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Plug in PHP 100 POWER SOLUTIONS- P31 pps

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P l u g - i n P H P : 1 0 0 P o w e r S o l u t i o n s

P l u g - i n P H P : 1 0 0 P o w e r S o l u t i o n s
TIP If you are interested in exactly how the Luhn algorithm works, there’s an explanation at
/>How to Use It
To verify a credit card’s details prior to submitting it to a credit card processing organization,
you could use code such as this:
$card = "4567 1234 5678 9101";
$exp = "06/14";
$result = PIPHP_ValidateCC($card, $exp);
if (!$result)
// Ask for details again
// Debit the card
In the preceding example, if the card doesn’t validate, the details are re-requested, or if
it does, the card is processed.
CAUTION All this plug-in does is check whether the credit card details entered meet the issuer
identity, checksum, and date requirements for a valid card. It should only be used as a quick test
to ensure that a user has not made a typographical error when entering their details. Also you
should keep yourself informed about all the latest card numbers allocated so that you can update
this validator and not incorrectly reject any cards. You can keep track of the major credit card
issuers at />The Plug-in
function PIPHP_ValidateCC($number, $expiry)

$ccnum = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $number);
$expiry = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $expiry);
$left = substr($ccnum, 0, 4);
$cclen = strlen($ccnum);
$chksum = 0;

// Diners Club
if (($left >= 3000) && ($left <= 3059) ||
($left >= 3600) && ($left <= 3699) ||
($left >= 3800) && ($left <= 3889))
if ($cclen != 14) return FALSE;

// JCB
C h a p t e r 6 : F o r m s a n d U s e r I n p u t
C h a p t e r 6 : F o r m s a n d U s e r I n p u t
if (($left >= 3088) && ($left <= 3094) ||
($left >= 3096) && ($left <= 3102) ||
($left >= 3112) && ($left <= 3120) ||
($left >= 3158) && ($left <= 3159) ||
($left >= 3337) && ($left <= 3349) ||
($left >= 3528) && ($left <= 3589))
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;

// American Express
elseif (($left >= 3400) && ($left <= 3499) ||
($left >= 3700) && ($left <= 3799))
if ($cclen != 15) return FALSE;

// Carte Blanche
elseif (($left >= 3890) && ($left <= 3899))
if ($cclen != 14) return FALSE;

// Visa
elseif (($left >= 4000) && ($left <= 4999))
if ($cclen != 13 && $cclen != 16) return FALSE;

// MasterCard
elseif (($left >= 5100) && ($left <= 5599))
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;

// Australian BankCard
elseif ($left == 5610)
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;

// Discover
elseif ($left == 6011)
if ($cclen != 16) return FALSE;

// Unknown
else return FALSE;

for ($j = 1 - ($cclen % 2); $j < $cclen; $j += 2)
$chksum += substr($ccnum, $j, 1);

for ($j = $cclen % 2; $j < $cclen; $j += 2)
$d = substr($ccnum, $j, 1) * 2;
$chksum += $d < 10 ? $d : $d - 9;


if ($chksum % 10 != 0) return FALSE;

if (mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($expiry, 0, 2), date("t"),
substr($expiry, 2, 2)) < time()) return FALSE;

return TRUE;

P l u g - i n P H P : 1 0 0 P o w e r S o l u t i o n s

P l u g - i n P H P : 1 0 0 P o w e r S o l u t i o n s
Create Captcha
Spam is everywhere these days, and not just in our e-mail inboxes. The net is saturated with
bots (automated programs) trawling web pages in search of web forms that will let them
drop their payload into a comment or other field. Usually they try to drop in a link leading
to a knock-off product they are trying to sell. But worse than that, many of these bots inject
pornographic links, or attempt to get users to visit phishing sites where their bank, cr
card, or other personal details may be stolen.
One of the most successful ways to prevent this is the Captcha, a type of challenge-
response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer.
The word is a highly contrived acronym that stands for Completely Automatic Public
Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart.
With a Captcha you are asked to re-enter some text displayed in a graphic image. If the image
is complex enough, a bot will not be able to decipher it and so only human input is able to get
through. This still doesn’t guarantee you will be spam-free, but with this plug-in you’ll prevent

the majority of it from getting through. Figure 6-3 shows the plug-in generating a Captcha.
About the Plug-in
This plug-in creates a temporary image containing a word that must be typed in to verify a
user is human. It returns a three-element array in which the first element is the Captcha text
to be entered, the second is a unique 32-character token, and the third is the location of the
Captcha image. It takes these arguments:
• $size The font size of a TrueType font
• $length The number of characters in the Captcha word
• $font The location of a TrueType font to use
• $folder The location of a folder to store the Captcha images. This must be web
accessible and end with a trailing/character, or to use the current folder use a value
of NULL.
• $salt1 A string to make the Captcha hard to crack
• $salt2 A string to make cracking even harder
FIGURE 6-3 Ensuring that users are humans and not bots is easy with this plug-in.

C h a p t e r 6 : F o r m s a n d U s e r I n p u t
C h a p t e r 6 : F o r m s a n d U s e r I n p u t
Variables, Arrays, and Functions
String containing the contents of the file dictionary.txt
$temps Array of all words extracted from $file
$temp String containing each value in turn from $temps
$dict Array of all correct length words extracted from $temps
String containing the Captcha word
$token String containing an md5() hash based on $captcha, $salt1,

and $salt2
String containing the Captcha image location
GD Library image of the Captcha image
Loop counter
Plug-in 19 function: converts text to a GIF image
Function used by plug-in 19
Plug-in 14 function: modifies an image
How It Works
Rather than simply supplying a selection of random letters for the Captcha, I decided it’s
much more natural to enter an English word, and so this plug-in requires a file called
dictionary.txt to be in the same directory. This file should be a list of words with one per line
and each line separated by a \r\n carriage return\linefeed pair. On the companion web site
to this book at www.pluginphp.com there’s an 80,000-word dictionary.txt file already saved in
the same zip file as this plug-in. Or you can choose to use your own list of words.
Either way, the first thing the function does is load the contents of dictionary.txt into
the variable $temps from where all the words with a length of the value in $length are
extracted into the array $dict using a foreach loop, and the Captcha word is then
selected from this subset of words.
Next a token is created with which the Captcha can be uniquely connected. This is done
by calling the PHP md5() function, which is a one-way function that converts the input into
a 32-character string in such a way that the algorithm cannot be reversed. This is why it’s
called a one-way function. However, instead of simply taking the dictionary word and
creating an md5() hash of it, it’s necessary to obfuscate things a little. This is because some
people have spent a lot of time assembling dictionaries containing the hashes of every

single word. Therefore, for example, the md5() hash of the word “hello” is easily looked up
and is known to be the following:
Wherever this particular hash is encountered, the chances are very high indeed that it
was created from the string “hello”, and so it would be a cinch to crack this Captcha system.
So, like I said, it’s necessary to be a little sneaky by making it impossible for a dictionary
crack to work.

P l u g - i n P H P : 1 0 0 P o w e r S o l u t i o n s

P l u g - i n P H P : 1 0 0 P o w e r S o l u t i o n s
We do this by adding additional characters to the Captcha word that only we know.
Such strings of characters are called salts and this plug-in uses two of them for good
measure. When you call the plug-in you will have to provide values for $salt1 and
$salt2, which will be inserted on either side of the Captcha word chosen. For example, if
you choose the strings 3$a7* and dk%%d, and the Captcha word is hello, then the string
that will be passed to md5() is 3$a7*hellodk%%d, which results in the following hash:
As you can see, this is a totally different string and, without knowing the two salt
values, it is utterly impossible to crack without attempting brute force (multiple attempts),
which would take thousands of years, even using a modern supercomputer.
So, the result of creating the hash token is placed in $token, and $fname is set to point to
the location where the resulting Captcha GIF file will be stored. This is based on concatenating
the value supplied in $folder, the md5() token in $token, and the file extension .gif.
The function then creates the graphic image by calling PIPHP_GifText() (plug-in 19
from Chapter 5) with the correct values to form a shadowed word. This function also saves
the image to disk when done.
To complete the Captcha creation, the image is reloaded into memory and PIPHP_

ImageAlter() (plug-in 14 from Chapter 5) is called in four different ways (and in a couple
of instances multiple times) to blur, emboss, brighten, and increase its contrast. The result is
then resaved back into the GIF image and an array containing three elements is returned.
These are:
• The Captcha text
• The md5() token
• The location of the Captcha image
How to Use It
To create a Captcha, you call up PHP_CreateCaptcha(), passing it the required values,
like this:
$result = PIPHP_CreateCaptcha(26, 8, 'captcha.ttf', '',
'!*a&K', '.fs£!+');
In this example, the passed values are 26 for the font size, 8 for the length of the
Captcha word required, captcha.ttf for the name of a TrueType file to use, '' for the
image folder to use, and !*a&K and .fs£!+ for the two salt values. You should have already
uploaded a suitable TrueType font file, named captcha.ttf, to your server— preferably a
nonstandard or script type font.
The plug-in will return an array of three values with which you can display the Captcha
image, and create a form to request the Captcha word as text input. The first of the returned
values is the Captcha word itself and you don’t actually need it other than for testing
purposes. So at this point let’s forget it and concentrate on the other two returned values.
The first of these is the image that you need to display, like this:
