Activity-Based Approach (ABA) 263, 264
aerial photography 81, 85, 93
Africa, GDP per capita 63–7
agglomeration economy 3, 7–22, 35, 66,
89, 90–1, 251, 313, 315, 324–8, 406
geographical scope of 16–18
sources of 12, 18–20
agglomeration, index of 19
agriculture 4, 40–1, 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50
AHS see United States, American Housing
air pollution 143, 502–14
aggregate emissions 505–6
ambient 505–6
and bronchitis 512
government actions 506–8
sources of emissions 504–5
airport 290, 315, 316, 321
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
equilibrium 121–3
Pareto-optimal 114–19
Alonso model 75–6, 109, 110, 113–14,
126, 281
amenities, urban 483–6
Angola, GDP per capita 56
Antigua, GDP per capita 67
apartheid 60–1, 537, 545, 551, 552
Argentina 62, 312
air pollution 504
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 453,
454, 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Asian debt crisis (1998) 219, 221–2
Atlanta, GA
employment growth 420
ghettoization index 539, 540
land use 87, 91, 92, 289
residential mobility 405–7, 408
spatial mismatch 421, 411
unemployment rate 419
auctioneer, Walrasian 145
Austin, TX, software development 9
business land tax 316
population density 57
property tax 348
real estate 144
Babylonia 46–50
bullae 51–2
cities in 53
ACTZ01 18/04/2006, 02:53PM555
A Companion to Urban Economics
Edited by Richard J. Arnott, Daniel P. McMillen
Copyright © 2006 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Babylonia (cont’d)
kin groups 47, 51, 53
see also Mesopotamia
backyard economy 2
Baltimore, MD
ghettoization index 539
spatial mismatch 421
Bangladesh, population density 57
bank size 444, 457, 458
barter 47, 50, 51, 52, 53
base multiplier 463–7, 468, 471, 477
BEA see United States, Bureau of
Economic Analysis
Belgium, urban transport subsidy 302
bicycle use see Netherlands
BID see United States, business
improvement district
bid-rent analysis 76, 99–100, 103–5, 106,
108, 281–2, 285, 290, 423–5, 434, 435,
binary choice model 265–6
Birmingham, AL, spatial mismatch 411
birth studies 15, 16, 21
BJS see United States, Bureau of Justice
blockbusting 546
Bloomberg, Michael 22
borrowing, city 316–17
Boston, MA
employment growth 420
ghettoization index 538
healthcare industry 311
high tech industry 476
household relocation 177
land use 92
local government 308
mortgage lending 206
Moving to Opportunity program 523–4
population density 132
Route 128 20
software development 9, 10, 20, 21
unemployment rate 419
GDP per capita 65
HIV 65
Box–Cox methods 489, 491, 493
Brazil 14
city deficits 317
devaluation 312
favelas 537
Buffalo, NY, ghettoization index 538
Build–Operate–Transfer (BOT) 262
Burma, GDP per capita 56
Burundi, GDP per capita 67
business cycle 441, 442, 447, 457
city financing 323
city services 323
gross state product 443
Montrose Technology Park project
212–16, 219–23, 225–7
pollution 508–9
Proposition 13 323, 352–3
Proposition 60 353
response to funds rate increase 455, 456
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
software development 9, 10, 22, 36–7
wine industry 7, 8
acid rain 506
air pollution 509
and fiscal federalism 309
GDP per capita 56
PM-10 particulate emissions 509
population density 57, 60
capital market 211, 214, 221–3, 225, 226
capital structure 222
capital, agglomeration of 7
capital–land ratio 101, 130–1, 132, 362
Çatalhöyük (Çatal Hüyük) 40, 41, 43–6,
architecture 44
development of 45–6
kin groups 45, 53
production and trade 44–5
as regional trading center 45
religion 45
specialization 45
causality 15, 468–9
CBD see central business district
Center for International Earth Science
Information Network 57–8
central business district (CBD) 74, 75–6,
89, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 107,
129–40, 356, 390–1, 423–4, 426,
428–9, 433–7
centrally planned economy see economy,
centrally planned
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CET see United States, Center for
Employment Training
Charleston, SC, quality of life index 497
Charlotte, NC, financial services sector
Chicago, IL
employment growth 420
floor-area ratio 137–8
ghettoization index 539
Greektown 543
housing relocation 177
land values 134
mass transit 289–90
as monocentric city 390
population density 58, 60, 133, 136
population growth 62, 87, 135, 311
real estate values 144
spatial mismatch 405, 411, 421
specialization 66
transportation infrastructure 61
unemployment rate 419
urban subcenters 89, 390
zoning 282, 289–90
Childs, Richard 374
air pollution 511, 514
city development 60
“commodity housing” 182–3
commuting 60
economic reform 182
electric utilities 506
floor space 189–91, 193–4
guanxi, role of 191
housing demand 179–80, 181, 182–3,
189–91, 193–4
Housing Funds 183
housing market 143, 180–5
housing subsidy 183
new housing policy (1998) 183
one-child policy 194
population density 57
primacy index 68
rural–urban migration 194–5
state-owned enterprises (SOE) 182–3
urbanization rate 62, 67
Cincinnati, OH, ghettoization index 538
city 24–38
business services 321
car use in 293–5
climate as amenity 481
“closed” 104, 105, 107–8, 131
council government 314, 319–21, 322,
327, 328
decentralization of 390, 391, 405, 408,
412, 415–16, 428
defense of 41, 42–3, 44, 46, 53
definition of 2
as economic center 313
financing 311–31
first cities 4, 40–53
“fractal” 88, 92
ghettoization of 418
governance of 326–8
growth cycle 461–2, 463
“high-wage” 30
infrastructure 313–16, 321, 322, 323,
326, 328
land values 326
log-rolling 320, 327
monocentric see monocentric city model
“open” 104
optimum size 69
policy gridlock 320
political administration 4
polycentric see polycentric city model
poverty 311, 312, 315, 324–5, 328
property values 324, 327–8
public services 313–15
contracting out 318–19, 327
see also public services
and religion 40, 41, 43, 45, 47–51, 53
residential services 319–21
role of 312–13
shared infrastructure 321
size 3, 9, 12, 13, 14
and crime 522
spatial structure 356
spillovers 322
strong mayor government 314, 319,
320, 321, 326, 327, 328
tax assignment 325–6
transaction costs 503
transportation in 242
and value 312–13, 323–8
Cleveland, OH
ghettoization index 538
population growth 87
spatial mismatch 421
climate, amenity value of 7, 30, 46, 55,
75, 153, 303, 393
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“closed-city” model see city, “closed”
CMBS see commercial mortgage backed
Coase Theorem 553
Cobb–Douglas reaction function 336–7
cointegration 469–71
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 455–6
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Columbus, OH, ghettoization index 538
commercial mortgage backed security
(CMBS) 222
commercial space, market for 213–16
communism 504–5
commuting 74, 75, 81, 87, 89–90, 91, 97,
106, 107, 110, 113–20, 123, 124, 126,
128, 129, 131–2, 135, 136, 139, 263,
265, 315–16, 325, 326, 386, 387,
390–2, 406–9, 410, 412, 413, 416,
422–5, 426, 429–38
comparative advantage 66
comparative statics 104–6, 128, 131–2, 486
compensating differential theory 394
competition, imperfect 145, 146
competitive equilibrium 112–13, 120
condominium 152–3, 184
congestion 25–6, 33, 35, 41, 74, 87, 89, 91,
107, 129
pricing 242, 244, 251, 271–8
theory of 242–4, 245–8, 251, 254, 255,
toll 243, 244, 246, 251, 261, 262, 267,
271–3, 275, 276, 277, 279
gross state product 443
population density 57–8
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
constant returns to scale (CRS) 100–2, 103
Constantinople 536
contract curve 111–12, 114–19, 123–4
Cook County, IL
Assessor’s Office 137, 144
floor-area ratio 137–8
corporate finance, principal agent model
of 153
corporate governance, municipal 372–83
cost–benefit analysis 143, 258–9
country data, analysis of 56, 62, 65
credit risk 197, 198, 199, 200, 205, 209
credit scoring 198, 200, 202, 203, 209–10
crime 26, 74, 87, 292, 304, 406, 407, 408,
418, 480, 481, 484, 488, 489, 490, 492,
495, 497, 499, 513
categorization of 516–17
and city size 522
and education 525–9
and socioeconomic status 516, 518–21,
urban 515–34
see also United States, crime rates in
metropolitan areas; United States,
urban crime
cross-country analysis 26
cross-section analysis 26
cubic spline method 133, 137
“Cult of Skulls,” Jericho 43
Cyprus, ethnic segregation 545, 552
Dallas, TX
employment growth 420
ghettoization index 539
residential development 90
unemployment rate 419
Dead Sea 42, 43, 45
deadweight loss (DWL) 249–50, 251, 258,
decentralization, urban 77, 87–8, 89, 92,
93, 94
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Denmark, GDP per capita 67
density, urban 88–9
Denver, CO
ghettoization index 639
population density 57
Detroit, MI
automobile industry 463–5
banking industry 467
employment growth 420
ghettoization index 538
location quotient 467–8, 475
manufacturing 472–3, 475, 476
mass transit 431
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spatial mismatch 405, 421
time series analysis 461–2
unemployment rate 419
discontinuous see leapfrogging
taxonomy for 56
and urbanization 65–9
Dickey–Fuller test, augmented 469
Digital Electronics Corporation 18, 20
discrete-choice model 262, 264–70, 271
racial see racial discrimination
statistical 197
dissimilarity, index of 420, 421
Djibouti, GDP per capita 67
“double taxation” problem 349
durable investment 147–9
DWL see deadweight loss
econometrics, structural 12
economic activity, spatial pattern of 2, 3
economic development
level of 56
patterns of 56–65
economic growth 13, 15, 16, 21
economy of scale 56, 65–7, 309, 315, 318
external 3, 9, 15, 20
internal 9
economy, agglomeration see agglomeration
economy, centrally planned 4, 49, 60
economy, localization see localization
economy, subnational see subnational
economy, urbanization see urbanization
Edgeworth box 75, 111–12, 115–17, 118,
education 25, 26, 29–32, 34, 35, 38, 313,
318, 319, 322, 327, 361, 369, 480, 481,
483, 484, 488, 489, 492, 495, 497, 499,
K-12 314, 315, 318, 319, 322, 325, 327, 328
school attendance 407–8, 417
subsidies to 25, 26, 28, 29, 34
effect, fixed see fixed effect
efficiency wages 393–4, 421–2, 425–8,
431, 432, 433, 436, 437
EKC see environmental Kuznets curve
employment 15, 16, 283, 285, 289–90, 399,
420, 445, 460–77
Engels, Friedrich 504
Engle, Robert 388
Enron 317
environment 57, 301–3
see also air pollution; pollution
environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) 510,
EPA see United States, Environmental
Protection Agency
Erudi, Babylonia 46
ES see United States, Employment Service
estimator, nonparametric/semiparametric
Ethiopia and Eritrea, GDP per capita 67
ethnic segregation 536–53
efficiency of 548–51
public policy and politics of 551–3
ethnicity 197, 199, 201
see also race; racial discrimination
Euphrates river 46
Europe, gasoline tax 246
European Central Bank (ECB) 442
European Monetary Union 442
European Union 195, 348, 388, 552
and fiscal federalism 309, 310
eviction 150, 151
excise tax effects 357, 362, 364, 365
externality 292, 295–6, 298, 299, 302, 304
ability 34–5
human capital 24–38
internalized 34–5
Jacobs 66
Marshall–Arrow–Romer (MAR) 66
reciprocal 27
exurban county 81, 83–5, 90, 93, 94
FHA see United States, Federal Highway
firm size 444, 457
First Welfare Theorem 75
fiscal federalism 308–9, 358
Fisher Ideal formula 232
fixed effect 31
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
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FOMC see United States, Federal Open
Market Committee
Fort Lauderdale, FL, ghettoization index
Fourier expansion 133
France 15, 37, 56, 62, 313
Algerian ghettos 482, 537
construction-subsidized housing 162–3
Epargne Logement 164
French Housing Survey (1996) 169–70
government housing policy 143, 160–5
habitation à loyer modéré (HLM) 160,
162–3, 165–71, 175, 176
housing subsidies 172
Livret A financial circuit 162
low-income households 159–77
Ministry of Housing 175
notary act 160
Prêt à Taux Zéro (PTZ) 159, 164, 174–6
Prêt Conventionné (PC) 164
Prêt d’Accession à la Propriété (PAP) 164
private rental sector housing 171–4
public spending 165, 166
unemployment rate 422
free-rider problem 48, 49, 51, 53
Furlong, Tom 18
GAAP see generally accepted accounting
Gary, IN, pollution 504
GDP per capita 56–7, 63–5, 67–8
general equilibrium demand function
251–2, 253
generally accepted accounting practices
(GAAP) 317
Geographic Information and Retrieval
Analysis System (GIRAS) 85, 87, 90
geographic information software (GIS)
512, 513
carpet industry 9, 11, 19, 22
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 453,
454, 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Germany 22, 62
Bausparkassen system 164
trade 66
Turkish ghettos 482, 537, 552
Ghana 56
ghetto 482
derivation of term 537
and discrimination 544–5
and education 551
and exclusion 544, 545
involuntary 543–6
multiethnic 543
optimal size 548
and prejudice 544
and racism 544
sectoral pattern of 549
self-segregation 541–2
voluntary 542–3
Chinatowns 537, 538, 542–3
ghettoization 536–53
and rents 546–8
index 538–40
GIRAS see Geographic Information and
Retrieval Analysis System
GIS see geographic information software
governance, city 326–8
strategic interaction 332–45
system of 308
Granger causality 468–9
Granger, Clive 388
grant-in-aid, intergovernmental 309, 313
Greece, Ancient 4, 536
Greenpeace 510
gross state product (GSP) 443–4, 447–8,
see also individual US states
Gumbel distribution 266, 269
Hampton City, VA, quality of life index
Hartford, CT, ghettoization index 538
HBU see space market analysis, “highest
and best use”
health production function (HPF) 512
hedonic model 143, 228–39, 480, 481,
489, 490, 491, 492, 512, 513, 514
Henry George Theorem 360, 361, 366
heterogeneity 154–5
HLM see France, habitation à loyer modéré
HMDA see United States, Home Mortgage
Disclosure Act
home value insurance 382–3
homeownership 164–5, 174–6
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“homevoter” 376–9
Hong Kong
population density 57
primacy index 68
urbanization rate 67
Hoover, Herbert 380
African-American 203–5, 206
low-income 159–77
housing 141–239, 282, 287–9
allowances 171–4
appreciation 147
demand 179–95
depreciation 147, 148
durability of 143, 145, 146, 147–9, 153
equity 170–1, 219, 221–3, 349
“hold up” problem 150
investment in 144, 147–9, 150, 152, 153,
156, 159
lock-in effects 153, 156, 157
market 145, 157, 180–5
mobility trap 167
policy 159–77
price index 228–39
hedonic price model 230–2
hybrid model 234, 239
repeat-sales model 232–4
representative-property method 230,
236, 237
prices 138–9, 155–7, 180, 181, 183, 185,
187, 188, 191, 192
private rental sector 171–4
public 143
racial transition 382
subsidies 173–6
tenure choice 145–57, 185–9
vacancy rate 144, 145, 146, 147, 154–7,
216–17, 218, 219, 220, 227
Houston, TX
employment growth 420
ghettoization index 539
spatial mismatch 421
unemployment rate 419
vacant land 88
HPF see Health Production Function
HUD see United States, Department of
Housing and Urban Development
human capital externalities 24–38
Hungary, air pollution 504–5
hunter–gatherer communities 41, 42
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
IIA see Independence of Irrelevant
Department of Revenue 137
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
immigration 387, 395, 398, 401
impulse response function 475
Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives
(IIA) 267–8, 277–8, 279
India 56, 312
air pollution 511
Dhavari slum community 537
electric utilities 506
Gujarat riots (2002) 543, 552
Muslim ghettos 482, 538
population density 57
primacy index 68
urbanization rate 62
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 453,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Indianapolis, IN
ghettoization index 538
spatial mismatch 411
indifference curve 97, 98, 99, 110–12,
116–17, 119
industrial organization 20–1
Industrial Revolution 4, 62
“industry is in the air” argument 35
high-technology 9, 13–14, 15, 22
location of 16–18
size of 3, 9, 12, 13, 15, 21
inequality, politics of 551–3
inflation, and housing 148
information, imperfect, theory of 145,
infrastructure, nonexcludability property
ACTZ01 18/04/2006, 02:53PM561
innovation 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 36–7, 41, 43,
46, 52, 53
input sharing 12, 18–19
institutionalization see United States,
institutionalization; United States,
prison population
instrumental variables (IV) 15, 30–1, 342,
344, 395, 398
insurance, home value 382–3
internal rate of return (IRR) 224–7
Internet boom 30, 31
interregional trade, Babylonia 50
inventory–sales ratio 20
investment analysis, real estate 223–5
in housing 144, 147–9, 150, 152, 153,
156, 159
return on 223
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Iraq 40, 46
Ireland, property tax 348
IRR see internal rate of return
isoquant 101–3
Israel 312
ethnic segregation 545, 552
Italy 312–13
Jacobs externality 66
Jamaica, land taxation 350
Japan 14, 312
congestion pricing 257
demography 195
floor space 189–94
gasoline tax 246
GDP per capita 56, 67
housing demand 179–82, 185–94,
Housing Loan Corporation (JHLC)
180–1, 191–3
housing market 143, 180–5
housing subsidy 180–1, 191, 192–4
housing tenure choice 185–6, 187–9
land price bubble 182
personal taxation 189, 194
population density 57
property taxation 186–9
real estate 144
residential overcrowding 191, 194
urban mass transit 245–6, 248, 257
urbanization rate 62, 67
Jericho 40, 41–3, 45, 46, 53
“Cult of Skulls” 43
development of 43
walls of 42–3
JHLC see Japan, Housing Loan
jitney 416
job opportunity model 409
Jobs, Steve 17
Jordan Valley 40, 41–2, 50
Jordan, GDP per capita 67
Kalb, Jeffrey 20–1
Kansas City, ghettoization index 538
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Kent, MI, quality of life index 497
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Kenya, land taxation 350
Keynesian model 465, 471–2
Kish, Babylonia 46
knowledge spillover 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 36
Konya plain, Turkey 43, 45
Korea, North, GDP per capita 63
Korea, South
population density 57
urbanization rate 62
Kuznets curve see environmental Kuznets
labor market
adjustment 394–400
hysteresis 397
intervention 399–400
pooling 12, 18, 19, 20, 35
urban 385–77
demand shock 395–7
spatial mismatch 404–17
supply shock 398–9
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agglomeration of 7
urban, economic theory of 418–38
land conversion
hazard model of 91
rural–urban 77, 79–80, 90, 91, 92, 93
land grant 31, 49
land rent 58, 74–6, 89, 107–8
land taxation 348–69
efficient 358–61
equilibrium 358–61
incidence of 353–5
neutrality of 351, 354, 355, 357, 361,
land use
control 350, 368
pattern of 77–94, 107, 281, 283, 284, 289
regulation 372–83, 405, 412, 416
urban 73–140, 142, 244
and urban transportation 281–90
land, agricultural 131–2
absentee 119–20, 121, 126
market power of 150, 154, 155, 159
Laos 56
GDP per capita 63
Las Vegas, NV, growth rate 472
Laspeyres formula 232
latent demand 262
leapfrogging 90–1, 93–4
Lebanon, GDP per capita 67
Liberia, GDP per capita 67
life expectancy 57
life insurance 222
LIHTC see United States, Low Income
Housing Tax Credit
Linear Random Utility Model (LRUM)
265, 269
literacy 57
loan-to-value ratio (LTV) 160, 175, 198,
199, 200, 206, 207
local government reform 310
localization economy 3, 12–16, 17, 66
location quotient 463, 467–8, 470, 471,
472, 473, 474, 475
location, importance of 55
logit model 266, 267, 409
mixed 269–70
nested 268–9
see also multinomial logit model
Los Angeles, CA
employment growth 420
entertainment industry 312
ghettoization index 539
home price model 513
Hughes Air 14
labor market 386
land use 87, 91
mass transit 245
pollution 502, 507
population density 58, 60
spatial mismatch 411, 421
specialization 66
time series analysis 461–2
unemployment rate 419
urban subcenters 89, 390
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Luxembourg, GDP per capita 67
macroeconomics, urban 385–477
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
MAR see Marshall–Arrow–Romer
marginal cost pricing 242–3, 247, 250,
254, 258
market failure 35–6
market, thin 154–5
Marshall, Alfred 12, 13, 18, 25, 32, 35, 66
Marshall–Arrow–Romer (MAR) externality
Marx, Karl 504
Department of Planning (MRP) 81–5
gross state product 443
Howard County Office of Planning
land conversion data 91
land use 77, 81–5
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
ACTZ01 18/04/2006, 02:54PM563
mass transit 262, 289–90, 429, 431, 434
gross state product 443
population density 57–8
Proposition 2
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
tax assignment 327
Mauritius, GDP per capita 65
maximum likelihood (ML) methods 342,
McFadden, Daniel 242, 243, 244
MCSUI see United States, Multi-City Study
of Urban Inequality
mega-city 68, 504
Mesopotamia 40, 46–53
ecological setting 46–7
public goods 48–9
religious beliefs 46–7
temple enterprises 49–51
writing technology 51–2
see also Babylonia
metropolitan statistical area see United
States, metropolitan statistical area
Mexico 56, 63, 312
air pollution 510
urbanization rate 62
Miami, FL
ghettoization index 538, 539
quality of life index 499
spatial mismatch 421
gross state product 443–4
response to funds rate increase 453,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
microeconomic theory 100–13, 118
Middle East 4
migration, of labor force 396, 397, 398–9
Milwaukee, WI
ghettoization index 538, 540–2
population density 132, 133
minimum border-length hypothesis 549
Minneapolis, MN
ghettoization index 538
Neighborhood Employment Network
software development 9
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
gross state product 443
home value insurance 382
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
MLS see United States, multiple listing
MNL see multinomial logit model
mobility cost 145, 146, 149, 154
mobility trap 167
modal choice 107
monetary policy 440–58
monocentric city model 74–5, 76, 87,
88–9, 90, 96–108, 142, 356
empirics 129–38
floor-area ratio 130–1, 136–8, 139, 282,
housing consumers 129–30
housing prices 138–9
housing producers 130–1
land values 134–6
population density 134–6
monocentricity, testing for 128–40
monopoly 50–1
pricing 295, 296, 318
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Monte Carlo simulation 450
mortgage lending 143, 147, 148, 153, 156,
157, 198–201
differential pricing 207–8
differential rejection rates 205–7
discrimination in 197–210
performance 204–5
segregation of applicants 203–4
segregation of loans 203–4
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MPO see United States, Metropolitan
Planning Organization
MRLC see United States, Multi-Resolution
Land Characteristics Consortium
MSA see United States, metropolitan
statistical area
MTO see United States, Moving to
Opportunity (MTO) program
multinational corporation 358
multinomial logit model (MNL) 266–70,
272, 276, 277–8
multiplier model 476–7
municipal corporate governance 372–83
musical suburbs problem 363
Muth–Mills model 75–6, 128, 129
NAFTA see North America Free Trade
Namibia, GDP per capita 67
Nash equilibrium 310, 333, 334, 335, 336,
337, 339
Nashville, TN, music industry 312
NCVS see United States, National Crime
Victimization Survey
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
neoclassical growth model 441
net present value (NPV) 224–6
net residential density 103, 106
Netherlands, the 292–304
ABC siting policy 299–300
bicycle use 293, 301–4
commuting 294, 297, 301
congestion 292, 293–5, 301–2, 304
electronic tolls 294, 295
housing 296
Ministry of Finance 301
population density 57
Randstad 293–4, 300
taxation 294, 301, 304
gross state product 443
population density 58
response to funds rate increase 455,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
New Hampshire
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 453,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
New Jersey
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
New Mexico
gross state product 443
population density 58
response to funds rate increase
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
New Orleans, LA, ghettoization
index 539
New York
apparel industry 12
arts industry 312
Astoria, Queens 543
“capital outlays” 316
congestion 257
deficit financing 317
employment growth 420
fashion industry 313
financial services sector 312, 467
ghettoization index 539
gross state product 443
housing consumption 169–70
land use 91–2
mass transit 245
police stop and arrest data 531
population density 58, 60
population growth 62, 311
poverty expenditure 324
primacy index 68
response to funds rate increase 455–6
September 11, 2001 512
small-bank loans 446
spatial mismatch 421
specialization 66
tax assignment 325
unemployment rates 419
urban subcenters 390
wage differentials 393
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New York State
response to funds rate increase 454
small-firm employment 445
wine industry 7, 8
New Zealand
land taxation 350
property taxation 348
Newark, NJ
ghettoization index 539
spatial mismatch 421
NIMBY see “not in my back yard”
NLCD see United States, National Land
Cover Data
Norfolk, VA, ghettoization index 539
normal distribution 266
North America Free Trade Association
(NAFTA) 510
North Carolina
gross state product 443
land use 92
pantyhose industry 19
research triangle 9
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
North Dakota
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
North Korea, GDP per capita 63
Norway, road pricing 294
“not in my backyard” (NIMBY) 378,
NPV see net present value
NRI see United States, National Resources
Oak Park, IL, home value insurance 382
Oakland, CA
ghettoization index 539
murder rate 522
spatial mismatch 421
obsidian 40, 42, 44–5, 46, 53
OCC see opportunity cost of capital
OECD see Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
OFHEO see United States, Office of Federal
Housing Enterprise Oversight
gross state product 443
residential development 90
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454, 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Olcott’s Land Values Blue Book of Chicago
134, 136
“one person, one vote” rule 381
opportunity cost of capital (OCC) 223–7
option pricing 32–3
optionality 217
Orange County, CA 261, 271–7
ghettoization index 539, 541–2
mass transit 245
road pricing 261, 262, 271–8
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 453,
455, 456
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) 348
Ottoman Empire 536–7
outsourcing 18
overage 199, 208
Paasche formula 232
Palm Beach, FL, quality of life index 497
PAP see France, Prêt d’Accession à la
Pareto optimality 111–19, 121, 123–4,
310, 507, 514, 549–50
park acreage 343
parking 261, 263, 292, 293, 295–301, 303,
314, 316, 321
passenger travel demand, urban 261–79
patent data 36–7
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
pension fund 212, 219, 221–3
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Perot, Ross 69
Philadelphia, PA
bribery scandal 320
deficit financing 317
employment growth 420, 475–6
ghettoization index 539
healthcare industry 312
and monetary policy 442
population density 132
population growth 311
poverty expenditure 324
spatial mismatch 421
tax assignment 325–6
unemployment rate 419
Philippines, the, GDP per capita 63
Phoenix, AZ
ghettoization index 539
Silicon Desert 18
“piggybacking” 316
Pigou, Arthur 24, 242
Pigovian tax/subsidy 24, 25, 28
Pima, AZ, quality of life index 497
Pittsburgh, PA
and monetary policy 442
ghettoization index 538
land tax 316
Places Rated ranking 495
pollution 502, 504
population growth 87
property tax reforms 354
tax assignment 326
Places Rated rankings 495
PMI see United States, private mortgage
PMSA see United States, primary
metropolitan statistical area
air pollution 502, 504–5
Warsaw ghetto 537, 545
political economy, urban 308
pollution 41, 242, 246–7, 254, 292, 335–7,
480, 481, 489
abatement, reaction functions 336–7,
and Hollywood movies 503
nitrogen oxide 505, 508
particulates 502, 504, 505, 508, 509, 511,
sulfur dioxide 504, 505, 507, 508, 511
see also air pollution
polycentric city model 74, 76, 89, 96, 128
population density 74, 76, 87–9, 94, 128,
130–1, 132, 133–6, 138, 139, 140,
282, 289–90
population growth 61–2
Portland, OR
ghettoization index 538
land use 92
Silicon Forest 18
poverty 74, 176, 368, 386–7, 399, 441, 480,
481, 483
prices, log-normal distribution 229, 231
pricing strategy, optimal 145
primacy, urban 68–9
private goods 40, 50
probit model 409
production function 12, 14, 15, 30, 33, 34,
100, 102
productivity 12–17, 21, 26, 30
property taxation 309, 310, 315–16, 328,
benefit view 349–50, 355, 361–4, 366,
367, 368, 369
classified 351, 367
hybrid model 363, 364, 366
incidence of 352, 354, 355–8, 361, 362
lock-in effect 352, 353
Providence, RI, ghettoization index 539
PTZ see France, Prêt à Taux Zéro
Public Choice research 507
public economics, urban 307–83
public good 4, 41, 43, 46, 48–9, 50
religious offerings as 48–9
Public Microdata Area 489
public services 313–15, 324–5
see also city, public services
public transport 301–3
Pueblo, CO, quality of life index 493
PUMS see United States, Public Use
Microdata Samples
“purchased input intensity” 18–19
quality of life index (QOLI) 481, 483–5,
487, 488–99, 500
race 197, 199, 201, 205, 206, 515–34
“race to the bottom” 372, 379
racial discrimination 481–2
in housing 405–6, 407, 412, 415, 417,
418, 422, 429, 430, 432–7
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racial discrimination (cont’d)
in labor market 407, 412
in mortgage market 415
Raleigh, NC, land use 92
reaction functions 336–7, 339–40
real estate 58, 60, 141–239
asset market 221
capital market 221–3
commercial 144, 211–27
investment analysis 223–5
investment industry 221
investment trust (REIT) 222
redlining 430, 437, 438, 544
regional data 440–58
regression analysis 28, 30, 31, 33–4, 91,
132–3, 135, 137–9, 188–9, 190, 462,
463, 468, 469, 470, 474, 475
see also vector autoregression
regression, instrumental 30
regression, multivariate linear 513
REIT see real estate investment trust
rent 486–7
rent control 143, 152, 160, 161, 168
repeat-sales model 229, 232–9
residential development, discontinuous
residential location, theory of 410
residual site taxation 351
resource-flow model 333, 335, 337–40,
344, 345
return on investment 223
Revealed Preference (RP) 277–8
Rhode Island
gross state product 443
population density 57–8
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Ricardo, David 6, 75
Riverside, CA
ghettoization index 539
land use 92
mass transit 245
road pricing 261, 262, 263, 264, 266,
in the Netherlands 294, 295, 301, 304
Rochester, NY
ghettoization index 538
population density 132
Roman Empire 4, 536
RP see Revealed Preference
Russia 60
Moscow, development of 60
Moscow, transportation infrastructure
population density 57
urbanization rate 62
see also Soviet Union
Sacramento County, CA, quality of life
index 493
sacrifice ratio 441
Salt Lake City, UT, population density
San Antonio, TX, ghettoization index
San Diego, CA, ghettoization index 539
San Francisco, CA
Bay Area road pricing 244, 261
Bay Area Travel Study 261, 277–8
computer hardware/software industry
9, 10, 312
ghettoization index 539
labor market 386
land use 92
mass transit 243
population density 133
urban subcenters 89
San Joaquin Valley, CA, labor market
San Jose, CA
Center for Employment Training (CET)
ghettoization index 539
time series analysis 461–2
Sarasota, FL, quality of life index 497
satellite imagery 81, 84–5, 93
SBD see suburban business district
schools see education
Schwarz information criterion 468
search, optimal 145
Seattle, WA
ghettoization index 539
land use 87
Silicon Forest 18
Second Welfare Theorem 75
second-best problems 243, 246, 255,
257–8, 301, 302
segregation, ethnic see ethnic segregation
sharecropping, public 49, 51
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shift-share model 463, 471, 472, 473, 474,
475, 476–7
SIC see Standard Industrial Classification
Sierra Leone, GDP per capita 67
Silicon Valley, CA 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20–1,
22, 31, 66, 212–13, 219, 225, 227, 463
simultaneity 475
Singapore 262
congestion tolls 246
electronic road pricing (ERP) 294
GDP per capita 67–8
population density 57
primacy index 68
urbanization rate 67–8
SMH see spatial mismatch hypothesis
Smith, Adam 66, 310, 401
smog, urban 504, 505, 506, 507, 512
social welfare, maximization of 250
Socrates 536, 551
South Africa
apartheid 537, 545, 551, 552
land taxation 350
population density 60–1
South Carolina
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
South Dakota
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
South Korea, acid rain 506
Soviet Union 56, 63, 64
industry 60
kombinats 60
Moscow, development of 60
New Economic Program 60
transportation infrastructure 60
see also Russia
SP see Stated Preference
space market analysis 211–19, 221, 225,
absorption 218–20
“highest and best use” (HBU) 213, 215
replacement cost rent 214, 215, 216
space, general equilibrium model 109–26
spatial competition theory 2–3
spatial error dependence 333, 341, 343–4
spatial mismatch 545
causes of 405–7
consequences of 407–8
future research 411–13
personal mobility program 416
policy options 413–16
residential mobility 414–16
theory of 429–37
in urban labor markets 404–17
spatial mismatch hypothesis (SMH) 387,
391, 404–17, 418, 420, 421, 422, 428,
spatial structure, description of 4–5
specialization 14, 15, 19, 45, 47, 51, 52,
53, 65, 66
spillover model 332–7, 340, 344, 345
sprawl, urban 76, 91–2, 93, 356, 365, 505,
St Kitts and Nevis, GDP per capita 67
St Louis, MO
ghettoization index 539
growth and decline 311–12
population growth 87
quality of life index 493
spatial mismatch 421
stamp duty 160
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 7,
8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20
Standard Paradigm 32
state dependence 277
Stated Preference (SP) 277–8
strategic interaction 308
among governments 332–45
empirical studies 344–5
endogeneity 341–3
testing for 340–5
structural density 101–3, 106
subcenter, suburban 88, 89–90, 92, 93,
136, 140
subnational economy 440, 441, 442, 447,
458, 460
housing 143, 147, 162–5, 172–6, 180–1,
183, 184–5, 189, 191, 192–4
urban transport 293, 301, 302, 303, 304
substitutability, imperfect 33–4
substitution, marginal rate of 111–13,
117, 119, 123
suburban business district (SBD) 428,
429, 430, 431–7
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Sumerians 46, 48, 52
Sweden 186, 187–9
demography 195
floor space 189–94
housing demand 179, 180, 181, 183–9,
194, 195
housing finance reform (1993) 185
housing market 143, 180–5
housing subsidy 184–5, 189
housing tenure choice 185–9
personal taxation 184, 185, 189, 194
property taxation 186–9
tax reform (1991–2) 185
welfare state model 184, 185, 195
Switzerland, road pricing 294–5
Tampa, FL, ghettoization index 539
tax assessment records 81, 93
tax base equalization 314, 322
tax increment financing (TIF) 316
taxation 147–9, 242, 246, 247, 250, 251,
253–4, 255, 260
city 315–16, 325–6
environmental 503
housing 145, 146, 147–9
land 348–69
local 308, 310, 323, 327
method of 308, 309
resident-based 315
source-based 315
see also “double taxation” problem;
property taxation; residual site
tax competition model 332, 333, 340, 344,
345, 358, 365
TAZ see traffic analysis zone
Tell es Sultan see Jericho
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 453,
454, 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
choice see housing, tenure choice
security of 149, 150–1, 152, 153, 154
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454,
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Thailand, GDP per capita 67
The Republic, Socrates 536
Tiebout hypothesis 87, 88, 308, 309, 317,
318, 372–3, 377, 349, 353, 355, 360–2,
367, 368–9
TIF see tax increment financing
Tigris river 46
time series analysis 26, 461, 462, 463, 464,
469, 470, 473, 474, 475
Tobit model 186
trade 56, 65, 66
interregional 45
traffic analysis zone (TAZ) 92
traffic congestion see congestion
traffic safety 292, 304
Tragedy of the Commons 503
training see education
transportation costs 2, 3, 4, 7, 18, 20, 58,
76, 87, 88, 89, 390–1, 396
transportation economics 242
transportation investment 258–9
transportation, urban see urban
travel choices 263–4
travel demand, discrete-choice models
Turkey 40, 43
gecekondu settlements 537
pogrom (1955) 544
Tatavla district, Istanbul 543–4
Twain, Mark 376
UA see United States, Urbanized Area
UC see United States, Urban Cluster
UCR see United States, Uniform Crime
UEZ see United States, urban enterprise
underwriting 199–202, 204, 205–10
unemployment 386–7, 392, 395, 396–7,
398, 399, 418, 419, 421–3, 425, 426,
428, 429, 434, 436–7, 441, 447–8
United Kingdom 62, 262, 313
air pollution 504
building societies 181
housing demand 179, 181
London, congestion charging 262
property taxation 348
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real estate 144
road pricing 294
unemployment rate 422
United Nations 56
United States 7, 9, 14, 15, 19, 21, 36–7,
38, 56, 66, 77–94, 132, 133, 134–6,
137–8, 221, 228, 238, 381
Abscam operation 320
aerospace industry 14
air pollution 508–9, 510, 513
aircraft industry 14
American Housing Survey (AHS) 81–2,
161, 239
apparel manufacturing 12, 14, 16, 17,
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
442, 447, 449, 450
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) 515,
517, 529, 531
Bureau of Labor Statistics 449, 461
business improvement district (BID)
319, 321
business land tax 316
carpet manufacturing 9, 11, 16, 19, 22
Census 7, 81–5, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 134,
311, 525–9
of Governments 489
of Population and Housing 488–9,
Center for Employment Training (CET)
child labor laws 31
city deficits 317
city tax assignment 325–6
Civil Rights laws 481
Clean Air Act 504, 507
Commerce Department 380
congestion pricing 258
corporate taxation 357
crime rates, metropolitan areas
criminal justice system 515–34
“curbstoners” 380
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) 161, 163, 200,
201, 202, 411, 523
Economic Research Service, USDA
employment growth 15, 16
Employment Service (ES) 399
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
489, 507, 508
Fair Credit Reporting Act 198
Fanny Mae 165
Farmer’s Home 198
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
516, 517
Federal Highway Administration (FHA)
198, 200–1, 203, 204, 205, 209, 245–6
Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) 441, 448
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 206
Federal Reserve Banks 441
Freddie Mac 165, 233, 238
gasoline tax 246
GDP 245, 515
ghettos 537, 538–44
government housing policy 143
Great Depression 399
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
(HMDA) 203–4, 206
house prices 513
housing aid 159
housing demand 180, 181, 186, 187
housing market 143
housing policy 160–5
housing subsidy 163, 164–5, 172, 173
housing tenure mode 160, 161
housing, public spending 165, 166
immigration from Mexico 552–3
institutionalization 525–9
jurisdictional fragmentation 308
labor market 386–8, 389, 390, 396, 401
land use 78–80, 282–4
local government 308, 348, 372–3, 374,
376, 377, 378, 380, 381
Local Housing Authorities 162
Low Income Housing Tax Credit
(LIHTC) 162, 172
mass transit 245, 416
metropolitan area 404, 405, 409, 411,
Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO) 283
metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
460, 461, 463, 465, 467, 470, 473–4,
migration 62
Model Standard State Zoning Enabling
Act (1922) 378–9, 380
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United States (cont’d)
mortgage lending 198, 200, 201, 210
“coaching” 206
electronic 201–2, 209–10
Moving to Opportunity (MTO) program
177, 411, 523–4
Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality
(MCSUI) 428
multiple listing service (MLS) 234, 238
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics
(MRLC) Consortium 84
National Ambient Air Quality Standard
National Association of Realtors 230
National Climatic Data Center 489
National Crime Victimization Survey
(NCVS) 517
National Health Interview Studies 512
National Land Cover Data (NLCD)
84–5, 86, 87, 90
National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System 489
National Resources Inventory (NRI)
82, 84, 85
Nationwide Personal Transportation
Survey (1995) 430
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight (OFHEO) 233, 238
pantyhose industry 19
political schizophrenia 372–3
population density 57–8, 60
population growth 61, 62
primacy index 68
primary metropolitan statistical area
(PMSA) 538, 540, 541
prison population 515, 524–5, 528, 529,
private covenants 379–80
private mortgage insurance (PMI) 198,
private rental housing 160
property taxation 309–10, 323, 348, 350
public housing 160, 162, 163, 166, 167
Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS)
race/racial discrimination 143, 515–34
redlining 200, 201
rental housing subsidy, direct 163
road pricing 262, 270–1, 279, 295
Rust Belt 504
savings-and-loan associations 181
school attendance laws 31
Section 8 voucher system 163, 172–3,
177, 228
security of tenure 162
September 11, 2001 512
Sierra Club 510
software industry 7–9, 10, 12, 16, 17,
18, 22
space market 215, 216
spatial mismatch 387
State Route 91 (SR91) toll-lanes project
261, 262, 271–7, 279
Summer Youth Employment Program
Superfund 489, 490, 492
Supreme Court 282, 381
Toxic Release Inventory 508
unemployment 418, 419, 421–3, 425,
426, 428, 429, 433, 434, 436–7
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) 517
Urban Cluster (UC) 81
urban counties, quality of life ranking
494, 496, 498
urban crime 515–34
urban density 85–7
urban enterprise zone (UEZ) 413–14
urban labor market 389, 390, 391, 392,
urban land, total 80–5
urbanization rate 62, 67, 74
Urbanized Area (UA) 81, 91
USA Today 495
Value Pricing program 261, 271
War on Drugs 532–3
welfare reform 405, 412
wine industry 7–9, 20, 22
zoning 378–80, 381, 383
see also individual US cities, counties, and
Ur, Babylonia 46
urban development, cross-country
patterns 55–70
urban sprawl see sprawl
urban traffic congestion see congestion
urban transportation 241–304
capacity investment 250
consumer’s surplus 247–8, 253
cost–benefit analysis 258–9
economic theory of 245–60
ACTZ01 18/04/2006, 02:54PM572
empirical studies 288–90
fare subsidy 253–5
general equilibrium demand function
251–2, 253
investment decisions 246–59
and land use 281–90
mass transit 248–50, 253–8
policy 292–304
pricing decisions 246–59
private and social costs 246–7
urban transportation planning (UTP)
281, 282–4
urbanization 1–70
urbanization economy 3, 12, 13, 14, 15,
broad context of 57–65
conditions for 40–1
and development 65–9
patterns of 56–65
Uruk, Babylonia 40, 46, 52, 53
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
utilities, electric 505
utility function 97, 110, 113–14, 120, 123,
utility, marginal 110, 123
UTP see urban transportation planning
vacant land 88, 90
Value of Reliability (VOR) 272–4, 276, 279
Value of Time (VOT) 272–4, 276, 278–9
demographic 31
instrumental see instrumental variables
vector autoregression (VAR) 447, 448,
449, 450, 474–6
vehicle lanes, high-occupancy 293–4
Venezuela, GDP per capita 67
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Vickrey, William 242
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
von Thünen, Johann 75
VOR see Value of Reliability
VOT see Value of Time
voting behavior 26
voting rights 380–2
voting rules see “one person, one vote”
wages 13, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, 486–7
differentials 392
across industries 393–4
intraurban 392–3
Washington State
response to funds rate increase 455
small-firm employment 445
small-bank loans 446
software development 9
wine industry 7, 8
Washington, DC
employment growth 420
ghettoization index 539
gross state product 443
land use 85
residential development 90
response to funds rate increase 456
spatial mismatch 421
unemployment rate 419
Washoe, NV, quality of life index 497
Waukesha, WI, quality of life index 497
welfare 121–3
welfare competition model 332, 333,
337–40, 341
welfare theorem 75, 113, 121, 124, 126
West Virginia
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
gross state product 443
response to funds rate increase 454
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
mobility of 30, 31
skill composition 30, 35
World Bank 56, 502, 508
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World Development Indicators database 56
World Health Organization 502
writing, invention of 40, 47, 51–3
gross state product 443, 444
response to funds rate increase 455
small-bank loans 446
small-firm employment 445
Xerox Corporation 17
yardstick competition 337, 344, 345
Yuba City, CA, Places Rated ranking 495
zoning 74, 76, 90, 91, 92, 140, 282–4,
362–3, 364, 366, 368–9, 378–80, 381,
383, 405
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