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TOEIC Double passage pdf

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The last 20 questions of the Reading section on the new TOEIC test are based on double
passage. There are four double passages with five questions each. The types of passages
are similar to those you have already learned aboout. The set of double passages could be
two em-mails, and advertisement and a letter, an invoice and a fax, or any combination of
reading passages.
Read the passages on the following pages and select the best answer for each question.
Question 1-5 refer to the following e-mail message and brochure.
TO : Amanda Smith
FROM : Richard Dubois
SUBJECT : Health Benefits
Dear Ms. Smith,
I have been working at Excentrix, Inc. for almost a month now and need to sign up for
health benefits. I was told that you , as the human resources director at Excentrix, could
explain the benefits to me. My major concern is coverage for my family. Is my entire
family eligible for health insurance benefits? My wife and I have three children.My wife
doesn’t have a job. Our two daughters are still in high school and of course don’ yet
work. Our son has finished school, but he is still living at home with us. He has a full-
time job that provides him with health insurance, but perhaps I could get better coverage
for him through the Excentrix plan. My other question concerns my back. I have been
receiving treatment for a bad back for the past two years. This is a chronic condition, and
I will continue to need treatment. Will it be covered under the Excentrix plan?
Thank you for your help.
Rich Dubois
Sales Officer
Explanations of Benefits
Health Insurance
Health insurancae is available to all Excentrix, Inc. employees and their eligible
dependents. The term eligible dependent refers to your spouse and each unmarried child
who is dependent upon you for support and maintenance, but exclusind any such person
who is insured as an employee.

Our health insurance plan covers doctor’s visits, inpatient and outpatient surgery,
hospital stays, tests, and prescription medication. Basic dental care is also covered. We
hope to have a vision plan available by the end of next year. New employees, please note
that treatment for pre-existing conditions is not covered during your first six months on
the plan.
1. Who is Amanda Smith?
(A)An insurance agent
(B) An employee of Excentrix, Inc.
(C) A medical doctor
(D)A hospital administrator
2. How many sons does Richard Dubois have?
(B) One
(C) Two
3. Which of Richard’s family members can receive health insurance through another
(A)His son
(B) His wife only
(C) His wife and daughters only
(D)His entire family
4. When will Richard’s back treatments be covered by his Excentrix health
(A)Right away
(B) In one month
(C) After six months
(D)By the end of next year
5. Which of the following is NOT covered by the Excentrix health insurance?
(B) Surgery

(C) Dentist’s visits
Question 6-10 refer to the following submission form and form letter.
Press Fund Show
Submission Form
Name : Timothy Hughes
Address : 387 Biscayne Street, Springfield, IL 80761
Description of works you are submitting. Include size, medium, and title for each piece.
You may submit up to four pieces.
1. 48’’ x 48’’ oil painting “Summer Sunset”
2. 36’’ x 60’’ oil painting “Winter Wonder”
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
All artists whose works are accepted will receive two free tickets to the show. Extra
tickets may be purchased for $8 each.
This form must accompany all submissions. Please send the completed form, slides of
your artwork, and the submission fee to : “The Press Fund Show, P.O. Box 83,
Springfield, IL 80761. Submission fees are $10 for each piece submitted for
Dear Timothy Hughes,
Thu Jury Committee of The Press Fund Show would like to express our appreciation to
you and all your colleagues who submitted pieces for consideration. While we regret that
your pieces cannot be included in the exhibit, we want you to know how much we
appreciate your participation in this unique event. We were encouraged by both the size
of the response and the quality of the works presented. We were determinded to include
as many artists as possible, but space limitations made it inevitable that we could not
include that all the pieces we liked. If you submitted paintings, your slides will
automatically be entered for consideration in the upcoming Painting Nature show. If you
submitted photographs or sculpture, your slides will be returned to you within the next

The Press Fund Show Jufy Committee
6. What is The Press Fund Show?
(A)An art school
(B) A TV program
(C) A press conference
(D)An art exhibit
7. How many pieces did Timothy Hughes submit?
(B) Two
(C) Three
8. How much will Timothy have to pay to see the show?
(B) $8
(C) $10
9. Why didn’t the Jury Committee accept all submitted pieces for the show?
(A)The quality wasn’t high enough
(B) Some of the pieces were too small
(C) There wasn’t enough room to display them all
(D)They decided not to accept sculpture and photographs.
10. What will happen to Timothy’s slides?
(A)They will be submitted to another show
(B) They will be returned to him within a week
(C) They will be shown on TV
(D)They will be sold for $10 each.
Question 11-15 refer to the following catalog introduction and announcement.
Each object in this catalog is fully described as to appearance and condition. A complete
and detailed history of the origin and ownership of each piece will be provided to the

purchaser. Highlights in this sale include two fine Roman pieces from the collection of
Dr. Benjamin Harley, noted author and professor of Ancient European Art at Savoy
College, as well as several other pieces from local collectors. The gallery is also offering
pieces from our North African art collection. Closing date of the sale is January 10. All
objects will be on exhibit at the gallery from December 20 through January 10.
Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday 11:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. and Saturday and
Sunday 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Closed Mondays.
In conjunction with our upcoming sale, Dr. Benjamin Harley will give a talk at the
gallery on December 18. Dr. Harley will describe and discuss the two pieces from his
collection that are included in the sale, as well as related pieces from the same time
period and their significance to the art world. His presentation will include a slide show
of rarely seen pieces from the university’s art collection. The gallery doors will open at
6:00, and Professor Harley will begin his talk at 6:30. Following the talk, refreshments
will be served. Admission to this event is free, but for reasons of space limitation tickets
are required. Call the gallery at 549-555-9825 to reserve your tickets. No more than four
tickets may be ordered by each caller.
11. Who publishes the catalog?
(A)A museum
(B) A department store
(C) A gallery
(D)A college
12. Who is Benjamin Harley?
(A)A medical doctor
(B) A museum director
(C) An artist
(D)An art historican
13. How long will the objects be shown?
(A)One week
(B) Two weeks
(C) Three weeks

(D)One month
14. When will Benjamin Harley give a talk?
(A)Before the sale begins
(B) On the first day of the sale
(C) On the last day of the sale
(D)After the sale ends
15. What will he talk about?
(A)Selling art
(B) Roman art
(C) African art
(D)Collectiong art
Question 16-20 refer to the following article and letter.
t its annual stockholders meeting this week, Smith & Co.reported that its yearly
earnings had tripled from a year ago to $100 milion. The earnings increase was
attributed in large part to the increase in sales resulting from the rise in
popularity of designer fashion for children. Sales predictions for the coming year project
that earning will double during the first two quarters. Other fashion companies are
jumping on the bandwagon and starting to focus more on the designer chidren’s-wear
market. Expect to see a large increase in this sector over the next few years.
April 15,20__
Samuel Finch
Finch & Brenner Stockholders
178 Ballard Avanue
Seattle, WA 22044
Dear Mr. Finch:
I am enclosing an article about Smith & Co. that appeared in the Financial Times six
months ago. It gives a very upbeat prognosis for the company , and I have been following
the company’s stock reports ever since the article appeared. The company recently
reported its earnings for the first quarter of this year. Their earnings had alreadly tripled

during this time. This is the kind of company I want to invest in. I am enclosing a check
for $15,000. I would like you to use the entire amount to buy shares in Smith & Co. If I
hold onto these shares until November or December, I am sure I can quadruple my
money when I sell them. I am sure you will agree with me this company is a sound
investment and that now is the time to invest in children’s fashion companies. Thank you.
Cheryl Cooke
16. What kind of business is Smith & Co.?
(A)A stock brokerage
(B) A toy manufacturer
(C) A bank
(D)A clothing retailer
17. When was the stockholders’s meeting held?
(A)In April
(B) In October
(C) In November
(D)In December
18. What was reported at the meeting?
(A)Company earnings
(B) Stock sales
(C) Salary increases
(D)New fashion designs
19. What were the company’s earnings during the first quarter of this year?
(A)$100 milion
(B) $200 milion
(C) $300 milion
(D)$400 milion
20. What does Cheryl Cooke want to do now?
(A)Buy some clothes
(B) Sell some stock

(C) Attend a stockholders meeting
(D)Invest in Smith & Co.

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