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Real Estate Investing Made Easy By Brian Haskins potx

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Real Estate Investing Made Easy
By: Brian Haskins
Copyright 2012 By Brian Haskins
Smashwords Edition
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What I am about to share with you is my journey from struggling and broke to a
successful real estate investor.
I will share with you my struggles and failures, as well as my successes and some of my
student’s stories as well.
What I will teach you can be done, even if you have no money, no credit or any previous
I am a living case study. I went from broke, wondering how I would pay my rent and not
knowing where my next meal will come from to a completely successful, wealthy real
estate investor.
I can now work when I want and how much I want. I set my own schedule and live the
life I want.
Now I need to point out, what I am going to share with you is not a “get rich quick”
It will require some work but if you follow what I teach you and the simple systems that I
have perfected and taught hundreds of other students, you, too, can find success as a
real estate investor.
You will have the opportunity to provide the life you want for your family, and like me
walk in to work and fire your boss forever.

What were going to cover
How I went from broke with only $100 in my account to $96k in 9 months.
How to do this in your spare time - working around your 9 to 5 job.
Which strategies work best and how to profit fast.
How to negotiate with sellers to get the best deals.
How to sell your properties lightning fast and profit big.
How to take your business to the next level and fire your boss!
Why Did I Write This Book?
I wrote this book because I really had a hard time making this whole real estate thing
work. I struggled and only wished there was someone that was giving away this kind of
great information when I first started.
I told myself if I ever figured out how to make money in real estate and put together a
system that worked well I would share it with everyone.
It's just my way of giving back …
Chapter 1
How I Got My (Rocky) Start…

I got started in real estate as a very young cocky kid who thought he could do anything.
I was completely broke living paycheck to paycheck.
I hated my job. Just thinking about waking up every day and making someone else rich
made me sick.
I was working construction and it was long hours for not much pay.
I was watching TV one Saturday morning and I saw a TV show called “Flip This House”.
If you're not familiar with it, basically it shows people rehabbing houses for a profit. It
would show them working on houses for a few weeks and then selling them the same
day for as much as a $50,000 profit.
All I could see were dollar signs. I was completely hooked the first minute I saw this
I knew I could do that, and do an even better job.
I started to learn as much as I possibly could about rehabbing houses.

I begged my parents to help me get a loan for my first rehab project. They were very
skeptical but in the end they agreed and said they would help me with my first house for
a split of the profit.
To make a long story short I failed miserably. I bought a house that needed way to
much work and we went way over budget and the repairs took months since we all had
full time jobs.
In the end we sat on the property for almost a full year and made no money.
I begged my parents to help me get a loan for my first rehab project. They were very
skeptical but in the end they agreed and said they would help me with my first house for
a split of the profit.
To make a long story short I failed miserably. I bought a house that needed way to
much work and we went way over budget and the repairs took months since we all had
full time jobs.
In the end we sat on the property for almost a full year and made no money.
Being young and as hard headed as I was, I told them I knew I could rehab another
house and be successful, knowing what we knew now.
My parents couldn’t afford to help me with another project so I had to look elsewhere for
a loan.
I found someone to loan me the money and I was able to flip the house and make a big
Things were finally starting to turn around for me and I was building a really great rehab
business making a lot of money.
I started doing multiple projects at the same time and everything was great until the real
estate market took a huge nose dive and I couldn’t sell any of my properties.
I got stuck holding half a dozen properties paying the mortgages and taxes which
quickly led me to being broke again…
I quickly started researching ways to make money again and a friend of mine invited me
to go to a local Real Estate Investors group that met and networked once a month in my
I was reluctant, considering the experience I just had investing in real estate, but I was

so broke I would have done anything at this point.
So we went to the meeting and I will never forget the day. It was the biggest turning
point in my life.
That night I was introduced to a simple, yet highly profitable investing techniques that I
could use to get me out of my slump and to help me get on top of the game again.
That strategy was Wholesaling.
In the next chapter we’ll cover wholesaling and why it’s such a powerful strategy, yet still
simple enough anyone can do it.
You don’t need any cash to get started, you don’t have to get any loans, and you don’t
need any experience.
Wholesaling, unlike rehabbing or any other real estate strategy, can be done in any kind
of real estate market, good or bad.
It can be done in every city across the nation big or small. Nothing really affects it. It’s
almost bullet proof!
Chapter 2
What Is Wholesaling?
Before we get started I want to take a moment and explain why I told the entire story of
how I got started. (I know it was kind of long.)

The reason is, I wanted you to know that I am nobody special. I have failed several
times and I wanted to show you that even a failure like me can make money
Wholesaling is a very simple concept. Wholesaling is not something new. It's been
done literally since the beginning of real estate sales.
It's one of the safest strategies and it doesn’t require you to buy properties like
rehabbing or rental properties.
It doesn't require you to fix them up or deal with tenants. This is the only strategy to
actually work in all kinds of real estate markets, good or bad
There are only 3 steps to a wholesale deal
1. You find undervalued properties people want to sell.

2. You contract the property.
3. You then find a buyer that is willing to pay you more for the property than you have it
under contract for. You then sell them your contract and profit.
There is no holding the property. You never buy it. You never fix it or put any money
into it.
The rest of the book we’re going to take each step and break down exactly what goes
into putting a wholesale deal together.
Before we go into all the details I want to walk you through a deal so you can get a
better understanding.
Let's talk about my first wholesale deal.

Loughborough Property
Let's talk about how I found this property.
I posted some signs around my neighborhood that said We Buy Houses with my phone
number on them.
I got some calls but they weren't really motivated.
I finally got the call from this seller. She said you can have the property for what I owe
on it. I just want to get out of the property.
I was pretty intrigued so I met with her.
The house needed tons of repairs. Almost a full rehab.
The good news she only owed $40,000 on the property and fixed up it could sell for
The house needed about $60,000 in repairs, which would total about $100,000
investment for someone and they could sell it for $160,000
I thought this was a home run, so I said ok. We filled out the contract for $40,000 and I
was able to find a buyer to pay me $50,000 for the property.
After a few small fee’s and closing, I got this:
I hope you can see the opportunity here.
Now I know I have done a lot of talking about myself already, but I want to give you a
little more background so you know that I am actually qualified to teach you about

Since I got my start wholesaling, I have since closed several hundreds of deals, in
multiple states selling over 100 million dollars of real estate.
I have taught hundreds of students in all 50 states and even in other countries.
I still run a real estate wholesaling business and flip houses on a regular basis.
So what do you need to get started wholesaling your first house?
You do not need a whole lot to get started wholesaling houses. You basically need an
internet connection, a phone and that’s about it.
It is also helpful to have a scanner or fax machine, a website and also a VOIP phone
system that allows some flexibility and extensions.
Let's take a look at these tools and why you would need them:
1. Access to the internet - It's great to have access to the internet for researching deals
and finding deals as well. If you don’t have access to the internet you can go to the
public library and get access for free
2. Phone - You need to be able to have some way for people to contact you when
wanting to buy or sell a house.
3. Scanner or fax - It’s a helpful idea to have some way to scan and email or fax
contracts and other paperwork. But it’s not a must when first starting out and something
that can be added later.
4. Website - A website is a huge part of your wholesaling business. It’s a great way for
buyers and sellers to find you and a great way to automate your business. It's not a
must when you’re first starting but something you might want to look into once you get
Here is the websites I use in my own business and also the websites most of my
students use.
These websites are about the most affordable you can find and they are easy to use
and customize.

5. VOIP Phone System - Most people don’t want to use their cell phone for business so
there are a lot of solutions out there that give you a lot of options.

The company I use is called Ring Central they have many affordable plans and give you
lots of flexibility.
You can get a local or 800 number with extensions which will come in handy and we’ll
talk about that later
Chapter 3
How To Find Undervalued Houses?

Before we start talking about the strategies I want to make one thing very clear.
Before you start getting creative and trying to find your own ways of marketing make
sure the people you are targeting are people who are motivated sellers.
I see so many people chasing houses, but they don’t know if the seller is motivated or
We want to find people who need to sell, not people that want to sell. Let me repeat that
because it’s a very important take away.
You want to find people that NEED to sell, not people that WANT to sell.
The second big take away is you need to find people with equity.
If they don’t have equity, then more than likely we won't be able to work out a deal with
them. The properties need to be worth more than what they are asking.
We'll talk about how much equity they will need to have in another chapter.
Where will you find these types people and what kind of people are we going to
be looking for?
These are going to be people:
Who maybe have recently lost their job and can't afford the high payments anymore, but
have been paying down their mortgage for a while.
People who have recently inherited a house they do not want.
People who have recently been transferred.
People who have 2 mortgages. Maybe they bought a new house and couldn’t sell their
old house.
One question I get all the time is, “Why would these people sell for a discount?”
It’s a great question.

Most of the people who end up selling to an investor usually have tried selling the
conventional way with a realtor or for sale by owner.
They are running out of options and it gets to the point they would rather give up their
equity and just be done with the problem
Now you have the basics set up. It’s time to find wholesale deals.
There are hundreds of ways you can find motivated sellers.
What we are going to focus on today is going to be the 5 best ways that are all either
low cost or no cost.
The reason we're going to focus on low cost and no cost marketing strategies is
because if you are anything like me, when I first got started, I didn’t have any extra
money to spend.
I always recommend to my students they start out with low cost strategies instead of
spending their money on more advanced strategies right out of the gate.
This will allow them to get their first few deals under their belt and get a little money built
up before moving into more advanced strategies.
The following strategies are the 5 best low cost strategies I have found after years of
These strategies work nationwide and in all kinds of real estate markets.
1. Bandit Signs
Bandit signs are a great way of finding motivated sellers.
Bandit signs are the plastic signs you see hanging from telephone poles and on the
sides of roads.
The key to bandit signs is that you need to rotate the areas and placement of your
If people get used to seeing them, then they won't notice them.
Here is an image of a bandit sign
Typically you want to keep it short and simple, 2 or 3 lines max.
You want something eye catching. I like to say something like

I'll Buy Your House

For Cash
(xxx) -xxx-xxxx
I buy my signs from a company in Texas called Dirtcheapsigns.com. They are the
cheapest I have ever found.
I like to get my signs with black letters printed on yellow signs.
I also highly recommend this cool little tool to save you tons of time and get your signs
up really high
/>2. Word Of Mouth
Word of mouth is one of my favorite ways because it works really well and doesn’t cost
The best way to get started with word of mouth advertising is make a list of everyone
you know and sit down and send out an email to them or a quick letter or postcard.
I did this when I first got started and I follow up with them every 6 months and I still, to
this day, get calls from people when they find houses.
You want to keep the letter simple.
I typically tell them what I am up to and let them know I am now in the real estate
investing business and if they know anyone looking to buy or sell a house, to let me
know and I will pay them a finder's fee.
The finder's fee is typically $200 and what is so great about that is, I only pay them once
the deal closes and I make money.
There are no upfront costs.
People jump at the chance to make a few extra bucks and they want to help you out
since it's your friends and family.
3. Driving For Dollars
This is an old strategy but it's still a good one, as long as you are smart about it.
In the past, investors would go out and drive certain neighborhoods looking for vacant
properties. It's not that practical now with the cost of gas.
What I like to do is some research and find some great neighborhoods that investors
are buying rental properties and fix and flip properties in. I target these areas since I
know that’s where they are already buying.

I like to then go out to the neighborhood and take a little flier or door hanger with me
and hang them on all the doors in the neighborhood.
This does a few things for me.
Once I hang them, I wait a few days and go back out to the neighborhood and look for
houses with the fliers still on the door.
If it's still there, it’s a good chance it’s a vacant property which might be a good deal.
It also gives me an “in” with the neighbors.
On the flier I put that I pay finder’s fees for properties.
I get calls from all the neighbors who want to make some spare cash and tell me about
all the vacant properties in that area.
A lot of times they know where to find the homeowners which can be one of the hardest
things about investing in vacant properties.
4. Birddogs
Birddogs are one of the best ways to find deals.
A Birddog is someone that goes out and finds properties that fit your criteria, and then
they hand the leads over to you.
It's your job to work the lead and then once you close the deal and make money, you
give them a finder's fee.
Their job is to only find the leads and you work the deal.
Typically the finder's fee will be anywhere from $200 to a few thousand dollars
depending on the deal and what you negotiate.
I have created a great birddog training which you can check out here
5. Craigslist

Hands down the best way to find great quality leads right away is through craigslist.
Craigslist has changed quite a bit over the years and the way you find leads on
craigslist has changed.
Instead of posting ads and waiting for people to respond, you can find a lot more deals
searching the For Sale By Owner section of craigslist.

You can search for certain keywords like Motivated or Motivated Seller and you will see
hundreds of instant free leads.
You can contact them and see how negotiable they are.
I have been doing this for the last year and a half and its one of the best ways for finding
deals in today's market.
I will tell you it's extremely time consuming but it does work great.
I have started using a cheap and simple software tool to actually do this for me every
day on auto pilot.
It works like a charm and gives me back the time I was spending every day searching
Here is how the software works.
You enter in the keywords you want to search for and the sites you want to search.
It will go out every day and search the terms you entered and it will even automatically
email the motivated seller a custom message that you can design.
Every day I wake up with responses from these motivated sellers who are contacting
me to buy their house.
Some other great things about this software are it searches any site you want, not just
craigslist, and it does it every day for you on auto pilot. You just have to spend a few
minutes setting it up once.
If you want to check out the software you can see how it works right here

If you invest in it, just send me your receipt and I will send you a complete list of
keywords I use and the pre-made emails that I use for my own business.
I will even give you a list of all the sites that I search on a daily basis.
So those are my top 5 traffic sources for starting out on a limited budget.

There is one last marketing method I want to cover before we move on.
REO properties. A REO property is a foreclosed property that is listed with a real estate
Typically the property went into foreclosure and then the bank tried to auction the

property off.
If the property doesn’t sell at auction, then the bank will list the property with a real
estate agent.
Typically these properties are listed at much lower rates than non-REO properties, so in
some cases you can get them for great deals.
You can find REO properties through a local real estate agent.
Just contact any agent and they can send you the REO properties in the area you want.
Chapter 4
How To Know If It’s A Good Deal

Once you get the leads coming in, you’re going to have to learn how to evaluate the
deal, but before we jump into that, I need to give you a few simple pointers for talking
with motivated sellers.
People are either going to be contacting you by phone or through your website,
whichever one you set up.
If they contact you by phone, you need to collect as much information from them as
possible so you can properly evaluate the deal.
You want to find out as much information about the house as possible. Also, make sure
you find out all the repairs that they think the house needs.
A few other things you want to make sure you ask are:
Why they want to sell the property, how much they are selling for, what is the least they
will take, and if possible, how much they owe on the property? (Some people will say
and others won't).
You have a few options on how to collect this information.
You can create a lead sheet and write it all down on paper or you can use an online
lead management tool.
I highly recommend using an online lead management tool for quite a few reasons.

1. You can keep all your leads in one place
2. It's much easier to search and find information

3. You won't lose your papers
4. You can access your leads online from anywhere
The list goes on and on…
The tool I use In my business is called Freedomsoft
You can check it out right here – />I highly recommend using it. It’s made a huge difference in my business, and saved me
tons of time and headaches.
It’s the tool that has made the most impact on my business.
Once you have the information about the house, it's time to start evaluating the property
to see if it’s a good deal or not.
The best way to do this is by running comps or searching comparable sold properties in
the area.
You want to make sure you are only searching sold properties, not properties for sale.
Here are some tools you can use to search comparable properties:
1. Zillow.com - Zillow is not the most accurate but it’s a good quick tool you can use that
doesn’t cost anything.
2. Realquest.com - Realquest is a paid tool but they are much more accurate than
3. The MLS

The MLS is by far the best tool and the most accurate.
It’s the tools used by realtors and appraisers to determine values on properties.
You should contact a realtor or your local Realtor's association to see if you can pay to
get access.
When searching for comparable properties you want to make sure you are comparing
apples to apples.
You want to search properties that are similar in amount of bedrooms and bathrooms
and you want to compare houses that have similar square footage.
You also want to take into account the repairs or condition of the house.
You then want to take the average value of houses in the area and see how it compares
with what the seller is asking.

If it's close or if they sound negotiable, then it's time to go out and look at the property.
Chapter 5
Going On The Appointment

Once you determine if the deal is a good deal and there is some equity, it's time to go
on the appointment and look at the house.
Your main goal, when going to look at the house, is to double check the information you
got from the seller. Make sure they told you about the repairs needed on the house and
so on.
When you get to the house, you want to make sure you have a few things with you:
1. Print out of the comparable properties you found
2. A contract
3. Paper and pen for notes
4. Flashlight
When you get to the house, you want make sure you greet them with a handshake and
a smile.
I like to spend the first few minutes trying to build rapport with the home owner. This will
go a long way.
Building rapport is when you find a common interest and spend a few minutes getting to
know them and making them feel more comfortable.
A quick tip on building rapport:
Find a common interest. If you see a set of golf clubs and you like golf then take a
moment and ask them about their game.
Or if you see a big fish mounted on the wall and you like to fish, you can talk about that.
At this point, you want to take notes of all the repairs.
You can see cracks in the walls or if the carpet needs to be replaced and you want to
test everything like the furnace and air conditioner.
Now I know you aren't going to know exactly how much these things will cost to fix and I
am going to cover this shortly, but you want to make sure you take notes of all the

Once you have gone through the house, it's time to talk numbers with the homeowner
and make your offer.
Before I walk you through the offer and contract process, I want to talk about how to
estimate repairs on a property.
You have a few options:
1. Hire an inspector or contractor to teach you how to estimate repairs.
2. Hire Contractor to make a whole house estimate - sometimes a contractor will give
you an estimate for a whole house.
You will have to pay them, but it is worth it

3. Inside my REI Wealth School program I give you my Repair Cost Estimator software
which you can use to estimate repairs on any properties.
You just enter in the items that need repair and it will give you instant accurate repair
estimates on properties.
So now it's time to talk numbers with the seller.
I like to use a simple formula to determine what I should offer on a property.
It's called the MAO Formula or maximum allowable offer.
Here is how the MAO formula works -
You choose a percentage of what you want to buy houses at.
For example, if you’re wholesaling the property and you know your buyer will pay 70%
of the true market value minus repairs you will need to be under that to make a profit.
So you would use 60% or 65% as your number. Then you would multiply that by the
market value and then take away any repairs costs the house needs. That would give
you your maximum allowable offer.
Here is an example -
House value is $100,000 and needs 10k in repairs and you want to buy it at 60 cents on
the dollar and resell it for 70 cents.
-$10,000 in repair

$50,000 is your maximum allowable offer or what you could offer.
If you have a buyer that will pay more or will pay less, you can change the 60% to
whatever you want.
Now you can quickly and accurately figure out offers on properties. It's really that
Now that you know what to offer, it’s time to write a contract with the seller.
Contracts sound much scarier than they really are.
Here are some main take aways and important parts of contracts you should know.
1. You need to use “and/or assigns” by your name when filling out the contract. We will
talk about this in more detail when we talk about structuring the deal, but you want to do
this so you can assign or flip your contract over to another investor, which is how you
make your money when wholesaling.
2. You need to have “out” clauses in your contract. These “out” clauses will protect you
in case you can't find a buyer or in case something unforeseen happens and the deal
falls apart, you are protected.
Here are a few clauses you will want to use:
* Subject to partners approval
* Contract subject to acceptable appraisal of buyer
* In the event of buyer’s default, deposit shall be the sole remedy

It's not a good idea to abuse these clauses, but it’s a must to have something in your
contract to protect you.
In my REI Wealth School, I give you the contracts you should use and I also walk you
through step by step and line by line how to fill them out.
Ok, what do you do if they don’t accept your offer?
In the case that a seller won't accept your offer, then it's time to kick in your negotiation

Here are some negotiation tactics I have picked up over the years.

1. Always ask them to give you a price they are willing to take. Use that as your starting
point. You don’t want to throw out a number first because it might be higher than what
they would have said.
2. Find out what their motivation is.
If you know this, then you have the upper hand. If you know they want to pay off some
bills and if you offered them a certain price it would pay off the mortgage on the property
and give them enough to pay off their bills, it's much easier to justify the lower price.
3. Use your comps - You can use your comps to help justify you lower price.
Sometimes the reason they want such a high price is because they think houses are
selling for a higher price than they really are.
If you can prove to them what houses are selling for then you can justify your lower
Chapter 6
Ok Now That You Have An Accepted Contract What's Next?

Now you have your contract with the seller. No one else can buy the property. You
control the property.
Now it's time to find your buyer and get the deal closed so you can make your money,
which is everyone's favorite part.
The next step is to find a buyer that will pay you more than what you have it under
contract for.
This should be simple if you did your research and found a deal that has a good
amount of equity.
Chapter 7
How To Find A Buyer

Finding buyers is pretty easy, contrary to what you might be hearing.
With the state of the current real estate market, there are a lot of serious cash buyers
buying up as many properties as they can get their hands on.

You just have to know where to find these buyers.
Here are some simple ways to find buyers:

Any time anyone buys a house, the transaction becomes public record.
What does this mean to you? Well, all you have to do is check the public record for
people that are buying houses in today’s market, and that’s where your serious buyers
You can do this a few ways. You can only search for people that have bought more than
one house in a certain time period, or look for anyone that has bought a house and the
tax mailing address is different than the house address.
This would be considered an absentee owner.
I know what you are thinking.
That’s great information, but where can I find the public records and how do I search for
that? Well you have two options:
1. Your local government or city website or location usually keeps these records and
they are public information
2. Or you can buy these types of lists. You can go to www.listsource.com and run a
search for absentee owners or for people that have bought multiple properties in a 3 to
6 month period.
Now that you have the information, you can try to call them or send them a letter or
postcard asking if they want to be on your buyers list.
Another great way to find buyers is to post up a few bandit signs that say something
“Foreclosure Must Sell Today, or Handyman Special Make Offer”, or something like
These work great and will get you a ton of buyers.
A few other simple ways to find buyers are:
Look through the yellow pages for We Buy Houses ads
Google “We Buy Houses” to find investors that are advertising to buy houses.
A great thing to help automate the process of building your buyers list is to use a

website that collects and stores the information of the people that want to join your
buyers list.
Here are the websites I use to build my buyers list
If you get a property before you have built your buyers list or if you can't find a buyer for
a certain property on your buyers list, here are some other strategies for finding buyers.
1. Market on Craigslist
If you want to get your properties out there, you want to use craigslist and other sites.
You want to take pictures of the property and if you can, a quick video of the property as
You can use a flip camera to shoot video of the property and also most new digital
cameras have a video function.
You want to post these pictures and descriptions of the property on craigslist and all
other sites.
An easy way to do this is by using a free service called Postlets.com. It allows you to
make really nice looking fliers that you can automatically post to craigslist and other
2. Bandit Signs
Bandit signs are a great way to find buyers for your properties.
You can post them around the neighborhood and in the area around the house.
You want to use an appealing message and you want it to look homemade, like a
desperate seller made it, so it will attract investors.
Chapter 8
Once You Find A Buyer

Once you find a buyer, it's time to start structuring the deal.
There are two ways to structure your deal.
1. Assign your contract
2. Double Closing
You can assign the contract to your end buyer or you can write a separate contract with

them which is called double close.
There are pro's and con's to each strategy and well cover both of them.
Assignment - What does this mean?

When you assign a contract you essentially take your name off of the contract and put
on the name of the end buyer who you are wholesaling the property to.
This is done with a simple one page assignment contract
The assignment contract spells out how much you will get paid and how you will get
It also protects you to make sure you still get paid on the transaction.
Once you fill out the assignment contract, you take the assignment contract and the
original contract with the seller and give it to the title company or closing attorney and
they can put all the paper work together for you and start the closing
Pro's to Assignments
* There are no fee's you pay for closing
* It's simple
* No money needed for closing

Con's to Assignments
* Everyone knows how much you are making
* Double Closing - What does it mean?

When you do a double closing, you write a separate contract with your buyer. In this
situation, you will have two closings: one for you and the seller and one for you and the
You would do this if you're making a lot of money on a deal and you want to protect how
much your making.
Pro's of Double Closing
* No one knows how much you are making

Con's of Double Closing
* It costs you money for closing
* Sometimes you might have to fund the deal.

Chapter 9

You are really getting close to having your check in hand. We have just one last step.
Closing is the last step, and the good news is the title company or closing attorney will
handle most of the rest for you.
You just need to submit the paperwork they require and they will put together all of the
closing documents.
Here is what they will need:
1. Your contract with the seller
2. The contract with the buyer or your assignment contract
3. Contact information of the buyer and seller

They will get all of the documents put together and then they will send them over to you
for review.
Your job, at this point, is to just be in contact with the buyer and seller to make sure
everything is on track.
I highly recommend that you attend the closing of your seller in case they have any
questions or problems.
The closing should take about 30 minutes and then after the deal is closed, the closing
agent will give you your check for all your hard work.
Now you have closed your first deal and put your first check in your pocket.
Now you know the basic building blocks for every other real estate wholesaling deal you
will do.

There are still a few things I want to cover…
Chapter 10
Potential Problems That Can Kill Your Deals And How To Avoid Them
There are a few things you need to be aware of and know about. These potential
problems can kill your deal if you don’t know how to handle them.
