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kt 15'''' l8 HKII

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Ngoc To secondary school THE FIFTEEN MINUTES TEST B
Class :8……. Grade :8 (The second semester )
Full name:……… ……………… Date: January , 2010.
Marks Teacher’s ideas
I . Choose the best answer :( 3 đ)
1. This is a / an . Phone an ambulance at once.
a. press b. handkerchief c. emergency
2. Cool the burns immediately so as to tissue damage.
a. maximize b. minimize c. relieve
3. Tom……… ……… his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
a. burnt b. was burning c. burning
4. Give the victim a cup of tea when he revives. He is .
a. Fainting b. Shock c. Burn
5. I’ll write to Mai in order to ________ her to my birthday party.
a. invite b. invited c. inviting
6. I come to the airport with you ?
a. Won’t b. Shall c. Will
II. Supply the correct verb or form of words in the brackets (3 đ)
1) He (study) English since 2007.
2) Mrs Thu (leave) ………………… Hue for Ha Noi next week.
3) They (read) an interesting newspaper now.
4) I (go) to the country last Sunday.
5)Lan goes to the market in order to (buy) some fish and vegtables .
6)You shouldn’t (go) out at night .
III. Read the following passage and answer the questions (4 đ)
( Đọc đoạn văn sau đây rồi trả lời câu hỏi )
Recycling saves. It saves money, energy and natural resources. For example, people
throw away billions of cans every year. People can recycle these cans by sending them to
factories. There, they are cleaned and refilled. By this way, our soda and drink makers never
or less need any new ones.
* Answer the questions:

1. Does Recycling saves money, energy and natural resources ?

2. How much does people throw away the cans every
year ?
3. How do we recycle these
cans ?
4. Do you collect the garbage in your school-
yard ?
*** The end ***

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