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8.2. Continuations
You've probably played video games. Think of a continuation as a save game
feature. As you're playing your game, you save your current game. You can feel
free to take your chances with the monster control center. If you die, you simply
restore the game. Said another way, a continuation is a snapshot of a point in time.
Continuations let you save the system's state (in the form of an execution stack) in
one place, and then return to that state on command.
Since I've already introduced Ruby's syntax, I'll first show you continuations in
Ruby, where continuation syntax is clean and precise. Then, I'll show you Seaside,
the most popular continuation-based server, in Smalltalk.
In Ruby, a code block defines the universe for the continuation. You'll use a
continuation object to hold the execution state, consisting of the execution stack.
You'll later invoke a call method on the continuation object to restore the system
state, replacing the current execution state, including the call stack, with the one in
the continuation object. The call returns execution to the point immediately after
the code block. From Ruby's perspective, you're conceptually letting your
execution state jump back in time.
8.2.1. The Syntax
In Ruby, you get a continuation by calling the callcc method on Kernel and
passing it a code block. This block does nothing with the continuation but print its
object identifier:
irb(main):001:0> callcc {|continuation| puts continuation}
This passive little program does more than you think it does. The argument called
continuation is a powerful little gem that has the whole execution context,
with variable values and the entire call stack, at the time that you called callcc.
Look at it as a saved game, or a frozen moment in time. You can return to that
moment in time. Specifically, Ruby will return to execute the statement
immediately after the continuation block by calling the continuation. Here's a
trickier continuation example:

callcc do |continuation|
for i in 1 10 do
continuation.call if (i = = 7)
puts i
puts 'This never happens.'
puts 'Good bye.'
And the output:
>ruby forloop.rb
Good bye.
Once again, the whole callcc statement is a point in time. When i is 7, Ruby
executes continuation.call. That takes control to the point right after the
continuation code block, so the last two numbers don't get printed, and the puts
'This never happens.' in fact doesn't happen. The callcc method loads
the application stack in the continuation, abruptly sending execution to the line of
code immediately after the continuation code block, or puts 'Good bye.'. It
moves execution around a little bit like a goto.
Of course, you'd not usually use continuations to break out of a for loop.
Continuations take on a little more power when you pass them out of the code
block, such as with a method call.
8.2.2. A More Powerful Example
Keep in mind that the continuation will return the call stack and local variables in

the block to the way they were when you made the continuation call. So, this
1 def loop
2 for i in 1 5 do
3 puts i
4 callcc {|continuation| return continuation} if i= =2
5 end # cont.call returns here
6 return nil
7 end
9 puts "Before loop call"
10 cont=loop( )
11 puts "After loop call"
12 cont.call if cont
13 puts "After continuation call"
gives you this result:
>ruby continuation.rb
Before loop call
After loop call
After loop call
After continuation call
So, we were able to exit the loop when something happened and return to the loop
on command. Since continuations are so alien, let's look at this example in a little
more detail. It's not too bad to read, once you know what's hap
pening. Line 4 saves

the game, putting it into a container. Line 12 restores the game. Let's break it down
a little further, thinking like a Ruby interpreter:
 Start on line 9, after the method declaration.
 Execute line 9, printing the string Before loop call.
 Execute line 10, calling the method called loop. Put line 10 on the call
stack, so you'll remember where to return after the method call.
 Enter the method loop, specified in line 1.
 Do the first pass through the for loop in lines 25. i has a value of 1. You'll
print 1.
 Start the second pass through the for loop. i now has a value of 2. You'll
print 2.
 At line 4, i is 2, so make the callcc call in three steps. First, make a copy
of the call stack. Second, make a copy of the instance variables (i is 2).
Third, push the line after the continuation block (line 5) onto the copy of the
call stack, so now the continuation's copy of the stack has (line 5, line 10).
The call stack simply has (line 10).
 At line 4, execute the return statement. You'll return the value of
continuation to the line on the top of the call stack. The call stack has
line 10, so you'll return the value of continuation to line 10. Set cont
to the returned continuation. Recall the continuation has the current
execution contextthe call stack has (line 5, line 10), and variable i has a
value of 2.
 Execute line 11, printing the screen After call loop.

Execute line 12. Calling the continuation restores the execution state. Set the
value of i to 2. Go to the line number on the top of the call stack so that
you'll remove it from the call stack. Now the call stack has only line 10.
 Execute the rest of the for loop, for i=3, 4, and 5.
 You'll return nil. The call stack has 10 on it, so you'll return to line 10, and
assign cont to nil.

 Execute lines 13 and 15. Skip line 14 because cont is nil.
This continuation example shows you a few nice capabilities. You can take a
snapshot of execution state at some point in time, like we did within the for loop.
You can save that execution state in an object, as we did in the cont object. You
can then return to the execution state stored in a continuation object at any point.
8.2.3. Why Would You Use Them?
You might first think that continuations are the most useful when you want to
break logical control structures, as in implementing a break for our for loop, or
processing exceptions. For the most part, though, you want to think "suspend and
resume." Continuations are marvelous in these kinds of scenarios. Cooperative
multitasking lets one program voluntarily relinquish control to another application,
and resume at a later date. This problem is remarkably easy to solve using
continuations. A subtler use involves communication. When you've got an
application that spans multiple computers with synchronous request/response
communication, you often want to suspend control until the remote system
responds. When you need to scale this solution, suspending control while you wait
frees the system to handle other requests. The system can conveniently resume
your application without disruption when the remote system responds, simply by
calling a continuation.

8.3. Continuation Servers
You can probably begin to see why continuations might be interesting for web
servers. If you want to look at a web application as one continuous application with
suspend/resume breaks in between to communicate with the user, it makes more
sense. While waiting for user input in the form of an HTTP request, the web server
could simply store a state, stash the continuation object away in the HTTP session,

and instantly return to that frozen point in time when it's time to process another
request. Notice in Figure 8-1 that I've conveniently inverted the control. Instead of
thinking of a web app as a series of request/response pairs initiated by the user, I
can think of a web app as a series of response/request pairs controlled by the
server. My server code gets much simpler.
Figure 8-1. Continuation servers invert control from client to server, simplifying
the world view, and the code, of the server

Your web application server is no longer composed of many different independent
requests. The server can conveniently look at the world as a bunch of simple end-
to-end applications. It processes individual requests by loading the state of each
user when it's time to process another request, and suspending the user's
application when it's time to communicate with the user again. Voilá! Your
application can maintain state, and use it to seamlessly control application flow.
At a lower level, the continuation server becomes a collection of web applications
with states frozen at a point in time, in the form of continuations. Each user has a
session. The continuation server assigns an ID to each session, and organizes the
continuations per session. After each request, the continuation server takes a
snapshot of the execution state with a continuation object, and associates that
continuation with the session. So, a server has multiple sessions, and each session
has one or more continuations representing frozen points in time, as shown in
Figure 8-2. You can no longer see individual HTTP requests, because they're
buried in the application flow. As they should be!
Glenn Vanderburg: Continuation Servers
Author of Maximum Java 1.1

Glenn Vanderburg, a consultant from Dallas, has been writing Java
programs since before it was called Java, and was the author of one of
the first advanced Java books. Glenn has 19 years of software
development experience, encompassing a wide variety of languages,

platforms, industries, and domains.
What's wrong with
current web
models, like the
Servlet model?
GV: There are two big problems. I'll start
with the most obvious. When I did
mainframe programming, I would build a
screen of information mixed with form
fields, and push it out to a 3270 terminal.
The program wouldn't hear from the
terminal again until the user hit Enter.
Sound familiar?
In the mainframe days, the program got to
pause and wait on the user's submission.
Web programming is actually worse,
because in the interest of scaling to
thousands of users (as opposed to
hundreds), the program is asked to forget
as much as possible between each
interaction so that each submission can
stand alone. The stateless nature of the
web programming model forces
programmers to manually manipulate,
store, and retrieve the program state at
every stage. Web frameworks help some,
but programmers still have to consider
carefully how to deal with each piece of
state. One mistake and we get web

applications that are (at best) very
confusing to use.
The other big deficiency of the web
development model is that our programs
are held together with strings. The
navigational structure is defined by URLs
we stick in links, and those URLs have to
also go in configuration files to tie them
to pieces of code that get invoked. User
input comes to us in form fields that are
named with strings. State that we store in
the session is usually referenced by a key
that is a string. We have all of these
strongly typed programming languages
and IDEs to go with them to make sure
we don't make silly errors like misspelling
variable names, but that all goes out the
window with web apps, because the tools
don't help us to validate all of our uses of
