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by Joseph P. Caccamo Chief Executive How To Achieve Measurable Results from potx

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by Joseph P. Caccamo
Chief Executive Officer
IQNetCom Corp.
How To Achieve Measurable
Results from Your Company’s
Technology Investment
Published by:
IQNetCom Corp.
3027 Harvester Road
Suite 310, Burlington,
Ontario, Canada
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code are protected by Copyright Laws and may not be copied, reprinted, published,
translated, hosted, or otherwise transmitted by any means without explicit permission.
Section One
Page 2 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Moving beyond the hype 4
Back to Basics 5
What is it? 7
Is it serious? 8
Are you serious? 9
If you are serious! 10
Here they are 11
What next? 12
The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success:
How to Produce Measurable Bottom-line Results from your
Company's Technology Investment.
Section One:

Page 2
Section Two:
First basic principle: Commitment comes first 14
Second basic principle: Identify your objectives 18
Third basic principle: Design with clarity 23
Fourth basic principle: User friendly 26
Fifth basic principle: Content is everything 29
Sixth basic principle: Make it dynamic / interactive 33
Seventh basic principle: Create a reason 35
Eighth basic principle: Marketing is the key 37
Ninth basic principle: Build trust 43
Tenth basic principle: Hire a professional 47
That’s it 50
About me, me, me 51
Our products and services 52
Page 13
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Determining the Value of e-Business for Small and
Medium size Organizations
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The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 3
For most business owners, return on investment (ROI) is the most important determining
factor in making investment decisions.
This is the way it should be. Why should companies invest resources into a project that
they believe will not produce a positive benefit for their organization? A prudent manag-
er should always consider the ROI before spending resources on a new process,
machine or employee. And just as this business/economic principle has been used to

determine "physical" capital investments, ROI should also be a key-determining factor in
your decision to implement an e-Business solution. So… where is the ROI in e-Business?
Hard Facts about Technology Investments
I have found that most business owners are not satisfied with the return on their tech-
nology investment. Often they hire young, so called, "technology experts" who know very
little about business. In most cases, the results are doomed to failure, creating disap-
pointment and frustration for the business owner. The harsh reality is that business own-
ers end up missing out on the great benefits technology can provide because they don't
know what to do about it.
Your choices are not simple when it comes
to finding the right technology partner. On
the one hand, you can choose a large con-
glomerate, that is inflexible and cost prohib-
itive and on the other hand, you are left with
a group of smaller technology firms who
tend to over promise and under deliver.
Moving Beyond the Hype
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Page 4 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
By focusing our attention on a very narrow and "low-impact" aspect of the overall Internet
phenomenon; business-to-consumer e-Commerce (B2C), the "glitter" that has accompa-
nied the growth of the Internet economy has obscured the inherent potential of e-
Business for many companies.
There's no question, the Internet does represent a new and exciting sales channel for
business. However, the media has centered too much on start-up dot coms -
pure-play B2C Internet companies consisting of too much hype and very little substance.
This resulted in a cynicism towards the potential benefits of e-Business. It has led many
organizations and entrepreneurs to believe that the Internet is a passing fad or that their
products do not lend themselves to the Internet. This is unfortunate because, the over-

whelming majority (80-90 percent) of the benefits available to organizations are in the
areas of business-to-business relationships and internal business processes.
The media (to date) have missed the point with respect to the potential of the Internet for
Make no mistake - increased profits can be realized through e-Business implementation,
however, the most effective way to accomplish this is by becoming more efficient and
connecting to suppliers and customers. The fact of the matter is that every business, of
every size, in every sector can benefit by implementing e-Business solutions. An impor-
tant first step to achieving this, however, is to look past the hype surrounding this issue
and approach e-Business just as you would approach any other business challenge.
We need to move beyond the glitter
and begin to mine the gold.
Back to Basics
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The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 5
Where the Internet (e-Business) can help every organization is in traditional business
processes. Traditional business processes are those processes that every business
engages in:
Organizations can use e-Business solutions to make these traditional business process-
es more efficient. By leveraging innovative information technology, businesses will
improve customer service, create efficiency gains and increase productivity levels. The
savings accrued through efficiency and productivity gains (which are essentially "over-
head" costs) translate to profit…in short, companies may realize more profit by using
information technology (the Internet) as an efficiency tool, rather than by using it purely
as a sales channel.
Customer/Supplier Support or After-Sales Service
Procurement (i.e. purchase supplies)
Internal administration structures (i.e. payroll)
Information distribution

Employee Recruitment
Back to Basics
Customer Support and After Sales Service
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Page 6 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
An essential part of maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty is providing after-sales
customer support and service. E-business is a strategic way to reduce the costs of pro-
viding after-sales customer service and support while at the same time increasing cus-
tomer satisfaction and loyalty.
Profit is directly influenced by how much it costs to procure the supplies necessary to run
the business e.g. raw materials, desks, pencils, computers, etc. Electronic procurement
(e-procurement) systems can reduce purchasing administration costs, employee compli-
ance problems with purchasing-negotiated contracts and uncontrolled spending by
employees; directly producing measurable bottom line results.
Administrative costs are often associated with tasks or processes that a company per-
forms habitually, for example, paying employee salaries or invoicing customers.
E-business applications can help reduce the costs of these repetitive administrative
processes. How much could your company save by implementing direct deposit for
employee salary/benefits or an electronic time sheet/expenses invoicing system?
Information Distribution
The distribution of information by traditional means can be very expensive. Consider your
costs associated with printing, postage, and administration of your company's brochures
alone. The Internet shines as a means to distribute substantial amounts of information
Marketing, Advertising and Selling

The process of recruiting potential employees can be expensive and time-consuming.
Using e-business strategies and information technology to recruit can significantly reduce
the cost and time of hiring the right employee
This is the area where the majority of attention has been focused with respect to e-busi-
ness. The Internet represents a strategic new channel to reach both existing and poten-
tial customers.
What is it?
When the Internet was introduced to businesses, it was introduced as a "mass
market"… Nothing could be further from the truth.
The new waves of marketing techniques are target marketing, network marketing and
direct marketing. Any business owner who chooses to be stuck in the mass marketing
mind-set is doomed in both cyberspace and the real world.
The Internet has never been a mass market… It is a very "Targeted Market"
The Internet is the most powerful business
communication system since the invention
of the telephone. To remain competitive,
business owners cannot afford to ignore
this "New Technology". They must act
quickly to expand their traditional business
in the rapidly growing market of
E-Commerce is 80% Hype and 20% Substance
E-Business is 80% Substance and 20% Hype!
The Internet is one of the greatest communication networks ever invented. I'll say it
again… The Internet is a Communication Network!
If your company manufactures, distributes, retails products or you offer professional serv-
ices, you will substantially increase productivity, and sales, by connecting your clients to
your Communication Network.
We've all been caught up in the e-Commerce hype! As a result, our thinking has been a
little misguided. The Internet is an incredible Information Network. When properly

implemented, the Internet becomes a powerful business tool.
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The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 7
Is it Serious?
If you are paying attention to what is going on around you… you will realize it is "Very
serious". Our Government, large Corporations, our Banks and many other organizations,
are investing Millions of dollars into this "New Technology"…
Why? Because it… WORKS!
When properly implemented, the Internet
will enable you to increase efficiency within
your organization, collaborate with your
partners and suppliers and better serve
your customers.
The Internet is a very serious business tool
Your competition knows it!
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Page 8 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
To remain competitive,
You must take immediate action!
Technology is the Future!
Are You Serious?
Through our experience and research, we have found that an alarming number of busi-
ness owners are NOT serious about this "New Technology".
We have contacted hundreds of business people and asked one simple question… "How
is your organization using the Internet to expand your business?
Here's a list of the most common replies …
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The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 9
“No… we don't have a Web Site, but my son/nephew/friend is a real
smart computer guy and he's going to build one for us.”
“We already have a Web Site… we don't need another one.”
“The Internet doesn't work for my business… My company is a
manufacturer/distributor; we don't sell our products direct to the
“I'm sick and tired of this Internet thing… It's all a bunch of hype anyway!”
“Most people don't' buy on the Internet… my stuff won't sell there.”
“We have a Web Site… nothing happens; I don't want to waste any more
money on a new one.”
Anyway, we have many, many, more comments… but I think you get the picture.
OK, I need to share one more comment with you. It’s quite funny, but also frightening to
think of how some people have misunderstood the Internet. I won't mention the product,
for fear you might guess the company…
I wanted to buy a "widget" and I was researching the product on the Internet. I called the
company and asked… "Does your company have a Web Site?” “Yes”… she replied.
“Great!” I said…”I couldn't find it… Would you mind giving me your company's Web Site
address?” "No sir… I'm sorry, I can't…Company policy will not allow me to
give out this information.", she replied. It's sad, but TRUE!
Are some of the above views about the Internet, representative of your own personal
beliefs? If they are… consider the possible consequences for your business, if you con-
tinue to ignore the great benefits the Internet can provide for your business.
If You Are Serious!
The information I'm about to share with you will enable you to produce bottom-line results
well beyond your expectations.
Through my own experience and research, I have discovered "The 10 Basic Principles"
to achieve "measurable results" from your technology investment.
I am certain… beyond any shadow of doubt - that "The 10 Basic Principles" will make
your Web Site more effective. If you ignore them, (most do) you'll be missing real

profit opportunities.
Implement them… and you'll get more business! The choice is simple and it won't cost
you a fortune to get measurable bottom line results. I guarantee it!
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Page 10 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Next up
The 10 Basic Principles You Must
Follow to Achieve Measureable
Results from Your Company’s
Technology Investment
Here They Are:
Commitment comes first - You must totally commit to the project. Don't turn it
over to a junior employee. Put all your available resources behind it.
Identify the objectives - Create a plan. Would you consider starting a new busi-
ness without a business plan? I hope not!
Design with clarity - Create a blueprint of the look and feel. Building a Web Site
is similar to building your custom home… It makes a statement about you.
User Friendly - Don't build a maze. If people get lost… they won't like it… and they
will run away.
Content Is Everything - Don't make your Web Site an extension of your corpo-
rate brochure. Your clients won't read it. If it's about you… no one cares… but you!
Make it dynamic/interactive - A static Web Site is useless. Build a Web Site
that is driven by technology that enables you to keep the content fresh and current.
Make it interactive for your clients.
Create a reason - Give your clients a reason to return. What's in it for them?
Marketing is the Key - The best Web Site in the World is totally useless if no one
knows about it. No… you don't have to spend a fortune, to achieve results.
Build trust - Trust is the key ingredient to success on the Internet. Without it… you

Hire a Professional - Don't make the common mistake of building your
own Web Site unless your company has a competent internal IT staff. Hire a
professional organization.
OK, there you have it… Now it's time to get started.
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The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 11
What’s Next?
In the following section of my book, you will learn how to apply "The 10 Basic Principles"
to achieve measurable results for your business. I will take you through each of "The 10
Basic Principles" step-by-step and provide you with lots of creative ideas, which you can
apply to your business.
Regardless of the type of business you own or work for… Manufacturing, Distribution,
Retail, or Professional Services. The "The 10 Basic Principles", will work for your
I recommend you follow my two-step approach to achieve the best result.
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Page 12 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Step One:

Read through the following material with a pad of paper handy for notes. As you
read each of the ten steps, you will come up with lots of creative ideas… stop
and make notes. Continue this process until you have completed reading all the
Step Two:
Once you have completed step one, put this document aside and review your
notes. Begin organizing your notes into a flow chart for each of the ten basic
Principles. Once your flow chart is complete, go back to "The 10 Basic
Principles" and begin reading each basic principle again. At this point, don't
move onto the next basic principle until you have completed the action plan for
the previous one. Use your flow chart as a reference; it will help you stay
focused while you are creating your new e-business strategy.
Section Two
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Before we begin the first principle…Let's review what we have discussed so far:
The Internet is a targeted market.
The Internet is a communication network.
The Internet will enable you to increase efficiency within your
organization, collaborate with your partners and suppliers and
better serve your customers.
No matter what business you're in, the Internet is a powerful
business tool that will work for your business.
By properly implementing this new Technology, you will gain
a competitive advantage.
It's not just about e-Commerce… It's really about e-Business.
There are a lot of misconceptions about the Internet - we
must find creative ways to maximize its potential.
By implementing "The 10 Basic Principles" for e-Business

success, you will achieve better results.
The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 13
Comes First
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I have found that many Executives are not really committed to the Internet. Maybe it's
because of all the Media hype during the past several years… or having been witness to
the Dot Com CRASH… or it's possible they don't understand the new Technology - and
feel they have missed the boat.
Whatever the reason, you must reconsider your position - and act quickly - if you want to
maintain your competitive advantage.
You are NOT truly committed if you:
Simply hand over your corporate brochures to a Web developer and
ask him/her to build you a Web Site.
Don't allocate a realistic budget to the project - and your decisions are
based on the cheapest possible solution - or even worse - you hire
your son/nephew/friend to build your corporate Web Site.
Delegate the project to a junior employee, who happens to have some
technical skills.
If this is what you have done, or plan to do? I suggest the following:
If you have a static brochure-ware corporate Web Site, designed with-
out a detailed e-Business strategy… shut it down immediately!
Chances are, it's doing your company more harm than good! The
Internet is full of corporate Web Sites - just like yours - no one cares.
If you are planning to build your corporate Web Site, without a detailed
business plan, nor hire a professional Technology partner - don't do it,
the odds are you will be disappointed with your investment.
True commitment begins at the TOP!
First Basic Principle: Commitment Comes First

Page 14 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Let's say, you are a dedicated employee who wants to help your company prosper. You
have done a lot of research - and understand the power of e-Business - but your Boss
doesn't really understand the benefits - and is not interested.
Here's what you need to do:
Actually, you're doing it; continue studying The 10 Basic Principles. Once you have com-
pleted this book, you will have a professional business plan for your e-Business strate-
The next step is to find the right Technology partner - if your company has an internal IT
department - present your plan - ask their commitment.
Do this, during your personal spare time, if necessary.
You are now ready to present your proposal. Contact your Boss and ask for a meeting -
tell him/her that - "you need approximately one hour to present a proposal, which will
save the company a lot of money and produce measurable bottom-line results".
Note: It is very important that you go right to the top. Don't present your plan to your
immediate supervisor - you may ask him/her to attend the presentation meeting if you
feel it would be politically correct… but you MUST go to the key Executive of your organ-
Do this - and I am confident that you will succeed.
Note: This is a great example of employee behavior that guarantees
promotions…GOOD LUCK!
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Are you a dedicated Employee?
Comes First
The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 15
If you own your own business or you are an Executive who wants to make a serious com-

mitment to improve your organization by implementing new Technology - here's three
questions you must answer:
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Comes First
What am I committed to?
What am I willing to put at risk?
What is my declaration?
I'm committed to becoming an Industry leader, by implementing
new Technology that will take my company into the future.
I'm prepared to allocate whatever company resources, financial
or otherwise, necessary to achieve my goal.
I declare that I will achieve my Industry leadership position no
later than 12 months from now.
"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with
- Vince Lombardi.
Now, it's time to review your notes and state your commitment in the box below:
Page 16 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Once you have defined your priority areas (i.e. those areas that offer the greatest ROI
potential via e-Business transformation) you must engage three key issues if you wish to

complete a successful e-Business implementation initiative:
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Management Commitment
Comes First
E-business is an investment issue and, like all investment issues, will not go forward
unless the CEO or senior management is committed to the project. In addition to com-
mitment, however, senior management, preferably the President and CEO must also
demonstrate strong leadership. Management must be the champion driving the initiative
forward. Such leadership and commitment will filter down throughout the organization
strengthening the enthusiasm and dedication of its employees.
Management commitment
Change management
Employee training
Any e-business transformation initiative brings with it organizational change. Introducing
innovative information technology solutions to streamline business processes will have a
direct impact on the structure of your organization. The most common areas of change
are the flow of information, methods of communication, and your employee's abilities to
manage the changes. It is crucial that you consider these potential changes when devel-
oping an e-Business strategy, and map out the new, more efficient processes before
moving to the technology/implementation phase.
Proper employee training is an essential part of a successful e-Business implementation
strategy… but often overlooked. The maximum benefits derived from implementing new
technologies and processes may go untapped if employees are not trained properly. It is
key to remember that when introducing new technologies, procedures and processes;
investment in employee training, will insure that your e-Business solution will be imple-
mented to its full potential, providing you with the maximum ROI.
Employee Training
Change Management

The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 17
Identify Your
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The single most important factor to creating a successful e-Business strategy is to
approach the issue as a business issue, not a technology issue. Technology is a tool, an
enabler, which is to be used to further your business objectives. Thus you should ask
yourself the following questions:
Which business processes currently offer the greatest opportunity for
cost reductions, efficiency gains and increased profitability?
Where can my business gain a competitive advantage over my competi-
What areas cause my organization the most problems with respect to
customer service and satisfaction?
Second Basic Principle: Identify your Objectives
Your e-business strategy should be determined largely by the goal of increasing produc-
tivity and/or customer satisfaction combined with the strength of the ROI opportunity!
Here are some key questions to consider when developing an e-business strategy. By
answering these questions it will help you focus your efforts on initiatives that will hold
the largest potential for measurable bottom-line results:
Key Questions for a Successful e-Business Strategy
Which business processes currently offer the greatest opportunity for cost reductions
and efficiency gains?
What areas cause my organization the most problems with respect to customer serv-
ice and satisfaction?
Am I committed to implementing this solution? Am I willing to champion the initiative
within my organization?
How will the e-business solution alter the basic structure of my organization? What

changes in staffing, skills and communication/ information flows could potentially
result from this exercise?
What training will be required to ensure that employees are able to maximize the
potential benefits of this solution? How can I involve them from the start so as to max-
imize employee input, education and commitment?
What is the potential ROI? How does this compare with other investment options?
Page 18 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Identify Your
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We now begin to examine the… What ifs… What if this could be done? Or we could
make that happen? Etc…
Let's start with identifying your pain… what keeps you awake at night… Is it:
Lack of sales growth?
The challenge of delivering timely information to your distribution
Dealing with customer inquiries?
Dealing with internal productivity issues?
Inventory delivery schedules?
Time management?
The effectiveness of your sales personnel?
Managing your Retail distribution channel?

Customer relationship management?
The above are a few examples, to assist you in identifying your particular pain. Use the
space below to itemize your problems, and then think about a possible "what if" solution.
This process will be difficult if you remain stuck in the - what is now syndrome - you must
allow yourself to believe that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Do not analyze your- what if,
solution - or stop to think about how to implement it. Simply be creative and note your
I call this process - "Green Lighting."- There are no - "Stop" signs - keep moving
The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 19
Identify Your
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What if… I could access the inventory of my parts suppliers and order parts automati-
cally as required. What if, I knew ahead of time about shortages of inventory and I could
stock up on those parts. What if I could offer a similar service to my distribution network?
"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct
result of his own thoughts." - James Allen.
My pain is … dealing with client inquiries about their individual
account status. We waste too much time responding to these
What if… my clients could access this information anytime - day or night and it was
always kept current?
My pain is… managing my parts inventory - last month I lost four
production days because I was back-ordered on one small part.

Page 20 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Key Questions for a Successful e-Business Strategy
Identify Your
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By clearly defining your objectives, you will be able to focus specifically, on the actions
you must take to achieve the objective. This is why we went through the previous exer-
cise of identifying the problems and possible solutions… Reviewing these notes, will help
you identify your objectives.
Your objectives are critical to the success of the project because they help you define the
measurable results you plan to achieve.
Let's say, your problem and solution exercise indicates that most of your
pain is related to managing the delivery of timely information throughout
your distribution channel… Your Objective would be to - "automate and
streamline the timely flow of information."
Or, you have identified that lack of sales growth as your main concern. In
this case… your objective is to increase the number of qualified sales
leads for your products or services.
My objectives are
All of us can predict our future… by simply creating it!
The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 21
Identify Your
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OK… your creative juices are flowing - you are beginning to get excited - and you are
anxious to move to the next step.
WAIT… You have now created the basic outline for your new business plan… Continue
working on your new business plan until it is substantially complete. You will revise many
components of your plan, as you complete each of the following basic principles.
However, it is important to substantially complete the business plan, based on the work
you have done so far.
Remember… "Don't move to the next step, until you have completed the previous steps."
You know what to do - I'm sure you have written numerous business plans throughout
your career - you probably don't like writing them - I must admit - I don't like it myself.
However, we all know how critical business plans are, to a successful business. So…
continue doing what you must!
If you have no experience, in writing business plans and would like some assistance?
Contact me at - - I would be pleased to assist you… Subject
to one condition - "please don't ask me to write it for you."
"Let our advance worrying become advanced thinking and
planning." - Sir Winston Churchill
Page 22 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Design with
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Now that you have substantially completed your business plan - it's time to create the
blueprint for the construction of your Web site.
This process is similar to designing your custom home. If you have been fortunate
enough, to have had this experience, you will better understand this process.
Here's how it works:
Third Basic Principle: Design with Clarity

Custom Home
Total number of rooms
How many bedrooms, bathrooms,
How will the rooms be laid out? What
size will they be?
What will the main entrance look
like? What statement will it make
about me?
What rooms will the main entrance
lead to? Where does one go from
What will my home look like?
Web Site
Total number of Web pages.
Necessary Web pages; products,
services, client page, etc.
How will my Web pages be laid out?
How much content/page?
Home page - What statement will it
make about your company? The first
impression is the last!
What is your main objective? Where
does one go from there?
How will your Web site look/feel?
OK… I think you get the picture.
By now, you're probably thinking - "I'm not an architect, or a Web site designer. How can
I complete this step?"
You are absolutely right! - Most of us are not architects or Web site designers. However,
when you designed your custom home; you provided your architect, with a sketch and a

list of your objectives. The same thing applies to building an effective Web site.
The mistake most Executives make; is to hire a Web designer, prior to completing this
step. Most Web designers know very little about your business and even less on how to
market it. It's not as difficult as you might think!
The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 23
Design with
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Review your business plan and create a list of your objectives in order of priority. Once
your objectives list is complete; create a list for category pages, such as, home page,
about your company page, clients page, news page, etc., etc.
Now… you can begin sketching by starting with the home page and drawing connecting
lines (links) to the various categories.
Note: You will be revising your sketch, once you complete the Fifth Basic Principle. You
will also continually make detail adjustments as you complete the other basic Principles.
So… at this point - "don't be concerned about the accuracy or detail of your sketch."
For this example, let's assume you are a distributor of Consumer Electronics products,
such as, Sony, JVC, RCA, etc.
My objectives are:
Automate and streamline timely delivery of current information throughout
my retail distribution channel.
Automate the management of my sales incentives programs.
Enable my retail clients to order parts, products, or services 24/7 on-line.
To achieve these objectives, you must design into your Web site the following:
Secure access to confidential information - “Customer log-in page" In
addition, you may want to add a "What's New" page, for public informa-
tion about upcoming new products.

"Sales representative" section, with password protection or smart card
E-Commerce capability - add a "Shopping Cart" to enable your Web site
to securely process customer orders. This function will be added in the
"Customer Log-in" section.
Page 24 The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success
Use This Approach
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Copyright © 2001, IQNetCom Corp., All rights reserved.
Please do NOT reprint or host on your website without explicit permission.
Other possible categories/sections:
Company Page - Information about your Company.
Products/Services - Information about your products or services.
In the News - Press releases, newspaper or magazine articles, etc.
Consumer Tips - Information on - how to buy - what to look for- product
comparisons, etc.
Contact Us - Your address, fax number, telephone number, and e-mail address link.
You will create additional new categories or sections as you continue completing
The 10 Basic Principles.
Sample Web site design sketch

There… it really wasn't as difficult as you thought… was it?
"Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one
thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture."
- William James.
The 10 Basic Principles for E-Business Success Page 25
