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Julia M. Humphries, James C.R. Stangoulis,
and Robin D. Graham
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
12.1 Introduction 351
12.2 Forms of Manganese and Abundance in Soils 352
12.3 Importance to Plants and Animals 352
12.3.1 Essentiality of Manganese to Higher Plants 352
12.3.2 Function in Plants 352
12.3.3 Importance to Animals 353
12.4 Absorption and Mobility 353
12.4.1 Absorption Mechanisms 353
12.4.2 Distribution and Mobility of Manganese in Plants 353
12.5 Manganese Deficiency 354
12.5.1 Prevalence 354
12.5.2 Indicator Plants 354
12.5.3 Symptoms 354
12.5.4 Tolerance 355
12.6 Toxicity 356
12.6.1 Prevalence 356
12.6.2 Indicator Plants 356
12.6.3 Symptoms 356
12.6.4 Tolerance 357
12.7 Manganese and Diseases 357
12.8 Conclusion 365
Acknowledgments 365
References 366
The determination of manganese (Mn) essentiality in plant growth by McHargue (1914–1922)

focused the attention of plant nutritionists on this nutrient, and led the way for further ground-
breaking studies. Since then, research into the concentrations of manganese that confer deficiency
or toxicity, and the variation between- and within-plant species in their tolerance or susceptibility
to these afflictions has proliferated. The symptoms of toxicity and deficiency have also received
much attention owing to their variation among species and their similarity to other nutrient anom-
alies. The diversity of visual symptoms within a species that often confounds diagnosis has been
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attributed to soil conditions. Soil pH is one of the most influential factors affecting the absorption
of manganese by changing mobility from bulk soil to root surface. In addition to research on man-
ganese diagnostics, workers have also focused on the role of manganese in resistance to pests and
disease, revealing economically important interactions that further highlight the importance of this
nutrient in optimal plant production.
This chapter reviews literature dealing with the identification of manganese deficiency and tox-
icity in various crops of economic importance, the physiology of manganese uptake and transport,
and the interaction between manganese and diseases. In addition, a large table outlining deficient,
adequate, and toxic concentrations for various crops is included.
Manganese is the tenth-most abundant element on the surface of the earth. This metal does not
occur naturally in isolation, but is found in combination with other elements to give many common
minerals. The principal ore is pyrolusite (MnO
), but lower oxides (Mn

) and the car-
bonate are also known.
Manganese is most abundant in soils developed from rocks rich in iron owing to its association
with this element (1). It exists in soil solution as either the exchangeable ion Mn

or Mn

. Organic
chelates derived from microbial activity, degradation of soil organic matter, plant residues, and root
exudates can form metal complexes with micronutrient cations, and thereby increase manganese
cation solubility and mobility (2). Availability of manganese for plant uptake is affected by soil pH;
it decreases as the pH increases. Divalent manganese is the form of manganese absorbed at the root
surface cell membrane. As soil pH decreases, the proportion of exchangeable Mn

increases dra-
matically (3), and the proportions of manganese oxides and manganese bound to iron and manganese
oxides decrease (4). This action has been attributed to the increase in protons in the soil solution (5).
Acidification may also inhibit microbial oxidation that is responsible for immobilization of man-
ganese. Manganese-oxidizing microbes are the most effective biological system oxidizing Mn

neutral and slightly alkaline soils (6–8). Relatively, as soil pH increases, chemical immobilization of

increases (9), and chemical auto-oxidation predominates at pH above 8.5 to 9.0 (10,11).
12.3.1 E
The first reported investigations into the essentiality of manganese by Horstmar in 1851 (12) suc-
ceeded in identifying this nutrient as needed by oats, but only where iron was in excess. Further evi-

dence for the essentiality of manganese was not made until some Japanese researchers reported that
manganese stimulated the growth of several crops substantially (13,14). These crops included rice
(Oryza sativa L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), and cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.), and
because of their economic importance, further interest was stimulated (15). Supporting these field
results were the physiological and biochemical studies of Bertrand (16–18). His work reported man-
ganese as having a catalytic role in plants, and that combinations with proteins were essential to
higher plant life. This reported essentiality of manganese was supported by studies by Maze (19) in
solution culture. Studies by McHargue (20,21), where the role of manganese in the promotion of
rapid photosynthesis was determined, are regarded as having established that manganese is essen-
tial for higher plant growth.
Manganese is involved in many biochemical functions, primarily acting as an activator of enzymes
such as dehydrogenases, transferases, hydroxylases, and decarboxylases involved in respiration,
352 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
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amino acid and lignin synthesis, and hormone concentrations (22,23), but in some cases it may be
replaced by other metal ions (e.g., Mg). Manganese is involved in oxidation–reduction (redox) reac-
tions within the photosynthetic electron transport system in plants (24–26). Manganese is also
involved in the photosynthetic evolution of O
in chloroplasts (Hill reaction). Owing to the key role
in this essential process, inhibition of photosynthesis occurs even at moderate manganese
deficiency; however, it does not affect chloroplast ultrastructure or cause chloroplast breakdown
until severe deficiency is reached (27).
In humans, manganese deficiency results in skeletal abnormalities (28,29). In the offspring of man-
ganese-deficient rats, a shortening of the radius, ulna, tibia, and fibula is observed (30). Manganese
deficiency during pregnancy results in offspring with irreversible incoordination of muscles, lead-
ing to irregular and uncontrolled movements by the animal, owing to malformation of the bones
within the ear (30,31). Animals that are manganese-deficient are also prone to convulsions (32).

In contrast, manganese toxicity induces neurological disturbances that resemble Parkinson’s
disease, and the successful treatment of this disease with levodopa is associated with changes in
manganese metabolism (33,34). In animals manganese is associated with several enzymes (35),
including glycosyl transferase (36), superoxide dismutase (37,38), and pyruvate carboxylase (39).
Manganese requirement for humans is 0.035 to 0.07 mg kg
, with daily intake representing 2
to 5 mg day
in comparison to the body pool of 20 mg (30,40).
12.4.1 A
As mentioned previously, manganese is preferentially absorbed by plants as the free Mn

ion from
the soil solution (41–43). It readily complexes with plant and microbial organic ligands and with
synthetic chelates. However, complexes formed with synthetic chelates are generally considered to
be absorbed more slowly by roots than the free cation (44,45).
Manganese absorption by roots is characterized by a biphasic uptake. The initial and rapid
phase of uptake is reversible and nonmetabolic, with other Mn

and Ca

being exchanged freely
(46,47). In this initial phase, manganese appears to be adsorbed by the cell wall constituents of the
root-cell apoplastic space. The second phase is slower; manganese is less readily exchanged (48),
and its uptake is dependent on metabolism. Manganese is absorbed into the symplast during this
slower phase (47,48). However, the exact dependence of manganese absorption on metabolism is
not clear (46,49,50).

Uptake of manganese does not appear to be tightly controlled, unlike the major nutrient ions.
Kinetic experiments have estimated manganese absorption to be at a rate of 100 to 1000 times
greater than the need of plants (51). This may be due to the high capacity of ion carriers and chan-
nels in the transportation of manganese ions through the plasma membrane at a speed of several
hundred to several million ions per second per protein molecule (52,53).
The plant part on which symptoms of Mn deficiency is observed generally indicates the mobility of the
nutrient within the plant. Manganese has been reported to be an immobile element, which is not re-
translocated (54–59), and consequently symptoms do not occur on old leaves. In addition, symptoms
of manganese deficiency regularly appear on fully expanded young leaves rather than on the newest
leaf. This symptom may indicate an internal requirement in these leaves beyond that of the new leaves
(60), or it may simply be a matter of supply and demand in what is the fastest growing tissue.
Manganese 353
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The location of manganese in plants is a significant factor in the expression of deficiency symp-
toms and is affected by its mobility in the xylem and phloem. Manganese moves easily from the
root to the shoot in the xylem-sap transpirational stream (61). In contrast, re-translocation within
the phloem is complex, with leaf manganese being immobile, but root and stem manganese being
able to be re-mobilized (62). The net effect of the variable phloem mobility gives rise to a re-
distribution of manganese in plant parts typical of a nutrient with low phloem mobility.
Studies into the mobility of manganese with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (63,64), lupins
(Lupinus spp. L.) (55,65), and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) (56) have reported
no re-mobilization from the old leaves to the younger ones. Further support for this lack of mobil-
ity was given in a study by Nable and Loneragan (57), in which plants provided with an early sup-
ply of
Mn failed to re-mobilize any of this radioactive element when their roots were placed in a
solution with a low concentration of nonradioactive manganese. The apparent inconsistency with
evidence that phloem is a major source of manganese from the roots and stems to developing seeds
(59,66) can be explained by changes in carbon partitioning within the plant as Hannam and Ohki

(67) reported a re-mobilization of manganese from the stem during the outset of the reproductive
stages of plant development.
12.5.1 P
Manganese deficiency is most prevalent in calcareous soils, the pH of which varies from 7.3 to 8.5, and
the amounts of free calcium carbonate (CaCO
) also vary (68). The pH of calcareous soils is well
buffered by the neutralizing effect of calcium carbonate (69). Soils that have a high organic content, low
bulk density, and a low concentration of readily reducible manganese in the soil are also susceptible to
producing manganese deficiency. Climatically, cool and temperate conditions are most commonly asso-
ciated with manganese deficiency, although there have been reports on the same from tropical to arid
areas. Drier seasons have been reported to relieve (70) or to exacerbate (71) manganese deficiency.
Plants that have been reported to be sensitive to manganese deficiency are apple (Malus domestica
Borkh.), cherry (Prunus avium L.), cirtus (Citrus spp. L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), pea, beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.), soybeans (Glycine max Merr.), raspberry (Rubus spp. L.), and sugar beet
(Beta vulgaris L.) (72–76).
Of the cereals, oats are generally regarded as the most sensitive to manganese deficiency, with
rye (Secale cereale L.) being the least sensitive. However, there seems to be some discrepancy in
the ranking of susceptibility to manganese deficiency of wheat and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
(77–80). This occurrence might be attributed to a large within-species genetic variation that has
been reported for several species, including wheat (77,81), oats (78,82), barley (70,78), peas (83),
lupins (84), and soybeans (85).
Because of their sensitivity to manganese deficiency, several species previously considered sus-
ceptible to manganese deficiency have been the focus of breeding for more efficient varieties and
may therefore not be considered susceptible species in more recent publications. It is generally
agreed that grasses (Gramineae, Poaceae), clover (Trifolium spp. L.), and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
are not susceptible to manganese deficiency (76,86).

Characteristic foliar symptoms of manganese deficiency become unmistakable only when the
growth rate is restricted significantly (67) and include diffuse interveinal chlorosis on young
expanded leaf blades (Figure 12.1) (60); in contrast to the network of green veins seen with iron
354 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
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deficiency (67). Severe necrotic spots or streaks may also form. Symptoms often occur first on the
middle leaves, in contrast to the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, which appear on older leaves.
With eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp. L. Her.), the tip margins of juvenile and adult expanding leaves
become pale green. Chlorosis extends between the lateral veins toward the midrib (60). With cere-
als, chlorosis develops first on the leaf base, while with dicotyledons the distal portions of the leaf
blade are affected first (67).
With citrus, dark-green bands form along the midrib and main veins, with lighter green areas
between the bands. In mild cases the symptoms appear on young leaves and disappear as the leaf
matures. Young leaves often show a network of green veins in a lighter green background, closely
resembling iron chlorosis (75). Manganese deficiency is confirmed by the presence of discoloration
(marsh spot) on pea seed cotyledons (87), and split or malformed seed of lupins (84).
In contrast to iron deficiency chlorosis, chlorosis induced by manganese deficiency is not uniformly
distributed over the entire leaf blade and tissue may become rapidly necrotic (88). The inability of man-
ganese to be re-translocated from the old leaves to the younger ones designates the youngest leaves as
the most useful for further chemical analysis to confirm manganese deficiency. Visual symptoms of
manganese deficiency can easily be mistaken for those of other nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and
sulfur (87), and vary between crops. However, they are a valuable basis for the determination of nutri-
ent imbalance (87) and, combined with chemical analysis, can lead to a correct diagnosis.
Tolerance to manganese deficiency is usually conferred by an ability to extract more efficiently
available manganese from soils that are considered deficient. Mechanisms that are involved in the
improved extraction of manganese from the soil include the production of root exudates (89–91),
differences in excess cation uptake thus affecting the pH of the rhizosphere (92,93), and changes in
root density (94). The genotypic variation within species for manganese efficiency can be utilized

by breeding programs to develop more efficient varieties (95,96).
Tolerance to manganese deficiency may be attributed to one or more of the following five adap-
tive mechanisms (96):
1. Superior internal utilization or lower functional requirement for manganese.
2. Improved internal re-distribution of manganese.
3. Faster specific rate of absorption from low manganese concentrations at the root–soil inter-
4. Superior root geometry.
5. Greater extrusion of substances from roots into the rhizosphere to mobilize insoluble man-
ganese utilizing: (i) H
; (ii) reductants; (iii) manganese-binding ligands; and (iv) microbial
Manganese 355
FIGURE 12.1 Manganese deficiency on crops: left, garden bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and right, cucum-
ber (Cucumis sativus L.). (For a color presentation of this figure, see the accompanying compact disc.)
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The importance of, and evidence for, each mechanism has been reviewed extensively by
Graham (98), and so will not be re-analyzed here. It is concluded that mechanisms 1 and 2 are not
important mechanisms of efficiency generally, mechanism 3 may be important in certain situations,
while breeding for mechanism 4 is not thought to bring about rapid progress in improving tolerance.
Mechanism 5 is thought to have some role, though this area requires further investigation.
12.6.1 P
Manganese toxicity is a major problem worldwide and occurs mainly in poorly drained, acid soils
owing to the interactions mentioned previously. However, not all poorly drained soils are sources of
manganese toxicity as reported by Beckwith and co-workers (99), who noted that flooding often
increased the pH, thus reducing the availability of manganese. Tropical, subtropical, and temperate
soils have all been reported to be sources of manganese at concentrations high enough to produce

visible symptoms of toxicity. In the tropics, toxicity has been reported in tropical grasses grown in
the Catalina (basalt) and the Fajardo (moderately permeable) clayey soils of Puerto Rico (100), and
in ryegrass (Lolium spp. L.) grown on red–brown clayey loam and granite–mica schists in Uganda,
Africa (101). Among the subtropical regions, toxicity has been reported in subtropical United States
in poorly drained soils and soils on limestone (102) and on ultisols. However, the impermeability
of soils does not seem essential for manganese toxicity (103). In southeastern Australia, manganese
toxicity has been reported in fruit trees grown in neutral-pH duplex soils (104), in French beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in manganese-rich basaltic soil (105), and in pasture legumes (106).
There is very little information available on manganese toxicity in temperate regions, though one
report found toxicity on soils characterized by low pH and high concentrations of readily exchange-
able manganese (107).
A number of crops are considered sensitive to manganese toxicity, and these include alfalfa, cabbage,
cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.), clover (Trifolium spp. L.), pineapple (Ananas como-
sus Merr.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), sugar beet, and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
(74,108). An excess of one nutrient can aggravate a deficiency of another, and so symptoms of man-
ganese toxicity bear some features of deficiency of another nutrient. Additionally, toxicity of man-
ganese is often confused with aluminum toxicity as both often occur in acid soils. However, in some
species such as wheat (109) and rice (110), the tolerance to these two toxicities is opposite (111).
The visual symptoms of manganese toxicity vary depending on the plant species and the level of
tolerance to an excess of this nutrient. Localized as well as high overall concentrations of man-
ganese are responsible for toxicity symptoms such as leaf speckling in barley (112), internal bark
necrosis in apple (113), and leaf marginal chlorosis in mustard (Brassica spp. L.) (114).
The symptoms observed include yellowing beginning at the leaf edge of older leaves, some-
times leading to an upward cupping (crinkle leaf in cotton, (115)), and brown necrotic peppering on
older leaves. Other symptoms include leaf puckering in soybeans and snap bean (116); marginal
chlorosis and necrosis of leaves in alfalfa, rape (Brassica napus L.), kale (Brassica oleracea var.
acephala DC.), and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) (116); necrotic spots on leaves in barley, lettuce, and
soybeans (116); and necrosis in apple bark (i.e., bark measles) (60). Symptoms in soybeans include

chlorotic specks and leaf crinkling as a result of raised interveinal areas (117,118); chlorotic leaf
tips, necrotic areas, and leaf distortion (102) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.).
356 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
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Reduction of manganese to the divalent and therefore more readily absorbed form is promoted in
waterlogged soils, and tolerance to wet conditions has coincided with tolerance to excess man-
ganese in the soil solution. Graven et al. (119) suggested that sensitivity to waterlogging in alfalfa
may be partially due to manganese toxicity, and alfalfa has been shown to be more sensitive to man-
ganese toxicity than other pasture species such as birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) (120). In
support of this suggestion, several other pasture species have also been reported to have a relation-
ship between waterlogging and manganese toxicity (121,122). For example, manganese-tolerant
subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum cv. Geraldton) was reported to be more tolerant to
waterlogging than the manganese-sensitive medic (Medicago truncatula Gaertner) (123). Increased
tolerance to manganese toxicity by rice when compared with soybean is combined with increased
oxidizing ability of its roots (124,125).
Tolerance to manganese toxicity has also been related to a reduction in the transport of man-
ganese from the root to the shoot as shown by comparison between corn (tolerant) and peanut
(Arachis hypogaea L.) (susceptible) (126,127). Furthermore, tolerance to manganese toxicity was
observed in subterranean clover (compared with Medicago truncatula) and was associated with a
lower rate of manganese absorption and greater retention in the roots (123). In an extensive study
comparing eight tropical and four temperate pasture legume species, it was concluded that tolerance
to manganese toxicity was partially attributable to the retention of excess manganese in the root sys-
tem (128). This conclusion was also reached in comparing alfalfa clones that differed in manganese
tolerance (129).
In rice, tolerance to high concentrations of manganese is a combination of the ability to with-
stand high internal concentrations of manganese with the ability to oxidize manganese, thus reduc-
ing uptake. This is in comparison with other grasses that are unable to survive the high
concentrations found in rice leaves (130).
Tolerance is also affected by climatic conditions such as temperature and light intensity (131). For

example, when comparing two soybean cultivars, Bragg (sensitive) and Lee (tolerant), an increase
from 21 to 33ЊC day temperature and 18 to 28ЊC night temperature prevented the symptoms of man-
ganese toxicity in both cultivars, despite the fact that manganese uptake was increased (132,133).
The manganese status of a plant can affect, and be affected by, disease infection, often leading to
the misdiagnosis of disease infection as manganese deficiency or toxicity (134). The manganese
concentration in diseased tissues has been observed to decrease as the disease progresses (135).
This occurrence may be due to the pruning of the root system in the case of root pathogens, lead-
ing to a reduction in the absorptive surface with a resultant decrease in the plant concentration
(136,137). Additionally, microbially induced changes in manganese status, such as that caused by
the grey-speck disease (manganese deficiency) of oats have been reported to be due to the oxidiz-
ing bacteria in the rhizosphere causing the manganese to become unavailable (138,139). Manganese
concentration at the site of infection also has been reported to increase, in direct contrast to the over-
all manganese plant concentration, which has decreased (140).
The most notable interaction between disease and manganese is that of the wheat disease take-
all caused by the pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, commonly referred to as Ggt.
The importance of manganese in the defence against infection by Ggt was demonstrated by Graham
(23). Manganese is the unifying factor in the susceptibility of varieties to Ggt under several soil con-
ditions, including changing pH and nitrogen forms as shown in a table by Graham and Webb (141).
The role of manganese fertilizer in the amelioration of Ggt has been reported in numerous papers
(137,142,143). The effect of manganese fertilizer on infection by Ggt has been shown to impact
before the onset of foliar symptoms (137,142).
Manganese 357
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358 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
TABLE 12.1
List of Critical Concentrations of Manganese in Various Agricultural Crops
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg

Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments
Hordeum vulgare
45 DAS WS Soil 13–21 24–50 149 Critical estimated at
∼85% max. shoot yield
FS 5–6 WS Literature review 30–100 150 Winter and summer
FS 7–8 WS Literature review 25–100 150 Winter and summer
FS 10 WS Soil Ͻ140 Ͼ190 151 H. distichon
FS 10.1 WS Literature review Ͻ5 25–100 152
Mid to late YMB Field, survey Ͻ12 25–300 700 153
Veg. YEB Field, soil 12 154 Critical concentration
Black gram
Vigna mungo
25–33 DAT WS Solution culture 345–579 155 cv. Regur
Brassica napus
Veg. ML Literature review 40–100 150 Brassica napus var.

Pre-anthesis YML Literature review 30–250 530–3650 153 Brassica napus,
B. campestris
Early-anthesis YML Literature review 30–100 150 Brassica napus var.
Unknown YML Literature review 10 30 156
Manihot esculentum
30 DAS WS FSC 140–170 157 Toxic criteria at 90%
max. yield
63 DAS YMB Solution culture Ͻ14 158 Critical at 90% max.
Veg. YMB Field Ͻ50 50–250 Ͼ1000 159
3–4 months YMB Field Ͻ45 50–120 Ͼ250 160
Cereal rye
Secale cereale
Young plants WS Survey 200 161 Critical for acidic soils
with pH values 4.1–4.4
22 DAS WS Soil 18–69 162 cv. did not respond to
applied Mn, where
other cereals did
Unknown WS Literature review 14–45 163
FS 5–6 WS Literature review 25–100 150
FS 7–8 WS Literature review 20–100 150
Cicer arietinum

Veg. YML Literature review 60–300 153
Gossypium hirsutum
35 DAS WS Soil 494 164
Before anthesis YMB Survey, diag. 50–350 165
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Manganese 359
TABLE 12.1 (
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg
Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments
36 DAS YMB RSC 2–8 11–247 166,167 Critical at 90% max.
Veg. to YMB Survey, Diag. 8 25–500 4000 153
Anthesis to YML Literature review 35–100 150
boll develop.
33 DAS 3 YML Soil 49–57 568–689 168 Data for 11 cotton
18 DAS YL Solution culture 55 962–3300 169 cv. 517
18 DAS YL Solution culture 45 1580–2660 169 cv. 307

21 DAT 3 young RSC 200–270 4030–10570 170 3 cultivars; peroxidase
leaves activity in leaves
(width Ͻ1 cm) separated Mn toxic
from adequate
Vigna unguiculata
25–33 DAT WS Solution culture 79–299 155 Data for 2 cv.
35 DAS WS Field Ͻ1000 Ͼ2000 171 43 cv. examined; toxic
at 50% max. yield
Pre-anthesis YMB Survey, diag. 70–300 153
20 DAT YMB Solution culture 68 172 cv. TVu91, sensitive to
Mn toxicity; symptoms
in old leaves only
20 DAT Old LB Solution culture 183 310 172 cv. TVu91, sensitive to
Mn toxicity; symptoms
in old leaves only
Faba bean
Vicia faba
Unknown YL Literature review 3.3 55 173 Adequate plants no
Unknown WS Literature review 109 1083 173
Onset of YML Literature review 40–100 150
Early YML Literature review 50–300 1000–2020 153
Field pea

Pisum sativum
Unknown YL Literature review 4.2 60–65 173 cv. Wirrega and
Dinkum; adequate
plants no symptoms
Unknown WS Literature review 85 1743–2988 173 cv. Wirrega and
Dinkum; adequate
plants no symptoms
Onset of YML Literature review 30–100 150
Pre-anthesis YML Literature review 30–400 Ͼ1000 153
First bloom YML Literature review 25–29 30–400 163
Unknown LB Field 6–13 30–60 86
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TABLE 12.1 (
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg
Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments
Zingiber officinale

2–3 months Upper LB Solution culture 20–23 125–250 950–990 174
2–3 months Lower LB Solution culture 20–23 Յ820 950–990 174
Green gram
Vigna radiata
R. Wilcz.)
25–33 DAT WS Solution culture 247–259 784–901 155 cv. Berken
40 DAS YML Soil 20–38 175 cv. ML131; study on
14 soils
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
25–33 DAT WS Solution culture 92–100 155 cv. Brooks
Humulus lupulus
Mid season YML Literature review 30–100 150
Hibiscus cannabinus
Maturity Stem Literature review 14–23 163
Linseed, Anthesisax
Linum usitatissimum
70 DAS YL Soil 56 1015 176
Onset of Upper third Literature review 30–100 150

anthesis of shoots
49–70 DAS WS Soil 5–50 500–2000 176
63 DAS WS Soil 14–18 108–145 176
63 DAS WS Field 108–449 176
70 DAS WS Soil 34 2295 176
Lupinus angustifolius
, L. albus
, L. cosentinii
40 DAS WS Literature review 277 Ͼ6164 177
40 DAS WS Soil 245 Ͼ7724 177 L. albus
40 DAS WS Soil 277 Ͼ6164 177
56 DAS WS Survey 31–55 318–1300 178
Up to early YFEL Soil Ͻ30 153,179 Diagnostic for
anthesis shoot DW
Pre-anthesis YML Literature review 50–1200 1900–16000 153 Three Lupinus spp.
28 DAS YOL Literature review 5.6 245 Ͼ7724 177 L. albus
Anthesis WS Soil, field Ͼ20 179 Predictive for absence
of ‘split seed’ disorder.
Buds and leaves poor
Maturity Seed Survey 4–9 7–53 178
Maize; corn
Zea mays

30–45 DAE WS Unknown 50–160 180
Six-leaf stage WS Field 8–9 181
40–60 cm tall YMB Literature review 40–100 150
Tassell— Ear leaf Field, diag. Ͻ15 20–200 3000 153 Symptoms shown in
initial silk toxic range
Initial silk Ear leaf Literature review 10–19 20–200 163
Early silk Ear leaf Field Ͻ11 182
Early silk Ear leaf Field Ͻ11 181 Critical at 90% max.
grain yield
360 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
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TABLE 12.1 (
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg
Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments
Silk Ear leaf Field Ͻ15 20–150 Ͼ200 183
40–60 cm tall Leaf opposite Literature 35–100 150
ear review
Before tassell Leaf below Literature Ͻ15 15–300 163
whorl review
Before tassell Leaf below Field, survey, 20–300 165
whorl diag.
Navy bean

Phaseolus vulgaris
Veg. YML Literature review 20–100 184
60 DAS YMB Survey Ն760 185 Plants with symptoms
had highest levels of
Fe and Mn.
Onset of YML Literature review 40–100 150
Unknown YML Literature review 15–49 50–300 163
Avena sativa
Young plants WS Survey Ͼ300 161 Critical for acidic soils
pH Ͻ 4.7
FS 5–6 WS Literature review 40–100 150
FS 7–8 WS Literature review 35–100 150
FS 6 WS Field Ͻ16 186 Critical at 90% max.
grain yield
FS 10 WS Survey Ͻ15 Ͼ30 187
FS 10.1 WS Field, survey Ͻ5 25–100 163,188
Anthesis WS Survey Ͻ14 14–150 189
Mid to late YMB Field, diag. Ͻ12 25–300 700 153 Symptoms present in
tillering toxic range
Pre-head Upper LB Field, survey 25–100 165
FS 10.5 Flag ϩ next Survey Ͻ12–15 190
older LB
Arachis hypogaea

25–33 DAT WS Solution culture 100–212 155 cv. Red Spanish
Pre-anthesis/ YMB Survey, diag. 600–800 165
Unknown YMB Survey Ͻ10 191
Pre-anthesis YML Survey, diag. 50–300 Ͼ700 153
to anthesis
Anthesis YML Literature review 50–100 150
Anthesis YML Literature review 20–350 192
49 DAS YML Field 7–0 19–39 193 cv. Florunner; critical
and deficient conc.
Relate to plants grown
at pH (water) ϭ 6.8Ϯ0.1
63 DAS YML Field 7–12 26–64 193 cv. Florunner; critical
and deficient conc.
related to plants grown
at pH (water) ϭ 6.8Ϯ0.1
Manganese 361
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TABLE 12.1 (
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg
Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments

77 DAS YML Field 8–11 34–66 193
91 DAS YML Field 9–11 37–100 193
105 DAS YML Field 9–13 36–115 193
119 DAS YML Field 9–12 33–118 193
90 DAS YML Field 83–170 244–687 194 Data from three sites;
approx. Mn toxic if Ca/Mn
ratio Ͻ80
Pigeon pea
Cajanus cajan
Veg. WS FSC 78–300 300 157 cv. Royes
Oryza sativa
30 DAT WS RSC 57–130 770–7370 195 Adequate range for
plants not affected by
high Mn supply
Tillering WS Unknown 7000 196
Various WS Solution culture Ͻ20 Ͼ2500 197
Panicle YB Survey 252–792 188
FS 3–5 YMB Field, diag. 40–500 Ͼ5000 153
Before YMB Literature review 40–100 150
Carthamus tinctorius

70 DAS YOL Field 20–55 198 Predictive for seed yield
70 DAS Upper S Field 3.5–8 198 Predictive for seed yield
70 DAS Upper S Field 3.5–8 198 Predictive for seed yield
75 DAS YOL Field 20–75 198 Predictive for seed yield
75 DAS Upper S Field 3–4 198 Predictive for seed yield
Maturity Seed Field 6.5–8 198 Diagnostic for seed
Sorghum bicolor
24 DAS WS Solution culture 24 217 199
35 DAS WS Solution culture Ͼ860 200
GS 2 WS Field 40–150 201
GS 3 WS Sand 40–70 201 Deficient, marginal,
and adequate ranges
Ͻ50%, 50–90%, and
90–100% max. yield,
GS 3–5 YMB Field 6–100 201
Veg. and Third LB Survey, diag. Ͻ8 15–350 153
early anthesis below head
63 DAS Middle LB Sand 12–15 20–30 202
GS 6 3BBE Field 8–190 201
GS 7–8 3BBE Field 8–40 201
Anthesis YML Literature review 25–100 150
Glycine max
Merr.) (Growth stages of soybean are as described by Fehr et al. (203))
37 DAE WS Soil 21–44 246–337 204 cv. Bragg

42 DAS WS Soil 13.349.2 205 cv. Bragg
362 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
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TABLE 12.1 (
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg
Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments
Anthesis YMB Diag., Survey Ͻ15 30–100 750–1000 153
36–46 DAS YMB RSC Ͻ11 Ͼ173 85 Seven cvv. compared
Late Anthesis YMB Literature review 30–100 150
Early YMB Field 6–10 15–36 206 Critical conc. varies
anthesis (R2) with soil
Pre-PS YMB Field, survey, 21–100 207
First pods YMB Field, survey, Ͻ20 208
Early PF YMB Survey, diag. 30–200 Ͼ500 165
21 DAT YOL Solution culture 10–13 43 402–648 133 cv. Bragg
21 DAT YOL Solution culture 8–13 38 541–686 133 cv. Lee
14 DAT YML first Solution culture 9.5–18.5 33–69 865–1180 209 Data for four cvv.
38 D after YL Sand 103 1530 210 cv. Maple arrow; tmts
tmt imposed imposed at 39 DAS
38 D after Old leaves Sand 144 2780 210 cv. Maple arrow; tmts

tmt imposed imposed at 39 DAS
Unknown Trifoliate leaf Solution culture 9–13 44–69 479–945 211 cv. Williams
Maturity Seed Field 18.2–26.6 212 cv. Essex
Mature LB Leaf Field 10 213 cv. Bragg
Sugar beet
Beta vulgaris
Tenth leaf WS Soil Ͻ35 30–62 214 Critical at 90% yield
Unknown WS Soil Ͼ800 161 Linked with soil acidity
21 DAT YMB Soil, solution culture Ͼ5000 167 Critical at 90% max.
Veg. YMB Literature review 4–20 Ͼ5500 215
Unknown YMB Literature review 4–0 25–360 216 Plant growth less
below critical;
deficient ϭ symptoms
present; adequate ϭ no
50–80 DAS Leaf Literature review 10–25 26–360 163
50–60 DAS ML Literature review 35–100 150
Sugar cane
Saccharum spp.
Rapid growth TVD Field, survey 12–100 217–219
Rapid growth TVD Field, survey Ͻ15 20–200 220
Four months Middle leaves Literature review 100–250 150
less midrib)

Helianthus annuus
L.) (Growth stages of sunflower, R1, R2, etc. are as described by Schneiter and
Miller (221))
R-2 YEL Ͻ13 46–80 222 cv. Hysun 31
18–31 DAS WS FSC 5300 157 cv. Hysun 31
Florets Third fourth Diag. 41–850 Ͼ3000 223
about to LB below
emerge flower bud
Manganese 363
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364 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
TABLE 12.1 (
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg
Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments
Camellia sinensis
O. Kuntze)
At plucking Mature leaves Field, survey Ͻ50 224

Nicotiana tabacum
Anthesis YMB Survey, diag. 30–250 165
Anthesis YMB Field 33–156 225
Veg YML Survey, Diag. 35–350 1290–1420 153
(40–80 DAE)
Various Leaves Various 160 933–11,000 75
Veg. Leaves (all) Solution culture 33 797 226 cv. KY14
Veg. Leaves (all) Solution culture 41 226 cv. T.I.1112
42 DAT Leaves Sand 700–1200 227 D/N temp 22/18ЊC; cv.
Coker 347
42 DAT Leaves Sand 2000–3500 227 D/N temp 26/22ЊC; cv.
Coker 347
42 DAT Leaves Sand 5000–8000 227 D/N temp 30/26ЊC; cv.
Coker 347
Mature Cured leaves Field 115 228 YieldՆ 3.2 t/ha
Mature Cured leaves Sand 7000 229
X Triticosecale
22 DAS WS Soil 11–15 162 Concentration
associated with reduced
growth in two cvv.
25 DAS WS Solution culture 1100–3200 230 Toxic range associated
with plant yield
reduction in four cvv.
Triticum aestivum

L. and
Triticum durum
18–31 DAS WS FSC 280 157
22 DAS WS Soil 9–12 162 Conc. associated with
plant symptoms and
reduced growth in
seven cvv.
25 DAS WS Soil 6 37–116 139 Three levels of Mn
Mid tillering WS Field 11 23 137 Two levels of Mn
FS 5–6 WS Literature review 35–100 150 Winter and summer
FS 7–8 WS Literature review 30–100 150 Winter and summer
FS 10.1 WS Literature review 5–24 25–100 163 Spring wheat
Mid to late YMB Field, survey Ͻ12 25–300 700 223 Toxicity symptoms
tillering observed
Just before Upper two Literature review 16–200 163 Winter
heading leaves wheat
Maturity Grain Field 18.2 231
Maturity Grain Soil Ͻ15.5 Ͼ24 232 Critical at max. grain
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Several mechanisms have been proposed for the interaction between manganese and disease
resistance. These include lignification, with maximal levels reached at the same concentration
of manganese as maximal biomass production (144); the concentration of soluble phenols, where
manganese deficiency leads to a decrease in the their concentration (144); inhibition of aminopep-
tidase, which supplies essential amino acids for fungal growth, under manganese-deficient

conditions (145); inhibition of pectin methylesterase, which is a fungal enzyme for degrading
host cell walls, under manganese-deficient conditions (146); inhibition of photosynthesis leading to
a decrease in root exudates and thus becoming more susceptible to invasion by root pathogens
(142), though this mechanism has been shown not to be important in controlling Ggt by the lack of
effect of foliar-applied manganese (137,147). A plant capable of mobilizing high concentrations of

that are toxic to pathogens but not to plants in the rhizosphere may directly inhibit pathogenic
attack (141).
This review has focused predominantly on the function of manganese in plants and its concentrations
for maintaining optimal growth; the vast literature on diagnostics is heavily drawn on in Table 12.1.
Developments in the last 10 years in manganese physiology and diagnostics have largely been
refinements on the previous work rather than new radical developments. This may change with the
emerging of new molecular technologies in the area of plant mineral nutrition.
The authors thank Dr. Paul Lonergan for assistance in reviewing this chapter, and Margie Palotta
for the photographs.
Manganese 365
TABLE 12.1 (
Concentration of
Growth Plant Type of
Manganese (mg kg
Stage Part Culture Deficient Adequate Toxic Reference Comments
Winged bean

Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
25–33 DAT WS Solution culture 218–225 155 cv. UPS 31
42 DAS WS Sand 29–49 233
Growth stage
DAE, days after emergence; DAS, days after sowing; DAT, days after transplanting; FS, Feeke’s scale of growth in cereals
defined by Large 1954 (234); GS, growth stage; PF, pod fill/ grain fill; PS, pod set; Veg., vegetative.
Plant part
BBE, blade below ear; L, leaf; LB, leaf blade; ML, mature leaf; Trifol. L., trifoliate leaves; TVD, top visible dewlap (sugar
cane); S, stem; WS, whole shoot; YEL, youngest expanded leaf; YFEL, youngest fully expanded leaf; YL, young leaves; YMB,
youngest mature leaf blade; YML, youngest mature leaf; YOL, youngest open leaf; YOL ϩ1, Next youngest open leaf.
Type of culture
Field, field experiment; sand, sand culture in glasshouse; RSC, solution culture where nutrients were replenished periodi-
cally; diag., diagnostic records from database; soil, soil culture in glasshouse; FSC, flowing solution culture; survey, survey
from commercial crops; solution culture, solution culture in glasshouse.
Source: adapted from D.J. Reuter et al. Plant Analysis: An Interpretation Manual. Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO Publishing,
1997, pp. 83–284.
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