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The grammar of the english verb phrase part 121 doc

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absolute deictic relation 485, 490
absolute deictic time-specifying adver-
bial 112, 591Ϫ592, 629
Absolute Future System 519, 527, 531,
535Ϫ557, 560Ϫ565, 567Ϫ570, 638,
676, 692, 701, 703, 706, 725Ϫ726,
737, 746, 754, 756Ϫ757
absolute past tense 153, 155Ϫ156,
193Ϫ208, 373Ϫ374, 383Ϫ424,
435Ϫ438, 444, 446, 449Ϫ450, 502,
573, 655, 665, 694Ϫ697, 707, 716,
746, 754Ϫ755
absolute present tense 171Ϫ191, 466,
486, 682
absolute preterite see absolute past
absolute relation 443
absolute-relative tense 25Ϫ26, 156Ϫ
157, 345, 374, 503, 531Ϫ532, 727Ϫ
absolute tense 16, 25, 117, 120, 153Ϫ
154, 207, 171Ϫ360, 378, 381, 383Ϫ
424, 468, 479Ϫ480, 485Ϫ487, 529Ϫ
570, 573, 675Ϫ682, 692Ϫ717, 721Ϫ
725, 732, 746
absolute time-zone 150, 169, 371Ϫ372,
377, 381, 427Ϫ428, 501, 575, 593,
absolute zone see absolute time-zone

abstract situation type 41, 49Ϫ71
accomplishment 70Ϫ71
achievement 70Ϫ71
action 57, 66Ϫ69
action verb 68
activity 69
actualization 12, 40
actualization adverbial 622Ϫ623, 632
actualization aspect 30, 72Ϫ81
actualization focus 204Ϫ206, 299,
319Ϫ322, 326, 331, 604Ϫ605
actualization-explaining because-
clause 552Ϫ553
actualize 12, 40
adjectival clause 14
adverbial see absolute deictic time-
specifying adverbial, actualization ad-
verbial, bifunctional adverbial, deictic
time-specifying adverbial, duration
adverbial, durative time-specifying
adverbial, inclusive duration adver-
bial, multiple-orientation-time adver-
bial, multi-zone adverbial, nondeic-
tic time-specifying adverbial, nonin-
clusive adverbial, orientation-time
adverbial, past zone adverbial, pre-
present zone adverbial, punctual
time-specifying adverbial, pure dura-
tion adverbial, relative-absolute deic-

tic time-specifying adverbial, relative
deictic time-specifying adverbial, sin-
gle-zone adverbial, situation-time ad-
verbial, temporal adverbial, time-
specifying adverbial, zone-independ-
ent adverbial
adverbial clause 14 (see also after-
clause, because-clause, before-clause,
bounded clause, conditional clause,
free relative clause, heterogeneous,
homogeneous, nonbounded, since-
clause, subclause, until-clause, when-
clause, while-clause)
Adv-time 119, 122, 132Ϫ144, 173,
367Ϫ368, 612, 644
Adv-time adverbial see time-specifying
Adv-time of the head clause 642Ϫ643,
Adv-time of the when-clause 642Ϫ645,
650, 654
Adv-time-relation 122, 134
834 Index
Adv-time-simultaneity 134Ϫ135, 139Ϫ
140, 145
after-clause 446, 523, 741Ϫ753
agent 48, 53, 67, 186, 191
agentive 50Ϫ54, 61, 66Ϫ70, 281, 290,
342Ϫ343, 346, 356
Aktionsart see ontological aspect

Anchor time 195, 197, 202, 289, 320,
352, 562, 591, 629, 688Ϫ692, 706Ϫ
718, 722Ϫ728, 738Ϫ751
anchored time-specifying adverbial see
deictic time-specifying adverbial
anteriority 17Ϫ18, 25, 161 (see also
T-anteriority, W-anteriority)
argument (NP) 20Ϫ21, 79, 123, 295,
aspect see actualization aspect, gram-
matical aspect, ontological aspect
aspect auxiliary 19
aspectualizer 31Ϫ32
assertive clause 606
atelic 60Ϫ65, 68, 70Ϫ71, 75Ϫ77, 115,
306, 366Ϫ367, 595
atemporal when-clause 672
attributive definite noun phrase 204,
247, 574, 592
auxiliary 18Ϫ20
auxiliary verb see auxiliary
background 177, 430
background situation 220, 225, 274,
284Ϫ286, 470
backgrounding 430
backshifted 384, 390, 394, 396, 471,
698, 719
backshifting 391
basic orientation time 474, 537Ϫ538,

543Ϫ548, 554
because-clause 552Ϫ554
before-clause 406Ϫ408, 446, 523,
562Ϫ563, 607, 685Ϫ741, 754Ϫ755
‘before now’ interpretation 215, 219
bifunctional adverbial 133Ϫ134, 233,
591, 612Ϫ613, 738Ϫ739
bifunctional temporal adverbial see
bifunctional adverbial
binding see direct binding, indirect
binding, temporal binding
binding time 118, 158, 375
bound time 118, 158, 369
bounded 30, 61, 72Ϫ82, 114Ϫ115,
121Ϫ125, 140Ϫ143, 145Ϫ146, 190
(see also L-bounded, W-bounded)
bounding constituent 79Ϫ80
bygone 196 (see also T-bygone, W-by-
case-specifying when-clause 671
central orientation time 154, 159, 169,
central time of orientation see central
orientation time
clause 13Ϫ14 (see also head clause,
matrix, subclause)
cleft 260, 265Ϫ267, 545, 631, 733Ϫ
734 (see also since-cleft)
cleft construction see cleft

cleft sentence see cleft
closed condition 103Ϫ104, 354Ϫ355,
520, 536, 545Ϫ546, 556, 566Ϫ567
code 20, 720
co-extensive interpretation 215Ϫ216,
445Ϫ446, 459Ϫ460
coincidence 122Ϫ126, 132Ϫ136, 369Ϫ
370, 494
common Adv-time 644, 646Ϫ650,
654, 667
complement 20Ϫ21 (see also comple-
ment clause)
complement clause 393, 401, 475, 495,
521, 548Ϫ550
complex relative tense 26
complex relation see complex T-rela-
complex sentence 14, 539
complex T-relation 457, 664
conditional clause 129, 352, 359, 455Ϫ
456, 495, 540, 566Ϫ568
Index 835
conditional connotation 540, 545, 556,
565Ϫ566, 674
conditional perfect (tense) 22, 24,
457Ϫ458, 520, 523Ϫ524, 673, 715,
conditional sentence 129, 166, 354,
497, 556
conditional tense 22, 24, 158, 166,

341Ϫ342, 387, 405Ϫ408, 421Ϫ424,
436, 450, 520, 523, 735
conjugation 18
constitution interpretation (of a clause in
the present perfect) see constitution
constitution reading 229, 256, 255Ϫ
269, 279Ϫ286, 288, 290, 292Ϫ293,
324, 326, 331Ϫ332, 613, 618Ϫ622
contain 122, 132, 134, 212, 640, 644
contained orientation time 134, 640Ϫ
642, 644Ϫ662, 664, 667, 670, 677Ϫ
678, 687Ϫ691, 723, 727Ϫ728, 731,
734, 739, 741, 744, 747, 750Ϫ753
containment 122Ϫ123, 132, 134, 137,
139, 214Ϫ215, 643, 645, 650Ϫ651,
687, 691, 750
continuative habit 228, 237, 240,
continuative interpretation see contin-
uative reading
continuative perfect 226, 460
continuative reading (of clause in the
present perfect) 216, 219, 222,
225Ϫ228, 230Ϫ243, 245Ϫ246, 260Ϫ
263, 265Ϫ267, 271Ϫ274, 287Ϫ291,
323Ϫ325, 350, 364, 460, 470, 478Ϫ
484, 600, 606, 608Ϫ610, 613Ϫ615,
617, 622
continuous form see progressive form

copula 21
core meaning of a tense 214, 216
counterfactual 128Ϫ
129, 568, 673Ϫ
674, 710Ϫ713, 715Ϫ718, 735Ϫ736
counterfactual before-clause 735Ϫ736
counterfactual when-clause 673Ϫ674
counterfactual world 42, 674
de dicto interpretation see intensional
deictic adverbial see deictic time-speci-
fying adverbial
deictic time-specifying adverbial 591Ϫ
denotation 40Ϫ49, 55Ϫ59, 70, 136Ϫ
dependent clause see subclause
de re interpretation see transparent in-
direct binding 393, 407, 516Ϫ522,
direct result 248, 280Ϫ281, 302Ϫ306
direct speech 390
dissective 594
domain see temporal domain
do-support 20
double pluperfect 27
duration adverbial 59, 75Ϫ76, 133,
143, 227, 235, 243, 287, 364, 366Ϫ

367, 739 (see also pure duration ad-
verbial, bifunctional adverbial)
duration-quantifying constitution read-
ing 229, 248, 255, 258Ϫ259, 261Ϫ
263, 265, 282Ϫ283
durative situation 45, 47, 49, 51, 55,
57Ϫ58, 67, 70Ϫ71, 74, 113, 131,
140Ϫ141, 167Ϫ168, 173Ϫ175, 413Ϫ
415, 508
durative situation verb 45Ϫ46, 59
durative situation verb phrase 57, 62
durative time-specifying adver-
bial 132Ϫ133, 138Ϫ139
durative verb phrase see durative situa-
tion verb phrase
dynamic 51Ϫ52, 67Ϫ71
dynamic verb phrase 52, 68
effected noun phrase 298Ϫ300
egressive aspect see terminative
embedded clause see subclause
836 Index
enriched situation-template 40Ϫ41
epistemic modal adverbs 187
epistemic modality 39, 103Ϫ105, 453
establish a domain indirectly 488, 500,
681, 720, 725
evaluation time 105, 138, 163, 547,
event 46, 48, 66Ϫ67, 68Ϫ69

event verb 68
evidential because-clause 553Ϫ554
evolving 65, 68Ϫ70
expand (a temporal domain) 121,
123Ϫ125, 158
expanded domain 123Ϫ125, 158
experiential indefinite perfect see per-
fect of experience
experiential perfect see perfect of ex-
explanatory-resultative (use of the pres-
ent perfect) 253Ϫ255, 277Ϫ279, 293
extensional interpretation see transpar-
ent interpretation
factual see factual at t
factual at t
235, 606, 689, 693Ϫ697,
699, 707, 710Ϫ719, 722, 725Ϫ726,
730Ϫ737, 739, 747Ϫ748, 750, 754Ϫ
factual full situation 144, 235, 364, 612
finite clause 42Ϫ44
finite verb form 15, 98, 485
focalizing when-clause 671
foreground 177, 430
foregrounding 430
free indirect speech 390, 452, 583,

452Ϫ453, 583, 747Ϫ748, 753
free relative clause 637, 642
full situation 113Ϫ116, 122Ϫ125, 127,
133, 135Ϫ136, 138Ϫ146, 164Ϫ168,
173Ϫ175, 189Ϫ190, 196Ϫ199, 207,
213, 216Ϫ229, 233Ϫ238, 253, 256,
267, 290Ϫ292, 364Ϫ366, 368Ϫ369,
377Ϫ378, 413Ϫ414, 459Ϫ461, 474,
478Ϫ483, 573, 586Ϫ587, 612Ϫ614
(see also factual full situation, poten-
tial full situation)
full verb 18Ϫ19, 31
future 120 (see also post-present zone)
future continuous form see progressive
future perfect (tense) 25, 97, 108, 493,
503Ϫ504, 518Ϫ520, 532, 558, 725Ϫ
726, 749Ϫ750, 755
future tense 22, 24Ϫ25, 78, 96Ϫ97,
101Ϫ108, 162Ϫ163, 337Ϫ340,
342Ϫ345, 499Ϫ500, 519Ϫ520, 531Ϫ
532, 537Ϫ569, 675Ϫ676, 700Ϫ703,
futurish tense form 106Ϫ108, 268,
337Ϫ340, 345Ϫ346, 356Ϫ360, 392,
futurity see posteriority
generic sentence 131
gerund 18, 99

gnomic sentence 130Ϫ131
grammatical aspect 28Ϫ31, 35, 56, 77,
grammatical auxiliary 19
Gricean Maxim 32, 63, 73, 88, 133,
136, 185, 198, 271, 349, 454, 577,
599, 617, 649, 672, 737
habit 28Ϫ29, 34Ϫ35, 37, 52Ϫ54, 131,
271Ϫ273, 277, 288Ϫ290, 402Ϫ405,
436, 619, 676Ϫ678, 680Ϫ682, 701,
704Ϫ706, 729
head (of a phrase) 12
head clause 14, 380, 687
headless relative clause 559, 637 (see
also free relative clause)
heterogeneous 45Ϫ46, 49Ϫ50, 55Ϫ56,
74Ϫ75, 77Ϫ78, 114Ϫ115, 145, 165,
235, 253, 366, 394, 396Ϫ397, 413Ϫ
414, 551
heterogeneous Adv-time 594Ϫ595,
599Ϫ600, 629
Index 837
historic(al) present 28, 176Ϫ178, 382,
398, 424Ϫ425, 704Ϫ705, 729
homogeneous 35, 45Ϫ47, 49Ϫ51, 55Ϫ
57, 74Ϫ75, 77, 114Ϫ115, 123Ϫ125,
131, 136, 138Ϫ142, 174Ϫ175, 190,
222, 235, 365Ϫ366, 392, 413Ϫ415,
470, 551, 576

homogeneous Adv-time 593Ϫ594,
601Ϫ602, 629Ϫ630, 669
hot news reading (of the present per-
fect) 246Ϫ247, 249Ϫ250, 297, 301,
460, 463Ϫ464
hypersituation 28, 36Ϫ37, 58, 76, 79Ϫ
80, 225, 229, 231Ϫ232, 238, 258Ϫ
259, 267Ϫ269, 272Ϫ273, 279Ϫ280,
283Ϫ285, 291Ϫ292, 462, 470Ϫ473,
475Ϫ476, 483, 487, 595, 613Ϫ614,
677, 704
iconic sequencing 428, 431
imperfective 28, 31Ϫ35, 38
implicature 32, 54, 62Ϫ63, 73, 197Ϫ
199, 247Ϫ248, 254, 273, 280Ϫ281,
301Ϫ306, 349Ϫ351, 431, 454, 577,
644, 647Ϫ648, 654, 713, 737 (see also
Gricean Maxim)
implicature of discontinuation 197Ϫ
199, 365
implicit condition 342, 347, 353, 453,
676, 715, 717
implicit orientation time 119, 161,
367Ϫ368, 406Ϫ408, 436, 508, 524,
561Ϫ562, 638, 640, 642, 644, 646Ϫ
649, 650, 652, 670, 689Ϫ691, 695Ϫ
696, 706Ϫ709, 715, 718Ϫ719, 722,
725, 728, 734, 738, 740, 742Ϫ744,
748Ϫ750, 755Ϫ757

implicit pre-present (time-zone) 214,
255, 258, 295, 298Ϫ300, 305, 474
inceptive see inchoative
inchoative 28, 31Ϫ32, 75Ϫ76, 140Ϫ
141, 401, 430, 470, 608Ϫ609, 669
inclusion 122, 132Ϫ144, 148, 213Ϫ
229, 233Ϫ235, 241Ϫ242, 252Ϫ253,
267Ϫ271, 280, 290Ϫ291, 350, 364Ϫ
365, 370, 379Ϫ380, 430Ϫ431, 649Ϫ
651, 658, 688Ϫ690, 744
inclusive adverbial 75Ϫ76, 595, 602Ϫ
incurable habit 54
indefinite interpretation see indefinite
indefinite perfect 226, 460
indefinite reading (of clause in the pres-
ent perfect) 216, 219Ϫ 234, 236Ϫ
237, 239Ϫ250, 261Ϫ266, 273Ϫ276,
280Ϫ282, 287Ϫ294, 303Ϫ305, 317Ϫ
319, 321Ϫ322, 326, 331Ϫ332, 459Ϫ
474, 480, 484, 501, 504, 607Ϫ608,
614Ϫ615, 618Ϫ619, 623Ϫ625, 681,
704, 730, 749
independent clause 14, 199, 349, 380Ϫ
381, 495, 520, 535, 673
indirect binding 378Ϫ379, 393Ϫ395,
404, 407, 516Ϫ522, 660Ϫ666, 696Ϫ
698, 708, 740, 748, 757
indirect reported speech 349, 388, 390,

395, 411
indirect result 254, 293, 302Ϫ306
indirect speech see indirect reported
speech, free indirect speech
ingressive see inchoative
intensional context see intensional do-
intensional domain 349Ϫ350, 388Ϫ
389, 406Ϫ407, 541Ϫ544, 554Ϫ555,
560Ϫ561, 693, 695Ϫ697, 707Ϫ710,
719, 737, 739Ϫ740
intensional interpretation 388Ϫ389,
469, 407, 541Ϫ544, 554, 693, 695
intensional verb 396, 407, 542, 693,
695 (
see also strong intensional verb,
weak intensional verb)
intensional world see intensional do-
intentionality 54, 186, 191, 342Ϫ343,
interpretive unit 540, 547, 553
intransitive verb 20Ϫ21, 36, 40, 65
inversion 20
838 Index
inverted pseudo-cleft 260
irrealis 128Ϫ129, 568, 673Ϫ675, 710Ϫ
713, 715Ϫ718, 735Ϫ736
irregular verb 23Ϫ24
it-cleft see cleft

iterative see repetitive
iterative verb 50
kind of situation see situation type
L-bounded 73, 79Ϫ82, 140, 142, 198,
226, 235, 237, 272, 366Ϫ367, 429Ϫ
431 (see also bounded)
L-bounding consituent see bounding
lexical aspect see ontological aspect
lexical meaning 18Ϫ20, 40, 47
lexical verb 18Ϫ19, 31
linking verb see copula
L-nonbounded 73, 77, 79Ϫ82, 227,
239, 268, 291, 366, 429, 431 (see also
main clause see head clause, matrix
main verb 15, 20, 23, 96, 99
marked interpretation 576, 647, 649,
661, 667
marked temporal focus 576Ϫ581,
marked tense 501, 675
matrix (clause) 14, 381, 393, 516Ϫ517,
660, 666, 695Ϫ697, 757
Maxim of Quantity 133, 136, 599
Maxim of Relation 185, 198, 323, 349,
454, 577, 617, 672

Maxim of Relevance see Maxim of Re-
measure (a period or situation) 62Ϫ64,
75Ϫ76, 79Ϫ80, 142, 223, 229, 259,
269, 282Ϫ283, 595, 620, 703, 735,
measure phrase 265, 447, 606, 711,
715Ϫ717, 719, 728, 731, 734, 736,
745, 751
metalinguistic negation 244
metaphorical uses 27Ϫ28, 337, 382,
424Ϫ425, 438, 501Ϫ502, 711, 731
modal auxiliary 19, 34
modality 22, 27, 38Ϫ39, 102Ϫ103,
105Ϫ106, 116, 128Ϫ129, 147, 162,
166, 187, 200, 340Ϫ342, 348, 356,
453, 541, 583, 587, 636, 702, 715, 721
momentary see punctual
mood 39
multi-zone adverbial 593, 603Ϫ605,
multi-zone time-specifying adver-
bial see multi-zone adverbial
multiple-orientation-time adverbial 137
narrative before-clause 730Ϫ733
narrative clause 177, 275, 446
narrative text 430, 452, 455, 587, 670
narrative when-clause 275, 638
neutral prediction 342, 359 (see also

pure future)
NICE-properties 20
nominal clause 14, 540Ϫ541, 550Ϫ
552, 559, 637
nominal relative clause see free rela-
tive clause
nonassertive clause 606
nonbounded 72Ϫ82, 121Ϫ125, 145,
190 (see also L-nonbounded, W-non-
nondeictic adverbial see nondeictic
time-specifying adverbial
nondeictic time-specifying adver-
bial 591Ϫ592, 596 (see also unan-
chored time-specifying adverbial)
nondurative see punctual
nonepistemic modality 39, 147
nonevent 289
Index 839
nonfactual 42 (see also intensional in-
terpretation, intensional domain, not-
yet-factual at t, not-yet-factual at t
nonfinite clause 13, 44, 98, 162
nonfinite verb form 16Ϫ17, 98Ϫ99,
121, 162
nonhomogeneous see heterogeneous
noninclusive adverbial 75, 595, 599Ϫ

nonpast time-sphere see present time-
nonprogressive form 22, 29Ϫ30, 34Ϫ
36, 49, 57, 81, 99, 115, 122, 141, 174,
180Ϫ186, 191, 199, 224, 228, 269,
271Ϫ272, 276Ϫ277, 281, 284Ϫ285,
287Ϫ288, 290, 337, 343, 348, 357,
360, 369, 401, 412Ϫ413, 454, 551
nonprogressive meaning 29, 49, 72,
81Ϫ82, 85, 271, 366Ϫ367
nonquantificational constitution inter-
pretation see nonquantificational
constitution reading
nonquantificational constitution read-
ing 229, 248, 253Ϫ254, 256Ϫ258,
261, 279Ϫ282, 290, 293, 303, 311Ϫ
312, 317, 324, 445, 478, 613, 618
nonrepetitive 36, 75, 474, 485
nonstatic see dynamic
not … until 740Ϫ741
not-yet-factual see not-yet-factual at t
not-yet-factual at t 120, 406Ϫ407, 694,
709, 712, 717Ϫ718, 726, 755
not-yet-factual at t
162, 340, 541, 695,
712, 719
not-yet-factual at the binding time see
not-yet-factual at t
not-yet-factual before-clause 706,

710Ϫ711, 735Ϫ738
noun clause see nominal clause
number-quantifying constitution inter-
pretation see number-quantifying
constitution reading
number-quantifying constitution read-
ing 223, 229, 232, 248, 256Ϫ258,
283Ϫ286, 303, 317, 322, 326, 329,
ontological aspect 29Ϫ30, 49Ϫ71, 81
opaque domain see intensional domain
opaque interpretation see intensional
opaque world see intensional domain
open condition 103, 352, 495, 500,
536, 540, 543Ϫ546, 548, 556, 559Ϫ
561, 568, 649, 676
operator auxiliary 23Ϫ24
orientation time 16Ϫ17, 22, 25Ϫ27,
38, 94Ϫ96, 105, 117Ϫ121, 123,
125Ϫ126, 132, 134Ϫ135, 137, 139,
143Ϫ144, 153Ϫ159, 289, 339, 365Ϫ
370, 372Ϫ378, 383Ϫ384, 386Ϫ388,
392, 399, 402Ϫ408, 414Ϫ416, 420Ϫ
424, 444Ϫ457, 459, 461Ϫ464, 474,
485, 487Ϫ494, 498Ϫ515, 523Ϫ526,
531Ϫ534, 537Ϫ538, 543Ϫ548, 558,
561Ϫ564, 568Ϫ569, 573, 575, 579Ϫ
580, 585, 606Ϫ607, 616, 637Ϫ668,

670, 677Ϫ678, 687Ϫ691, 694, 700,
706, 719, 722Ϫ723, 725Ϫ728, 731,
733Ϫ735, 738
Ϫ741, 743Ϫ753
orientation-time adverbial 137, 639,
652, 655, 658, 662Ϫ663, 687Ϫ688,
690, 723, 727Ϫ728, 747, 750Ϫ753
participial clause 3
participle 15Ϫ18, 24, 96, 98Ϫ99, 162,
past (N) see past time-sphere
past continuous form see progressive
past domain 121, 154Ϫ156, 158Ϫ159,
195, 370, 373Ϫ374, 383, 385Ϫ388,
392Ϫ398, 401Ϫ404, 420Ϫ423, 444Ϫ
458, 460Ϫ463, 492Ϫ494, 502Ϫ505,
516, 519Ϫ520, 681, 720, 722, 725Ϫ
726, 730Ϫ731, 748, 754Ϫ757
past participle 17, 24, 96, 98, 162
past perfect (tense) 17, 22, 24, 27, 38,
95, 97, 117Ϫ118, 120Ϫ121, 126,
