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Tạo mạng xã hội với PHP - part 46 pot

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[ 432 ]
public messages 199
registration 70-75
tasks 24
Twitter 11
users 63
social networks
about 7
API, adding 348
business logic 8, 9
functions 8
status stream 181, 182
SPAM 390
startFresh() method 86
static prole
about 151
contact list, obtaining 155
editing 157
relationships, improving 155
template for viewing 156
viewing 151
static prole, editing
date picker 168
prole page, editing 164-166
steps 168, 169
template le, adding 166, 167
user photograph, uploading 157-163
static prole, viewing
prole information controller 152
prole link 152
steps 154

about 170
database table, structure 170
listing 173, 174
saving 244
template improvements 171-173
types database table 170
statuses, listing
comments, options 176, 177
status list template 175
steps 176
status posts
processing 249
status stream
about 181, 182
comments, adding 193
updating 185, 186
status views
images 250
links 251
video 250
building 182-184
generating 190, 191
stream controller
functions 189
generateStream method 190, 191
stream, generating 190, 191
stream model
about 182

code 182
methods, requisites 188
stream, building 182-184
system events stream
creating, for administrators 197
URL 402
update status template 232, 233
template management 39-44
template manager 39
testOutput() method 266
Timeout Directive 414
toArray() method 368
topic model, discussion forums
about 308-313
toTags method 152, 283, 368
about 11, 402
features 11
URL 11
processing 53-55
username reminder feature
implementing, in authentication
controller 92
user object
about 63

creating 63, 64
This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by RAYMOND ERAZO on 25th October 2010
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[ 433 ]
user proles
about 139
extendable prole system 140
features 139
prole controller 140-142
static prole 151
user retention
concepts 407, 408
about 63
user object 63, 64
users listing, members
paginated members 110-113
paginated users, listing alphabetically
pagination 103-110
dening, for image 235
verication e-mail
sending 90
about 244
database 244
model 245

changing 232
main template 195
status type templates 196
view, discussion within group
about 338
topic, creating 338
topic, viewing 339
View, MVC component 23
viewProle method 166
view, public messages
about 208
status, updating 208
viral marketing campaigns 402
Virtual Private Server.
about 375
cloud hosting 415
VPS cloud hosting 415
web hosting provider
1&1 Internet Inc. 377
A Small Orange 377
MediaTemple 377
selecting 375
selecting, guidelines 376
Slicehost 377
Web Hosting Talk
about 378

URL 378
website integration 348
WinCacheGrind 412
XCache 417
URL 412
Yahoo! 102
Yahoo! Developer Network
URL 414
about 413
URL 413
This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by RAYMOND ERAZO on 25th October 2010
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This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by RAYMOND ERAZO on 25th October 2010
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