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Final Review 279
Exercise 16.16 (Chapter 7: That-clauses)
Underline the that clauses in the following sentences. Confi rm your answer by substituting the
pronoun it for the that clause.
I didn’t know that it was so late.
1. That Paul would inherit the family fortune came as a horrible shock to Louise.
2. They contended that the accident wasn’t their fault.
3. The plan was that we would call you when we got there.
4. The driver told us that he was out of gas.
5. That they were so late was really rude to the hosts.
6. The doctor told me that my ankle was severely sprained but not broken.
7. Their main complaint was that the restaurant closed too early.
8. Sally hated that Harry’s ties were so out of style.
9. That the movie wasn’t very good came as no surprise.
10. The problem is that it is getting so late.
Exercise 16.17 (Chapter 7: Wh-clauses)
Underline the wh- clauses in the following sentences. Confi rm your answers by replacing the
noun clause with it.
What you are entitled to remains to be seen.
1. I don’t care about what he said.
2. Forgive me for what I am about to say.
3. Where they went is none of my business.
4. Did you ever notice how babies fi rst start crawling?
5. Can you tell me how much dinner actually cost?
6. Which one we will fi nally pick is still up in the air.
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280 English Grammar Drills
7. I will accept whatever position they offer me.
8. Did you learn which fl ight they are on?

9. What shocked us the most was how much prices have gone up lately.
10. Who you know is sometimes more important than what you know.
Exercise 16.18 (Chapter 7: Wh-clauses)
Many of the sentences below contain wh- clauses that incorrectly use information question word
order. Cross out these incorrect wh- clauses and write the corrected form in the space provided. If
the wh- clause is correct, write OK.
I didn’t understand what were they talking about
I didn’t understand what they were talking about.
1. We should investigate what was that loud noise.

2. I really liked what have they done to their apartment.

3. They understood how much were we willing to pay.

4. I wonder where should we park the car.

5. How long will it take remains to be seen.

6. Can you translate what did they just said?

7. Do you know why are the streets so empty?

8. I didn’t want to ask what did she mean.

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Final Review 281
9. I certainly sympathize with how are you feeling.

10. They will prepare whatever would you like to eat.

Exercise 16.19 (Chapter 8: Present tense)
Replace incorrect base-form verbs with third-person singular present-tense verbs. Confi rm your
answers by replacing the subject noun phrase with the appropriate third-person pronoun. If the
sentence does not require a third-person singular present-tense verb, write OK.
The cost of the houses there come as a complete surprise.
It comes as a complete surprise.
1. The box in the hall take up a lot of space.

2. What you just said about their plans convince me that they are right.

3. Packing for trips make everyone crabby.

4. The shopping center actually own the entire parking lot.

5. What they said naturally engage our complete attention.

6. The announcer on the news look like my cousin Fred.

7. The size of the crowds at rock concerts make me uncomfortable.

8. Knowing what to do in an emergency help me feel more secure.

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282 English Grammar Drills
9. My roommate always play her iPod too loud.

10. A trip to the outer islands cost nearly a hundred dollars per person.

Exercise 16.20 (Chapter 8: Present tense)
Write the third-person singular form of the base-form verbs in the fi rst column.
Base form Third-person singular form
please pleases
1. postpone
2. concentrate
3. develop
4. try
5. multiply
6. boss
7. tax
8. mark
9. nod
10. match
Exercise 16.21 (Chapter 8: Past tense)
Write the past-tense form of the following base-form verbs.
Base Past tense
imply implied
1. enlarge
2. rope
3. trim
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Final Review 283
4. reply
5. ship
6. ban
7. envy
8. cause
9. miss
10. pray

Exercise 16.22 (Chapter 8: Present participle)
Write the present participle form of the following base-form verbs.
Base form Present participle
range ranging
1. take
2. arrive
3. bet
4. knit
5. study
6. cut
7. leave
8. perspire
9. please
10. win
Exercise 16.23 (Chapter 8: Past and present perfect)
Select either the past-tense or the present perfect form in the following sentences.
The children behaved
/have behaved well since they stopped watching so much TV.
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284 English Grammar Drills
1. They performed/have performed that piece last week.
2. I fl ew/have fl own more than 100,000 miles this year alone.
3. The owners painted/have painted the house in 2003.
4. She directed/has directed a number of independent fi lms.
5. Last week the kids divided/have divided the yard into three sections.
6. I urged/have urged him to be more careful many times.
7. He limped/has limped into the meeting this morning.
8. We examined/have examined this issue repeatedly.
9. They moved/have moved to Chicago ten years ago.
10. They lived/have lived there ever since.

Exercise 16.24 (Chapter 9: Past and past perfect tenses)
In the following sentences, the verbs in italics are all in the base form. The verbs are used to
describe two past-time events, one of which precedes the other. Change the verb whose action
takes place fi rst into the past perfect form. Change the other verb whose action takes place later
into the past-tense form. Remember that the two events can occur in either order.
I call all my friends after I hear the news.
I called all my friends after I had heard the news.
1. Before I get two miles, I get a ticket.

2. As soon as I receive the checks, I deposit them in the bank.

3. I just step into the shower when the phone ring.

4. We have to purchase new furniture after we move to Dallas.

5. After I explain the joke to the kids, they think it was pretty funny.

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Final Review 285
6. We go for a swim as soon as we reach the beach.

7. He lock the barn door after the horse be stolen.

8. They retain a lawyer before they draw up the contract.

9. Naturally, I unplug the lamp before I start to rewire it.

10. As soon as it stop snowing, we shovel the driveway.

Exercise 16.25 (Chapter 10: Transitive and intransitive verbs)

The verbs in the following sentences are in italics. If the verb is intransitive, write vi above it. If it
is transitive, write vt above it. If the verb is intransitive, confi rm your answer by deleting all the
material that follows the verb.
Our snowman fi nally melted in the spring sunshine.
Our snowman fi nally melted in the spring sunshine
1. The lake froze earlier than usual this year.
2. I froze my fi ngers getting the ice off the windshield.
3. The water was running all night long.
4. Senator Blather spoke at great length.
5. The orchestra was practicing in the music room.
6. The orchestra was practicing their new piece.
7. The orchestra was practicing for their performance.
8. I answered the questionnaire.
9. I answered as honestly as I could.
10. I answered whatever questions were put to me.
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