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Top 5 Solutions to Living Your Life on Purpose pot

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Top 5 Solutions to Living Your Life on Purpose
By Vera Stark
Smashwords Edition
Vera Stark
On Smashwords
Top 5 Solutions to Living Your Life On Purpose
© by Vera Stark 2012.
All Rights Reserved
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Do you feel like the pressures of life are overwhelming and that the belief that
everything will work out seems so distant? Well, you aren't alone!
I can assure you that whether you are struggling in your relationships, your career,
your job, your health or your finances -there IS light at the end of the tunnel.
Almost everyone is facing challenges in one of these areas of their lives, feeling stuck
and held back from living the life they truly desire.
What if there was another way?
When you live your life on purpose, you are living from awareness. You are creating
on purpose rather than from habitual thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs,
considerations and attitudes.
You are stepping outside of self-imposed limitations and creating your reality from a
state of consciousness.
Through purposeful living you will experience more meaning and fulfillment in your
life. The choices that you make and the actions that you take will support you and
help you to deliberately create your future.

How does it get any better than that?
Enhancing Your Self Awareness
Are You Feeling Like You’re Losing Your Way…Lost in the Dark?
Have you ever wondered why you keep experiencing the same things over and over
Maybe you keep ending up in unhealthy relationships or in other situations that aren’t
your mental and emotional well-being.
There is a key component to living your life on purpose. It’s the only thing that will allow you to
change or transform anything in your life. That component is SELF AWARENESS.
Self Awareness is really about experiencing yourself. Self Awareness is becoming
conscious of who you are, why you’re feeling what you’re feeling and why you’re
behaving the way you are.
It gives you an opportunity to choose something different for yourself and your life.
It allows
you to experience more of life in the way that you wish to experience it.
Through self awareness you will begin to see things that have been hidden from
There are many things in your life that you know and you know that you know it.
For example, you know your name and you know that you know your name.
There are things you feel and think that you don’t know and you know that you
don’t know. For example, if you have never flown an airplane before, your
thought would be that you don’t know how to fly an airplane and you know you
don’t know how to fly an airplane.
Then there is that which you don’t know and you don’t know that you don’t know.
These are the blind spots that are brought into our consciousness through self
The truth is you know everything. It’s your lack of self awareness and your

inability to get out of your own way that keeps you from accessing everything that
you need to know.
Every single belief and thought that you have ever had, every decision that you
have ever made, all the judgments that you hold on to about who you are and who
you aren’t, and all the conclusions that you have come to about yourself and your
life are imprinted inside your subconscious or habit mind. This, my friend, is
where you spend the majority of your time.
Is it any wonder why you aren’t living the life you truly desire?
It is said that we spend 95% of our time creating from our subconscious mind and
only 5% of the time from a conscious state of mind. So what you are creating for
yourself and your life is being created on automatic pilot and not on purpose.
Being more conscious or aware is your ability to be present in every moment
without judgment of yourself or others. It allows you to become clear and to create
things deliberately in your life.
When you are constantly in your head you’re creating from your limitations. All of
the points of view and judgments that you have from previous imprinting put
limitations on you which hinder your ability to create a different reality for
yourself. There is a saying by Henry Ford that really says it all.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”
When you become aware of all the areas in your life in which you are either aligning
and agreeing or resisting and reacting to any points of view, thoughts, feelings,
emotions, beliefs, judgments, conclusions or considerations you begin to set
yourself free by reminding yourself they are just an interesting point of view.
When you look at it as an interesting point of view, you are allowing it to simply be
what it is, a point of view. There is no judgment around it.
It is your point of view that creates your reality, so if you buy into the point of view
that you aren’t good enough or smart enough or deserving of, then that is the
reality that you are creating for yourself.
If you aren’t aware of these things and if you don’t take responsibility for what you
are creating then you are unable to transform it.

Be aware of what you’re feeding your subconscious. Pay attention. When you become
more self aware you will notice when you aren't in alignment with what you desire and that
allows you to suggest something else that IS in alignment with what you choose to experience.
Self awareness allows you to see where your thoughts and emotions are leading you. It
allows you to see how your thoughts, beliefs and emotions are controlling you and
keeping you from moving forward in your life.
It helps you to understand why you feel what you feel and why you behave the way
you do. If you don’t fully know who you are, self-acceptance and change is
Living consciously and becoming more self aware opens the doors to endless
possibilities. It allows you to make conscious choices and live your life on purpose.
The infinite being in you ignites and you begin to make choices from that place of
freedom rather than from past experience.
The following tool will help you to begin the process of becoming more self aware.
Tool #1 – Expanding Your Awareness
 When you ask questions it empowers you, opening many doors. An answer is
always more disempowering. It limits the possibilities that are available to
 Live your life being in the question. Don’t look for the answer. Just ask the
 If you are faced with a challenging situation you could ask a question like
“What else is possible here?” or “What will it take to change this?” or “What
are the infinite possibilities here?”
 If you are making a decision about something you could ask “Will this expand
my lifestyle?”
 If I am looking to buy something I will sometimes ask myself “Will this
benefit me and my life?” or if it’s an investment of some kind I may ask “Will
this make me money?”
 After asking the question, listen to your body.
 If it makes you feel good your body will expand and feel lighter and you know

that it is right for you. It’s your deeper truth.
 Something that is NOT going to benefit you or if it is a lie, your body will
contract and begin to feel heavy.
 You can experiment with this using your name. Ask the question, “Is my
name (use your real name) and feel your body. Most often it is felt in the
chest area. Does it feel lighter? Now ask the same question and use a
different name. You may feel a tightness or heaviness in your chest area.
See the difference? At a deeper level, you already know the answer.
“The person in life that you will always be with the most is
yourself. Because even when you are with others, you are still with
yourself, too! When you wake up in the morning, you are with
yourself, laying in bed at night you are with yourself, walking down
the street in the sunlight you are with yourself. What kind of
person do you want to walk down the street with? What kind of
person do you want to wake up in the morning with? What kind of
person do you want to see at the end of the day before you fall
asleep? Because that person is yourself, and it's your responsibility
to be that person you want to be with. I know I want to spend my
life with a person who knows how to let things go, who's not full of
hate, who's able to smile and be carefree. So that's who I have to
be.” C. JoyBell C
Learning to Let Go
Is this what you’re experiencing?
Are you having trouble letting go of all those things that are keeping you stuck and in a
state of emotional distress?
Learning to let go of your beliefs, emotions, thoughts, considerations, attitudes and
judgments will allow you to move forward in the way that you desire.
Are your thoughts and beliefs keeping You stuck?

Past programming and conditioning keep you in a place of feeling stuck. It triggers
thoughts and emotions that you resist or lock down and you begin to create your
reality based on your alignment to those thoughts and emotions.
95% of the time you’re functioning from your subconscious or habit mind. You have
bought into point of views that aren't even your own. In fact, 98% of them don't
belong to you. They come from your parents, your friends, other family members, the
media and many other influential factors.
Some things get buried so deep inside of you that you don't even realize they exist,
however you still experience the emotions and behaviors that result from them.
Usually it is in the form of a reaction or resistance to them.
Whatever you’re resisting WILL persist!
What if you never resisted anything in your life? What if you just allowed things to be
as they are rather than how you think they should be or for what they ought to be?
What infinite possibilities would be available to you then?
Functioning from your thoughts, feelings and emotions gives you little choice and
limited possibilities. By not letting go they will begin to fester inside of you until they
eventually surface in the physical body as symptoms of illness or dis-ease.
Are you spending most of your time sitting in the problem or in the possibilities? If
you spend your time dwelling on the problem then you’re feeding it energy and so you
will get more of that problem.
We look for answers and solutions while we’re sitting in the problem. When we are
putting all of our energy into the problem, we don’t have the clarity to see the
answers and solutions that are actually available to us. Instead, ask yourself, “What
else is possible?”
Dr. Bruce Lipton, in his book “The Biology of Belief”, talks about how we live in
either growth or protection. For the most part we live in protection which is all
about protecting ourselves and making sure that we are okay. This tells your
subconscious that you aren’t okay; that there is something you need, something you
lack, something you aren’t getting or that you’re stuck.
When you are in protection you are at the effect of your circumstances which doesn’t

allow you to heal or evolve. You become the victim of your circumstances.
When you are growing, you are at the cause of your circumstances which allows you
to be in your power and gives you the ability to heal and transform.
As you begin to let go and move the energy out of your body you will start to feel
lighter and more expansive.
When you start see to everything as energy, whether it’s a feeling, a situation or a
problem, it is much easier to see how you’re able to shift or move it. It is our mind
that tells us otherwise.
The possibilities are endless when you just allow yourself to let go!
You have a choice.
Are you ready to let go?
Tool #2 – Relaxation Breath
Here is a tool that will get you started.
 When you experience a feeling or emotion that you don’t want or no longer
serves you pay attention to it.
 Notice where it’s located in your body. For instance, you may feel it in your
chest area or your stomach. Place one hand on that area. Now focus your
attention at the base of your spine.
 Take 10 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you
breathe out do so as if you were blowing out a candle. Quick breathes in and
out. Let your body soften.
 If it hasn’t completely gone after the 10 breaths then repeat it until it has.
“And I told him, I said: "One day you're going to miss the subway
because it's not going to come. One of these days, it's going to break
down and it's not going to come around and everyone else will just wait
for the next one or will take the bus, or walk, or run to the next
station: they will go on with their lives. And you're not going to be able
to go on with your life! You'll be standing there, in the subway station,
staring at the tube. Why? Because you think that everything has to
happen perfectly and on time and when you think it's going to happen!

Well guess what! That's not how things happen! And you'll be the only
one who's not going to be able to go on with life, just because your
subway broke down. So you know what, you've got to let go, you've got
to know that things don't happen the way you think they're going to
happen, but that's okay, because there's always the bus, there's always
the next station you can always take a cab.” ― C. JoyBell C
Take Time for You
Have You Lost Sight of What’s Important to You?
If you find that you feel emotionally drained or overwhelmed, have trouble sleeping
because of thoughts swirling around in your head or if you feel stressed out, it is time
to take a mental break.
When was the last time you took time for you? If you’re anything like I was, you
always have an excuse for NOT taking time for yourself. Usually it’s because you’re
too busy. Everyone and everything else comes first. Sound familiar?
There are always so many activities, events and distractions going on around you
that your stress levels rise which are negatively affecting your health. It means
that you need to get out of your head and into your body.
Whether you meditate or just do absolutely nothing it is important.
When you take the time to relax and get in touch with yourself and your feelings
you will find that you are much more productive. You will feel less frustrated and
overwhelmed, and more relaxed and balanced.
You have been conditioned to believe that you have to work hard and struggle to get
what you want in your life. Because of that belief, you tend to continue to do
exactly that. You do it because you believe that you have to.
Struggle is optional!
Taking time for yourself allows you to stop doing and just Be. It is in the being that
everything else will evolve. It is when you are able to do from a place of being rather
than doing from a place of doing that things become effortless.
It is important to honor yourself and connect to your true self. Through this deeper

connection you will have greater access to your inner knowing. This is where you will
find more clarity and a deeper understanding of the reality that you wish to create for
Be open to receiving the gift of you by taking 15 to 20 minutes each day to spend
some quiet time with just you.
Take a walk in nature, sit with your eyes closed and focus on your breath as the
thoughts come and go, (it is important not to resist your thoughts) or do something
that nurtures you like going for a massage.
You can accomplish so much more with much less effort if you just take the time.
What would it take to make time for you? It’s a priority.
This tool will help to calm the activity in your mind.
Tool #3 – Calming the Mind
 Close your eyes.
 Take a couple of deep breaths to relax yourself.
 Bring your focus inside your head. Do your best to put your focus on your mind
and get a sense of how the energy of the mind feels.
 Now imagine the energy of the mind and the mind itself dissolving and turning
into a liquid or water and then flowing down into your chest or heart center.
 Now imagine the inside of your chest and just sit and breathe in and out. Do
this for 5 or 10 minutes and you’ll find your mind becomes very quiet and very
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't
be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's
thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own
inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart
and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to
become. Everything else is secondary.”
Steve Jobs
Lead With Your Heart

Who is in Charge of You?
Are there times when you feel that your life is falling apart? Like you’re losing control
of what’s really important to you?
If this is what you are experiencing then you are spending most of your time in your
head. This is the part of you in which the Ego lives and dictates your life. It is your
limited sense of self. It is from your Ego that manipulation, competition, jealousy,
hate and all other negative feelings and emotions attached to your mind.
The Ego is all about material things and power. It is everything that you have
identified yourself to be based on past experiences. When you first stop identifying
with the Ego, you get confused as to who you are. You have lived your life believing
that you are your name, that you are your body, and that you are your mind.
What if that wasn’t who you were at all?
You have placed separation between good and bad, right and wrong. You have lived
by what others have told you to feel and think rather than what you really feel and
think. True authenticity and a deeper understanding of who you are, comes from
being within.
The Ego leads from a fear based consciousness rather than from awareness. This fear
controls how you live your life and tells you how you should do things. Leading with
your Ego creates doubt which limits your possibilities.
Leading with your heart comes with being in your body and being present rather than
being in your head and will allow you to make choices from awareness - which only
exists in the present. It is where your deepest inner being resides and where you will
discover your true potential and passion.
When you lead with your heart first and follow with your head it allows you to make
choices that resonate with you and are in alignment with the reality that you choose
to create for yourself.
Most people lead with their head and then try to persuade or force their hearts to
Leading with your heart may not feel like the logical thing to do, so often you
ignore the feelings of your body for the sake of doing what you think is the right

There is nothing more magical than being in your Heart. It allows you to love yourself
and others unconditionally. It allows you to see others as mirror for your own
evolution. To see all of yourself as a magnificent being who is here to serve a
What would you rather be led by?
If you’re unsure of whether you are leading with your head (Ego) or your body, try
this next tool.
Tool #4 – Getting in Touch With Your Body
 In any given situation remind yourself that you have a choice.
 Before making that choice, ask the question, “Am I making this choice from
fear or from what feels to be the best choice for my highest good and what
will bring me the greatest joy?”
 Take 12 deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth and just
relax into your body. (it’s important not to hold your breath) Make your out
breath longer than your in breath.
 Now trust what you are feeling! Your body never lies.
“We search for happiness everywhere, but we are like Tolstoy's fabled
beggar who spent his life sitting on a pot of gold, under him the whole
time. Your
Treasure your perfection is within you already. But to claim it, you
must leave the busy commotion of the mind and abandon
the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
Solution #5
Learn To Love Yourself Unconditionally
How Many Times a Day Do You Judge Yourself?
Are there times when you feel doubtful, judgmental and critical of yourself?
Do you blame yourself when things don’t go the way you expect them to?
You are your own biggest critic. When you judge yourself you are imprisoned

by your own limitations and false perceptions. Where there is judgment
there is no love. They can’t exist together.
Learning to love yourself unconditionally allows you to be who you truly are.
Dr. Bruce Lipton also talks about how when we’re in growth we are loving and
open to ourselves and others. When we are in protection we become a victim
of our circumstances and close down.
Where do you spend most of your time – being loving or protecting yourself?
There is an analogy that states, “We are like these great pieces of art.” As an artist
they would look at this great piece of art and see the magnificence in it. They
know they have a masterpiece.
All you have to do is look at the masterpiece within yourself. You don’t have to
become anything, you already are everything you ever wanted to be, you just
have to look at what is distracting you or blocking you from seeing it.
There is a similar blueprint within all of us. You are everything; the good and the
bad, the light and the dark, the sweet and the sour, the fearful and the
courageous. You have a dark side as well as a light side.
Your dark side is the part of you that you feel ashamed of, scared of, and
embarrassed by. You can’t wish those parts away, however you can learn to integrate
them and love even those parts of yourself.
Do you tend to hold grudges and resentments, not only towards yourself but towards
It is that unforgiving nature that most of us have where you tend to beat yourself up
internally then all of a sudden wonder why you are doing things in the outer world to
beat yourself up. This is where pain and suffering come into play.
It is a way for you to affirm those internal messages that you have. I’m not good
enough, I’m not worthy, I don’t deserve it or whatever your programming is. When
you judge something you lock it into place.
Let me give you an example. You may say, “I have really big thighs” because
you’re feeling unattractive or frustrated with yourself. You’re asking the universe
to give you exactly what you don’t want, really big thighs.

It is your resistance and reaction to your thighs and the emotion that is triggered
that doesn’t allow for the possibility of anything different.
Whenever you place a judgment upon yourself, you are either resisting or agreeing
with it. That is why you continue to attract things to you that you don’t really
You have a perception of what you should look like and be like based on a point of
view. The mask that you wear covers up the authentic you….The real you which is
this amazing infinite being.
When you open up to the reality of love you let go of judgment. You accept who you
are at this moment and realize that you are who you are because of a multitude of
As long as you buy into the point of view of others rather than allowing you to be who
you truly are, you are missing the opportunity of being unconditional love. When you
love yourself unconditionally you open up to loving others the same.
Tool #5 – Releasing Judgment
 Be aware of what you are saying to and about yourself. Every time you make a
judgment or criticize yourself in any way take note of it. If you have a journal
to write in that’s even better. You will be amazed at how hard you are on
 A great exercise and a way to measure your progress is to look in the mirror as
many times a day as you think of it. Now listen to what you are telling
yourself about you and how you look. This is also a great way to train yourself
to listen to your inner critic.
Remember, what you’re thinking is exactly what you’re getting.
 Now that you are aware of your judgments try this exercise….
 Sit with your eyes closed and breathe normally holding the thought of the
judgment in your mind.
 With intention, expand the energy of that judgment out to the rest of your
body. Sense it being in your body.
 Now expand it out to the room you’re in, and then the building you’re in, the

city, the whole country, the universe and then out into the cosmos.
 You will notice after doing this that the judgment will be gone or at least
there will be no energetic charge around it.
“When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is
not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you,
that any judgment you make is self-judgment, that any criticism you
level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an
unconditional love that will be the light of the world.”
Harry Palmer
I know that there are many things that we take on as our own truth during our
lifetimes. I also know that if you are truly happy with the reality that you’re creating
for yourself then you are probably on the right path.
I encourage you to take a look and see if the reality that you are creating is the one
that you desire.
I am honored to have empowered many others to move beyond their beliefs and
limitations to a deeper sense of personal freedom and authentic wholeness enriching
both their lives and their relationships through learning SELF AWARENESS.
Many people ask me, “Will this work for me?”
The answer is YES! Energy is energy and it can be moved and shifted quite easily if
you are open to it. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to believe in it, just be
open to what’s possible.
Case Studies
Study #1
Diana was working a 9 to 5 job, making a fairly good wage and loving the work she
was doing. The problem was that she was having some major issues with one of her
coworkers. She was very critical of Diana and loved to cause problems for her. She
would talk behind her back to the other workers and was very mean and nasty to her.
It got to the point where Diana, didn’t want to be at work anymore. She tried talking
to her and that didn’t help at all. She became very down and depressed. It ended up
where Diana took a stress leave from work and the doctor put her on antidepressants.

She went on like this for about 3 months and then with the help of her
antidepressants was able to go back to work 2 days a week. She wouldn’t always
make both days as she would struggle just to get out of bed in the morning.
She was struggling financially and her health was suffering.
I suggested that she begin journaling. Every time she was confronted or attacked by
co-worker, write it down; what happened, what was said, and what she was feeling.
By doing this Diana started to become more aware of her feelings and emotions, and
she was able to see patterns developing.
She learned how to allow the feelings she had to be there and not to resist or suppress
them any longer. She began to acknowledge them and then let them go. She realized
that by doing that the feeling would subside fairly quickly. She learned to take
ownership of what she was creating and the impact that not taking ownership had
been having on her life.
Diana began to see how she was attracting this experience to her and how it was
showing up in other areas of her life as well.
Within the 6 sessions of working with Diana she returned to work on a full time basis,
is no longer using antidepressants and has had no further confrontations with her
Study #2
Suzanne was facing difficulties in her relationship with her daughter. She had no idea
what to do with her and was at a point where she just wanted to run away. Her
daughter was disrespectful towards her and got very angry if she said no to her for
anything. Suzanne had to fight with her to get her to do anything and if she didn’t get
her own way she would throw a tantrum.
She said that she had tried to reason with her several times but nothing was working.
Things were out of control. She tried punishing her by taking things away, giving her
time out in her room, and even spanking her. She would get so angry and be
constantly hollering at her. Nothing seemed to work. It just kept getting worse.
It was beginning to affect the other children and her relationship as well.

During Suzanne’s first couple of sessions she began learning the reasons why raising
her daughter was such a struggle for her. She began to see how her daughter was
responding to the energy that she was transferring at the time, and how her need for
attention was exactly what Suzanne was projecting, yet she was totally unaware of it.
Once Suzanne was able to clear some of her own issues and beliefs, she began to
feel more calm and relaxed. As a result, her daughter completely turned around.
The bickering started to become less and less and they were able to talk about
things without either of them blowing up.
Suzanne and her daughter have become friends and the stress that Suzanne was
feeling is gone. She is now able to enjoy her daughter and the time they spend
Study #3
John was experiencing a lot of pain from an injury that he had gotten at work. He wasn’t able to
function or go a day without experiencing extreme pain. He was taking Tylenol 3 and unable to
return to work. It turned out that he had incurred some nerve damage to his arm and torn tendons
in his shoulder.
After going to physiotherapy and trying different alternatives, he was unable to alleviate the pain.
He began taking cortisone shots as his doctor recommended and the pain would subside but only
for a couple of days. The only other option was to have surgery. John refused, as they said
there was a chance that it may get worse.
John was unable to lift his arm up more than halfway to his shoulder and he couldn’t put his arm
back at all. During his first session, John realized that he was hanging on to a lot of memories
and emotions around the accident. There were things that he was suppressing. As
John began to let go and release some of those things he found that the pain was starting to
By the end of the session, he was able to lift his arm as high as his shoulder and slightly
back behind him with less pain.
John is back working fulltime, experiencing little to no pain at all and is able to use his arm and
shoulder the same as he did before his injury.
Client Success Stories

“I was having a lot of panic attacks and upsets in my life before experiencing the Emotional Life
Coaching program.” There were things that were affecting my business and my relationships. I didn’t
have a lot of confidence and I knew I had a lot of fear. I have done many different types of coaching over
the last 10 years, but this has been the most effective way to get rid of negative feelings. I could see
almost immediately the changes that were happening.”
“After the first couple of sessions I started to feel more relaxed and calm about things in my business and
at home. I started to communicate easier. As time went on things kept getting better and I was
experiencing more and more results. My confidence levels rose and I had more courage to make good
positive choices. Things in my business began to run smoother; I was able to take responsibility for
things in my life. My faith and belief levels began to rise.”
“The program gave me the tools and techniques that I can use every single day to release and deal with
my negative thoughts and feelings. There are many tools that are provided in the program that I use very
easily and effectively every day, and they help me to eliminate any negative thought or limited believe
that I incur.”
“My life is more peaceful and calm and much more balanced as a result of this program. I feel very
blessed to have experienced this in my life.” Karen …Sorrento B.C.
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
“The Emotional Life Coaching program has given me so much. I have a different outlook on life and see
the positive in all situations. I have learned to deal with my issues and it hasn’t only made my life easier
but the lives of people around me as well.”
“Vera is a kind and compassionate coach who is able to dig deep into your emotions and help you face
difficulties with ease. She is empathetic and easy to talk to. An amazing coach!
“Thank you Vera for giving me this fantastic opportunity. My life has positively changed forever.”
Melissa ….Burford, On
“When I first started Emotional Freedom Life Coaching I was in a terrible place in my life. Through this
program I have been able to get to the root of some of my behaviors and actions. I have been put on a
path that I am ever so grateful for and will always continue to use the tools I was given. My family has
also noticed the change and is happy about it. This program restored my sanity when I totally thought I
was losing it.” Colleen … Kelowna, B.C.

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“As a client I have enjoyed our sessions. Vera has always gone over and above providing help when
needed. I’ve seeked help through other professionals and Vera has come out on top as she has a way of
making everything make sense. She is motivational, inspiring and makes me want to have a purpose in
life because life is good when you look at it in a different light. I’m very happy to have Vera as my life
Tracey ….Kamloops, B.C.
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“Vera’s vast knowledge and experience of the inner being helped me be at one with my inner spirit,
teaching me how to cleanse my body of negative feelings, anxiety and center my body, mind and spirit.”
Brian ……Kamloops, B.C.
Are you ready to experience instant transformation?
Call to reserve your Free “Self Empowerment” session now………….250-375-2307 or
In this powerful session you will see what it’s like to experience instant results!
You can also email me at
I welcome the opportunity to work with you!
Standing for your Dreams
Vera Stark
Emotional & Spiritual Life Coach
