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Evjen c11.tex V1 - 01/28/2008 2:21pm Page 567
Chapter 11: IIS7
Figure 11-3
Command-Line Setup Options
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 come with a new command line tool named
that you can use to custom install IIS7. The following table describes the available options on this
command-line tool:
Option Description

Run the tool with this option to install the specified updates. Notice that the
update list contains a semi-colon separated list of the update names discussed in
the previous sections.

Run the tool with this option to uninstall the specified updates. Notice that the
update list contains a semi-colon separated list of update names discussed in the
previous sections.
Run the tool with this option to install or uninstall the updates specified in the
file. You’ll learn about this file in the following section.
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Chapter 11: IIS7
When you use the

command-line tool to install specified updates, you must also
explicitly specify and install the updates that your specified updates depend on. For example,
if you decide to install the IIS-CommonHttpFeatures update, you must also install its parent update,
that is, IIS-WebServer. To install the IIS-WebServer update you must also install its parent update,
IIS-WebServerRole, and the update that it depends on, WAS-ProcessModel (see the Update Dependencies
table). To install the WAS-ProcessModel update you must also install its parent update,
WAS-WindowsActivationService update:
start /w pkgmgr.exe /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;WAS-WindowsActivationService;
Notice that if you don’t specify the
start /w
option, the command-line tool will return immediately and
process everything in the background, which means that you won’t be able to see when the setup is
Unattended Setup Option
As mentioned earlier, the
command line tool comes with the
is the XML file that contains the updates to be installed or uninstalled. This XML file
provides you with two benefits. First, you don’t have to directly enter the names of the updates on
the command line. Second, you can store this file somewhere for reuse in other Web server machines.
This XML file must have the same schema as the XML file shown in Listing 11-1. This listing installs the
IIS-CommandHttpFeatures update and the updates that it depends on as discussed in the
previous section.
Listing 11-1: The unattend.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"
xmlns:wcm=" /><servicing>
<! Install a selectable update in a package that is in the
Windows Foundation namespace >
<package action="configure">
<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package"
version="6.0.5308.6" language="neutral" processorArchitecture="x86"
publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" versionScope="nonSxS" />
<selection name="IIS-WebServerRole" state="true"/>
<selection name="WAS-WindowsActivationService" state="true"/>
<selection name="WAS-ProcessModel" state="true"/>
<selection name="IIS-WebServer" state="true"/>
<selection name="IIS-CommonHttpFeatures" state="true"/>
Notice that the <
> element contains one or more <
> elements that contain
> child elements, and each child element specifies a particular update. The <
child element features two attributes named

attribute contains the update
name to be installed or uninstalled. Set the
attribute to
to install or
to uninstall the
specified update.
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Chapter 11: IIS7
If you’re upgrading from the Windows XP to Windows Vista, or from Windows Server 2003 to Windows
Server 2008, and if your old operating system has IIS installed, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
setup automatically scans through the capabilities of the installed IIS and ensures that the new install of
IIS7 supports those features and capabilities. Unfortunately, due to the monolithic architecture of IIS 5.1
and IIS 6.0, this installation ends up installing almost all of the feature modules of IIS7. I highly recom-
mend that after the upgrade you use one of the previously discussed installation options to uninstall the
updates that you do not need to decrease the attack surface and footprint of your Web server.
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
In this section I’ll walk you through different features of the IIS Manager. There are two ways to launch
the IIS Manager: GUI-based and command line. If you feel more comfortable with a GUI-based approach,
follow these steps to launch the IIS7 Manager:
1. Launch the Control Panel
2. Click System and Maintenance
3. Click Administrative Tools
4. Click the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

If you feel more comfortable with command line tools, use the following command line to launch the IIS
You can also just type IIS into the new Start menu. Make sure to run the IIS7 Manager and not the legacy
IIS6 Manager. Note you’ll need administration privileges to launch the IIS Manager. If you don’t login
with the built-in Administrator account, when you try to launch the IIS Manager, Windows launches
a dialog. The content of this dialog depends on whether your account has administration privileges. If
it does, the dialog simply asks you to confirm the requested action. If it doesn’t, the dialog asks for the
administrative credentials.
As Figure 11-4 shows, the IIS Manager consists of three panes. The first pane, which is known as the
Connections pane, contains a node that represents the Web server. This node has two child nodes:
❑ Application Pools
❑ Sites. The label of this node is ‘‘Sites’’ on Windows Server 2008 and ‘‘Web Sites’’ on Windows
The second pane, which is known as workplace pane, consists of these two tabs:
❑ Features View: If you select a node in the Connections pane, the Features View tab will allow
you to edit the features associated with the selected node.
❑ Content View: If you select a node in the Connections pane, the Content View tab will display all
the child nodes of the selected node.
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Chapter 11: IIS7
The third pane, which is known as Actions pane, contains a bunch of links where each link performs a
particular task on the node selected in the first or second pane.

Figure 11-4
Application Pools
Now click the Application Pools node in the Connections pane to display the available application pools
as shown in Figure 11-5.
Notice that the Actions pane contains an Add Application Pool link. Click this link to launch the dialog
shown in Figure 11-6. This dialog allows you to add a new application pool and to specify its name. It
also allows you to specify the .NET version that will be loaded into the application pool. Remember,
all ASP.NET applications in the same application pool must use the same .NET version because. NET
runtimes of differing versions cannot be loaded into the same worker process.
The Managed pipeline mode drop-down list on this dialog contains two options, Integrated and Classic,
as shown in Figure 11-6. This specifies whether the IIS should run in Integrated or Classic mode for this
application pool. All applications in the same application pool use the same IIS mode.
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Chapter 11: IIS7
Figure 11-5
Figure 11-6
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Chapter 11: IIS7
After making your selection click OK to commit the changes. Now open the
file in

. You’ll need to be an administrator in order to see this file,
and you might find it easiest to look for it from an Administrative Command Prompt. You should see
the highlighted section shown in Listing 11-2.
Listing 11-2: The applicationHost.config file

<add name="MyApplicationPool" />

Click the newly created MyApplicationPool node in the middle pane. You should see new links on the
Actions pane, which allow you to edit the properties of the application pool as shown in Figure 11-7.
Figure 11-7
Click the Advanced Settings link to launch the Advanced Settings dialog shown in Figure 11-8. Notice
that all settings of the newly created application pool have default values. However, as Listing 11-2
shows, none of these values show up in the
file. Where are these values
stored? As you’ll see later, the new IIS7 configuration system maintains the schema of the
file in two files named
. These schema files also
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Chapter 11: IIS7

specify and store the default values for configuration sections, including the <
section. Storing the default configuration settings in one location as opposed to adding them to every
> element that represents an application pool keeps the configuration files small and more
If you’re running a 64-bit OS, make note of the Enable 32-bit Applications option in
Advanced Settings. By default, ASP.NET applications will run as 64-bit on 64-bit
OSes unless you switch them to 32-bit explicitly. Ninety-nine percent of managed
applications will run fine as 64-bit, but if your application is calling i nto
unmanaged code like COM objects or DLLs via P/Invoke, you might need to
explicitly set aside an application pool for your 32-bit application.
Figure 11-8
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Chapter 11: IIS7
Now go to the General section of the Advanced Settings dialog, change the value of the Start
Automatically to false (its default of true is shown in Figure 11-8), and click OK. Now if you open the
file, you should see the highlighted portion shown in the following code

<add name="MyApplicationPool" autoStart="false" />


In other words, the
file records only the values that are different from the
Notice that the properties shown in Figure 11-8 map to the XML elements and attributes of the
> section. When you click the OK button, the callback for this button performs
the necessary XML manipulations under the hood to store the changes in the
XML file.
Figure 11-9
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Chapter 11: IIS7
Web Sites
Now click the Sites node in the Connections pane of the IIS Manager. In the Actions pane, you should
see a link titled Add Web Site, as shown in Figure 11-9. Click the link to launch the dialog shown in
Figure 11-10.
Figure 11-10
This dialog allows you to add a new Web site. Recall that a Web site is a collection of Web applications.
Notice that the properties shown in this dialog map to the XML elements and attributes of the
element. Next, take these steps:
1. Enter a name in the Web site name text field for the new Web site, for example, MySite.
2. Use the Select button to choose the desired application pool.
3. Choose a physical path.

4. Specify a binding including a binding type, an IP address, and a port number.
5. Click the OK button to commit the changes.
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Chapter 11: IIS7
Now open the
file again. You should see the highlighted portion shown in
Listing 11-3.
Listing 11-3: The applicationHost.config file
<site name="MySite" id="1727416169">
<application path="/">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:
foo" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="" />

As Listing 11-3 shows, the dialog shown in Figure 11-10 sets the XML elements and attributes of the
> element that represents the new site. Notice that the dialog automatically created an application
with a virtual directory. Every site must have at least one application with the virtual path ‘‘
’’ known
as the root application that has at least one virtual directory with the virtual path ‘‘
’’ known as the root
virtual directory. This dialog automatically takes care of that requirement behind the scenes.
Figure 11-11
