Ho Ho Ho - How to Draw a
Cartoon Santa Step by Step
Cartoon Santa drawing might seem harder than it really is, but have no
fear as soon as you finish this tutorial you'll know that there isn't really
all that much to him.
As usual, we'll break him down to simple shapes and build on those
shapes to create a very jolly, very fat cartoon Santa.
One last note - remember to draw lightly when making your first lines
on the page. I know I say this with every lesson but some of my
students don't seem to listen to this important steps and when it is time
to finish the drawing they always have problems erasing because they
drew too hard in the beginning.
Got your pencil and eraser handy? Let's do it!
Step 1:
Draw two overlapping circles. The smaller one will be the head, the
larger one will be the main part of the body. Note that the larger circle
is squashed a little so it is not a perfect circle. Looks strange right?
Keep reading and we'll flesh him out.
Since this is an intermediate tutorial I'm
going to cover quite a few things in each
of the following steps. If your drawing
isn't looking right go back and read over
the step carefully.
Step 2:
Add another circle shape behind the first two circles that you made.
This will be the cartoon Santa's giant sac of toys.
First add in the lines to create the bottom of the coat. Notice that there
is a little space between the middle of the coat at the bottom.
Add in shapes for the legs and boots. The foot on the left side of the
drawing (Santa's right) is facing forward. The foot on the other side of
the drawing is facing to the side. Draw a line to separate where the pant
leg and the boot meet.
Step 3:
Let's add some details to his face. I've
included a version of the face with the
old circle still there so you can have
reference of where some of these new
lines are being drawn.
Cut off the top of the head circle and
create the white band at the bottom of the
cartoon Santa's hat.
Draw lines down from the bottom of the hat to make the beard. It
should be curved along the bottom in a similar shape to the original
head circle - only bigger.
Draw in the nose with a simple 'U' shape, and then connect another line
down from the hat to the nose to make the inside of the beard.
Draw a smile in the beard - it's just another 'U' shape with a line on top.
To make the eyes, make one line, and then, under the line make a little
black circle. Add in some happy looking eyebrows. If you want your
cartoon Santa to have a different expression the shape of the mouth and
the eyebrows can be changed.
Next, draw in the curved lines for his belt. For now don't worry about
the belt buckle - we'll add that in the next step. Just draw lightly so that
you can erase these lines later.
Last part of this step, I promise! Add in the bottom white part of his
coat. Notice how these parts connect with the bottom of the belt. That
was a long one - I hope you're not getting discouraged! Let's keep
going - we're almost finished the cartoon Santa.
Step 4:
Finish off the head by adding in the
top of his hat and the little white
pom-pom circle at the end.
Add in the belt buckle with two
rectangular shapes one smaller than
the other. Make the line on the very
top of the belt a little longer to show
that Santa's fat belly is trying to poke
over his belt.
Add in the arms with simple curved shapes. His left arm is shown more
from the side and will be holding his sac. His other arm is shown from
the front and will be holding a cup of hot chocolate. Because he is
wearing mittens these hand shapes are really simple to draw. If you are
having problems drawing them, I suggest looking at your own hand.
Make a fist and notice the outline shape of your fist from the front and
also from the side. Use this outline as a reference, but remember that if
you were wearing mittens that the shape wouldn't be as clear as just
looking at your hand. Make the outline shape a little softer and more
curvy and you should have a pretty good looking hand to work with.
Step 5:
Let's finish off this cartoon Santa with a
few last details.
Add in the little cup of hot chocolate,
and some steam rising out from it. The
cup is kind of like a square, but it has a
rounded top and bottom to show that it's
a cylinder shape. The steam is just a
random bubbly shape. Draw it however
you wish. If you think of it more
simply, it's just a bunch of circles lumped together.
Add in the lines for the sac of toys going from just past his shoulder
down to his hand. These lines should come together as they move
toward his hand to show that the sac is being held tightly. Add a little
shape to the bottom of the sac-holding hand to show the end of the sac.
I cut a little pointed shape out of the beard to make it more interesting.
Feel free to do the same. Near the cut in the beard I also started the two
lines that would make the center of this cartoon Santa's coat. These
lines should travel down from the beard to where the belt buckle is.
The last details I added were on the feet. I added a little bulge to his
right leg to make the area where the pants meet the boots a little more
interesting. I also added a detail line to the foot here to indicate the toe
of his boot. Notice the thin line along the bottom of the boot? This is
the bottom of the boot. On his left leg, I cut out a little area to separate
the heel and the toe of the boot.
This cartoon Santa is ready to head off and deliver presents to all the