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Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 134 docx

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Evjen c27.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 3:51pm Page 1292
Chapter 27: Modules and Handlers
using System.Web;
public class Handler : IHttpHandler {
public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
//Logic to retrieve the image file
context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
public bool IsReusable {
get {
return false;
As you can see, you simply change the ContentType to image/jpeg to indicate that you are returning a
JPEG image; then you use the
method to write an image file to the output stream. Load the
handler into a browser, and you see that the handler displays the image. Figure 27-8 shows the resulting
Web page.
Figure 27-8
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Chapter 27: Modules and Handlers
Now, you create a simple Web page to display the image handler. Listing 27-9 shows code for the
Web page.
Listing 27-9: A sample Web page using the HttpHandler for the image source
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" " />xhtml11.dtd"

html xmlns=" />>
head runat="server"
HttpHandler Serving an Image
form id="form1" runat="server"
img src="Handler.ashx" /

Although this sample is simple, you can enhance it by passing querystring parameters t o your han-
dler and using them to perform additional logic in the handler. For instance, you can pass an ID in to
dynamically retrieve an image from a SQL database and return it to the client, like this:
img src="Handler.ashx?imageid=123" /
Mapping a File Extension in IIS
Although using the
file extension is convenient, you might want to create an HTTP handler for a
custom file extension or even for a commonly used extension. Use the code from the image handler to
demonstrate this.
Create a new class in the
directory of your Web project. You can simply copy the code from
the existing image handler control into this class, as shown in Listing 27-10. Notice that you removed the
directive because this is only a class and not a generic handler control. Other than that, the
code is the same.
Listing 27-10: The class-based image HttpHandler

Imports System.Web
Public Class MappedHandler : Implements IHttpHandler
Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) _
Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean _
Implements IHttpHandler.IsReusable
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Chapter 27: Modules and Handlers
Return False
End Get
End Property
End Class
using System.Web;
public class MappedHandler : IHttpHandler {
public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
//Logic to retrieve the image file
context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
public bool IsReusable {
get {
return false;

After your class is added, configure the application to show which file extension this handler serves.
You do this by adding an httpHandlers section to
. Listing 27-11 shows the section to add for
the image handler.
Listing 27-11: Adding the HttpHandler configuration information to web.config
add verb="*" path="ImageHandler.img" type="MappedHandler, App_Code" /
In the configuration section, you direct the application to use the
class to process incom-
ing requests for
. You can also specify wildcards for the path. Specifying
for the
path indicates that you want the application to use the
class to process any request with

file extension. Specifying
indicates that you want all requests to the application to be processed
using the handler.
As with HttpModules, if you are running your Web application using IIS 7, then you will also need to
add the HttpHandler configuration section to the
> configuration section of your
applications config file. When adding the handler configuration in this section, you also need to include
the name attribute.
add name="ImageHandler" verb="*" path="ImageHandler.img"
type="MappedHandler, App_Code" /
Load the
file into a browser and, again, you should see that it serves up the image.
Figure 27-9 shows the results. Notice the path in the browser’s address bar leads directly to the
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Chapter 27: Modules and Handlers
Figure 27-9
In this chapter, you learned a number of ways you can create modules which allow you to interact with
the ASP.NET request processing pipeline. First you worked with HttpModules, which give you the
power to plug yourself directly into the ASP.NET page-processing pipeline. The events provided to an

HttpModule give you great power and flexibility to customize your applications.
Finally, you looked at HttpHandlers. Handlers allow you to skip the ASP.NET page-processing pipeline
completely and have 100 percent control over how the framework serves up requested data. You learned
how to create your own image handler and then map the handler to any file or file extension you want.
Using these features of ASP.NET can help you create features in your application which exercise great
control over the standard page processing which ASP.NET uses.
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Using Business Objects
One of the best practices in programming is to separate your application into workable and separate
components — also known as business objects. This makes your applications far easier to manage
and enables you to achieve the goal of code reuse because you can share these components among
different parts of the same application or between entirely separate applications.
Using business components enables you to build your ASP.NET applications using a true three-tier
model where the business tier is in the middle between the presentation and data tiers. In addition,
using business objects enables you to use multiple languages within your ASP.NET applications.
Business objects can be developed in one programming language while the code used for the pre-
sentation logic is developed in another.
If you are moving any legacy applications or aspects of these applications to an ASP.NET environ-
ment, you might find that you need to utilize various COM components. This chapter shows you
how to use both .NET and COM components in your ASP.NET pages and code.
This chapter also explains how you can mingle old ActiveX (COM) DLLs with new .NET com-
ponents. So when all is said and done, you should feel somewhat relieved. You will see that you
have not wasted all the effort you put into building componentized applications using the ‘‘latest’’
ActiveX technologies.
Using Business Objects in ASP.NET 3.5
Chapter 1 of this book provides an introduction to using .NET business objects within your
ASP.NET 3.5 applications. ASP.NET now includes a folder,

, which you can place within
your ASP.NET applications to hold all your .NET business objects. The nice thing about the
folder is that you can simply place your uncompiled .NET objects (such as
) into this folder and ASP.NET takes care of compiling the objects into
usable .NET business objects.
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Chapter 28: Using Business Objects
Chapter 1 also shows how you can place within the
folder multiple custom folders that enable
you to use business objects written in different programming languages. Using this method enables
ASP.NET to compile each business object into the appropriate DLLs to be used by your ASP.NET
Creating Precompiled .NET Business Objects
Even though the
folder is there for your use, you might choose instead to precompile your
business objects into DLLs to be used by your ASP.NET applications. This is the method that was utilized
prior to ASP.NET 2.0 and is still a method that is available today. You also might not have a choice if you
are receiving your .NET business objects only as DLLs.
First look at how to create a simple .NET business object using Visual Studio 2008. The first step is not
to create an ASP.NET project but to choose File ➪ New ➪ Project from the Visual Studio menu. This
launches the New Project dialog. From this dialog, select Class Library as the project type and name the

(see Figure 28-1).
Figure 28-1
Using the
file that is created in the project for you, modify the class to be a
simple calculator with
functions. This is illustrated using Visual
Basic in Figure 28-2.
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Chapter 28: Using Business Objects
Figure 28-2
One point to pay attention to when you build your .NET components is the assembly’s metadata that
is stored along with the assembly. Looking at the project’s properties, click the Application tab (the first
tab available). Note that you can get to the project’s properties by right-clicking on the project title in
the Solution Explorer. On this tab’s page, you will find a button labeled Assembly Information. Clicking
this button gives you a dialog where you can put in the entire business object’s metadata, including the
assembly’s versioning information (see Figure 28-3).
You are now ready to compile the business object into a usable object. To accomplish this task, choose
Build ➪ Build Calculator from the Visual Studio menu. This process compiles everything contained
in this solution down to a

file. You will find this DLL in your project’s
folder. By default, that will be
Visual Studio 2008
only if you are using Windows Vista.
Besides using Visual Studio 2008 to build and compile your business objects into DLLs, you can also
accomplish this yourself manually. In Notepad, you simply create the same class file as was shown in

Figure 28-2 and save the file as
depending on the language you are
using. After saving the file, you need to compile the class into an assembly (a DLL).
The .NET Framework provides you with a compiler for each of the targeted languages. This book focuses
on the Visual Basic 2008 and C# 2008 compilers that come with the Framework.
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Chapter 28: Using Business Objects
Figure 28-3
To compile this class, open the Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt found at All Programs ➪ Microsoft
Visual Studio 2008 ➪ Visual Studio Tools ➪ Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt. From the provided
DOS prompt, navigate to the directory that is holding your
class (an example navigation
command is
cd c:
My Files
). From the DOS prompt, type the following command if you are using the
Visual Basic compiler:
vbc /t: library Calculator.vb
If your class is in C#, you use the following command:
csc /t:library Calculator.cs
As stated, each language uses its own compiler. Visual Basic uses the
compiler found at

\. You will find the C# compiler,
, contained in
the same folder. In the preceding examples,
states that you are interested in compiling the
) class file into a DLL and not an executable (
), which is the default. Following
command is the name of the file to be compiled.
There are many different commands you can give the compiler — even more than Visual Studio 2008
offers. For example, if you want to make references to specific DLLs in your assembly, you will have to
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Chapter 28: Using Business Objects
add commands such as

. To get a full list of all the compiler options, check out the
MSDN documentation.
After you have run the commands through the compiler, the DLL is created and ready to go.
Using Precompiled Business Objects
in Your ASP.NET Applications
To use any DLLs in your ASP.NET 3.5 project, you need to create a
folder in the root directory of your
application by right-clicking on the project within the Solution Explorer and selecting Add ASP.NET
Folder ➪ Bin. In Visual Studio 2008, the
directory’s icon appears as a gray folder with a gear next
to it. Add your new DLL to this folder by right-clicking on the folder and selecting the Add Reference
option from the menu provided. This launches the Add Reference dialog. From this dialog, select the
Browse tab and browse until you find the
. When you find it, highlight the DLL and
press OK to add it to the
folder of your project. This dialog is illustrated in Figure 28-4.
Figure 28-4
is added to your project and is now accessible by the entire project. This means that you
now have access to all the functions exposed through this interface. Figure 28-5 shows an example of
how IntelliSense makes exploring this .NET component easier than ever.
As you can see, it is rather simple to create .NET components and use them in your ASP.NET applica-
tions. Next, let’s look at using COM components.
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Chapter 28: Using Business Objects

Figure 28-5
COM Interop: Using COM Within .NET
Microsoft knows that every one of its legions of developers out there would be quite disappointed if they
couldn’t use the thousands of COM controls that it has built, maintained, and improved over the years.
Microsoft knows that nobody would get up and walk away from these controls to a purely .NET world.
To this end, Microsoft has provided us with COM Interoperability. COM Interop (for short) is a technol-
ogy that enables .NET to wrap the functionality of a COM object with the interface of a .NET component
so that your .NET code can communicate with the COM object without having to use COM techniques
and interfaces in your code.
Figure 28-6 illustrates the Runtime Callable Wrapper, the middle component that directs traffic between
the .NET code and the COM component.
