FCRA Hand Book May 2010
Before we go into the technicalities of FCRA, we try to get an overview of the money
involved: how much money is received each year, who gives this money, who
receives, and what is it used for.
The data given in this section is mostly based on reliable sources (except the
narratives in the profiles). However, please keep in mind that this is not all the
foreign aid that flows into India – aid received and redistributed by the Government
is not included here. Similarly, aid received by NGOs from UN Organisations or the
World Bank is not included in these figures.
This section includes the following chapters:
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Bulk of the analysis presented in this section is based on the annual ‘Inflow of
Foreign Contribution Report’ prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs. This report
provides a lot of valuable data on foreign contribution. For this analysis, we have
used the annual reports for 1996-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 04-05,
05-06, 06-07 and 07-08. We would like to place on record our appreciation of the
hard work the FCRA Department puts in while compiling this information, despite
limited personnel and infrastructure.
There are some limitations on the present analysis. Some of the charts may be
misinterpreted, if taken casually. You are, therefore, requested to carefully read the
notes for each chart. Also in general:
• Foreign contribution in kind (material) is sometimes not valued or reported
by receiving NGOs. The figures and analysis will be distorted accordingly.
• The data includes all money reported as received for educational, social,
religious, cultural, or economic programs. ‘Social-change institutions’,
development organisations, religious bodies, universities, and hospitals may
receive this money as also NGOs set up by the Government. For easier
reading and in the absence of any definite classification, we have used the
term NGO for all these.
• The FCRA department actually makes no real distinction between grant
making agencies and NGOs. We have used the term Agency to indicate that
an organisation is mainly involved in making grants to other NGOs.
A crore means 10,000,000 or ten million. A lakh means 100,000. One crore of Indian
Rupees is currently equal to about 219,000 US Dollars, about 160,000 Euro, and
145,000 British Pounds.
Profiles of the donors given in this section have been compiled from various sources,
including the Internet. We hold out no warranties for the accuracy or fairness of the
information. Please verify the information on your own before arriving at any
decisions. We have also avoided the use of religious honorifics. This is not intended
as disrespect to the religious beliefs of any person. FCRA means Foreign Contribution
(Regulation) Act, 1976.
RE F _REF 2 4 87 6 9 6 0 0 \ H \* M ERGE F O RM AT
In 2007-08
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, about 866 associations were given FCRA
registration and 367 associations were granted prior-permission to receive foreign
contribution. Another 2,342 individuals were granted permission to avail foreign
hospitality under FCRA. After a sharp rise in 03-04, the total number of registrations
and permissions seems to have come down to 2300 annually. There is also a creeping
reduction in FCRA registrations, whereas the share of prior permissions has risen
gradually. This might reflect a growing reluctance in the FCRA Department to grant
'eternal' FCRA registration to associations. As we see later, the FCRA Department would
rather prefer that the FCRA status of associations was reviewed periodically.
By October 2009 , a total of 38,374 associations were registered with FCRA. Apart
from these, about 500 associations had prior-permission. Together, this comes to
about 39,000 associations.
Not all. Only about 60-70% files FC-3 regularly. The number of associations filing FC-3
has grown at about 5% annually over the last 16 years. This does not mean improved
compliance. Why? Because number of registered associations has also grown over
last 16 years.
The law requires that FC-3 must be filed
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even if no foreign
contribution is received in a year. However, the balance 30-40% seems to be quite
consistent in not filing their FC-3 in time!
FCRA Department then issues them a notice. If they ignore the notice, this leads to
cancellation of FC registration. In the past, Government has cancelled FC
registration of:
• 203 organizations in July-96
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• 497 organisations in September 1997
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• 8,673 organisations in 2005
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Of the last lot, 421 had their FCRA status restored
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when the
filed the pending FC-3 or provided proof that it had been filed earlier.
Going back to the ones who did file their FC-3, let’s see how much was received.
Foreign contribution has gone up from Rs.1,412 crores in 91-
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to Rs.11,337 crores in 06-07.
That means an annual growth rate of 14.9% over these sixteen years. The rate has
been lowered somewhat due to stagnation in 94-95 and 2003-04. However, there is
sharp increase in 2006-07 which is about 44 % increase over the previous year.
If you look at the average funds received per association, this has also gone up. In
92-93, the average was Rs.15.5 lakhs. In 07-08, it had risen to Rs.51 lakhs. This is an
increase of 9.13% per year per NGO.
What contributes to this rate of growth? Firstly, there is inflation. Budgets have to
increase every year just to remain at the same level in real purchasing power. To
understand this, look at the chart alongside, which uses change in gold prices to
show the effect of inflation on foreign contribution.
Secondly, Rupee has fallen quite a bit over the last sixteen years. In 1992, a dollar
would get you 28 Rupees. Today, it gets you 46 Rupees. In some ways, this increases
the ability of Agencies to fund programs in India.
Thirdly, program activities have also probably increased over the years, and finally
relief and rehabilitation under Tsunami and other calamities.
Many NGOs find it difficult to slot their funds into the categories set out in form FC-
3. Also, quite often the purposes given in FC-3 overlap.
There is also another category: “Other activities”. Around 30% of the funds are
reported under this. While this makes analysis difficult, it also shows how difficult it
is to categorize NGOs’ work.
The table probably looks exciting to mathematicians. For simple human beings, it is
not of much use. The chart here shows a simpler picture, with fewer categories. This
is a percentage chart and does not give money figures. Rather it shows the relative
percentage under a category in each year.
What do the table and the chart tell us?
• Money for purely religious activities remains more or less the same, around
10%. Of course, contrary to popular belief, this money is not for Christian
missionaries alone. Money comes in for other religions also, including
• Welfare type activities
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continue to be important,
taking up as much 25% of the total flow.
• Very little money has been reported for environment – rising from a mere
Rs.3.54 crores (0.14%) in 96-97 to 18.9 crores (0.48%) in 99-00. This is
contrary to the reality in the field. Numerous NGOs have spent large sums on
environmental programs such as watershed development, soil and water
conservation, forestry, pollution, and other similar issues.
• Similarly, the amount for disaster relief has been low over this period. A total
of Rs.111.07 crores was received from 96-97 to 98-99. These were also years
when there was no major earthquake or cyclone. Tragically, these figures
jumped to 163.33 crores in 99-00, with the Orissa cyclone in Oct-99.
• Though India is a land of history, very little is received by NGOs for
maintenance of historical and cultural places. From 96-97 to 99-00, this came
to just Rs.6.95 crores! Partly, this is due to the sprawling presence of
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. Then again, this work is probably low priority for
most international agencies except UNESCO. And UNESCO funds will not be
reported under FCRA.
• Quite a bit comes in for building construction, though:
And then some money is spent on repairs and maintenance. Over the last four years,
this amounted to Rs.539.49 crores.
Out of the 26,799 associations registered with FCRA Department by August 2003, 28%
had one or more religious objectives
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. A breakup of these
organisations according to their faith is given alongside.
With the continuing erosion of Rupee, a crore
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today is not
what it used to be. In 91-92, just 249 associations received over a crore. By 2007-08,
this had risen to 1695 associations.
Of course, if we adjust this for inflation, using gold prices as a base, we find that the
increase was only ____.
The MHA annual report lists the names of five top receivers every year. Their names
and receipts for last nine years
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are given below:
Where does all this money come from? The MHA reports for last six years (1996-97 to
2001-02) list about 178 countries, ranging from USA (Rs.1,658 crores) to Macau, Laos,
Sudan (Rs.1,000 each!). Then there are smaller donors who are not listed
individually – this adds up to around Rs.57 crores in 96-97 and Rs.25 crores in 2001-
The following table summarizes contribution of top eighteen donor countries who
have contributed at least Rs.100 crores over last six years (1996-97 to 2007-08):
Flow of funds from Spain and USA is rising faster than other countries. For example,
funds from Spain have grown annually at a compounded rate of 24%. In the case of
USA, the rate of growth is 23%.
RE F _REF 2 4 87 6 9 6 0 0 \ H \* M ERGE F O RM AT
This analysis provides information on how the foreign contribution is distributed
across the country – which areas receive more funds, which do not. It is hoped that
this will provide useful data for people working with NGOs and Agencies.
STATE SHARES: 96-97 TO 06-07
Which state gets how much attention from the Agencies? This is not easy to work
out. FCRA authorities treat NGO and Agency on the same footing. This means that if
a state is hosting an Agency’s office (for example, Delhi or Karnataka), then its
receipts will appear higher. But much of this may be transferred by the Agency to
other states. Secondly, as there are many states, we look only at selected states in
the chart.
STATE PROFILES: 96-97 TO 06-07
Correlating the state-wise data helps us understand more about how FCRA registered
NGOs and funds are spread across the country. Remember, however, that some of the
averages related to funds may be distorted due to inclusion of grant-making Agencies
in the FC data. Some NGOs may be working in multiple states, though headquartered
in a particular state. Also simple averages like these are not really suitable for
gauging an activity as complex as development or social work.
In the following paragraphs, we look more closely at each of the states, from an
FCRA angle. Keeping in mind the projected population of 2008 (as per Census of
India). Secondly, we are talking only about those organizations, which received
foreign funds and filed an FC-3. Union Territories are marked with the abbreviation
UT. Some of this data is given in a table at the end of the state profiles.
Received Rs.1.37 crores, 1.57 crores, 0.91 crores, 0.23 crores, 0.62 crores, 0.31 crores,
0.41 crores, 0.87 crores, 1.39 crores, 16.58 crores, 14.02 crores and 7.13 crores in 96-97, 97-
98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual growth
Page 13
rate: 16.18 % Estimated
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Population (2008) 4.49 lakhs Land area
(Sq. K.M.) 8,249
11 organizations received Rs. 7.13 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.65 lakhs each.
Average funds per person came to Rs.158.80. Average population per organisation
was 40,818 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.) was 750 (an
area approx. 27.3 kms. wide and 27.3 kms. long). The jump in last two years is due
to Tsunami relief and rehabilitation work.
Received Rs.352.72 crores, 398.08 crores, 487.29 crores, 536.99 crores, 589.52 crores,
559.56 crores, 629.76 crores, 684.20 crores, 913.17 crores, 1,011.57 crores, 1,210.82 crores
and 1,167.21 crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06,
06-07, 07-08 Annual growth rate: 11.49% Estimated Population (2008) 823.75 lakhs Land
area (Sq. K.M.) 275,068
2,140 organizations received Rs.1,167.21 crores in 07-08,or an average of Rs.55 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.141.69. Average population per
organization was 38,493 people. Average area under each organization (in sq. k.m.)
was 129 (an area approx. 11.35 kms. wide and 11.35 kms. long).
Received Rs.0.28 crores, 0.51 crores, 0.64 crores, 0.15 crores, 0.13 crores, 0.90 crores,
1.34 crores, 0.78 crores, 0.59 crores, 4.84 crores and 7.65 crores in 97-98, 98- 99, 99-00, 00-
01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05,05-06,06-07,07-08
Annual growth rate: 39.28% Estimated Population (2008) 11.98 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.)
21 organizations received Rs.7.65 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.36 lakhs each.
Average funds per person came to Rs.63.86. Average population per organization was
57,048 people. Average area under each organization (in sq. k.m.) was 4,035 (an
area approx. 63.5 kms. wide and 63.5 kms. long).
Page 14
Received Rs.14.88 crores, 17.32 crores, 22.98 crores, 24.35 crores, 23.40 crores, 32.06
crores, 37.61 crores, 35.25 crores, 40.18 crores, 38.79 crores, 162.69 crores and 96.5 crores
in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual
growth rate: 18.52 % Estimated Population (2008) 294.35 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.)
222 organisations received Rs.96.5 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.43 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.32.78. Average population per
organisation was 1,32,590 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 353 (an area approx. 18.7 kms. wide and 18.7 kms. long).
Received Rs.84.02 crores, 83.24 crores, 100.6 crores, 104.75 crores, 119.21 crores, 68.45
crores, 59.01 crores, 66.83 crores, 79.05 crores, 100.57 crores, 131.40 crores and 134.48
crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 4.37 % Estimated Population (2008) 936.33 lakhs Land area (Sq.
K.M.) 94,163
718 organizations received Rs.134.48 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.19 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.14.36. Average population per
organization was 1,30,408 people. Average area under each organization (in Sq.
K.M.) was 131 (an area approx. 11.4 kms. wide and 11.4 kms. long).
Page 15
Received Rs.1.87 crores, 1.4 crores, 2.28 crores, 2.62 crores, 3.85 crores, 5.92 crores, 4.37
crores, 4.24 crores, 3.34 crores, 6.01 crores, 7.21 crores and 6.56 crores in 96- 97, 97-98, 98-
99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual growth rate: 12.07
Estimated Population (2008) 12.27 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 114
30 organisations received Rs.6.56 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.22 lakhs each.
Average funds per person came to Rs.53.46. Average population per organisation was
40,900 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.) was 3.8 (an area
approx. 1.9 kms. wide and 1.9 kms. long).
Received Rs.0.04 crores, 27.92 crores, 31.44 crores, 33.80 crores, 29.21 crores, 33.85
crores, 57.62 crores, 71.07 crores in 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 20.55% (based on 2001-02 data) Estimated Population (2008) 232.69
lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 1,35,194
199 organizations received Rs.71.07 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.36 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.30.54. Average population per
organization was 1,16,930 people. Average area under each organization (in sq.
k.m.) was 679.37 (an area approx. 26 kms. wide and 26.1 kms. long).
Page 16
Received Rs.0.72 crores, 0.4 crores, 0.71 crores, 0.26 crores, 0.52 crores, 0.64 crores, 0.22
crores, 0.14 crores, 0.40 crores, 0.60 crores, 1.06 crores and 2.82 crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-
99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual growth rate: 13.23
% Estimated Population (2008) 2.99 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 491
13 organisations received Rs.2.82 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.22 lakhs each.
Average funds per person came to Rs.94.31. Average population per organisation was
23,000 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.) was 41 (an area
approx. 6.4 kms. wide and 6.4 kms. long). Dadra & Nagar Haveli is classified as a
predominantly tribal Union Territory in the report.
Received Rs.0.006 crores and 0.10 crores in 96-97, 06-07. Other years’ data not available.
For 99-00, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05 and 05-06, data combined with Goa. Estimated Population
(2008) 2.38 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 112
1 organisation received Rs.0.1 crores or 10 lakhs in 06-07. Average funds per person
came to Rs.6.33.
Page 17
Received Rs.346.35 crores, 418.52 crores, 487.28 crores, 636.11 crores, 763.05 crores,
794.42 crores, 880.77 crores, 857.12 crores, 1,075.23 crores, 1,556.46 crores, 2,183.03
crores and 1716,57 crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05,
05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual growth rate: 15.66 % Estimated Population (2008) 169.55 lakhs
Land area (Sq. K.M.) 1,483
1,181 organizations received Rs.1716.57 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.145
lakhs each. Average funds per person came to Rs.1,012.43. Average population per
organisation was 14,356 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 1.26 (an area approx. 1.1 km. wide and 1.1 kms. long).
Received Rs.13.28 crores, 12.93 crores, 13.29 crores, 13.81 crores, 10.45 crores, 13.66
crores, 14.43 crores, 16.02 crores, 16.46 crores, 16.31 crores, 16.22 crores and 15.13 crores
in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual
growth rate: 1.19 % Estimated Population (2008) 15.96 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 3,702
86 organisations received Rs.15.13 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs. 18 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.94.80. Average population per
organisation was 18,558 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 43.05 (an area approx. 6.5 kms. wide and 6.56 kms. long).
Page 18
Received Rs.80.25 crores, 71.96 crores, 102.09 crores, 126.95 crores, 207.42 crores, 324.57
crores, 272.26 crores, 191.97 crores, 238.59 crores, 301.22 crores, 390.77 crores and 378.37
crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 15.14 % Estimated Population (2008) 566.26 lakhs Land area (Sq.
K.M.) 196,024
883 organisations received Rs.378.37 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.43 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.66.82. Average population per
organisation was 64,129 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 222 (an area approx. 14.8 kms. wide and 14.9 kms. long).
Received Rs.6.71 crores, 5.93 crores, 5.38 crores, 6.70 crores, 7.17 crores, 7.73 crores,
10.43 crores, 9.94 crores, 10.27 crores, 19.65 crores, 34.46 crores and 42.09 crores in 96-97,
97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual growth
rate: 18.17 % Estimated Population (2008) 241.71 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 44,212
90 organisations received Rs.42.09 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.47 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.17.41. Average population per
organisation was 2,68,567 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 491.24 (an area approx. 22.1 kms. wide and 22.2 kms. long).
Page 19
Received Rs.40.16 crores, 44.50 crores, 64.32 crores, 68.20 crores, 82.50 crores, 74.10
crores, 52.69 crores, 76.48 crores, 72.56 crores, 83.24 crores, 104.19 crores and 120.41
crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 10.5 % Estimated Population (2008) 65.95 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.)
101 organisations received Rs.104.19 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.119 lakhs
or 1.19 crore each. Average funds per person came to Rs.182.58. Average population
per organisation was 65,297 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq.
k.m.) was 551.22 (an area approx. 23.47 kms. wide and 23.47 kms. long).
Received Rs.9.93 crores, 2.60 crores, 14.89 crores, 13.64 crores, 10.28 crores, 14.67 crores,
17.75 crores, 22.69 crores, 14.10 crores, 30.42 crores, 102.13 crores and 22.82 crores in 96-
97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual
growth rate: 7.86 % Estimated Population (2008) 112.57 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 101,387
55 organizations received Rs.22.82 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.41 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.20.27. Average population per
organisation was 2,04,673 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 1843.4 (an area approx. 42.9 kms. wide and 42.9 kms. long).
J & K is classified as a sensitive area in the report.
Page 20
Received Rs.0.15 crores, 52.66 crores, 57.77 crores, 59.93 crores, 76.91 crores, 96.96
crores, 110.47 crores and 127.52 in 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 15.88 % (based on 2001-02 data) Estimated Population (2008) 301.81
lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 79,714
410 organisations received Rs.127.52 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.31 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.42.25. Average population per
organisation was 73,612 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 194.42 (an area approx. 13.9 kms. wide and 13.9 kms. long).
Received Rs.274.16 crores, 315.88 crores, 354.73 crores, 411.34 crores, 489.96 crores,
504.99 crores, 489.12 crores, 528.56 crores, 511.99 crores, 621.23 crores, 1,077.13 crores
and 890.47 in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-
08 Annual growth rate: 11.3 % Estimated Population (2008) 575.50 lakhs
Land area (Sq. K.M.) 191,791
1400 organisations received Rs.890.47 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.64 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.154.73. Average population per
organisation was 41,107 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 137 (an area approx. 11.7 kms. wide and 12 kms. long).
Page 21
Received Rs.242.30 crores, 255.38 crores, 322.42 crores, 361.70 crores, 360.31 crores,
459.54 crores, 409.06 crores, 422.64 crores, 508.60 crores, 656.27 crores, 884.39 crores and
800.81 in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 11.48 % Estimated Population (2008) 338.02 lakhs Land area (Sq.
K.M.) 38,863
1,512 organisations received Rs.800.81 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.53 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.236.91. Average population per
organisation was 22,536 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 25.7 (an area approx. 5 kms. wide and 5.1 kms. long).
Estimated Population (2008) 0.74 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 32
No foreign contribution was reported from Lakshadweep and Minicoy Islands.
Received Rs.57.81 crores, 60.35 crores, 80.67 crores, 84.57 crores, 94.01 crores, 68.07
crores, 74.31 crores, 80.21 crores, 85.05 crores, 77.22 crores, 139.09 crores and 138.46
crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 8.26 % Estimated Population (2008) 687.37 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.)
383 organisations received Rs.138.46 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.36 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.20.14. Average population per
Page 22
organisation was 1,79,470 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 805.1 (an area approx. 28 kms. wide and 28.3 kms. long).
Received Rs.274.91 crores, 323.52 crores, 322.61 crores, 350.23 crores, 466.91 crores,
464.35 crores, 505.13 crores, 480.61 crores, 552.41 crores, 663.53 crores, 1,195.45 crores
and 885.17 crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-
07, 07-08 Annual growth rate: 11.22 % Estimated Population (2008) 1079.72 lakhs Land
area (Sq. K.M.) 307,713
1,515 organisations received Rs.885.17 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.58 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.81.98. Average population per
organisation was 71,269 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 203.11 (an area approx. 14.2 kms. wide and 14.2 kms. long).
Received Rs.10.18 crores, 8.74 crores, 11.73 crores, 9.93 crores, 14.97 crores, 14.98 crores,
14.12 crores, 14.50 crores, 20.34 crores, 21.18 crores, 43.04 crores and 38.24 crores in 96-
97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual
growth rate: 12.79 % Estimated Population (2008) 23.64 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 22,327
268 organisations received Rs.38.24 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.14 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.161.76. Average population per
organisation was 8,821 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 83.31 (an area approx. 9.1 kms. wide and 9.1 kms. long).
Page 23
Received Rs.20.78 crores, 24.08 crores, 26.29 crores, 29.44 crores, 30.38 crores, 33.68
crores, 31.42 crores, 34.34 crores, 41.07 crores, 46.03 crores, 55.64 crores and 46.07 crores
in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual
growth rate: 7.51 % Estimated Population (2008) 25.30 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 22,429
109 organisations received Rs.46.07 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.42 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.182.09. Average population per
organisation was 23,211 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 205.8 (an area approx. 14.3 kms. wide and 14.3 kms. long).
Received Rs.0.80 crores, 1.06 crores, 1.57 crores, 0.51 crores, 1.63 crores, 1.04 crores,
1.11 crores, 2.39 crores, 1.81 crores, 3.16 crores, 3.14 crores and 4.22 crores in 96-97, 97-
98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual growth
rate: 16.35 %
Estimated Population (2008) 9.7 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 21,081
29 organisations received Rs.4.22 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.15 lakhs each.
Average funds per person came to Rs.43.51. Average population per organisation was
33,448 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.) was 727 (an area
approx. 26.9 kms. wide and 27 kms. long).
Received Rs.4.35 crores, 5.25 crores, 6.62 crores, 7.59 crores, 9.11 crores, 12.24 crores,
14.25 crores, 9.70 crores, 16.35 crores, 18.87 crores, 26.65 crores and 32.09 crores in 96-97,
Page 24
97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual growth
rate: 19.92 % Estimated Population (2008) 21.71 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 16,579
76 organisations received Rs.32.09 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.42 lakh each.
Average funds per person came to Rs.147.81. Average population per organisation
was 28,566 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.) was 218.14
(an area approx. 14.8 kms. wide and 14.8 kms. long).
Received Rs.56.05 crores, 56.95 crores, 68.52 crores, 111.65 crores, 114.61 crores, 107.62
crores, 87.67 crores, 93.39 crores, 101.86 crores, 128.95 crores, 216.46 crores and 177.05
crores in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08
Annual growth rate: 11.02 % Estimated Population (2008) 396.55 lakhs Land area (Sq.
K.M.) 155,707
1,048 organisations received Rs.177.05 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.17 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.44.65. Average population per
organisation was 37,839 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 148.6 (an area approx. 12.1 kms. wide and 12.1 kms. long).
Received Rs.9.20 crores, 10.67 crores, 11.62 crores, 12.49 crores, 9.03 crores, 14.45 crores,
18.27 crores, 11.52 crores, 20.08 crores, 29.23 crores, 49.28 crores and 31.58 crores in 96-
97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 Annual
growth rate: 11.87 % Estimated Population (2008) 12.04 lakhs Land area (Sq. K.M.) 492
68 organisations received Rs.31.58 crores in 07-08, or an average of Rs.46 lakhs
each. Average funds per person came to Rs.262.29. Average population per
organisation was 17,706 people. Average area under each organisation (in sq. k.m.)
was 7.24 (an area approx. 2.7 kms. wide and 2.7 kms. long).
Page 25