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skkn cấp tỉnh organize teaching activities in the direction of practical experience

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<b>Researcher: Nguyen Van Xo </b>

<b>Position: Head of foreign language Subject: English </b>


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<b>1. INTRODUCTION ... 3 </b>

1.1. The reason for choosing the topic ... 3

1.2. Aims of the research ... 4

1.3. Research objectives ... 4

1.4. Research methods ... 4

<b>2. CONTENT ... 4 </b>

2.1. Theoretical background ... 4

2.2. Practical background before applying the experience initiative ... 5

2.3. The solutions were applied to solve the problems ... 6

2.3.1. Fostering and improving English teaching capacity in an experiential way for English teachers ... 6

2.3.2. Directing the development of an experiential English teaching plan suitable to the actual situation ... 7

2.3.3. Directing the renovation of the content and methods of teaching English in an experiential way ... 9

2.3.4. Innovating the form of testing and assessing English learning results in an experiential way ... 9

2.3.5. Directing the strengthening of physical facilities, technical equipment for teaching English ... 10

2.4. The effectiveness of the experiential initiative on educational activities, on self, colleagues and the school ... 10

2.4.1. Organization of teaching according to the teaching method. ... 10

2.4.2. Carry out the right process of organizing teaching according to communication. ... 11


3.1. Conclusion ... 19

3.2 Recommendations ... 19

<b>REFERENCES ... 20 </b>

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<b>1.1. The reason for choosing the topic </b>

Our country is entering the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country, which is posing urgent requirements on building human resources to meet the requirements of society, in which one of the ways to bring the country to develop and integrate with the world successfully, that is to develop education and training. Affirming the importance of education and training, at the Ninth National Congress of Deputies, our Party continued to affirm: "Development of education and training is one of the important driving forces promoting the cause of industrialization and modernization, is a condition for promoting human resources, a fundamental factor for social development with rapid and sustainable economic growth”.

Sam Son is a young tourism city with a long beach and many beautiful landscapes. Every year, Sam Son welcomes thousands of international tourists to relax. The need to use foreign languages in this place is very necessary to be able to spread the image of the country and people of Thanh to tourists. However, the use of foreign languages in general and English in particular in the city is still very limited. Therefore, it is necessary to train a large number of labor resources who can communicate in English at a basic level in the field of tourism, thereby developing economy, culture and society. Accordingly, the task that the city government sets and assigns to schools, especially high schools in the city, needs to have solutions, improve teaching quality, form English communication skills for students. Students to be able to meet communication needs as well as in the working process.

In fact, the teaching of English at high schools in Sam Son city in recent years according to the current program has achieved certain results. However, there are still many shortcomings in the implementation of program content to match the level of students, the innovation of teaching methods has not been implemented synchronously, the teaching staff has not met the requirements of the society. equipment for teaching has been invested a lot but has not been used effectively. After graduating from high school, students only stop at the evaluation aspect but have not shown the role of forming the habit of using communication language in daily life in response to current work.

As an English teacher at a high school, the author himself finds that the study of English teaching activities according to the 2018 general education program in order to find effective measures to overcome these problems. limitations and difficulties in teaching and learning activities, step by step improving the quality of education and training of the school is very necessary.

<i><b>Therefore, I chose the research topic: "organize teaching activities in the direction of practical experience”. </b></i>

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<b><small>1.2. Aims of the research </small></b>

On the basis of theoretical research and actual situation of organizing experiential English teaching activities, I propose some measures of experiential English teaching activities in order to improve the quality of English language teaching, contributing to good performance current educational innovation requirements.

<b><small>1.3. Research objectives </small></b>

- Focusing on high school students.

- Focusing on using Internet resources as an effective teaching approach to help students master the target language.

<b><small>1.4. Research methods </small></b>

In this topic, I mainly deal with research issues related to English communication. The method I applied was mostly group or in pairs, applying simulations of student sitting positions, drama, role playing, practical application in everyday life.

<b>2. CONTENT </b>

<b>2.1. Theoretical background </b>

Currently, the process of globalization is taking place strongly in all countries, fields and industries. In the process of international integration, the exchange between different countries pushes the communication requirement, which is a mandatory condition for carrying out all exchange activities in society, to new importance. With many preeminent features of language and influence of countries whose mother tongue is English, many countries have chosen English as their common language, making English the most commonly used language today. To meet the demand from international trends, English has become a compulsory content in the general education of most countries around the world.[2]

Teaching English is an activity in which, under the leading role of the teacher, students voluntarily and actively perform learning tasks to form communication capacity and skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing according to the requirements of the teacher. defined standard.[1]

Experiential English teaching is a form of teaching organization in which students are penetrated into the practical environment: Communication, social activities; role-playing in hypothetical situations, etc., to form listening, speaking, reading and writing competencies according to defined standards. [8]

English teaching activities in the direction of experience, in which, under the organization, guidance and support of teachers, administrators, students' parents...., students mobilize and synthesize their own knowledge, skills, and experiences. acquire knowledge related to English to participate in various forms of teaching activities as an active subject, thereby forming and developing the receptive capacity, the ability to create documents and the ability to create documents. communication force. [6]

The article "Learning English through creative experiences" posted on the Education and Times page mentioned integrated teaching - creative experiences for students with diverse topics in order to "Learn and strengthen new vocabulary".

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5 through observing, playing real objects, moving games, answering questions, listening to a song, showing talent through the integrated section of Music and Fine Arts", with this form of experience, students are very interested in class time and actively occupy experiential knowledge [3]

General education program: Experiential activities and experiential and vocational activities promulgated together with Circular No. 32/2018/TT-BGDĐT dated December 26, 2018 of the Minister of Education and Training [7], emphasized experiential and experiential activities. positive emotions, exploiting existing experiences and mobilizing synthesis of knowledge and skills of subjects to perform assigned tasks or solve practical problems of school life, family age-appropriate family and society; through that, transforming experiences into new knowledge, new understanding, new skills, contributing to promoting creative potential and adaptability to future life, environment and career. [5]

<b><small>2.2. Practical background before applying the experience initiative </small></b>

The teacher's preparation of lessons for experiential teaching is still limited:Many of the lessons are poorly prepared, not prominent in the direction of communication, and have not yet applied active teaching techniques; the method of organizing students' learning activities has not yet been shown; have not prepared and actively used, renewed teaching aids, have not made adjustments, learned from lessons, etc. This leads to the fact that students lack interest in the subject, lack of enthusiasm, self-discipline, the goal of forming and developing communication capacity for students today has not reached the desired goal, etc. The management of English teaching in many schools is still not strict, lack of science, if you don't want to say loose, entrust to the expert team leader

The facilities and means of experiential English teaching in Sam Son city high school, although they have been well equipped and implemented by the management staff, still lack the necessary equipment. is important and directly affects experiential teaching activities, so it is necessary to invest in more facilities for schools to teach experiential English in particular and to teach English in general. higher efficiency

Experiential English teaching in high schools is a very important task in the current period. Experiential research on English teaching activities in high schools in Sam Son city, Thanh Hoa province shows that there are still many shortcomings. The development of English teaching plans has not been paid due attention and investment by schools, still in form and profile, not focusing on quality. Therefore, the management of English teaching activities in the direction of experience is not systematic and unscientific, leading to the uneven and unstable quality of English teaching in schools. Teaching method innovation, proactively fostering team capacity are not effective, English teachers are not really aware of and mastering active teaching methods and techniques, in the direction of communication, developing language skills for students. Experiential and extra-curricular activities to create an English communication environment have not been carried out regularly, but are formal. Besides, factors such as school and local conditions, facilities, teaching equipment, application of information technology, etc. also affect many management and teaching activities of English.

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6 To overcome the limitations, shortcomings, and at the same time promote the achieved results, the organization of English teaching activities at Sam Son city high school in an experiential direction requires feasible management measures. science, suitable to the actual conditions of high schools in Sam Son city, Thanh Hoa province to meet the requirements of educational innovation and prepare well for the implementation of the 2018 general education program.

<b><small>2.3. The solutions were applied to solve the problems </small></b>

<b>2.3.1. Fostering and improving English teaching capacity in an experiential way for English teachers </b>

Principal directs training to improve professional competence in English He gives teachers as a basis for implementing innovation in methods and images experiential learning organization.

Training English teachers on the psychological basis of teaching according to experience orientation and the nature of the experiential English teaching process, on that basis define the tasks and roles of English teachers in the teaching and learning process experiential teaching.

Capacity building training for English teachers in terms of methods methods, forms of organization of experiential teaching, teaching techniques to promote students' active learning in the process of learning English.

Capacity building for English teachers in technical skills develop topics for learning and experiencing English, topics for club activities Students love English to create a communication environment and practice skills listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English for students.

Capacity building training for English teachers in terms of methods Methods and forms of organization of testing and evaluation of English teaching results according to experience orientation, exam preparation techniques to assess learning outcomes, and student progress in learning.

Capacity building training for English teachers on development English teaching program for each grade and for each lesson in the direction of experience. Directing the English team to organize seminars, lectures, teaching samples, making teaching aids, writing experiences, fostering good students, helping Directing weak students, organizing extracurricular activities, establishing English clubs...to create a communication environment for language practice for students.

Training for English teachers on information technology application in Experiential teaching and assessment of teaching results to bring about high efficiency teaching English in an experiential way.

Create conditions in terms of time and money for English teachers to participate participate in training classes, fostering knowledge and skills in teaching English according to experience direction.

The principal directs the professional team to diversify forms of training about teaching English in an experiential way in order to promote students' communication ability, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Organize for English teachers to attend sessions seminars, thematic activities, regularly attending time to contribute and share experiences strictly each other.

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7 Organize a survey to assess English teaching capacity in the direction of experience experience of teachers, on that basis develop training programs according to direction to meet the actual needs of teachers, develop training content diversity.

+ Fostering skills in building experiential teaching and design topics experiential English teaching lesson plan that integrates cultural education and many other educational content.

+ Training on methods and forms of organization of experiential teaching in many different types of topics, many different forms of experience but with the ultimate goal of improving communication skills, listening skills, speaking, reading and writing for students.

+ To foster the capacity of teachers to evaluate experiential teaching results.

+ Fostering skills in preparing and teaching in the direction of promoting positivity, students' initiative, creativity, self-study ability, according to the structure of the question system, the system organize activities in pairs and groups.

+ Improve skills in using modern teaching equipment such as projectors Projector, multi-object projector, smart board, video player, ear system listening room, listening room...

+ Fostering student management skills, pedagogical capacity and professional competence subjects, skills to lead lessons, create problem situations, handle situations, organizing games, organizing clubs...

<b>2.3.2. Directing the development of an experiential English teaching plan suitable to the actual situation </b>

<i>* Content of the measure </i>

The principal of the school as the subject of management of teaching activities, when implementing this measure, in addition to mastering the contents well to the teachers, the principal himself must also have a plan for himself. , has a detailed orientation to guide teachers. Assign junior managers such as Vice Principals, professional team leaders to help teachers develop experiential English teaching plans.

- The school principal needs to complete specific regulations on the planning system in teaching activities from the school to the professional groups and teachers; supplementing the missing plans in the process of managing and teaching English in an experiential way such as: a plan to foster good teachers, a plan for self-improvement to improve professional qualifications in pedagogy, informatics, plan to innovate teaching methods...

- School principals need to thoroughly improve the quality of English teaching plans in the direction of experience in both form and content. Organize the implementation seriously and effectively; do well in preliminary, summarizing, and drawing experience on the management of the subject teaching plan of the school and the expert group.

- School principals need to make good use of the results of the inspection of the planning and implementation of the plan to evaluate, classify, and emulate every year.

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8 Under the direction of the school principal, teachers need to develop a plan for teaching English subject to specific experiences as follows:

- From the specific assignment based on the plan of the industry, the school and the professional groups, teachers are required to develop a detailed experiential English teaching plan. Paying attention to identifying the basic knowledge content, each detail, each lesson, each chapter, the means and forms of teaching activities and teaching methods.

- To ensure the above requirements, the teacher's experiential English teaching plan must be distributed according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, shown on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. allow appropriate adjustments for teachers to implement the teaching plan; This is also the basis, the legal basis for the inspection and supervision. The teaching plan and the implementation of the teaching plan are considered as a cycle of beginning and ending, a measure of productivity and work efficiency.

- The content of the teacher's plan must clearly define the teaching objectives, ensure the accuracy, science and practicality, and at the same time must focus on teaching methods and requirements to strive to achieve, especially thereby aiming to develop the quality and capacity of students.

<i>* How to take the measure </i>

Currently, English teachers in high schools in Sam Son city, Thanh Hoa province have limited professional qualifications. Moreover, English teachers are afraid to take extra classes to improve their qualifications, capacity and skills. This requires that in order to develop an effective English teaching plan, the school principal needs to do the following:

- The principal organizes training for teachers on the requirements, structure and implementation of an experiential English teaching plan.

- Organize for teachers to study the instruction of the school year's tasks of the Ministry of Education and Training and the management plan of English teaching activities in the direction of the experience of the school and the Department of Education and Training for implementation.

- Direct teachers to be responsible for making English teaching plans in the direction of their school's experience, on the basis of concretizing the plan of the Department of Education and Training to suit the characteristics of each school.

- Approving the English teaching plan according to the experience direction of high schools.

<i>* Conditions for taking measures </i>

- There should be sufficient documents (the documents of the State, the education and training sector on teaching activities in English and managing teaching activities in English subject to experience).

- Funding and other physical conditions are required to carry out the basic and detailed investigation for the planning and action program.

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<b>2.3.3. Directing the renovation of the content and methods of teaching </b>

<b>English in an experiential way </b>

<i>* Content of the measure </i>

Help teachers teach English to grasp the content and stages of teaching in order to develop students' capacity from defining goals, designing lesson content, organizing lessons, and testing and evaluating students. Attention must be paid to the design of English teaching content that must be suitable for primary school students and ethnic minority students, to avoid putting pressure on students to study.

Help teachers determine the educational goals of teaching English in an experiential way.

Improve the ability to organize lessons for teachers. Help teachers understand and apply active teaching methods and contents in teaching English in an experiential way. Especially, how to influence students so that they actively and actively explore and discover knowledge on their own or apply theoretical knowledge into practice under the control and adjustment of teachers to perform learning tasks. effective. Overcoming the situation of vegetarian teaching, theoretical teaching, few practical skills; strengthen group activities; interactive activities between students and teachers to complete learning products.

<i>* How to take measures </i>

The principal organizes propaganda and raises awareness among administrators and teachers about the need to innovate teaching methods and content in an experiential way. Provide information and documents on active teaching contents and methods and the innovation of methods and forms of experiential-oriented teaching organization. Organize pedagogical training courses, which focus on equipping knowledge and skills in using PP, active teaching organization form, renewing professional group activities according to lesson study. , thereby fostering teachers.

<b>2.3.4. Innovating the form of testing and assessing English learning results </b>

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10 methods of testing and evaluating students' learning results in the direction of experience. The organization of training can be through the organization of thematic refresher courses, through professional activities.

Raise awareness of English language teachers and staff about innovating methods of testing and assessing students in the subject.

<b>2.3.5. Directing the strengthening of physical facilities, technical equipment </b>

<b>for teaching English </b>

<i>* Contents of measures </i>

Develop a plan to invest in teaching equipment, short-term and long-term teaching equipment, to meet the development requirements of the educational career in high schools in Sam Son city, Thanh Hoa province.

Financial balance ensures the maintenance of regular operations, combined with investment in upgrading, building and purchasing new necessary teaching equipment for teaching.

<i>* How to perform </i>

Raising awareness for teachers about the effects of technical means and the need and benefits of information technology in teaching English. However, it is also necessary to help teachers understand that information technology is not everything, cannot replace teachers, it is necessary to apply information technology appropriately to avoid abuse because otherwise it will not achieve the goal. lesson objectives.

<b>2.4. The effectiveness of the experiential initiative on educational activities, on self, colleagues and the school </b>

<b>2.4.1. Organization of teaching according to the teaching method. </b>

Many teachers also use traditional teaching methods such as: grammar - translation, direct method, listening - speaking method, listening - visual method, suggestive method... If with traditional foreign language teaching method Traditionally (grammar-translation method) focuses a lot on learning and mastering grammatical structures, while with the communicative approach, teaching foreign languages according to the communicative practice method, the formation in learners Language proficiency is at the heart of the teaching process. Different from the audio-lingual method with emphasis on the role of mastering the built-in patterns, the teaching practice-communication approach emphasizes the learner's ability to interact. in a communicative context, where each learner's linguistic behavior will change depending on the previous responses and responses of the participants.

According to traditional teaching methods, foreign language learning is often considered as a process of transferring knowledge from teacher to student, with the use of practical communication methods, foreign language teaching and learning is now seen as a process. discovery, in which learners gradually use language in accordance with specific communication purposes. This is a student-centered teaching model in which both teachers and students share the responsibility of teaching and learning. Along with emphasizing on the goal of

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11 developing communicative competence in learners, choosing learning activities that are useful, suitable to learners' needs and must be placed in real contexts that learners are more likely to encounter in everyday life are always appreciated.

Want to create a dynamic and attractive learning environment in which there is the active cooperation of teachers and students. As a controller in the teaching process, the teacher must create all situations and all possibilities to guide learners' activities during class time. Teachers need to use all manipulations and means and gestures to promote communication activities. Teaching means are fully promoted.

Learning a foreign language is the process of recognizing knowledge and practicing skills, so when teaching English, teachers need to design and allocate reasonable time between the stages of teaching, between the time for imparting knowledge. new and time for learners to practice. Increase practice in groups and pairs to create conditions for learners to develop language skills, reduce shyness, increase initiative and cooperation among learners; learn from each other and practice how to study and work as a team. The teacher, as a director and actor, participates as a member of the activity.

It is necessary to design exercises in the direction of creating initiative and creativity for learners and depending on the level of learners. For low-level learners, it is necessary to increase the practice of exercises in the direction of "recognition - imitation - creative thinking". For high-level learners, practice is applied in the direction of "recognizing - contacting - creative thinking".

Should diversify teaching activities by alternating games to create learning excitement for learners, each teacher needs to have motivational tricks to encourage learners' active thinking. It is necessary to monitor the learning process of learners and give timely feedback to help learners promote their strengths and limitations, correct their weaknesses, help learners feel confident that they want to learn, and do not feel uncomfortable. English is a difficult subject. The teacher must know how to combine flexibly in the role of a transmitter of new knowledge, a helper to reduce difficulty for students, as a guide and to reinforce the knowledge of the whole lesson.

<b>2.4.2. Carry out the right process of organizing teaching according to communication. </b>

Carry out the correct process of organizing experiential learning in order to teach communication effectively and improve the quality of class hours, I myself followed a process from the preparation of lesson plans to the stage of classroom implementation and the stage of assessment. On the basis of conceptual analysis, the characteristics of the organization of communication teaching in the classroom and based on the theory of organization have been conducted according to a process of 3 basic stages with 12 specific steps as follows:

