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Edited by Fouzia Boukour Elbahhar
and Atika Rivenq

New Approach of Indoor and Outdoor Localization Systems

Edited by Fouzia Boukour Elbahhar and Atika Rivenq

Manuel Perez-Ruiz, Shrini K. Upadhyaya, María Laura Mateo, María Virginia Mackern,
Stephan J.G. Gift, F. Elbahhar, B. Fall, A. Rivenq, M. Heddebaut, R. Elassali, Alberto Giretti,
Alessandro Carbonari, Massimo Vaccarini, Miika Valtonen, Timo Vuorela, Stefano Maddio,
Alessandro Cidronali, Gianfranco Manes, Abdullah Al-Ahmadi, Tharek Abd. Rahman,
Xiaoying Kong, Li Liu, Heung-Gyoon Ryu, Aleksander Nawrat, Karol Jędrasiak, Krzysztof
Daniec, Roman Koteras, Xin Xu, Kai Zhang, Haidong Fu, Shunxin Li, Yimin Qiu, Xiaofeng Wang

Published by InTech
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First published September, 2012
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New Approach of Indoor and Outdoor Localization Systems,
Edited by Fouzia Boukour Elbahhar and Atika Rivenq
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0775-0


Preface IX
Section 1 Satellite Systems for Positioning 1
Chapter 1 GNSS in Precision Agricultural Operations 3
Manuel Perez-Ruiz and Shrini K. Upadhyaya
Chapter 2 Adjustment Methodology in a Regional Densification
of a Terrestrial Reference Frame 27
María Laura Mateo and María Virginia Mackern
Chapter 3 GPS and the One-Way Speed of Light 45
Stephan J.G. Gift
Section 2 Wireless Sensor Network Localization Techniques 67
Chapter 4 Indoor Positioning System Based on
the Ultra Wide Band for Transport Applications 69
F. Elbahhar, B. Fall, A. Rivenq,
M. Heddebaut and R. Elassali
Chapter 5 Ultra Wide Band Positioning Systems
for Advanced Construction Site Management 89
Alberto Giretti, Alessandro Carbonari and Massimo Vaccarini
Chapter 6 Capacitive User Tracking Methods
for Smart Environments 113
Miika Valtonen and Timo Vuorela

Chapter 7 RSSI/DoA Based Positioning Systems
for Wireless Sensor Network 139
Stefano Maddio, Alessandro Cidronali and Gianfranco Manes
Chapter 8 One Stage Indoor Location Determination Systems 163
Abdullah Al-Ahmadi and Tharek Abd. Rahman
VI Contents

Section 3 Coupled GPS and Other Sensors 191
Chapter 9 Activity-Artifact Flow of GPS/INS
Integration for Positioning Error De-Correlation 193
Xiaoying Kong, Li Liu and Heung-Gyoon Ryu
Chapter 10 Inertial Navigation Systems
and Its Practical Applications 213
Aleksander Nawrat, Karol Jędrasiak,
Krzysztof Daniec and Roman Koteras
Chapter 11 The Design and Realization of
a Portable Positioning System 241
Xin Xu, Kai Zhang, Haidong Fu, Shunxin Li,
Yimin Qiu and Xiaofeng Wang


The ability to localise people and assets will be driving not only emerging Localization
services, but also mobile advertising, safety and security applications. In fact, location
based services are becoming an indispensable part of life.
For outdoor application, Global positioning system GPS requires communication with
at least four GPS satellites, and offers location accuracy of several meters. It is used
mainly for outdoor location-based application, because its accuracy could be degraded
significantly in indoor scenarios.
In additional, the wide adoption of Global Positioning System in mobile devices,
combined with wireless sensor networks has solved many problems of outdoor
However, it concerns only outdoors application. There are numerous areas of
ubiquitous computing and application, which require the knowledge of indoors user
Over the past years, significant effort has been dedicated to the development of indoor
Localization systems. The results depend essentially on the environment of the
concerning application, the implementation cost and the used technologies. In fact,
indoor positioning faces additional difficulties as compared to outdoor positioning.
Attenuation and multipath reflections of the line-of-sight (LOS) signal (or direct path)
by walls, floors, and ceilings of tunnels are the main factors prohibiting typical GPS
receivers to operate in indoor environments. Most of the time, the sum of multipath
signals is stronger than the direct path signal, thereby preventing the receiver from
accurately calculating the time of arrival.
Despite the effort to improve these results, the existing indoor positioning systems
present real challenges for the researchers.
This book addresses the state of the art technology and the results from cutting edge
research for indoor and outdoor Localization applications. In fact, the writing of this
book was prompted by the fact that actually many applications require high
Localization accuracy for indoor and outdoor environment.
X Preface

In this book, the chapters are organised in three main topic areas:
Section 1: “Satellite Systems for Positioning” consists of chapters which cover whole
satellite system (GPS, GNSS) and some applications using this system. It consists of three
chapters. The first chapter is related to the satellite Localization system especially The
GNSS system. In fact, the authors present some results in terms of precision related the
application the GNSS receivers in agricultural applications. The second chapter presents
new concepts to calculate the coordinates of GNSS stations, existing in some countries, in
the international reference systems using information and applying a methodology of
rigorous processing and adjusting. This technique has proved to be advantageous when
the objective is to introduce the Reference System simultaneously with the precision and
parameters estimation. The last chapter of this section deals with the use of GPS
technology in the determination of the one-way speed of light.
Section 2: “Wireless Sensor Network Localization Techniques”, is dedicated to the
Localization applications using the wireless sensor networks. The section consists of five
chapters. The first chapters are related the applications of UWB Localization system
especially applied to building construction environments and the transport applications.
The third chapter is related to the capacitive transmit-mode measurement methods that
can be used to passively track an individual indoors in three dimensions and non-
intrusive. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the concepts for an indoor Localization
system suitable for a Wireless Sensor Network in a GPS-denied scenario way. The last
chapter is dedicated to the off-the-shelf positioning system using IEEE802.11 wireless
local area network technology without any additional devices.

Section 3: “Coupled GPS and other sensors”, consists of three chapters. The first two
chapters present some results for Inertial Navigation System/GPS association and some
applications of this coupling. The last chapter discusses some interesting results
concerning the development and implementation of a "System On Programmable Chip"
SOPC based on portable positioning systems PPS, which is capable of handling the data-
fused positioning and can provide user a feasible way to obtain their position anywhere.

The editor would like to thank all authors for their contribution, and all those people
who directly or indirectly helped make this work. We hope the information included
will be useful for Communication & Localization Engineers, Signal Processing
Engineers and the academic researchers occupied in the field of indoor and outdoor
Localization systems.

Fouzia Boukour Elbahhar
Chargée de Recherche, IFSTTAR, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des
Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux,

Atika Rivenq
University of Valenciennes,

Section 1

Satellite Systems for Positioning
