they are an outstanding golden trio and endured numerous hardships during their adolescence. In terms of characteristics, Ron is funny and always makes jokes. Ron is incredibly caring. He worries about people more than the others do. Moreover, he’s brave and loyal to his friends. Rowling describes Ron as "always there" when Harry needs him, which is what Rowling describes him. Ron is defensive, protective, and brave. He continues to show his loyalty to Harry and Hermione by speaking up when he sees an act of injustice toward them. Although he has low self-esteem, he always wants to prove himself. He also develops from a timid adolescent into a capable young man capable of strategy and leadership.

Meanwhile, Hermione Jean Granger is a Gryffindor student who has muggle origin and best friend of the two other main characters, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Hermione's most distinguishing characteristics are her exceptional intellect and dexterity. She is so good at mastering the theory well. She is level-headed, book-smart, and logical at all times. She is the best witch of her age. She

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always finished reading new textbooks before the beginning of the school year. In class, Hermione was always the first person to raise her hand to answer the teacher's questions. After saving her from a mountain troll in the girls' bathroom, she becomes close friends with Harry and Ron. In difficult situations, she frequently calls on her quick wit, sharp memory, and encyclopedic knowledge to solve problems. She stands with Harry, fighting against the Dark side. She is willing to sacrifice herself, not afraid of danger to help and protect Harry.

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verbs in her novel. The author uses punctuation marks like connectives. It is concerned with the most commonly used connectives, punctuation marks, as well as pronouns, especially the sentence structure that determines the number of kernel sentences, connectives, and reductions.

In terms of linguistic features in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the analysis of Nygren (2006) shows how language was used in the Harry Potter series to depict heroic and villainous characters. This investigation is summarized by three main areas: the reporting verbs in speech as well as the adverbs collocating with the reporting verbs; and the adjectives describing the characters. Nygren conducts her research by using a pdf-version of the novel to count the number of times that a certain character uses a certain reporting verb. There is a strong possibility of discovering the collocating adverbs. Besides, the chosen characters are Harry, Ron, Hermione, Malfoy, Dudley, Voldemort, Snape, and Quirrell. Harry was the protagonist, while the others are separated into two sidekicks, Harry’s supporters and Harry’s enemies. During the procedure, a table of the frequency of occurrence of reporting verbs of chosen characters throughout the novel and a table of reporting verbs equivalent to each character is shown. It shows obvious evidence that these reporting verbs contribute clearly to the depiction of characters as heroes or villains. Moreover, to some extent, they have negative or positive connotations. Concerning the manner of the adverb used in conjunction with reporting verbs, the research indicates how often the adverb that each character speak has been used, if more than once. It is clear that Harry, the protagonist, as well as Ron and Hermione, used a lot of adverbs, whereas, in the case of the villains, we can see only limited use of adverbs. However, although the use of certain adverbs may contribute to the character's description, the context is very important in determining whether to depict a "good" (or "heroic") or a "bad" (or "villainous") character. Last but not least, this

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paper discusses the adjectives used in describing a character’s physical appearance. The good guys in J.K. Rowling's stories are easily recognized by their normative way of looking, while the villains are described as having strange eyes or skin color. It becomes clear that reporting verbs contribute to the description of characters as heroes or villains based on the contexts. Concerning the use of adverbs, context is also necessary for claiming the differentiation of the heroes from the villains. The speech of the heroic characters is represented with many more adverbs than the speech of the villains. Finally, adjectives, especially positive or negative ones, play a vital role in depicting heroic or villainous characters. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that the use of reporting verbs, added manner adverbs, and adjectives are acting in the portrayal of heroic and villainous characters. However, their importance also depends heavily on the context (Nygren, 2006).

In the Harry Potter series, the conflation of words helps us to capture not only this world of magic but also the construction of social reality within the illusionary world (Murali, 2015). This research digs into the translation issues, the influence of Latin in the Harry Potter books, the analysis of how many reporting verbs have been used by certain characters, and the adjectives that are used to portray characters and their impacts. The most challenging part of translation is related to culture. Harry Potter is decidedly written in British, from the places Harry lives with his relatives. It is translated into various languages due to popular demand and the foreign versions are in a forced cultural shift, and the books must be kept in their original form to retain their charm. Next, Murali studies that Rowling draws her spells and incantations from Latin, and all of them shed light on the effects of these spells and incantations when used. Names of several characters have Latin roots and have a deeper meaning to them and describe those characters. Similar to Nygren, Murali also investigates how reporting verbs

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associated with different characters can result in stereotypical assumptions about them by showing a table of the frequency of some reporting verbs and their usage by a few characters. Adjectives are used to describe a heroic or villainous character. They have a variety of positive and negative meanings. To sum up, language plays a vital role in every piece of writing. Several words from Latin which have a certain reason behind them have been derived for various characters' names, places, spells, and much more. This helps to make the readers understand the creative magic world. What is more, in terms of translation, the translators tried to overcome the difficulty of making the perfect versions without losing the novel's originality with so many made-up words and myths. Some methods of using linguistic features such as reporting verbs and adjectives are essential to depicting the characters as good or bad. The descriptions of the heroic characters are different from those of the villainous.

In terms of corpus linguistics, Goatly (2004) thinks that it can be useful to the enterprise of critical linguistics by using word frequency and concordance data, which are then analyzed according to the transitivity systems of systemic functional grammar. Besides, he examines to what extent this critical corpus linguistics offers a reliable illustration of the meanings and ideologies of a literary text. In his investigation, he conducted two parts. Part 1 is about Goatly exploring how word frequency data and concordance can help expose the ideologies reflected in the text by using a critical linguistic approach focused on systematic functional lexicon grammatical analysis. Another part is to argue that such an analysis offers only a partial picture and that, particularly in the case of literature, factors like propositional attitude problematize the simple transformation from forms to meanings inherent in the semantic essential linguistics approach. In part one, three approaches are demonstrated in his analysis. First, external ideologies are used in a deductive method. In this approach, the categories are selected, such

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as animals, plants, and gender. Owls are one of the three animals that students are allowed to hold, and they are consciously used by the postal service. Cats are important, as early on in the novel, Professor McGonagall is dressed as one. The cat has not lost its human features, but in some cases, cats and rats, especially the caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris, and Ron's rat, Scabbers, are generally hated. Dogs are regarded not only negatively but also as a hazard, especially Fluffy, the three-headed dog who serves as the guardian of the philosopher's stone. The only exception is the Brazilian boa constrictor, which Harry meets at the zoo. Harry has a special ability to interact with snakes, and this snake has been humanized and has human characteristics. In terms of plants, they generally function as marginal, and this is particularly true of grass and trees. The author looks into the sexual parts of males and females, showing emotions. It is obvious that the extent to which women are stereotyped as having a proclivity for expressing emotions rather than men. The second approach is to analyze overt ideologies and ideological categories of the text and looks at the more blatant ideological positions that can be easily found in the text, mainly based on four areas: rules and conventions; competition; food, and architecture. One of the book's key themes is the attitude toward rules and conventions. For example, Mr. Dursley is doomed because he was fascinated with the usual routine. He likes the normal and dislikes the unusual and unpredictable. Through Quidditch matches, competition is considered very important among four houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. In terms of food, Hogwarts has many of the features of a normal boarding school boys' novel, not least in its food fixation. The ingredient list for food products is vast and diverse. The fascination with architectural concepts, as well as Hogwarts Castle's Gothic construction, is also a type of intentional archaism with openings and closings; lockings and unlockings of doors; the forbidden passages; the climbing of towers; the vaults; or running along corridors.

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Last but not least, the inductive discovery of representation and ideology is the last approach focusing on self-control, process patterns, and time. Self-control, which is regarded as essential, is expressed clearly by Harry Potter in his attempt to exercise self-control. Another way to discover latent ideology is to use structural-functional grammar transitivity research method categories to analyze verb patterns. And in any general-purpose corpus of English, time is the most frequently occurring lexical element. Another part is to call into question the validity of this type of critical linguistic approach to literary analysis and to situate it within a recent debate on critical discourse findings related to concordance and pragmatics. Goatly claims that the method he has shown, which is called critical linguistics, when combined with the powerful methods of concordance, can lead to erroneous conclusions. However, at the representational level of discourse, concordance is an effective way of gaining access to patterns of propositions.

Concerning gender, Harry Potter is a great novel that researchers enjoy studying. Müllerová (2019) tries to figure out if the author is reinforcing any gender stereotypes in Harry Potter. She delves into two statuses: women and men, and makes comparisons. For women's status, Hermione Granger and Minerva McGonagall are considered strong female characters. Molly Weasley, Petunia Dursley, and Narcissa Malfoy are explored as dedicated mothers and wives. Besides, Bellatrix Lestrange and Dolores Umbridge are two negative characters who are very cruel and heartless. By contrast, in terms of men, Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore are two strong male characters. Arthur Weasley and Vernon Dursley are supposed to be good fathers, while Lord Voldemort is the villain character. The thesis concludes that the Harry Potter universe does not show gender inequality and almost none of the characters display the stereotypical picture of gender roles. It explains the differences between sex and gender, as well as masculine and feminine characteristics, and challenges gender stereotypes.

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These are some previous studies related to the Harry Potter series. Although they focus on several aspects of linguistics, they still have many shortcomings. Researchers only concentrate on a small part of linguistics. As can be seen, some of them, such as Nygren (2006) and Murali (2015), enjoy investigating words and kinds of words related to verbs, nouns, and adjectives to help readers understand the creative magic world. Meanwhile, Bonifacio (2013) prefers to explore dialogue and narration. On the other hand, some researchers like Mullerova (2019) are likely to emphasize gender aspects. Most theses do not cover all linguistic devices in detail and do not emphasize the devices in all contexts of all characters. This part shows theoretical framework and concepts exist. It also gives a summary and evaluation of the existing academic literature supporting this thesis. This section helps set the stage for the rest of dissertation, and will help inform the writing of other dissertation chapters.

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As stated in section 1.2, this thesis aims at analyzing the linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series and their effects in many different aspects. This chapter, therefore, outlines how this thesis was designed and carried out.

<b>3.1. Research Design </b>

The first important part of the research methodology, which this research work underscores, was the issue of research design. It is known that any research needs a design (structure), which is the plan or strategy for conducting the research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010), particularly before data collection or analysis can commence.

The research design involves identifying participants for the research and preparing for data collection activities, which are part of the whole research process. The purpose of the study is to find out the linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series to describe the character clearly, thereby conveying the thoughts of the author. It is commonly thought to be qualitative in nature, for “it involves the exploration of ‘qualities’ or features”. This kind of study is mainly dependent on the library study to detect “the psyche, emotions, attitudes, and dispositions, etc which symbolize a character, work, writer, etc and define behavior patterns…” (Khan, 2013).

Qualitative method is described in Creswell (2014) as a way of collecting data in a natural setting or a real environment. It is said under qualitative design that a researcher, as a key instrument in the field, uses multiple sources of data, respects the informant’s viewpoint, adopts flexible research schedules, and performs a holistic account of research findings. Moreover, the qualitative research methodology was adopted because it is suitable for descriptive purposes and allows the researcher to check the validity of particular claims and hypotheses

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in real-world contexts. (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). However, Dörnyei (2007) points out that there are also certain drawbacks to the qualitative method. For instance, the researcher's subjective viewpoints may influence how the findings are interpreted. Thus, to minimize such weaknesses, this thesis was designed and analyzed in association with the literary style of the author. To achieve the research objectives as declared in Chapter 1, the qualitative research method is employed as its research design in this thesis on linguistic devices used in the Harry Potter series.

In this paper, the qualitative descriptive method is specifically employed. It generates data that describes the ‘who, what, and where of events or experiences from a subjective perspective (Kim et al., 2017). Qualitative descriptive method needs to be the design of choice when a straightforward description of a phenomenon is desired. It is an approach that is very useful when researchers want to know, about events, who were involved, what was involved, and where did things take place. This study is called descriptive because it focuses on analyzing the data and understanding the phenomena of language use in its context.

This thesis is expected to provide an in-depth descriptive analysis of linguistic devices used in the selected contexts in the Harry Potter series. It focuses on analyzing the data to explain linguistic devices used in its context. It resulted in explaining the effects of their use in Harry Potter and evaluating their roles in describing the main characters.

<b>3.2. Data collection </b>

According to Vanderstoep and Johnston's theory (2009), there are several different types of data collection techniques in qualitative research, including interviewing (face-to-face question-and-answer method), ethnographic observation (observing people enacting culture), analysis of documents and material culture (written text or cultural artifacts), and visual analysis (e.g.

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interpretation of mediated communication texts such as films or television programs), etc.

In this thesis, qualitative descriptive method is used. The presentation of data can be organized, for instance, according to the following criteria: time of occurrence, categories and subcategories, chronological or reverse chronological order of events, most common to least common themes; changing the scope of an event's context to a more specific one (i.e. specific cases); or, describing an event from the perspective of more than one participant. The outcome is the production of a descriptive summary of the selected events organized in such a way that the findings will be presented, in the most relevant manner, to the audience for whom it was written. In summary, a qualitative descriptive method needs to be the design of choice when a straightforward description of a phenomenon, or a person is desired.

In this qualitative descriptive study, a specific sampling procedure was used. Data collection methods involve the document gathering. The object of this study is literary text in the form of a series of novels. The data examined is based on contexts in which the protagonists, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are mentioned. The words, the speeches, the conversations, and narrations are also contents that need to be collected to serve as the primary data source in seven books of Harry Potter:

 Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone;

 Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets;

 Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban;

 Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire;

 Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix;

 Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince;

 Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows;

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The list of characters mentioned in this study provided in the following table:

Dudley Dursley

Harry's aunt, uncle and cousin

Hogwarts school

Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts

Dark Lord

An evil wizard, feared by all, and the murderer of Harry's parents

Remus Lupin, Cho Chang, Viktor Krum, Cormac McLaggen, Lavender

Scrimgeour, Bellatrix Lestrange,

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Ollivander, Aunt Marge, Professor Quirrell.

The linguistic devices used in the novel are pointed out and analyzed such as allusion, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, repetition, symbolism, and personification. Data collected, that is, some linguistic devices used in a variety of particular contexts will be described from the point of view of semantics. Semantics is one of the important branches of linguistics. It analyzes how words, phrases, and sentences are interpreted (Yule, 2010). It focuses on the readers' reading comprehension, including how they comprehend others and their interpretations. In addition, whether a word's meaning is literal or figurative, semantics creates a relationship between adjacent words and clarifies the sense of a sentence. In literature, semantics is used to give the piece of writing meaning by understanding the author's perspective. People can understand the style of writing of a particular author by analyzing a significant number of a particular author's written or spoken texts. Therefore, in this paper, linguistics are investigated carefully with semantic perspectives so as to explore and understand author's writing style.

<b>3.3. Research instruments </b>

An instrument used to gather data, to make analysis easier, is referred to as a research instrument or tool. The main instrument of this study is the researcher himself since the method used in this study is qualitative. The reason why qualitative study uses its researcher as the main instrument, according to Croker’s theory (in Heigham and Croker, 2009: 11) is because the researcher himself directly collects the data by doing observation ollecting, analyzing and interpreting the data and finally making conclusion.

The other data collection instruments used in this study is a computer and a notebook. Through the use of an online dictionary, the computer is utilized to

