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( Class 11 )
Mã đề : 004
Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
This is an organization offering volunteer work. Our old people would love to see you. Could you
spare an hour or two each week to visit an old lady or gentleman and help her or him keep in touch with
the modern world? Or perhaps you would prefer to help make the home look a bit more cheerful? We
have the wallpaper and we need strong active people to help us redecorate their living rooms. Would you
have time to make the lonely old people happy?
1: We want people
A. to give them some wallpaper B. to raise funds for the organization.
C. to paint their bed room D. to visit the old people and help them.
2: What is the main purpose of this volunteer work?
A. to redecorate their living room B. to make the home look more cheerful
C. to talk to the old people D. to make the lonely old people happy
3: Who is this advertisement from?
A. From the home for the aged
B. From an organization helping the homeless
C. From an organization offering volunteer work
D. From an organization helping street children
4: How much time can a volunteer offer?
A. an hour or two a week B. an hour or two a year
C. an hour or two a month D. an hour or two a day
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
5: In 2001, 800 volunteer students take part in the campaign for illiteracy eradication.
6: Hung apologised of not being able to complete the poem.
7: Volunteers are requiring from February until July to help organize these events.
8: Some high school students takes part in helping handicapped children.

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others in each group.
9: A. anniversary B. decoration C. celebrate D. entertainment
10: A. protect B. happy C. allow D. career
11: A. hospital B. volunteer C. radio D. influence
12: A. American B. relationship C. relative D. occasion
Choose the best answer.
13: He denied Jane's cassette yesterday.
A. being stolen B. to be stolen C. stealing D. to steal
14: A(n) is a person chosen or pointed on behalf of another person or a group.
A. participant B. announcer C. interviewer D. representative
15: Do you want with you or do you want to go alone?
A. me to come B. that I will come C. me coming D. that I come
16: My mother rarely allows me things for myself.
A. buy B. buying C. bought D. to buy
17: It is that many people are homeless after the floods.
A. reporting B. reports C. reported D. report
18: Have you ever by a dog?
A. bitten B. bite C. to bite D. been bitten
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19: In the summer of… , the Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion started a campaign for Illiteracy
A. 2000 B. 2003 C. 2001 D. 2002
20: She tries to be serious, but she can’t help
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. that she laughed
21: I must go now. I promise……………late.
A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I won’t be
22: In Kuscsik became the first official female champion.
A. 1992 B. 1962 C. 1972 D. 1982
23: In BC, the Olympic Games were first held at the foot of Mount Olympus.

A. 676 B. 786 C. 766 D. 776
24: I’m going……………this afternoon.
A. shopped B. shop C. shopping D. to shop
25: . : a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them.
A. a hut B. an orphanage C. a tent D. a cottage
26: I couldn’t move the box alone, so I asked him……………a hand.
A. gave B. give C. giving D. to give
27: Judy………….going for a walk, but no one else wanted to.
A. admitted B. offered C. promised D. suggested
28: She advised me………….an apple every day to stay healthy.
A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. ate
29: The Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to
A. honour Zeus B. stop war
C. sing songs about athletes D. crown the best athletes
30: He suggested at that hotel for two days.
A. me staying B. me to stay C. staying D. to stay
31: "Where are you going?" she asks him.
A. She asks him where is he going. B. She asks him where he is going
C. She asks him where he was going. D. She asks him where was he going.
32: John congratulated me passing the final exams.
A. to B. on C. about D. with
Choose the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced from that of the others .
33: A. minority B. hostess C. mow D. remote
34: A. martyr B. gratitude C. charity D. handicapped
35: A. go B. gift C. game D. general
36: A. formally B. maximum C. marathon D. expand
Read the following paragraph and choose the best word to fill in each blank.
A group of fifteen 37 came to our little mountainous village last month. We used to
have a tedious and quiet life until they came. When they appeared at the end of the path 38 to
the village, We heard their loud songs and their merry 39 The village children ran after

them and formed a big procession. On the first day, they had 40 with the head of the
village in the morning, and later in the evening with all the villagers.
37: A. volunteers B. volunteer C. voluntary D. voluntarily
38: A. to lead B. leaded C. lead D. leading
39: A. laughter B. laugh C. laughed D. to laugh
40: A. talk B. a talk C. talking D. a talked

Good luck to you
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