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192 Chapter 5 • Wireless Development Kits
Accessing and Editing Local Files
You can use the Nokia WAP Toolkit to create, edit, and view files stored locally
on your computer. Let’s create a simple WML file called hello.wml and save it in
the c:\wap directory. First, select File | New | WML Deck from the menu
bar, or press Ctrl+N on your keyboard.A new WML deck will appear in the
editor with a large amount of skeleton code already filled in.This is great for the
first couple of files that you write, but you will quickly find yourself deleting
large portions of the skeleton files every time you create a new WML deck. Let’s
use the template and customize it to mimic our other examples.
The WML deck defaults to WML 1.1, but has version 1.2 and 1.3 declara-
tions commented out in the default file.You can use one of the other declarations
if your application requires features not available in version 1.1 of WML. For our
example, version 1.1 suffices, so we can delete the other declarations.We do not
need a head element in our deck, so we can delete that comment.The default
template provides a Back button for every card.The Nokia browser does not pro-
vide backwards navigation by default, so if you do not place this functionality in
the template section or in every card, users on Nokia phones will not be able to
navigate to previous cards when viewing your application.
Figure 5.9 Nokia WAP Toolkit
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Wireless Development Kits • Chapter 5 193
The first card contains a quite a few comments that guide you through
building your own card.The first thing we need to do is change the title. Let’s
make the attribute read title=“Hello” instead of the default “Card #1.”We
aren’t going to add anything new to the card, but we can see where we would
have to add elements such as <onevent>, <do>, and <timer> from the com-
ments.We can remove these comments to make our final code cleaner.The default
<do> tag has a type attribute of unknown.We want this to be the default action,
so let’s change this so that it reads type=“accept” and leave the rest as it is.

We have a paragraph in card1 that has the text First Card in bold. Let’s change
the text to be “Hello World!” and leave it bolded.We can leave the rest of the
deck as it is. Our final example file now looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<do type="prev"><prev/></do>
<card id="card1" title="Hello" newcontext="true">
<do type="accept" label="Next">
<go href="#card2"/>
<p align="center">
<big><b>Hello World!</b></big>
<card id="card2" title="Card #2">
<onevent type="ontimer">
<timer value="25"/>
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194 Chapter 5 • Wireless Development Kits
<p align="center">
<big><b>Second Card</b></big>

You need to save your file before the Toolkit can compile it, but let’s make
our lives easier by clicking the Compile button and letting the Toolkit prompt
us to save the file. Save the file in c:\wap as nokia.wml and then you should see
that it compiles with no errors.You need to compile your file before viewing
with the Nokia Blueprint phone in order to see the latest version. If you do not
compile it, you will be viewing the last version that was compiled and your
changes will not be shown.You can now click the Show button, and your sample
file will appear in the Blueprint phone as shown in Figure 5.10.
The Nokia WAP Toolkit provides a substantial amount of information about
the WML file you are currently viewing. If you select the WML Deck tab along
the bottom of the Toolkit window, you will see the WML Deck that is currently
loaded into the emulator in an Element Tree view—a tree representation of the
WML file.You can choose from a variety of views including:
Figure 5.10 Blueprint Phone with Our WML Deck
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Wireless Development Kits • Chapter 5 195

Original Source This is only available if you are viewing an uncom-
piled WML file in the emulator. If you compile your file before viewing
it or you are retrieving it through a gateway, this option will not appear.

Decoded WML The WML source represented by the Compiled
Wireless Markup Language (WMLC) file the emulator received.This
will not have any of the comments and will more than likely be
indented differently than the original file, but the functionality should be
the same.This is handy when your source files are heavily commented
for maintenance reasons and you just want to see the actual WML code.

Bytecode The compiled version of the WML file.This is what the
actual WAP devices will receive on the network.This is of little value
except to determine the compiled size of the WML deck. If you are
developing WAP tools such as a gateway or WMLC decompiler, this is a
useful view to have.

Element Tree A tree representation of the WML file.A quick and easy
way to see the overall structure of your WML deck.
The Nokia WAP Toolkit provides a large number of features that developers
of all types of WAP applications will find useful. Not all of them may seem rele-
vant at first, but chances are you will use each one of them during some point in
your development cycle.
Accessing Files through a Gateway
Nokia does not provide access to a WAP gateway through their developer pro-
gram.You will have to download and install the Nokia Activ Server to access files
through a Nokia gateway. Interoperability is a large issue in the WAP world, so
testing various WAP browser and gateway combinations is recommended. Let’s
use the Ericsson public gateway and the Nokia WAP Toolkit together.
To change the WAP gateway, select Toolkit | Device Settings from the
menu bar.The Blueprint Device Settings dialog box will appear. Check the radio
button labeled Use WAP Gateway Connection and enter the IP address of in the WAP Gateway Address text box.The Nokia WAP Toolkit
with these settings is shown in Figure 5.11.
The Nokia WAP Toolkit will not use the WAP gateway to access WML decks
on your local file system. Only WML decks loaded from URLs will be retrieved
through the gateway.You can continue to develop and test local files without set-
ting the Toolkit back to HTTP Direct mode.
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196 Chapter 5 • Wireless Development Kits

Debugging Techniques
The Nokia WAP Toolkit has many advanced debugging features. Let’s start off by
looking at how it handles invalid WML. Let’s remove the closing big element
(</big>) from the first card in our nokia.wml file, so that the paragraph looks
like this:
<p align="center">
<big><b>Hello World!</b>
Click Compile in the Toolkit window, and a dialog box pops up telling us
that the source file contains two errors. Click OK and use the error message box
that appears in the source editing window to review the errors, as shown in
Figure 5.12.
When you double-click on an error message, the cursor is placed on that
location in the source file.The first error message says “Error: 3077,line:15,
column:8 XML:name within end tag does not match with the start tag.” Line 15,
column 8 is in the middle of our </p> element.The error message isn’t very
explicit about what it was expecting, but it does tell us that it was expecting
something other than a paragraph element to be closed.We know it is the big
element, and if we put the </big> element back into the source file, everything
works as expected.
Figure 5.11 The Nokia WAP Toolkit Gateway Settings
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Wireless Development Kits • Chapter 5 197
The final error: “Error:3078,line:44,column:1 XML: pending content” of
our example in this section does not make much sense. Our source file is
only 29 lines long. This type of error message was common in C com-
pilers and generally means that a close tag is missing somewhere in the
file. First, look into the error messages that point to actual line numbers,

then recompile your deck—you will often find that the other errors were
actually side effects of the more explicit errors.
We need a more complex WML file to see the advanced features.This WML
deck isn’t very useful on a real WAP device, but it is useful for illustrating the
debugging features of the Nokia WAP Toolkit.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="home" title="Toolkit demo" ontimer="#home">
<timer value="300"/>
<p> Hello $name. Welcome. </p>
Figure 5.12 Invalid WML Error Message in the Nokia WAP Toolkit
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198 Chapter 5 • Wireless Development Kits
When you open the file and show it in the Blueprint phone, you will notice
that the status bar along the bottom of the Toolkit window counts down to the
next timer event. Figure 5.13 shows it along the bottom as well. Debugging a
timer is much easier when you see it counting down. Otherwise, you just wait
for a while and wonder if something is wrong with your code or if your com-
puter is just slow!
Our deck does not set the name variable.We can do this through the toolkit
and see the results on the Blueprint phone. Select the Variables tab along the
bottom of the Toolkit window to bring up the variable editing screen.We can
add variables to the browser environment by entering the name and value and
clicking Set at the bottom-right of the window. Let’s set up our variable by set-
ting Name to name and Value to phyllis as shown in Figure 5.13.

Once you click the Set button, you will notice that the deck is updated in
the Blueprint phone. Let’s change the value to darrell and click Set again.You’ll
notice that the Toolkit automatically updates your application when you change
variables.You can alter variables and debug your application without going
through the tedium of actually reloading the deck every time using the Nokia
WAP Toolkit.
Figure 5.13 Advanced Debugging Features of the Nokia WAP Toolkit
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Wireless Development Kits • Chapter 5 199
The Motorola Mobile Application
Development Kit 2.0
The Motorola Mobile Application Development Kit (Mobile ADK) supports the
widest variety of mobile standards of any of the SDKs we have covered here.The
Mobile ADK supports the following mobile technologies:

WML and WMLScript via an IDE and WAP Emulator for a variety of
Motorola phones

VoxML and VoiceXML for developing voice response systems

Microsoft ASP-generated XML,WML,VoxML, and VoiceXML
The Mobile ADK relies on the Motorola Wireless IDE for many of its fea-
tures.The two packages provide a complete development environment with proj-
ect management, source control integration, and error tracking.
Installing the Motorola Mobile ADK
The Mobile ADK is written in Java for the Win32 platform—this includes
Windows 9x,Windows NT, and Windows 2000.The installation may require you
to install additional software from Microsoft if you do not have the appropriate
Java Virtual Machine already installed on your computer.We cover the specific

requirements for your system, how to obtain the software, and how to install the
Mobile ADK on your computer.
The Mobile ADK requires that the Motorola IDE be installed before you can
use it.You can use both applications separately from each other, but they must
both be installed for the Mobile ADK to work.
System Requirements for the Motorola Mobile ADK
Motorola gives the following requirements for running the Mobile ADK:

Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0

Microsoft JVM version 5.00.3186 or later (Microsoft JVM version
5.00.3234 or later for Windows 2000)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (or later)

Service Pack 3 or later (required for Windows NT 4.0)

A Pentium II 266 MHz (or faster)
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200 Chapter 5 • Wireless Development Kits

80MB of free disk space

64MB of RAM (128MB or more required for running voice applications)

A video card that supports 1024x768 resolution and 16-bit color mode

A Windows-compatible sound card (required for running voice

A compatible set of speakers and microphone (required for running
voice applications)
Windows Me was not listed as a compatible platform, but we have success-
fully installed and used it on that platform.The Java requirements are quite strict.
You cannot use the JDK from Sun to run the application. Motorola requires the
Microsoft JVM to function correctly.
Microsoft Java Virtual Machine
You probably already have the Microsoft JVM installed on your machine.
Open Internet Explorer and select View | Java Console from the menu
bar. If you do not have that option, you need to enable the Java console
by opening up your Control Panel and running the Internet Options
applet. Select the Advanced tab and scroll down the options until you
find the Java Console Enabled option. Check that box and restart your
machine. You should now be able to pull up the Java console by
selecting View | Java Console and figure out what version of the JVM
you are running.
Upgrading your JVM is easy through Windows Update. Select Start
| Windows Update from the Start menu and then choose Product
Updates from the resulting Web page. The Microsoft Java Virtual
Machine should be one of the packages available for you to download.
You can also download the latest version at www.microsoft.com/java if
you do not want to use Windows Update.
Developing & Deploying…
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Wireless Development Kits • Chapter 5 201
Obtaining the Motorola Mobile ADK
You can download the Mobile ADK from the Motorola Applications Global
Network (MAGNET) Web site at www.motorola.com/developers/wireless in the

Tools & Downloads section.You have to register with Motorola before you can
access the Mobile ADK. Once you have registered and logged in to the site, click
on the Tools & Downloads section and then click on the link to the Mobile
Application Development Kit on the next page. Once you get to the page
that actually lets you download the Mobile ADK, you will also find a link to the
Wireless IDE.You must download and install this before you install the Mobile
ADK.This is the largest SDK we look at, and it is unfortunate that the way
Motorola initiates downloads is incompatible with many download managers that
let you recover from a dropped connection.
Download the Mobile ADK 2.0 after you have downloaded the Wireless
IDE.The Wireless IDE filename is FlexIde_Ver_2_1_0_83_rel.exe and the
Mobile ADK filename is MobileADK2_0.exe. Motorola will also e-mail you a
license key that you will have to enter during installation.We walk through
installing both of these applications next.
Installing the Motorola Mobile ADK
Run the FlexIde_Ver_2_1_0_83_rel.exe first.You will be greeted with the
installation screen shown in Figure 5.14. Click Next to go to the next screen
that asks you where you would like to unpack the setup program.You can accept
the defaults and click Next to continue with the installation.
Figure 5.14 Initial Install Screen for the Motorola Wireless IDE
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