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Giáo án bài 9-10 Lớp 6

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Học kì II
Unit 9 : The Body - page 96 – 102
Lesson 1 : A 1-2 - page 96-97
Lesson 2 : A 3-4 - page 97-98
Lesson 3 : B1-2-3 - page 100-101
Lesson 4 : B4-5 - page 101-102
Tuần 19 :
Period 55 : Unit 9 – The Body – Lesson 1 – A 1-2- Page 96-97
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson Students will be able to use vocabulary of parts of the body
and the questions with “ this / that / these/ those”.
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters, cards.
 Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -T. gives the topic.
-SS guess one letter each
-The team find out the
word first ( are winners).
I ) Warmer :
* Đây là 1 trong những điều mà các em được học trong bộ môn
sinh học.
- - - - = body
(4 letters )
12’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.

-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first,
then individually.
-T. puts the words on the
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models the dialogue.
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the
II ) Presentation :
.Pre teach.
-head ( n) : đầu (Realia)
-chest ( n ) : ngực. (Visual)
-shoulder ( n ) : vai (Visual)
-arm ( n) : cánh tay (Realia)
-leg ( n ) : cẳng chân (Visual)
-feet ( a foot ) (n ) : bàn chân = 0,3048m (Visual)
-finger ( n ) : ngón tay (Realia)
-toe ( n ) : ngón chân (Realia)
-hand ( n ) : bàn tay. (Visual)
* Nam và Hoa đang nói chuyện với nhau về cơ thể con người.
-Rub out and remember dialogue.
-or Real situation.( questions-answers)
Nam : What’s this ?
Hoa : It’s his head.
Nam : What are these ?
Hoa : They are his fingers.

What’s that ?
form, meaning and usage
of the target item.
Nam : It’s his chest.
-Target item.
 What’s this / that ?
 This / that / it + is + his / her + parts of the body(soá ít)
 What are these / those ?
 These / those / they + are + his / her + parts of the body ( soá
nhieàu ).
-T. runs through
-T. models the first two
-T. asks – SS
answer(whole class) and
then change roles.
-Group A ask – Group B
answer (and vice versus)
-T. gets SS to practice in
open pairs ( then closed
III ) Practice :
-Picture drill.
A 1.2 / P.96-97. Example exchange :
A : What’s that ?
B : That’s his head.
A : what are those ?

B : Those are his shoulders.
-T. asks- SS answer orally.
-T. gives feedback.
IV ) Production :
-Simon says.
Ex : Simon says “ touch your head / chest” …
-Or Lucky numbers.
1. What’s that ? ( head )
2. What are those ? ( shoulders )
3. What are these ? ( fingers )
4. What’s this ? ( chest)
5. What is it ? ( leg )
6. What are those ? ( arms )
7. What are these ? ( hands )
8. What’s this ? ( toe )
2’ -T. says and writes
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
- Learn Vocabulary ( parts of the body ).
-Do exercise A 1 / P. 83.
-Prepare Unit 9 - A 3-4 / P. 97 -98.
( tall, short, fat, thin, heavy, light, strong, weak )
Period 56 : Unit 9 –The Body – Lesson 2 – A 3-4 - Page 97-98
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson Students will be able to use adjectives to describe physical
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters.
 Procedure.

Teacher’s and
5’ -T. divides the class into
two groups.
-T. gives the topic.
-SS go to the board to
write. ( one student-one
word ).
I ) Warmer :
-Guessing Games.
Topic : parts of the body.
Ex :
S1 : Is it a head ?
S2 : No, it isn’t.
S3 : Is it a toe ? …
-or Networks.
12’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first,
then individually.
-T. puts the words on the
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first.

-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss read individually.
-T. gets SS to give the
form, meaning and usage
of the target item.
II ) Presentation :
.Pre teach.
-tall ( adj ) : cao (Visual)
-short ( adj ) : lùn, thấp, ngắn (Antonym)
-fat ( adj) : mập, béo (Mime)
-thin ( adj ) : gầy, ốm (Antonym)
-heavy ( adj ) : nặng (Explanation)
-light ( adj) : nhẹ (Antonym)
-strong ( adj ) : khỏe mạnh (Visual)
-weak ( adj ) : yếu (Antonym)
* Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ học về cách miêu tả hình dáng bên
ngoài của 1 người nào đó.
Ex : He is tall.
They are short.
-Target item.
 She / he + is + Adj.
 They / we + are + Adj.
 I + am + Adj.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
III ) Practice :
-Picture drill. -or Word cue drill.

A 3 /P.97.
Pictures ( a-f ).
-SS predict.
IV) Further practice:
Parts of
the body
-SS fill in the adjectives for
the people in the pictures
(a ) –(d).
-SS then listen and write
the order ( 1,2,3,4) of the
people describe.
-T. asks –SS answer.
-T. gives feedback.
-Each student makes a
sentence, using the
structure “S + be + Adj.”
-SS go to the board to write
in two groups.
-T. comments and corrects.
( with answer keys )
Tall / short / fat / thin ? Listen

( thin, tall )
( short, fat )
( tall, fat )
( short, fat )
A 4 / P. 98.
-Look at the first picture. Is this woman fat or thin ? / short or
tall ? etc.
Tapescript :
1. She’s a short girl. She’s fat.
2. He’s a strong man. He’s tall.
3. He’s a short man. He’s fat.
4. She’s a thin woman. She’s tall.
-Sentence Race.
2’ -T. says and writes
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
- Learn Vocabulary ( Adjectives of physical appearance).
-Do exercise A 3 / P. 84.
-Prepare Unit 9 - B1-2-3 P.100-102.
(eyes, ears, lips, teeth(tooth), hair, nose, mouth, a round face,
an oval face)
Period 57 : Unit 9 –The Body – Lesson 3 – B1-2-3- Page 100-101
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson Students will be able to use vocabulary ( nouns and

adjectives ) to describe faces and use adjectives of color to describe Features
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters.
 Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -T. shows the picture.
-SS look at it and try to
-T. hides the picture.
-SS go to the board to write.
-T. corrects.
I ) Warmer :
-Kim’s game.
6’ -SS guess meanings of these
words / phrases)
-T. shows the pictures and
asks SS.
- SS answer.
-T. introduces the structure.
-T. gives some examples.
II ) Presentation :
(an oval face : mặt trái xoan
-round => a round face : mặt tròn
-oval => an oval face : mặt trái xoan
-full => full lips : môi đầy đặn
-thin => thin lips : môi mỏng
-long => long hair : tóc dài

-short => short hair : tóc ngắn )
* Look at the picture ( a ).
Ex : He has around face.
* Picture ( b) : How is her face ?
Ex : She has an oval face.
*Picture ©
Ex : She has full lips.
-Target item.
She / he + has + ( a /an ) + adj + N
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
.Open pairs.
.Closed pairs.
III) Practice :
*Picture drill or Substitution drill.
*Pictures a-f / P.100.
He has a round face
thin lips
short hair
She has an oval face
full lips
long hair
-SS each make sentences to
describe faces of other people.

-Feedback (orally)
IV)Production :
Ex : Nam has a round face.
9’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first, then
-T. puts the words on the
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first (while writing
some key words on the
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the
target item.
* Presentation :
.Pre teach.
-black ( adj ) : đen (Realia)
-grey ( gray ) (adj ): xám (Realia)
-red ( adj ) : đỏ (Visual)
-blue ( adj ) : xanh da trời, xanh dương(Explanation)
-green ( adj ) : xanh lá cây, xanh lục (Explanation)
-brown ( adj ) : nâu (Realia)
-white ( adj ) : trắng (Realia)

-yellow ( adj ) : vàng (Visual)
-orange ( adj ) : màu da cam (Explanation)
-purple ( adj ) : tía (Explanation)
* Hoa và Mai đang nói chuyện với nhau về màu sắc của con búp bê.
-Dialogue build.
Hoa : I have a new doll.
Mai : What color is her hair ?
Hoa : It’s black.
Mai : What color are her eyes ?
Hoa : They are brown.
-Target item.
 What color + be + her / his + N ?
 It’s / They’re + color.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
.Open pairs.
.Closed pairs.
*Practice :
-Picture drill.
B3 / P. 101. Example exchange :
-What color is her ( his) hair / nose / mouth / chest ?
.It’s + …
-What color are her ( his ) eyes / ears / arms / feet ?
.They’re + …
5’ -SS choose a number and
make questions-answers in

-T. draws a naught or a cross.
*Production :
* Make questions and answers.
1.black/hair 4.Yellow/teeth 7.red/hair
2.white/teeth 5.brown/hair 8.blue/eyes
3.red/lips 6.grey/eyes 9.green/eyes
Ex : What color is her hair ?
It’s black.
2’ -T. says and writes
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
- Learn Vocabulary.
-Do exercise B1-2 / P. 85.
-Prepare Unit 9 - B4-5/ P.101-102.
Tuần 20
Period 58 : Unit 9 –The Body – Lesson 4 – B4-5- Page 101-102
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson Students will be able to read a text about “appearance of a
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters, cassette recorder.
 Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -T. divides the class into
two groups.

-T. gives the topic.
-SS go to the board to
write. ( one student-one
word ).
I ) Warmer :
12’ -T. sets the scene.
-T. gives some examples.
-T. introduces the new
-T. gets SS to give the
form, meaning and usage
of the target item.
-T. sets the scene.
-T. asks – SS answer
II ) Pre Reading (Stage) :
* Look at the picture. Who’s this ? (Miss Chi)
EX : She has long hair.
She has a round face.
She has full lips.
S + have / has + ( a /an ) + adj. + N
*Trong tiết học hôm nay, các em sẽ được đọc 1 bài miêu tả
hình dáng của cô Chi.
B4 / P.101.
*Pre questions :
1.What color is her hair ?
2.Has she brown eyes ?
15’ -SS read the text and
answer the questions.
-T. asks – SS answer

-T. gives Feedback.
-T. presses the tape.
-SS listen with book open.
-SS read the text.
III ) While reading (Stage) :
* B4 / P. 102.
*Comprehension Questions.
Answer key :
a) It’s long.
b) It’s black.
c) They are brown.
d) It’s small.
e) They are full.
B4 / P. 101.
-SS Listen and write the
number next to the correct
IV ) Post reading (Stage) :
-Listening. / (Ordering pictures )
B5 / P.102. Answer keys :
a.1 b.3 c.2 d.4
-SS write a passage to
describe a friend
according to “Miss

* Tapescript :
-Number one : he has an oval face and thin lips.
-Number two : he has a round face.
-Number three : she has a small face and long hair.
-Number four : Her hair isn’t long and isn’t short. She has full lips.
*Write-it-up. (transformation)
2’ -T. says and writes
“Homework” on the
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
- Learn Vocabulary.
-Do exercise B3 -5/ P. 86.
-Prepare Unit 10 - A 1-2-5 / P.104-106
(hungry, thirsty, full, hot, cold, tired)
UNIT 10 : STAYING HEALTHY - Page 104 -113
Lesson 1 : A 1-2-5
Lesson 2 : A 3-4-6
Lesson 3 : B1-2-3
Lesson 4 : B4-5
Lesson 5 : C1-2
Lesson 6 : C3-4
Period 59 : Unit 10 –STAYING HEALTHY–Lesson 1 –A 1-2-5 - Page 104 - 106
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson Students will be able to talk about how they feel using
adjectives of physical state.
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters.
 Procedure.

Teacher’s and
5’ -T. gives the topic.
-SS guess one letter each
-The team find out the
word first ( are winners).
I ) Warmer :
* Topic : Đây là điều q nhất của con người.
- - - - - - = health
( 6 letters )
13’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first,
then individually.
-T. puts the words on the
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. rubs out some words.
-SS practice in pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the

form, meaning and usage
of the target item.
II ) Presentation :
.Pre teach.
-hungry ( adj) : đói (Visual)
-Thirsty ( adj ) : khát (Visual)
-full ( adj ) : no (Situation)
-hot ( adj ) : nóng (Visual)
-cold ( adj ) : lạnh (Antonym)
-tired ( adj ) : mệt (Situation)
*Nam và Lan đang nói chuyện với nhau về cảm giác hiện giờ.
*Rub out and Remember Dialogue.
Nam : How do you feel ?
Lan : I am hungry.
Nam : How does Dung feel ?
Lan : She is thirsty
 How + do + you / they + feel ?
 does + he / she
 I’m +
 We / they (you ) are + adj. of physical state.
 He / she is +
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
III ) Practice :
-Picture drill.

.Open pairs.
.Closed pairs.
A 1 -2 / P.104-105. Example exchange :
How do you feel ?
does he / she ?
I’m hot
They are hungry
He is thirsty
She is tired. …
10’ -SS practice in closed
-SS report individually.
* Ss listen and match the
right names with the
IV ) Further practice :
-Write-it-up. (survey )
A : How do you feel ?
B : I’m hungry. What about you ?
A : I’m thirsty.
=>A : B is hungry. I’m thirsty.
B : A is thirsty. I’m hungry.
- Listening.
( Matching )
A 5 / P. 106 ( a - f )
* Tapescript :
“phuong is hungry. He’d like some noodles. Nhan is thirsty.
She’d like a drink. Huong is full. Dung is cold.”

* Answer keys :
Phuong b Nhan a Ba f Huong d
2’ -T. says and writes
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
- Learn Vocabulary + structure.
-Do exercise A 1 / P. 87.
-Prepare Unit 10 - A 3-4-6/ P.105-107
Period 60 : UNIT 10 - STAYING HEALTHY- LESSON 2 – A 3-4-6 - PAGE 105-107
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make a dialogue using adjectives of
physical state.
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters, cassette recorder.
 Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -T. divides the class into two
-T. gives the topic.
-SS go to the board to write.
( one student-one word ).
I ) Warmer :
13’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first, then

-T. puts the words on the board.
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the
target item.
II ) Presentation :
.Pre teach.
-matter (n ) : vấn đề.
-What’s the matter ? chuyện gì thế ? sao vậy ?
- orange juice = a drink : nước cam vắt. (Explanation)
-(some ) noodles : mì, phở. (Realia)
(to want = would like: muốn /to like: thích)
* Các em sắp đọc 1 bài hội thoại giữa 3 bạn : Nam, Lan
và Ba.
-Presentation dialogue. A3 / P.105.
 What would + S + like ?
 S + would like (to V)…
*Nhàn đang hỏi thăm Dung. Nhàn hỏi xem cô ấy cần gì.
-Presentation dialogue.
A 6 / P.106.
-Target item.
 What’s the matter ?
 I’m + Adjectives of physical state
 What do + you / they + want / like ?

 I / they want / like + …
 He / she + wants / likes + …
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-T. teaches SS how to substitute.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
.Open pairs.
.Closed pairs.
III ) Practice :
-Substitution drill.
What would you like ?
I would like to sit down.
Some noodles
A drink
adjectives of physical
Some orange juice
(They / he)
-SS make similar dialogues in
-T. gets SS to make new

-One student – one sentence.
-T. gives an example.
IV ) Production :
Nhan : What’s the matter ?
Dung : I’m cold.
Nhan : What do you want ?
Dung : I want a hot drink.
( Cold => hot, hungry, thirsty.
A hot drink => cold drink, noodles, a drink. )
-Sentence race.
Ex : I’m cold. I want (would like) a hot drink.
2’ -T. writes and says
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
-Learn vocabulary.
-Write at least 3 sentences, using adjectives of physical
-Prepare B1-3 / P. 108-109.
( apple, orange, banana, water)
Tuần 21
Period 61 : UNIT 10 - STAYING HEALTHY- LESSON 3 – B1-3 - PAGE 108-109
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to grasp “ some / any” with “there
be”, positive, negative and yes-no questions to talk about Food and Drink.
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters, cassette recorder.
 Procedure.

Teacher’s and
5’ -T. divides the class into two
-T. gives the topic.
-SS go to the board to write.
( one student-one word ).
I ) Warmer :
- Pyramid.
Or Networks.
13’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first,
then individually.
-T. puts the words on the
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the
target item.
II ) Presentation :
.Pre teach.
-an apple : quả táo (Visual)

-an orange : quả cam (Visual)
-a banana : quả chuối (Visual)
-some water : một ít nước. (Situation)
* Phương đang hỏi Thu về những thức ăn và uống cho
bữa ăn trưa.
Presentation dialogue.
B2 /P 109.
-Target item.
 Are there any + plural Noun ?
 Yes. There are some …
 No. There aren’t any …
 Is there any + uncountable Noun ?
 Yes. There is some …
 No. There isn’t any …
 Some : dùng trong câu khẳng đònh.
 Any : dùng trong câu phủ đònh và nghi vấn.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
.Open pairs.
.Closed pairs.
III ) Pratice :
-Picture drill.
B1 / P.108 ( Pictures )
Example exchange : B3 / P. 109.
Is there any … ?
Yes. There is some …

No. There isn’t any …
Are there any … ?
Yes. There are some …
No. There aren’t any …
10’ * SS make yes -no questions
with “ be there “ and answer.
IV ) Production :
-Naughts and crosses.
1.Apples / yes 4.milk / no 7.oranges / yes
2.bananas / no
5.water / yes 8.Vegetables/no
3.rice / yes 6.meat / no 9.chicken /yes.
2’ -T. writes and says
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
-Learn vocabulary + structure.
-Make 3 questions and answers, using “be there”.
-Do exercise B2 - 4 / P.89 - 90.
-Prepare B4 -5 / P. 110 -111.
( chicken, fish, meat, rice, fruit, milk, vegetable, bread
Period 62 : UNIT 10 - STAYING HEALTHY- LESSON 4 – B4.5 - PAGE 110 -111

 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use uncountable, plural food and
drink nouns, polite request and polite offers.
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters, cassette recorder.
 Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -T. gives the topic.
-SS guess one letter each time.
-The team find out the word
first ( are winners).
I ) Warmer :
- Hangman.
* Đây là 1 thứ cần thiết trong cuộc sống con người.
- - - - = Food
( 4 letters )
14’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first, then
-T. puts the words on the board.
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.

-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the
target item.
II ) Presentation :
.Pre teach.
-( some ) chicken (n ) : gà, thòt gà. (Visual)
-Fish ( n ) : cá. (Visual)
-meat ( n ) : thòt (Visual)
-rice ( n) : gạo, cơm, lúa. (Realia)
-fruit (n ) : hoa quả, trái cây. (Visual)
-milk (n ) : sữa (Realia)
-a vegetable : rau cải (Situation)
-bread (n ) : bánh mì. (Visual)
* Ba và Lan đang nói chuyện với nhau khi chúng
xuống canteen để ăn sáng.
-Presentation dialogue.
B4 / P. 110. Model sentences :
I’d like some chicken / rice / orange juice,
-Target item.
Some + uncountable noun
( countable ) Plural noun
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
.Open pairs.

.Closed pairs.
III ) Practice :
-Picture drill.
B4-5 / P. 110 -111 ( Menu / pictures a - h )
Example exchange :
S1 : What would you like ?
S2 : I’d like some [ fish ]
9’ -Ss listen and tick () in the
IV ) Production :
-SS work in groups of four to
play “chaingame”.
-Feedback (orally).
-T. gives an example.
(Grids )B5 / P.111 ( with answer key )
Teân A B C D E F G H
 
 
 
 
* Tapescript :
Nhan would like some chicken and some rice.
Tuan would like some meat and some vegetables.

Huong would like some fruit and some milk.
Mai would like some fish and an orange juice.
-Chain game.
Ex :
S1 : I’d like some fish.
S2 : I’d like some fish and some vegetables.
S3 : I’d like some fish, some vegetables and some
orange juice.
S4 : etc.
2’ -T. writes and says
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
-Learn vocabulary + structure.
-Write at least 3 sentences, beginning with “ I’d like
-Prepare C1-2/ P. 112.
Period 63 : UNIT 10 - STAYING HEALTHY- LESSON 5 – C1-2 - PAGE 112-113
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak about favorite Food.
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters.
 Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -SS write a word.
-One student goes to the

-The other students ask
“Yes / No questions” until the
student answers “Yes”.
I ) Warmer :
-Guessing Games.
I’d like ( a / an / some ) …
S1 : Would you like an orange ?
S2 : No, I wouldn’t.
S3 : Would you like some chicken ? etc.
Topic : Food and Drinks.
( an apple, an orange, a banana, some water, some
chicken, some meat, some fish, some rice, some
milk )
14’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first, then
-T. puts the words on the
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the
target item.
II ) Presentation :

.Pre teach.
-Favorite food : thức ăn ưa thích. (Explanation)
-a carrot : cà rốt (Visual)
-a bean : hạt đậu, đỗ (Visual)
-a pea : đậu, đỗ hạt tròn. (Visual)
-Lettuce (n ) : rau diếp, rau xà lách. (Visual)
-a potato : khoai tây (Visual)
-a cabbage : bắp cải (Visual)
-a tomato : cà chua (Situation)
-an onion : (cũ ) hành. (Situation)
* Nhan đang hỏi Mai về thức ăn ưa thích của cô ấy.
-Presentation dialogue.
C2 / P. 112.
–Target item.
Yes-no questions :
 Do you like … ?
 Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
III ) Practice :
-Picture drill.
-or Word cue drill.
.Open pairs.
.Closed pairs.
-or Substitution drill.

C1/ P.112.
Beans Peas Carrots tomatoes
lettuce potatoes onions cabbages
* Example exchange :
S1 : What are these ?
S2 : They are beans.
S1 : Do you like beans ?
S2 : Yes, I do.
9’ -T. explains how to do.
-SS go around and ask their
classmates “Yes/No
IV ) Production :
Name Likes … Doesn’t like …
Nam Carrots
Orange juice
S1 : Do you like chicken ? etc.
Example Feedback :
Nam likes chicken and orange juice but he doesn’t
like fish.
2’ -T. writes and says
“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :
-Learn vocabulary + Yes -no questions.

-Make 3 questions and answers, using “be there”.
-Do exercise C2-3-4 / P.91-92.
-Prepare Unit 10 – C3-4 / P. 113.
Tuần 22
Period 64 : UNIT 10 - STAYING HEALTHY- LESSON 6 – C3-4 - PAGE 113
 Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak about favorite Food and Drink
to contrast “ would you like ?” with “ do you like … ?”.
 Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, posters.
 Procedure.
Teacher’s and students’activities Contents
5’ -T. divides the class into two
-T. gives the topic.
-SS go to the board to write. ( one
student-one word ).
I ) Warmer :
14’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models three times.
-SS repeat chorally first, then
-T. puts the words on the board.
-T. checks meaning and
-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.

-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the target
II ) Presentation :
.Pre teach.
- iced tea : trà đá (visual)
- iced coffee : cà phê đá (visual)
-lemonade : nước chanh (visual)
-milk (n) : sữa (visual)
-water (n) : nước (uống) (visual)
-Presentation dialogue.
C4 / P. 113.
–Target item.
Yes-no questions :
 Do you like … ?
 Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
 Would you like … ?
 Yes, I would / Yes, please.
 No, I wouldn’t / No, thank you.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. models the first two cues.
-Ss repeat chorally , then
.Open pairs.
.Closed pairs.
III ) Practice :
-Picture drill.

-or Word cue drill.
-or Substitution drill.
C3 / P.113.
lemonade water Iced
Iced coffee
milk soda
* Example exchange :
S1 : Do you like cold drink ?
Food and Drink
S2 : Yes, I do.
S1 : What do you like ?
S2 : I like iced tea. It’s my favorite drink.
9’ -Ss make sentences, using “I like
…/ doesn’t like …”
IV ) Production :
*Sentence Race.
Ex : I like fish and vegetables.
*Or guessing games.
Ex : Do you like fish ?
2’ -T. writes and says “Homework”
on the board.
-SS copy.
V ) Homework :

-Learn vocabulary + Yes -no questions.
-Make 3 questions and answers, using “be there”.
-Do exercise C2-3-4 / P.91-92.
-Prepare Unit 11 – A 1 / P. 114-115
(egg, chocolate, cooking oil, beef, soap, toothpaste,
gram, kilo, bar, can, box, tube, packet, dozen, bottle)
Food and Drinks

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