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Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 2 pot

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_ _
part -time
preven t
so thm
a little
ough t to
Pruclin: [en 3
Instruction: Choose the best word/ phrase in the box below to complete the sentences
that follow. Each word / phrase can be used ONCE ONLY.

1. My wife has a
. job at a chemist's.

2. I'm not sure if thc new tax is
a good idea after all.
3. We haven't. .
thought of going abroad for a holiday bcciJuse my husb,lnd
is afraid of flying.
4. Doctors also try to disease
\\'ith good c1dvicc. They tell their
patients to cat t~lC right kind of food and to exercise daily.
5. lie was in
aLa large number of men.
6. When he retired from his job the director:
him \vith a clock.
7. My sister had a baby daughter, and she is my first
8. Smoking is very bad habit, which many people find diffjcult to
it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.
10. No child.
the age of sixteen wii! be admitted to th is film
11. Do you knmv what time the train.
to Ii0chiMinh
12. You
go to the dentist's before your tooUwchc get \\"(>rsc.
]3. We have
of time to catch the train so there's no need to rush.

you do better \vork than this, you \\,on't pass the exam.
15. Many doctors
ophthalmologists C:Jreeyc specialists.

in only on(~ kind of medicinc. For eX~JmpJc,
- - - - -
Tiii U~u on rhi lie-ng Anh
Read each passage carefully and the answer the questions that bellow.
Passage 1
It seems easy to say that you are employed if you work for somebody else and you are self
employ'Cd if you work for yourseltl But life isn't quite so simple. Being self-employed is not
restricted to people who run their O\vn business, in the physical sense of O\vning property
and stock and perhaps employing their own staff. A great number of people work from home
in a \\'id,-~ range of occupations and many of them arc classed as self-employed. Examples
arc the hairdresser " rho has set up a shop in one room of the house, the freelance book-
keeper \\.ho docs the accounts for other small businesses, the woman who holds clothing or
TLlppen\"~in' p~1rti('s, and the anist who takes on freelance work from various publishing
People \\'h(1 work on a freelance basis 'hire out' their skills to anyone who will pay them. A
freelance photographer. for inst,.mce, may eithcr be contracted to do a specific job for a
newspaper or may even take photographs of events on the chance that he/she nm sell
The number of people in Britain \vho arc elassed as self-employed rose by 52% between
1YH1 and 1q91 from 2.2 million to 3.3 million people - and most of them work on their o\vn
(i.e. they do not employ other people) in many cases these are peopJe who have been faced
\\'ith redundancy and who have used their savings or their redundancy payments, or taken
advanlages of one of the government schemes to setup on their own.
I. What is the ONE main idea of the passage?
2. Do all se1f-emplo cd people own property and stock?

3. Nole down two of the examp1cs of self -
employment mentioned in the passage')
4. I !cm docs a frcclanccr rnDkc a lJVing?
5-6 The pussagc dvscrilws t\\'o particular job features of self -
employment. What are they?
\\/hat docs each of the rol1c)\ving underlined words or phrases refer to?
and many afthem are classed as self-employed."
(puragr8ph 1)

" rose
by 52fY, between 1981 cmd 1991 from 2.2 million to 3.3 million people
Waragraph 3)
Which words/phrases in the passage mean the foHawing
9. many
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. does not only relate to

Passage 2
A typical British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, but in recent
years there havc been many changes in family life. Some of these changes have been caused
by new laws and others are the result ofchanges in society. In fact one ma.rriage in every
three now ends in divorce. This means that there arc a lot of onc-parent families. Suciety is
now more toJerant than it used to be of unmarried couples 8nd single parents.

Another ch8nge has been caused by the f8ct people arc Jiving longer nowadays, and many
old people Jive alone foIl owing the death of their partners. As a result of these changes in the
pattern of peop)c's lives, there are many households which consist of onl.v one person or one
Bdu]t and children. Members of a family - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins _
kecp in
touch, but they see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often move
away from their home tcm,'n to work, and so the famiJy becomes Scattered.
In generaJ, each generation is keen to become independent of parents on estC1blishing its
own family unit, and this fact can lead to social as \ e]J as geographical
differences within
the larger family group.
11. Docs a typicaJ British family have 4 members?
12-13. What arc the major causes of many changes in British family life'?

14. What has the new law resulted in?
15. Ilo\\' does the pattern of British people's lives change?


6. Did members of a f8mily see each other 1css often than they do now?
17. What is the cause of sociaJ and geographicaJ
differences within the larger family group?
\Vhat docs each of the foJIov.'ing underlined words or phrases refer to?
8. "Some of these have been caused by new laws and others are the result of changes III
society" (Paragraph 1)


- -
T/li Ufu {in Ihi li/nK Anh
19. "Th.i~_means that there are a lot of one-parent families"? (Paragraph 1)

20. What word in the passage means includes/is composed o.P

Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each
blank with ONE suitable word only.
Dolphins and whales have larger (1)
evidence that they arc able (2)

than us. There is considerable
communicate with each other and show
their (3)
with sounds. Scientists (4)
have worked (5)
dolphins consider them to be truly intelligent. Some (6)

that they (7)
a diffcrcnt non-
cven be more intelligent than us. Because their
all their needs they have developed (9)
material way. But they (10)
still being.hunted and killed

Instruction: From the following suggested words and phrases in the given sequences,
make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together
make a complete paragraph. Follow the example.
my aunt /
born /
England/ now / shc / live / Pcrth /
My aunt was bom in England, but now she lives in Perth, Australia.
Dcar Sir,
1. My wife /
I /
now /
plan /
holiday /
next summer.
2. We /
like /
go /
Italy/ two weeks.
3. Holiday /
begin /
,July 15'" / we /
return /
July 29"'.

4. My wife /
dislike /
travel /
coach / we wish /
go / air.

Practice test 3
5. We /
expect /
stay /
hotel/east coast.

6. We /
grateful/you / send /
information/ details /

7. I /
trust /
you / able /
help /

Yours sincerely,
Ii:. Smith

'Instruction: Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a
way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence.
1. I'm always nervous when I travel by air.
Travelling .
2. lIe could not afford to buy the car.
The car.

3. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.
In spite.

4. I'm sorry I missed your birthday party.
I wish

5. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
It is such

6. After fighting the fire for twelve hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out.
The firemen managed .
7. We didn't go on holiday because we didn't have enough money.

8. The mechanic serviced my car last week.
I had
9. The only v,ray you can bccome a good athlete is by training hard every day'.
Only by .


7'iLilNu 6n thi tilng Anh
10. He is said to have been in the French Foreign Legion.

Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Ngon ngu cua khoa hQc la ngon ngu chung cua c(>ng dong quoc te.
2. May di$n toan d6ng m(>tvai tro quan trong trong xa h(>i hi$n dai vi no phl,lc Vl,lcon ngLioi trong
nhieu JTnhvt,ic.

3. Neu dan so the gioi tiep tuc tang va neu chung ta khOng giam lang phi, chung ta se chet dOl
vi khOng cd du IUOng tht,lc.

thich song a mien que hon vi
yeu thich ve d~p thien nhien.
5. Khi can Ire, ong toi thUong lam vi.;;c 12 lieng mqt ngay.

Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

6. In thc past it was mistakenly thought that natural resources might never be used up
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. Modern life offers us a lot of comforts and conveniences that our grandfathers couldn't
have dreamt of.
. . . . . . . . . . . .

Pructict' It'S!
8. Do you think cars should be banned from the centre of the city to reduce air pollution"

9. Cars, besides polluting the air, arc the cause of many accidents that kill or injure
thousands of people a year.
10. One of the arguments in favour of life
entertainment and that you can engage in
in a city is that you
don'1 have to
any cultural activities of your choicc.
go f<lr for

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the end of Prnctice test J
- -

on thi li~'n Anh
4. My sister I
IS' years oldl want I
spend I
year I

5. She I
not I
mind I
look I
children I
and I
good I
6. She I
go I
university I
next year I
study EngEsh .

7. Look /
forw~Jrd /

hear /
Use the words given to rewrite each of the
sentences in such a
way that it means
exactly the same as the
1. You '\vill be askcd a lot of questions at the
2. Tom said:" Ann has bought a neW car.
Tom said that
3. In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours, I didn'l t"ecl hun~n
4. We had hardly started when it began to rain.

5. Because it rained
heavily, they didn't

6. I haven't
myself sa much for years.
7. You may be very inte1\igent, but yoU should be careful about this.
No matter
8. I walked to school in 20 minutcs.
It took
Practice te.~t 4
9. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some money from me.
Not onJy
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10. My brother is t<]o young to go to school.
My brother is not

Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Hay nhan tai chuc mung chan thanh nhat cua tal doi yal thanh cong cua anh lrong hQc ki yua
2. Tv dau den cuoi hqe kj, and da chung to Sl! cham chT va. thong minh cua anh

3. Ngon ngG cua khoa hQc la ngon ngG chung cua c<)ng dong qUae Ie.
4. May di$n toan dong mQt va; tro quan trQng trong xa h(>i hi$n dai vi n6 phuc Vl,Jcan ngU6'i trong
nhieu ITnh vl,J.c.
5. Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh co Dan so khoilng mual trlau nguai. EJay co the la mot trong nhung
Ihanh ph6 pMt trien nhanh nh;ft thir giai.
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

6. Despite many difficulties and challenges, Vietnam has g8incd some significant economic
achievement in the past year.

Tili lieu ('n
[hi tlit"
7. A recent Japan B<:mk for International Co-operation (JBIC) survey ranked Vietnam as the
world's fourth most attractive investment marketplace.

8. However, Vietnam needs to further improve its business and investment environment so
that it is sufficiently competitive compared with other countries.
9. Constraints to business should be removed quickly so that Vietnam can nttract more
investment in the nexL five ye~1rs.
10. The key milestone for improvement of the Vietnam economy would hc its accession to the
WTO next year.
This is the end of Practice tes1 4



Practice test 5
Instruction: Choose the best word/ phrase in the box below to complete the sentences
that follow. Each word / phrase can be used ONCE ONLY.
-,~ ~

so th8t
ca!! on
1. Firemen
.severa} people from the top /loor of the bl.'!zing bUilding.

2. Her parents were very worried because she \vas .
. so J<1tc that night
3. She can't get home.
she has no money.
4. I shaH do the job to the best of my
5. "I'll
. you at 6 o'clock." said Alison.
6. I've put Mr. Benson's paper in your green file,
is on \'Our desk.
7. They talked for three days before finally.
to a decision.
8. l'm sorry I haven't got any
don't you try the b,mk')
9. Do you
my turning the television on now?
10. You wilJ spend at least one year working abroad
things operate overseas.
you Gin find out how
11. Could you lend me some money? I am very.
of C<lsh ;It the moment.
12. I knew him.
I \vas a child.
13. It was difficult to .
. a date whicR \vas convenient for everyone
14. He was very upset by the.
. of his t<:ngJish
15. It's

long time since he last saw his brothers and sisters.
- - - -
(30 marks)
Read each passage carefully and the answer the questions that bellow.
Passage 1
Italy's fashion boom began in the 19505. Since then, fashion - clothing, textiles, and footwear
has become It81/s biggest export industry, worth $30 billion a year. Milan is Italy's -fashion
capital'. It has been the most important centre for 'ready-ta-wear'
designer fashion since the
1970s. The top ltaliandcsigners - Armani, Versace, Valentino, Verre - all have their fashion
houses there.
1. According to the P8SSagc, what is meant by fashion?
2. What docs $30 billion refer to?
3. What word is used in the passage to mean "a
period of success'?

4. Write the question for the following answer?

Annan-i, Varsace Valentino and Verre.
5. What docs "'there" in
all have their fashion house~ there." refer to ?

Passage 2

Besides the daily newspapers, there are a number of Sunday newspapers, many of which arc
connected with the "dailies", though not run by the same editor and staff. The Sund8.y' papers
are larger than the daily papers and usually contain a greater proportion of articles concerned
with comment and general information rather than news. The nationul daily and Sunday
papers have enormous circulations (the largest in the world) running into several millions of
readers in ccrtain cases.
6. Are thc Sunday papers the same as the daily papers?

7. What is special about the cont.cnt of Sunday papers?

8. What is the largest number of readers the national daily and Sund,ay papers may have?

Practice test 5
9. What does the word "lbg fIgilies" refer to?
10. Find the word in the passage that has the same meaning as "many'?

Passage 3
Ever}' child in Great 13ritain between the age of five and fiftee~ must attend school There
are three main t)-'pes of cduc8tional institutions: primary' schools, secondary schools, and
State schools mT frct' , and attendance is compulsory. Morning school begins at nine o'clock
and lasts for three hours, u0tiJ hulf past four. School is open five days a week. On Saturday
and Sunday! therc ;Jre no lessons. Therc'rc holidays at ~hrjstmas, Easter and summer. In
London as in all cities I hcre'rc two grades of state schools for those who will go to work at
fifteen: primary schools for boys and girls between the ages of five and cleven, and
secondary school~ for children from eleven to fifteen years.
The lessons 8re: reading, writing, the English language, English literature, EngJish history,
geography, scicncli, Nature stud}', drmving, painting, singing, physical training.

11. What arc the three main types of educational institutions'?

12. What arc the two grades of state schoo] f?r those who wiil go to work at fifteen'?

13. How many subjects do children study at school?

14. Are state schools free'?
IS. When do pupils have hulidays'?

Passage 4
Human telephone operators wm be replaced by talking computers. These computers will
recognisc speech, ask us what information we need, access the information from a database,
and convert it to speech. If you want to book a flight or pay a bill by phone, you will interact
with a talking computer to do so. Human telephone operators will be used onl)' for more
complex operations such as dealing with complaints or so~ving problems.
16. What will happen to human teJephone operators?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- -
Tili Wu 6n [hi titn Anh
17. Why are thcse computers referred to as talking computers?
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
18. Will wc still need human telephone operators in the future?
19. Fill in the blank with one ~uitable word froID the passage.
Talking computers will not compJctely

human tclephone opcrutors.
20. What word is used in the passage to mean' to change from one form to another form?
Instructions : Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each
blank with ONE suitable word only.
When Tom decided to go (1) a holiday in England, he wrote to <l
friend of his (2}
was living in Londoh and (3)
if he
could meet him at the airport. The friend wrote back to say that he \\'ould be there. So Tom
,,\'a~ surprised \vhcn he (4)
turned up. He \valked around
the airport to find that his friend had not
a short while and then. because he had
a slight headache, \vent into the restaurant (6) had a cup of strong
black coffee. After that he felt (7)
better. lie bought a couple of
magazines at the bookstall and v,,'ent to the lounge to (8) .
He had just started to read his magazines when his friend arrived, with a young lady. Tom's
fricnd apologized for (9)
late and (10)
\vhut held happened.
Instruction: From the following suggested words and pl1rases in the given sequences,
make all the changes and additions necessary to p(oduce sentences, which together
make a complete paragraph. Follow the example.

my aunt /
born /
I,ngland/ now /
she / live /
Perth /
My aunt was born in England, but now she lives in Perth, Australia.
Practice test 5
Dear Petcr,
1. I / sorry / not / write / so long.

2. I / work / very hard / school.

3. My course / finish / two week's Ii me,
/ I / go
/ Scotland.

4. If / enough
/ money
/ Ireland / as well

5. 1 think / best / way
I practise

/ English.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Be / possible / stay / you / couple / nights?

7. I / promise / not / bc / nuisance.

8. I / even / some cooking.

15marks )
Instruction: Use the \vords given to rcwrite each of the foJJowing sentences in such a way
that it means exactly the same as the original sentence.
1. r started work for the company a year ago.
I have been

2. My suit nceds to be cJcancd before intcrview.
f must

3. "You stole my best cassette, John" said William.
William accused

4. Although he didn't speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam.

Tai liAu
un thi tikn
J Anh

In spite of.

5. "Never borrow money from friends" my father said.
My father told me

6. Who docs this bag belong to ?

7. It's a pity 1 didn't take my doctor's advice.
I wish.

H. That was a silly thing to say!

9. I last 8m\' him v hen I was a student.
I haven't

10. We've run out of tea.

Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Chi sau khi t6i dQc bai lu~n cua t6i Ian thll hai thi t6i moi nh~n biet t6i da bo s6t m9t so diem
quan trQng.

2. Anh toi lal xe rat can th~n trang thanh pho vao ban d1>mde tranh gay tal n?M.

3.Du lieh bang may bay thi tho"i mai hOn, ti~n IQIhon va nhanh hOn cae phuong tien khac rat

4. Dap may bay IU thanh pho Ho Chi Minh ra Ha Nqi chi mat khoimg hai tisng dong ho.

Practice lest 5
5. Cae m$t hang
khau ella Vietnam gan day da tang rat nhanh.

Translate the fonowing sentences into Vietnamese.
6. Whether life in the countryside is better than that in the city depends on each individual's
point of view.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7. Whenever you are, speaking and laughing arc always considered bad manners.

8. Thanks to the invention of the labour-saving machines, the housewives spend Jess time
doing housework, have freedom and more leisure time.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9.' We arc proud of our country's achievements in the fields of economic and cultural

. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. In the past, it was mistakenly thought that natural resources might never be used up.
This is the end of Practice test 5
Instructions: Choose the correct word/phrase in the box below to complete the

sentences that follow. Each word/phrase can be used ONLY ONCE.

are developing
surf the internet
proced ure
leave a message
so ftware
is improving
is recruiting
are talking
is writing
arc speaking

you \vant to speak to isn't at home when you phone, you can
on the answering machine.
1. [f the person
2. Every night I like to
for about an hour - you never know what
interesting information you will find on the \veb!
3. Those cars are cheaper because of the
of new technology.
4. Success at the univcrsity
hard work.
5. A measures
temperature. What docs a photometer measure?
6. How many business
do you makc every year, on average?
7_ It was a very long
because there was a lot of traffic on the road.
8. The company

" three new sales staff for its Hanoi office.
9. We
, our activitics in the South.
10. Our new training programme
he spoken English of all our employees.
1L I am sorry, but you too
quickly for me. Could you slow down a little?
12. Don't go into his office

an important report at the moment.
]3. We storc information about all our clients on a .
Tili li?u on thi tie'ng Anh
14. Thc of copying and printing the document bikes about two minutes.'
]5. They promised to send us the goods
two weeks.
Instructions: the reading consists of two passages. Read each passage carefully and then
answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in the provided space.
Passage 1
Businessmen, consumers, and governments depend on loans. Businessmen often borrow
money from banks that lend money to buy more equipment or to improve their business.
Consumers sometimes need to borrow money, too. Most people harrow mODc.y'from the bank
when they buy a car or a house, Governments also borrow money to improve industry and
agriculture in their countries. Anyone who borrows money must pay interest i.e. they often pay
a certain amount monthly. The borrower must return the principal, which is the money that
was borrowed.
Peoplc can usc the money they do not need right now to earn interest. too. Banks pay interest
on saving accounts. Then banks can use the money. Intercst rates vary on different kinds of
savings accounts. Usually, the longer the bank uses the money, the higher the rate of interest.
1. How can businesses get money to expand production?

2. What common bank customers are mentioncd in the passage?
3. What does interest mean to a borrmver?

4. What arc the two things borro\vcrs must do?

5. What docs principal mean in this context? (Paragraph 1; Line 6)
6. What docs that in "money from banks that lend money to buy "(paragraph 1; Line 21 refer

7. Can people make money by putting their money in the bank?

8. What does interest mean to a lender?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9. Find a word in the passage which means differ.

Prllcrice lest 6
10. What is the main reason for people's putting their money into the saving accounts?

Passage 2
Personal computers are used in business and professional offices and at home to reduce
paperwork. There are two important reasons for the increasing popularity of personal
computers. First, there is a great deal of software for use both in the office and at home.
Software for word processing and accounting improves office cff1cienc)' while programs for
household budgets, games, or educational activities arc used at home. Second, using a
personal computer is an individual activity that allO\vs the user to control and interact with the

The basic parts of a personal computer for the home arc a microprocessor and keyboard. There
are, however, important additional parts cal1ed peripheral hardware. These arc a CRT (Cathode
Ray Tube) screen, a joystick, a printer, additional disk drives, and a modem.
1. What docs the passage tel1 us about?

2. Ilo\\' can offices and households benefit from personal computers?

3. Iloware computers used at horne?

5. Name two popular uses of personal computers in offices mentioned in the passage?

7. Summarise the two reasons for popularity of personal computers in as few words as

8. What word in the passage is closest in meaning to Software (paragraph 1; Line 4)'?

9. Find a word in the passage that refers to a situation in which computers arc liked by
businesses and individuals?

10. What is peripheral hardware?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instructions: complete the following passage with the missing word. Fill in each blank
with ONE suitable word ONLY.
More (l) half a million British people have a second home in another country.
Many buy old (2) in the south of France, or in Tuscany, in the north of Italy. The
Tili lifU on thi tieng Anh
Eurostar train, (3)
goes from London to Paris (4)
three hours,
makes (5) easy to go from one home to the (6)
quiekly. The Noteman
family, who live in London, (7)
got a small house in Gascony. They sometimes go
there (8)
weekends, and they always spend the summer in France with their four
children. They really like living in France. The weather is usually good. They like the food and
the wine (9)
the people are very friendly. They don't usually speak French when
they go out as most of their neighbours in the village arc (10)
Instructions: From the following sets of words and phrases in the given sequences, make
all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a
complete letter. Note carefully from the example what kind of changes need to be made.

Write your answers in the space provided.
I be happy
/ get / letter / offer me / j"b / your company
I was happy when J got your letter in which you offer me a job in your company.
Dear Mr. Duncan,
I / regret / inform / you
/ I / have / cancel/your visit rour ncw production plant
/ 9.30/
Friday morning
/ our Production Manager
/ be / unwell.
If / you
/ wish
/ we / he pleased
/ fix some other appointments
/ head office staff / the Friday
morning. I / be grateful/you
/ could contact / secretary / Sandra Toycs as soon as possihle
/make / neccssaf)' arrangements.
I / apologise / last minute change
/ schedule. I / hope / you / have
/ safe jOLlrne\. and / we !
look forward
/ meet you
/ Friday.
Yours sincereJy,
Dear Mr. Duncan

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .
Yours sincerely

Practice test 6
SECTION 2: Sentence transformation (15 marks)
Instructions: Use tlie words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a
way that it means exactly the same as the original one.
1. I am sorry I didn't go to your party last night.
I apologized ,

2. Th-e sign on the side door says, "Do not enter," so we have to use a different door.
Nobody is permitted.

3. Britain has different kinds of newspapers.


4. What is the height of the building?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. I don't want to go out this ,:vening?

6. If the factory doesn't move to a bigger location, it cannot increase production.

7. This boy is too young to see horror films.
This boy is not old

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. He is less clever than I thought.
He isn't as

9. I walk to my offiee in 15 minutes.
It takes me

10. She asked "Have you ever met this man before?"
She wanted to know if

Translate the following sentences into English.
1 2. Chinh phu da phe duy$t dtJ an xay dl,lng cau tren song Saigon noi lien trung tam thanh pho
Ho Chi Minh voi trung tam do thi moi Thu Thiem, quan 2 ( phe duyet; approve)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tai lifU
thi tie"ng Anh
3-5. Cong ty Motorola se me r('>ng kinh doanh e Vi$t Nam voi viec tung ra thi trLiang nhung san
ph<'im moi trong nam nay baa gom dien thoiii di d('>ngva cac phLiGng tien lien lac ca nhiin. ( mo
r('>ng:expand; phLiong tien lien laic: communication devices)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
6-7. Saigon Tourist Holding Company will let five of its affiliates go public this year. The leading
tourism compan.y is awaiting the city government's approval over the appointment of
officiaJs in charge of the cquitization.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8-10. Among the new projects, the most capital intensive is a
Canada mining joint venture. Projects with the highest capital
US$126 million and SaigonMax with US$ I 00 million.
US$147.milion Vietnam
irwn';\s(' 111 Sun Steel with

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is Ihe ('lid of Pf"(1t'tic(' test ().
