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NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 37 ppsx

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off (with
to give someone a light punish-
ment [for doing something].
someone or something
down to
fail someone or something; to dis-
appoint someone or a group.
out 1. to reveal
something; to tell about a secret or
a plan.
2. to enlarge the waist of
an article of clothing.
out (to
) to
rent something to someone.
pass to let something
go unnoticed or unchallenged.

slide (by) Go to let
slip by.
slip by and let
slide (by) 1. to forget
or miss an important time or date.
2. to waste a period of time.
let the cat out of the bag and
spill the beans to reveal a secret
or a surprise by accident.
let the chance slip by to lose the
opportunity (to do something).
let up 1. to diminish. 2. to stop
[doing something] altogether.
let up (on
someone or something
to reduce the pressure or demands
on someone or something.
let’s ["lEts] cont. let us; we will [do
something]. (A gentle command
or request. A response is usually
letter ["lEt #] 1. n. a written or
printed symbol in an alphabet.
2. n. a written message sent to a
person or a group.

letter carrier ["lEt # kEr i #] Go to
mail carrier.
lettuce ["lEt Is] n. a leafy, green
vegetable, often used in salads.
(No plural. Number is expressed
with leaf or leaves of lettuce and
head(s) of lettuce.)

head of lettuce
level ["lEv @l] 1. n. a flat surface; a
horizontal plane.
2. n. one of the
floors of a building or other struc-
3. n. a layer; a step or a stage.
4. n. the amount of a measure-
ment; a position on a scale of
5. n. a tool or
device that shows when a surface
is exactly horizontal or vertical.
6. adj. [of a surface] exactly hori-
zontal, so every point is the same
7. adj. [of a measurement]
steady; not changing. (Figurative
on Y.)
8. tv. to knock down trees,
buildings, or other objects until
the land is flat; to clear land by

knocking down trees or buildings.

own level
→ on the level
→ sea level
→ (strictly) on the level
level off [for variation or fluctua-
tion in the motion of something]
to diminish; [for a rate] to stop
increasing or decreasing.
level out [for something that was
going up and down] to assume a
more level course or path.
to aim
a remark at someone; to direct
something at someone.
off to make some-
thing level or smooth.
out to cause some-
thing to assume a more level

course or path.
lever ["lEv #] 1. n. a bar of metal or
wood, positioned so that it
increases one’s power in lifting or
moving heavy objects.
2. n. a bar
let someone off (with something)
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 326
or handle that serves as a control
liability [laI @ "bIl @ ti] 1. n. a kind
of danger to people that could
cause a lawsuit against whoever is
responsible for creating the dan-
ger. (No plural form.)
2. n. a cost
or [monetary] charge; a potential
cost; a negative consideration. (No
plural form.)

assume liability (for
liar ["laI #] n. someone who tells
lies; someone who does not tell the
liberty ["lIb # ti] 1. n. the freedom
from control; the freedom to

think or act for oneself. (No plu-
2. n. the permission to do
something; a right or a privilege
that one has been given.
librarian [laI "brEr i @n] n. someone
who manages or helps operate a
library ["laI brEr i] 1. n. a building
or room that has a supply of books
or similar materials available for
use by a number of people.
2. n. a
collection of books, records,
videotapes, etc.
license ["laI s@ns] 1. n. a document
that proves that someone has offi-
cial permission to do or own
2. n. a freedom to do
something. (No plural.)
3. tv. to
give or sell someone a Q for some-
thing; to authorize someone or
something; to permit someone or
license plate ["laI s@ns "plet] n. a
rectangular panel, showing a car’s
license number, that is put on the
rear and, in some states, the front

of a car. (Can be shortened to
license to
do something
sion, right, or justification to do
lick ["lIk] 1. tv. to move the tongue
along someone or something; to
taste something by moving one’s
tongue along it; to make some-
thing wet by moving one’s tongue
along it.
2. n. the movement of the
tongue along the surface of some-
thing as in Q.
3. n. a small
amount of something that one gets
by moving the tongue as in Q.

a lick and a
lips to show eagerness or
pleasure about a future event.
lid ["lId] 1. n. a cover for a con-
tainer, surface, hole, etc.

2. n. the
fold of skin over the eye; an
lie ["laI] 1. n. a statement that is not
true and that the speaker knows is
not true; a false statement.
2. iv. to
say something that is not true; to
tell Q. (Past tense and past par-
lied. Present participle:
lying.) 3. iv., irreg. to be in a flat
position; to place oneself in a flat
position. (Past tense:
lay; past par-
lain. See also lay. Present
lying.) 4. iv., irreg. to be
located; to be in a certain place.
5. iv., irreg. to remain in a place or
condition; to stay in a certain con-
dition or position.
→ a
pack of lies
→ take
lying down
lie down to recline.
lie fallow

[for land] to remain
2. [for a skill and talent]
to remain unused and neglected.
lie fallow
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 327
lie in [for a woman] to lie in bed
awaiting the birth of her child.
lie through
teeth to lie
boldly, obviously, and with no
lied ["laId] past tense and past par-
ticiple of
lie W.
life ["laIf] 1. n. the power that
causes plants and animals to exist,
in general. (No plural.)
2. n., irreg.
an individual instance of Q that
can be lived, lost, saved, spent,
wasted, etc.; the period of time
between the time of one’s birth
and one’s death or between the
time of one’s birth and the pres-
ent. (Plural:

lives.) 3. n., irreg. the
activities, experiences, and habits
of a person.
4. n. excitement;
vigor. (No plural.)
5. n. a kind of
living; a quality of living. (No plu-

all walks of life
→ claim a life
→ get the shock of
→ have the time of
→ in the prime of life
→ lead a dog’s life
→ lead the life of Riley
→ live a dog’s life
→ live a life of
→ live the life of Riley
→ make life miserable for
→ a matter of life and death
→ milestone in

→ a new lease on life

mission in life
→ run for
→ the seamy side of life
→ within an inch of
life jacket and life preserver;
life vest ["laIf dZAk @t, pr@
"z#v #, vEst
] n. a thick jacket
without sleeves that floats and will
keep the person who wears it from
sinking in the water. (See also
life of the party the type of per-
son who is lively and helps make a
party fun and exciting.
life preserver Go to life jacket.
life vest Go to life jacket.
lifeboat ["laIf bot] n. a boat used to
carry people away from a sinking
ship; a boat used to save people in
danger of drowning.

lifeguard ["laIf gard] n. someone
who works at a beach or swim-
ming pool to encourage water
safety and rescue people from
danger in the water.
lifesaver ["laIf sev #] 1. n. some-
one or something that saves some-
one’s life.
2. n. something that
serves well in an emergency. (Fig-
urative on Q.)
lifetime ["laIf taIm] 1. n. the time
that a person or animal is living.
2. n. the period of time that some-
thing works or can be used. (Figu-
rative on Q.)
lift ["lIft] 1. tv. to pick someone or
something up from the ground; to
raise someone or something to a
higher level.
2. iv. [for clouds, fog,
smoke, smog] to rise or go away.
3. n. a free ride in a car or truck.
4. n. something that
makes someone feel happier,
stronger, or more awake.
lift off [for a plane or rocket] to
move upward, leaving the ground.

off (of)
someone or
to raise something and
uncover or release someone or
lie in
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 328
light ["laIt] 1. n. a form of radiation
or energy that makes things visi-
ble. (No plural.)
2. n. something
that produces Q, such as a lamp or
a flame.
3. n. something, such as a
match, that produces fire. (No plu-
4. n. the period of time when
the sun is in the sky; daytime. (No
5. n. a traffic signal that
uses W that are red, yellow, and
green to control people and vehi-
cles. (Short for
traffic light.) 6. n.
a view; the way that something is
seen or thought of. (No plural.)

7. adj. pale in color; not dark or
deep; mixed with white. (Adv:
8. adj. not heavy; not
weighing much; easy to carry.
(Adv: lightly.)
9. adj. not having
much force; gentle. (Figurative on
I. Adv: lightly.)
10. iv., irreg. [for
a creature] to land on a surface
after flight. (Past tense and past
participle: lighted or
lit.) 11. tv.,
irreg. to set something on fire; to
cause something to begin to burn.

(as) light as a feather
→ begin to see the light
→ bring
to light
→ come to light
→ get off lightly
→ hide
light under a bushel
→ make light of
→ out like a light

→ see the light (at the end of the
→ see the light (of day)
→ traffic light
someone or something
up to
shine lights on someone or some-
light up
[for something] to
become brighter.
2. [for someone]
to become interested in and
responsive to something.
light (up)on
someone or something
1. to land on someone or some-
thing; to settle on someone or
2. to arrive at some-
thing by chance; to happen upon
something. (Figurative. Close to
lighter ["laIt #] n. a device that
makes a flame to light cigarettes or
lighthouse ["laIt haUs] n., irreg. a
tall structure near the sea with a

bright light near the top that
warns ships away from danger.
(Plural: [
haU z@z].)
lighting ["laIt IN] 1. n. light that
makes things and people visible;
illumination; the type or quality of
light in a room or other place. (No
2. n. the equipment that
directs light, especially for effect
in a television or movie studio or
on a stage. (No plural.)
lightning ["laIt nIN] n. a flash or
streak of light in the sky, especially
during a thunderstorm. (No plu-
ral. Number is expressed with
bolt(s) or flash(es) of lightning.)
lightning bug and firefly ["laIt
nIN b@g, "faIr flaI
] n. a type of
beetle that is able to fly and to illu-
minate its body in the dark.
like ["laIk] 1. tv. to enjoy someone
or something; to find someone or
something pleasant.
2. n. a desire;
something that one enjoys having
or doing.
3. adj. similar; same.

(Prenominal only.)
4. prep. similar
to someone or something; in the
same way as someone or some-
5. prep. for instance, the fol-
lowing people or things; such as
the following people or things.
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 329
6. conj. in the same way as some-
one or something does; similar to
the way someone or something is.
(Viewed as incorrect by some peo-
7. conj. as though; as if.
(Viewed as incorrect by some
like a bat out of hell with great
speed and force.
like a bolt out of the blue sud-
denly and without warning.
like a bump on a log unrespon-
sive; immobile.
like a fish out of water awkward;
in a foreign or unaccustomed
like a lamb to the slaughter and

like lambs to the slaughter
[proceeding] quietly and without
seeming to realize or complain
about the likely difficulties or dan-
gers of a situation.
like a sitting duck and like sit-
ting ducks unguarded; unsus-
pecting and unaware.
like a three-ring circus chaotic;
exciting and busy.
like lambs to the slaughter Go
like a lamb to the slaughter.
like looking for a needle in a
[of a search] hopeless.
like nothing on earth unique,
extraordinary and, surprising.
like sitting ducks Go to like a sit-
ting duck.
like to hear
talk [for
someone] to enjoy one’s own talk-
ing more than other people enjoy
listening to it.
like water off a duck’s back eas-
ily; without any apparent effect.
likelihood ["laIk li hUd] n. the

chance of being likely; the state of
something being probable. (No
likely ["laIk li] 1. adj. probable.
2. adj. suitable; apt.

(as) likely as not
likely to
do something
apt to do
something; tending to do some-
lily ["lIl i] n. a flower with large
petals that grows from a bulb.

gild the lily
limb ["lIm] 1. n. a large tree branch.
2. n. an arm, leg, or wing.

out on a limb
lime ["laIm] 1. n. a small, green cit-
rus fruit.
2. n. a white substance,
made by burning a kind of rock,
which is used to make plaster,
cement, and mortar. (No plural.)
3. adj. made or flavored with Q.
limit ["lIm It] 1. n. a boundary; the
edge; the farthest point of some-
thing; the greatest amount allowed

or possible.
2. tv. to prevent some-
one or something from passing a
certain point or amount; to
restrict something to a certain
amount of space or time.

go the limit
→ The sky’s the limit.
→ speed limit
limp ["lImp] 1. n. an uneven walk; a
way of walking where one’s foot
drags or moves as if it is injured.
2. iv. to walk to somewhere show-
ing Q.
3. adj. not stiff; having no
resistance. (Adv: limply. Comp:
limper; sup: limpest.)
like a bat out of hell
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 330
line ["laIn] 1. n. a thin mark,
straight or curved, made on the
surface of something.
2. n. a bor-
der; a mark that shows the limit,
border, or end of something.
3. n.
a wide band; a stripe.

4. n. a
string, rope, or cord. (On boats
and ships, ropes are called lines.)
5. n. a wire, pipe, or cable that
carries a public utility company’s
product, such as electricity, water,
gas, telephone, etc.
6. n. a tele-
phone connection.
7. n. a row or
series of people standing and
waiting for a turn to do some-
8. n. a row of words in
printing or writing.
9. n. some-
thing that is said by an actor
onstage or in a film.
10. tv. to put
a lining in something; to cover the
inside of something with some-
thing else.

draw the line between
something else
→ drop
a line

→ drop
a few lines
→ the
end of the line
→ fall in(to) line (with
someone or
→ in the line of duty
→ lay
on the line
→ the party line
→ put
on the line
→ read between the lines
→ sign on the dotted line
→ step out of line
→ toe the line
the line of least resistance and
path of least resistance the
course of action that will cause the
least trouble or effort.
someone or something
up 1. to
put people or things in line.

2. to
schedule someone or something
[for something].
someone or something
up (in
) to put people or things
into some kind of formation, such
as a row, column, ranks, etc.
line up to get into a line; [for a
number of people or vehicles] to
join or form a line.
line up for
to form or
get into a line and wait for some-
line up in(to)
to form or
get into a line, row, rank, column,
linen ["lIn @n] 1. n. a fabric made
from flax. (No plural form.)
2. n.
tablecloths and sheets made of Q
or some other fabric; underwear.
(Sometimes plural with the same

3. the adj. use of Q or

dirty linen in public
→ wash
dirty linen in public
linger on (after
someone or some-
) and stay on (after
one or something
) to outlast
someone or something; to live
longer than someone else or long
after an event.
lining ["laIn IN] n. a fabric or other
material put on the inside surface
of something for protection,
warmth, etc.
link ["lINk] 1. n. one of the loops or
circles that make up a chain.
2. n.
someone or something that con-
nects someone or something to
someone or something else. (Figu-
rative on Q.)

3. tv. to connect
someone or something to someone
or something else.
link up to
someone or something
and link (up) with
someone or
link up to someone or something
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 331
to join up with some-
one or something.
link (up) with
someone or some-
Go to link up to
someone or
lint ["lInt] n. a tiny piece of thread;
a small cluster of threads, dirt,
hair, etc. (No plural.)
lion ["laI @n] n. a large, tan-colored
wild animal in the cat family,
native to Africa.
lion’s share (of
) the

larger share of something.

beard the lion in his den
→ mountain lion
lip ["lIp] 1. n. one of the two ridges
of flesh on the outside of the
2. n. a rim; an edge, espe-
cially a part of an edge of a con-

→ keep a stiff upper lip
→ lick
liquid ["lIk wId] 1. n. a flowing sub-
stance, such as water, that is not a
gas or a solid.
2. n. the sounds [l]
and [r].
3. adj. in the form of Q.
4. adj. [of an asset that can be]
easily converted to cash.
liquor ["lIk #] 1. n. broth or juices
from cooking. (No plural.)
2. n.
alcohol for drinking. (Plural only

for types and instances.)
list ["lIst] 1. n. a printed or written
series of words, names, or items.
2. n. a slant or tilt to one side, as
with a ship.
3. tv. to write things
on Q.
4. iv. to lean to one side.

on a waiting list
listen ["lIs @n] iv. to pay attention to
a source of sound.
listen in (on
someone or some-
) 1. to join someone or a
group as a listener.
2. to eavesdrop
on someone.
lit ["lIt] a past tense and past par-
ticiple of
liter ["lit #] n. a metric unit of liq-
uid measurement equal to 1.06
literacy ["lIt @ r@ si] n. the ability to
read and write. (No plural.)
literal ["lIt @ r@l] 1. adj. [of the
meaning of a word or phrase]
basic instead of secondary or figu-

rative. (Adv: literally.)
2. adj.
exact, especially pertaining to
translations; translating or inter-
preting one word at a time. (Adv:
literature ["lIt @ r@ tS#] 1. n. writ-
ing considered as art, such as fic-
tion, plays, and poetry. (No
2. n. all the written mate-
rial of a specific subject or region.
(No plural.)
3. n. information; a
brochure or small book that has
information about something. (No
litmus test a question or experi-
ment that seeks to determine the
state of one important factor.
little ["lIt @l] 1. adj. small in size.
(Comp: littler; sup: littlest.)
2. adj.,
irreg. not much. (Without a.
less; sup: least. Used with
items that cannot be counted.
Compare this with
few Q.) 3. adj.,
irreg. some; a small amount. (With

a. Comp:
less; sup: least. Used
with items that cannot be counted.
Compare this with
few W.)
4. adv., irreg. not much; not a lot.
less; sup: least.)

precious little
link (up) with someone or something
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 332
→ twist
a little 1. adv. somewhat; to some
degree or in some amount.
less; sup: least.) 2. n. a
small amount [of something men-
tioned before or known from the
context]; some. (No plural.
Treated as singular. Use a few for
items that are counted.)

little bird told me learned from
a mysterious or secret source.
little by little slowly, a bit at a
livable ["lIv @ b@l] adj. suitable to be
lived in or with. (Adv: livably.)
["laIv] adj. not dead; having
2. ["laIv] adj. carrying elec-
tricity; electrically charged. (Figu-
rative on Q.)
3. ["laIv] adj. on the
air; not taped; broadcast at the
same time something is happen-
4. ["laIv] adv. while some-
thing is really happening;
broadcast at the moment that
something is happening.
5. ["lIv]
iv. to be; to exist; to be alive; to
6. ["lIv] iv. to reside at a
certain address; to reside in or at a
certain place.
7. ["lIv] iv. to exist in
a certain way.
live a dog’s life Go to lead a dog’s

live a life of
to have a
life of a certain quality or style.
live and let live to not interfere
with other people’s business or
live beyond
means to spend
more money than one can afford.
live by
wits to survive by
being clever.
live from hand to mouth to live
in poor circumstances.
live in an ivory tower to be aloof
from the realities of living.
live off (of)
someone or something
to obtain one’s living or means of
survival from someone or some-
live off the fat of the land to
grow one’s own food; to live on
stored-up resources or abundant
live out of a suitcase to live

briefly in a place, never unpacking
one’s luggage.
down to overcome
some embarrassing or trouble-
some problem or event.
live the life of Riley Go to lead
the life of Riley
live through
to endure
something; to survive an unpleas-
ant or dangerous time of one’s life.
live up to
end of the bar-
gain to carry through on a bar-
gain; to do as was promised in a
live up to
to be equal to
expectations or goals.
live with
to put up with
something. (Does not mean “to
dwell with.”)

live within
means to spend
no more money than one has.
live within
1. to live
within certain boundaries.
2. to
keep one’s living costs within a
certain amount, especially within
one’s budget, means, etc.
live without
to survive,
lacking something.
live without something
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 333
lively ["laIv li] adj. showing energy
or excitement; cheerful; active.
(Comp: livelier; sup: liveliest.)
up to make some-
thing more lively or less dull.
liver ["lIv #] 1. n. an organ, in the
body of an animal, that produces
fluids used in digestion and per-

forms other important functions.
2. n. a whole Q, eaten as food.
3. n. Q, eaten as food. (No
["laIvz] plural of life.
2. ["lIvz] the third-person singular
livestock ["laIv stak] n. animals
that are kept on a farm or ranch,
usually for the production of food.
(No plural. Treated as singular or
plural, but not countable.)
living room ["lIv IN rum] n. the
main room of a house or apart-
ment, large enough to hold a num-
ber of people.
lizard ["lIz #d] n. a reptile with
legs, scaly skin, and a tail.
load ["lod] 1. n. something that is
carried; a burden; a weight.
2. n.
the amount of something that can
be carried; one large portion of
something for carrying.
3. n. the
amount of electricity used by an
electrical device.

4. tv. to put bul-
lets into a gun; to put film or
videotape into a camera; to install
computer software into a com-
5. tv. to fill something with

get a load off
→ get a load off
→ take a load off
someone or something
to put someone or
something into something.
load up (with
) to take
or accumulate a lot of something.
loaf ["lof] 1. n., irreg. a mass of
bread dough baked in one piece.

loaves.) 2. n., irreg. a mass
of food cooked in a shape like Q.
(Often part of a compound.)
3. iv.
to waste time.
loan ["lon] 1. n. something, espe-
cially money, that is lent to some-
2. tv. to lend something to
someone; to let someone borrow
something. (Some people object to
the use of
loan in this sense rather
lend, reserving loan for the
lending of money.)

float a loan
→ take out a loan
loathe ["loD] tv. to hate someone or
something very much.
loaves ["lovz] plural of loaf.
lobby ["lab i] 1. n. the entrance
room of a building.
2. tv. to try to
influence someone who makes
laws or regulations to vote a cer-
tain way.
lobby against

to solicit
support against something, such
as a piece of legislation or a gov-
ernment regulation.
lobby for
to solicit sup-
port for something among the
members of a voting body, such as
the Congress.
lobster ["lab st#] 1. n. an edible sea
animal with six legs and (possibly)
two large claws.
2. n. the meat of
Q used as food. (No plural.)
3. adj. made or flavored with W.
05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 334
local ["lok @l] 1. adj. of or about the
nearby area. (Adv: locally.)
2. n. a
bus or train that stops at every sta-
3. n. a person who lives in
the area that something is in.
(Often plural.)
locate ["lo ket] 1. tv. to find some-
one or something; to learn where

someone or something is.
2. tv. to
place someone or something in a
particular place.
location [lo "ke S@n] n. the place
where someone or something is;
the place where someone or some-
thing is found.

on location
lock ["lak] 1. n. a device on a door
opening that prevents the door
from being opened without a key.
2. n. a device similar to a Q that
controls access to something.
3. n.
a part of a canal or river between
two heavy, watertight gates where
the level of the water can be raised
or lowered, allowing boats to
move from one level of water to
4. n. a small bundle of
[head] hair; a strand or curl of
5. iv. not to be able to move.

combination lock
→ pick a lock
lock horns (with

) to get
into an argument with someone.
someone or something
up to
put someone or something into a
place that can be secured with a
lock; to put someone in jail.
in to take action to
fix a rate or price at a certain fig-
(up) to secure
something by using a lock so it
cannot be opened without a key.
lock, stock, and barrel absolutely
every part or item.
locker ["lak #] n. a cabinet like a
tiny closet that can be locked,
where clothes and valuables are

Davy Jones’s locker
locomotive [lok @ "mot Iv] 1. n. a
train engine.
2. the adj. use of Q.

locust ["lok @st] n. a kind of insect
that travels in large swarms and
destroys crops.
lodge ["ladZ] 1. n. a small, privately
owned cabin for campers, hunters,
skiers, and others who like to stay
in the country.
2. n. the place
where a men’s organization meets.
3. n. the structure that beavers
build to live in.
4. iv. to become
stuck somewhere; to become
wedged in something.
lodge a charge against
to place a charge against someone.
to place or prop something
against something.
log ["lOg] 1. n. a length of the trunk
or main branch of a tree with all
of the branches removed.
2. n. a
detailed record of a trip written by
the captain of a ship, plane, train,

3. tv. to note something in W.

like a bump on a log
log off and log out to record one’s
exit from a computer system.
(This action may be recorded, or
logged, automatically in the com-
puter’s memory.)
log on to sign oneself on to use a
computer system. (This action
may be recorded, or logged, auto-
log on
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