About the Authors
Laura Thomson is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Information
Technology at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. She is also a partner in the
award-winning Web-development firm Tangled Web Design. Laura has previously
worked for Telstra and the Boston Consulting Group. She holds a Bachelor of Applied
Science (Computer Science) degree and a Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems
Engineering) degree with honors, and is currently completing her Ph.D. in Adaptive
Web Sites. In her spare time, she enjoys sleeping. Laura can be reached via email at
Luke Welling is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Information
Technology at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. He is also a partner in Tangled
Web Design. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Computer Science) degree and is
currently completing a master’s degree in Genetic Algorithms for Communication
Network Design. In his spare time, he attempts to perfect his insomnia. Luke can be
reached via email at
About the Contributors
Israel Denis, Jr. is a freelance consultant working on e-commerce projects throughout
the world. He specializes in integrating ERP packages such as SAP and Lawson with
custom Web solutions.When he is not busy designing software or writing books, Israel
enjoys traveling to Italy, a place he considers home. Israel obtained a master’s degree in
Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1998. He is the author
of numerous articles about Linux, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. He has worked for compa-
nies such as GE and Procter & Gamble with mainly Unix-based computer systems. Israel
can be reached via email at
Chris Newman is a consultant programmer specializing in the development of dynam-
ic Internet applications. He has extensive commercial experience using PHP and
MySQL to produce a wide range of applications for an international client base.A grad-
uate of Keele University, Chris lives in Stoke-on-Trent, England, where he runs
Lightwood Consultancy Ltd., the company he founded in 1999 to further his interest in
Internet development. Chris became fascinated with the potential of the Internet while
at the university, and is thrilled to be working with cutting-edge technology. More infor-
mation on Lightwood Consultancy Ltd. can be found at , and
Chris can be contacted at
We would like to thank the team at Sams for all their hard work. In particular, we would
like to thank Shelley Johnston without whose dedication and patience this book would
not have been possible.We would also like to thank Israel Denis Jr. and Chris Newman
for their valuable contributions.
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We appreciate immensely the work done by the PHP and MySQL development
teams.Their work has made our lives easier for a number of years now, and continues to
do so on a daily basis.
We thank Adrian Close at eSec for saying “You can build that in PHP” back in 1998.
He said we would like PHP, and it seems he was right.
Finally, we would like to thank our family and friends for putting up with us while
we have been antisocial for the better part of a year. Specifically, thank you for your sup-
port to our family members: Julie, Robert, Martin, Lesley,Adam, Paul, James, Archer, and
00 525x fm 1/24/03 2:56 PM Page xxxii
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00 525x fm 1/24/03 2:56 PM Page xxxiv
.Within its pages, you will find
distilled knowledge from our experiences using PHP and MySQL, two of the hottest
Web development tools around.
In this introduction, we’ll cover
Why you should read this book
What you will be able to achieve using this book
What PHP and MySQL are and why they’re great
An overview of the latest features of PHP 4
How this book is organized
Let’s get started.
Why You Should Read This Book
This book will teach you how to create interactive Web sites from the simplest order
form to complex secure e-commerce sites.What’s more, you’ll learn how to do it using
Open Source technologies.
This book is aimed at readers who already know at least the basics of HTML and
have done some programming in a modern programming language before, but have not
necessarily programmed for the Internet or used a relational database. If you are a begin-
ning programmer, you should still find this book useful, but it might take you a little
longer to digest.We’ve tried not to leave out any basic concepts, but we do cover them
at speed.The typical reader of this book is someone who wants to master PHP and
MySQL for the purpose of building a large or commercial Web site.You might already
be working in another Web development language; if so, this book should get you up to
speed quickly.
We wrote this book because we were tired of finding books on PHP that were basi-
cally a function reference.These books are useful, but they don’t help when your boss or
client has said “Go build me a shopping cart.”We have done our best to make every
example useful. Many of the code samples can be directly used in your Web site, and
many others can be used with minor modifications.
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