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Giáo án Anh 9 ( Tiết 59 + 60)

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KiÒu Xu©n Ho¹ - TiÕng Anh 9

Trêng THCS CÇn KiÖm

Monday, March 29
, 2010
Period 59: Test 4
I. Preparation
1. Aims : Check Ss’ knowledge through the test, reviewing all the grammars have
learned in the last lessons.
2.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to take the examination well
with the knowleage they have learnt from Unit 8 to Unit 9.
II. Content of testing
I. Listen: Listen carefully and decide each of the statements is true (T) or false (F)
1. There was about 3,000 casualties in yesterday's earthquake.
2. Many victims died while they were sleeping.
The government is organizing a massive rescue operation to
search for casualties still trapped under rubble.
4. It is now likely there will be more survivors.
II. Join the sentences, using relative pronouns. Add commas if necessary. ( 2M)
1. Mrs. Quyen does volunteer work at the hospital. She is a retired teacher.

2. The cold weather swept from the north. It damaged the fruit crop.

3. Rice is grown in many countries. It is a staple food throughout much of the world.

4. Jane is the woman. Jane is going to China next year.

III. Make complete sentences with the cues given ( 2M)
1. Although / it / rain / heavy / we / go / Hoa's birthday party.

2. We / not / tired / though / we / go camping / all day.

IV. Choose the best answer ( 2M):
1. ASEAN, _____________ ten countries in the South East Asia, is both political and
economic society.
A. that includes B. which includes C. includes D. which including
2. We still went to Ha Long Bay _____________ it is very cold.
A. because B. as C. although D. and
3. The Richter system is named after the person _____________ invented it.
A. who B. whom C. which
D. ∅
4. _____________ he is 80 years old, he still walk in the evening.
KiÒu Xu©n Ho¹ - TiÕng Anh 9

Trêng THCS CÇn KiÖm
A. That B. Because C. Which D. Though
V. Fill a suitable word in box into each blank ( 2M):
by for then into to saucers back country
A week ago, the Browns went (1) a picnic in the country. It
was early spring , so they thought it was too cold (2) go to the
seaside. They set off early after breakfast and drove about thirty miles into the

(3) until they came to their favorite place. (4) the
young people went (5) the wood to pick wild flowers. Mr and Mrs.
Brown sat quietly (6) the stream in the sunshine.
At half past four, they put the plates, cups, (7) and other
things back into the baskets and went (8) to their car. They got home
at about half past five.
I. Listen(2M)
*Tapecript: It is now feared that the death toll following yesterday's earthquake
could be as high as 3,000. Many of the victims died when their home collapsed. The
government has declared a state of emergency and is organizing a massive rescue
operation. Rescue workers are searching for casualties still trapped under the rubble,
although it is now unlikely there will be any more survivors.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
II. Join the sentences(2M)
1. Mrs. Quyen, who is a retired teacher, does volunteer work at the hospital.
2. The cold weather which swept from the north damaged the fruit crop.
3. Rice, which is grown in many countries, is a staple food throughout much of
the world.
4. Jane is the woman who is going to China next year.
III. Make complete sentences with the cues given (2M)
1. Although it rained heavy, we went to Hoa's birthday party.
2. We were not tired though we went camping all day.
IV. Choose the best answer ( 2M):
1B 2C 3A 4D
V. Fill a suitable word in box into each blank ( 2M):
1. for 2. to 3. country 4. then
5. into 6. by 7. saucers 8. back
KiÒu Xu©n Ho¹ - TiÕng Anh 9

Trêng THCS CÇn KiÖm
Wednesday, March 31
, 2010
Perio d 60: check the Te st 4
I. Preparation
A. Aims : Correct the test.
B.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know way of avoid mistakes
and consolidate the knowledges.
C. Language content:
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, paper test.
E. Ways of working: T - whole class, individual work.
F. Anticipated problem:
II. Procedure:
Stage Teacher's activities Student's activities
Warm up
( 5 minutes)
- Sing a song
38 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
I. Listen and answer the questions(2ms)
(0,5 m for each right answer)
- T gives the tests to the students.
- T reads the listening text again and
gives the correct answers and their
look at their test and check

- Note their mistakes.
II. Join the sentences, using relative
pronouns. Add commas if necessary. (
- Does exercise 2, notes the mistakes of
the students .
Look at their test and check
1T 2F 3T 4F
Check their test.
1. Mrs. Quyen, who is a
retired teacher, does
volunteer work at the
2. The cold weather which
swept from the north
damaged the fruit crop.
3. Rice, which is grown in
many countries, is a staple
food throughout much of
the world.
4. Jane is the woman who
is going to China next
KiÒu Xu©n Ho¹ - TiÕng Anh 9

Trêng THCS CÇn KiÖm
Activity 3
Activity 4
III. Make complete sentences with the
cues given (2M)

- Review the stuctures: although, though
- Gives the correct answers and their
IV. Choose the best answer ( 2M):
- Does exercise 4, notes the mistakes of
the students.
V. Fill a suitable word in box into
each blank ( 2M):
- Reads the text again and ask Ss gives
the correct answers and their marks
Check their test and ask
questions if necessary
1. Although it rained
heavy, we went to Hoa's
birthday party.
2. We were not tired
though we went camping
all day.
Check their test
1. B 2. C 3. A 4.D
check their test and ask
questions if necessary
1. for 2. to 3. country
4. Then 5. into 6. by
7. saucers 8. back
- Review knowledges in Unit 8 +9 again
- Prepare: Unit 10: Getting started +
listen and read

Write down

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