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Coppyright:§oan v¨n Hieu
Change these sentences into the passage voice.
1. My sister gave me a new pair of jeans on my fifeen birthday.
2. The worker are building a supermarket on our street.
3. The zoo keeper feed the animals twice a day.
4. They hav e sold their car to pay their debt.
5. We are going to grow flowers in the front garden.
6. You mustn’t use this machine after 5 .30 o’clock.
7. My grand mother is knitting a new sweater for me.
8. Did people make jeans two hundred years ago?
9. We don’t use this kind of cloth to make shirts.
10. Someone saw him pick up the gun.
11. Don’t touch this switch ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
12. He likes people to call him” sir”
13. We don’t allow smoking
14. I am going to read her latest book.
15. You can’t wash this dress. You must dry it.

16. Someone washes the towels in the hotel everyday.
17. The government spent billions of dolars on cancer research last year.
18. They have decoreated their house recently
19. They are going to have us repair their house.
20. People said that he is handsome.
