Thesis statement:
Create your own box diagram:
Now that you have practiced the essay question type which requires you to respond to what is called a
“stand-alone”prompt, it is necessary to look at the question type which provides an actual document or doc-
uments to use in your answer. These are called “text-based”questions. These are a very different kind of ques-
tion—easier in some ways because the information you need is provided for you, but difficult in other ways.
For example, despite the fact that the information is in front of you, you have to be able to read it carefully
and knowing what to look for helps. The test usually provides this help in the form of a series of multiple-
choice questions about the text.
Did you ever notice the windows being cleaned on very tall buildings? Or the painters working on high bridges?
The platforms they construct to support them as they work are called scaffolds. The dictionary defines a scaf-
fold as a supporting framework. You may be wondering what in the world this has to do with essay writing.
Well, in a very real sense the information on which you rest your response is a scaffold. It supports the weight
of your answer. If you have weak information—or a weak scaffold—the essay will fall apart just as the win-
dow washers or the bridge painters would fall if their supporting scaffold was weak. The boxing technique
you learned above is a kind of scaffold. If you build a strong box, with accurate and solid information, you
will have a strong essay.
When responding to text-based questions, you are usually given a series of multiple-choice questions
about the passage(s) to answer before you write. These questions and the answers are intended to direct your
attention and your thinking to the information needed for the larger written response. They are called “scaf-
fold”questions because if you use them carefully, they will help you identify exactly what the written response
needs to make it not just correct, but strong and well-written.
Your basic plan of attack is the same for the text-based response as it was for the stand alone except you
have to add a step: you must read and carefully answer the scaffold questions. Here are the steps:
➡ Read the text or documents.
➡ Answer the multiple-choice questions carefully.
➡ Identify the general topic.
➡ Identify the direction words.
➡ Box or otherwise lay out a diagram of the essay.
➡ Write a purpose statement.
➡ Write a thesis statement.
➡ Write your response.
Let’s look at a text-based question from an English/Language Arts exam. The instructions tell you to
read and then answer a series of multiple-choice questions before actually writing the essay response. The
following question is a very short reading and short essay called an open-ended or short-constructed response.
It is different from a full-length essay because it is designed to measure reading comprehension.
Question 1
Would you rather live in a big city or out in the country? Read the following passage, answer the questions,
and then write a brief explanation about which place the author thinks is best. Be sure to cite at least two rea-
sons for the author’s choice.
In cities, enormous office buildings rise up to block the light and view. Emissions from traffic,
furnaces, and power plants thicken the city air. The constant wail of sirens and the roar of traffic assault
auditory nerves and distract attention. No wonder the people who live here become at least nervous,
sometimes desperate. Crowded together in these overpopulated centers, we can’t sanitarily handle our
waste or humanely help the impoverished, the homeless, the insane. Who would want to raise chil-
dren is such a setting?
1. Which assertion is best supported by the evidence in the above passage?
a. Many poor people live in cities.
b. Cities are not good places to raise children.
c. Ambulance and police sirens make people nervous.
d. Cities are in such bad shape that they are losing population.
2. One reason that the author gives for not wanting to live in the city is that
a. people who live in the city become nervous and overwhelmed with life.
b. people who live in the city become impoverished and homeless.
c. loud sounds and awful odors are caused by homeless people.
d. there are too many homeless, insane people in the city and they cause too much noise.
3. The word humanely means
a. to treat others with compassion and dignity.
b. to create sanitariums for the mentally ill.
c. to leave the city to decide the fate of its people.
d. to encourage the unemployed to work.
4. According to the passage, the author would prefer to live
a. where people treat each other with dignity and kindness.
b. where there is good farm land to raise crops.
c. where there are employment opportunities.
d. where there is good fire, police, and sanitation service.
Remember the original question? You were directed to read the passage, answer the questions, and then
give two reasons why the author thinks the city or the country is the better place to live. Did you notice that
the multiple-choice questions helped you look for the answer? The first question asked you to identify the
main idea of the passage. Did you say that choice b was correct? If so, you were right. Choice a is not stated
in the text; choice c is mentioned in the passage but it is not the main idea; choice d is an incorrect conclu-
sion not stated in the passage. Choice b is the only one that draws a conclusion based on the details. The last
sentence of the passage is actually the topic sentence of the paragraph and could be the thesis statement of a
longer essay. So, if you’re following the format for answering questions that we laid out before, you have the
first part of your answer figured out: the topic.
Question 2 asks for one reason that the author does not want to live in the city. Notice that the ques-
tion itself directs you to answer the essay piece in a certain way by telling you which place the author thinks
is best. If you said choice a, you were correct. Choice b is not correctly inferred from the passage. It does say
that there is poverty and homelessness in the city but it does not say that all people who live in the city become
that way. Choices c and d are not conclusions reached in the passage. Notice that you have one of the two
reasons why the author wants to live in the country, and you can use this for your written response.
Question 3 asks for you to figure out the meaning of the word humanely. If you said choice a, you were
correct. Choices b, c, and d are simply incorrect based on the main idea of the passage. Notice that this response
helps you define a second reason for the author’s preference to live in the country. If not being able to treat
people in a humane way—with dignity and compassion—is a negative fact of city life, then it is a reason to
live in the country. See how the question leads you to the essay answer?
Question 4 is yet another helping hand for you. If you chose a, then you actually have the concluding
sentence for your essay. Choices b, c, and d may all be true, but they aren’t mentioned in the essay.
Let’s go back and look at the directions for the original question and follow the plan for answering
1. We read the question and text(s).
2. We answered the multiple-choice questions.
3. We identified the topic as city life vs. country life.
4. We decided direction words were explain and cite two reasons
5. We boxed the question.
Country or city Reason 1 Reason 2
The quality of life is better Loud noises make people People treat people with dignity
in the country. nervous. and respect
6. We determined our purpose was to explain two reasons why the author thinks the country is a bet-
ter place to live than the city.
7. The author thinks the country is a better place to live than the city because loud noises make people
nervous, and he’d rather live in a place where people treat other people with dignity and compas-
8. Here is our sample response:
In the passage above the author would rather live in the country than in the city. Two impor-
tant reasons are that loud noises make people nervous, and in the city, people do not treat others with
respect and dignity. The author would rather live in a place where people treat each other with dig-
nity and compassion and where there is peace and quiet.
This short written response, also called a short-constructed response, is often graded on a four-point scale.
To get four points you have to answer the question completely, accurately, and correctly. The short answer
above would get four points.
But the following answer would only get one point.
The author says he’d rather live in the country because it is a nicer place.
The writer will get one point for correctly identifying that the author would prefer the country to the
city. However, each reason is worth one point, and the writer did not identify any reasons, such as loud noise,
air pollution, overpopulation, or waste removal, that were specifically stated in the passage so he lost two
points; he lost the fourth point because he did not provide any explanation other than the overly general state-
ment that the country is “nicer.”
Now try this question based on the passage that follows. This passage is longer and more specific but it
is also a text-based response question. It requires two short, open-ended responses, which are just short writ-
ten answers rather than one longer essay. Most of the new high school exit exams—the ones you need to pass
in order to graduate from high school—use both types of text-based questions. They include both short and
long texts with the question format that asks you to answer scaffold questions and then write your response.
These questions measure not only your ability to write but also your ability to read and identify important
information in a fiction or non-fiction text.
Question 2
The pyramid for healthy food choices is an important tool for helping us maintain healthy bodies. Read the
passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Although more and more people are exercising regularly, experts note that eating right is also a
key to good health. Nutritionists recommend the food pyramid for a simple guide to eating the proper
foods. At the base of the food pyramid are grains and fiber. You should eat six to eleven servings of
bread, cereal, rice, and pasta everyday. Next up the pyramid are vegetables and fruit; five to nine daily
servings from this group are recommended. The next pyramid level is the dairy group. Two to three
servings a day of milk, yogurt, or cheese help maintain good nutrition. Moving up the pyramid, the
next level is the meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts group, of which everyone should eat only two
to three servings a day. At the very top of the pyramid are fats, oils, and sweets; these foods should be
eaten only infrequently.
You don’t have to shop in health food stores to follow the guidelines. One easy way to plan menus
that follow the food pyramid is to shop only in the outer aisles of the grocery store. In most supermarkets,
fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy, fresh meat, and frozen foods are in the outer aisles of the store. Grains,
like pasta, rice, bread, and cereal, are located on the next aisles, the first inner rows. Finally, the far-
thest inside the store is where you’ll find chips and snacks, cookies and pastries, soda pop and drink
mixes. These are the kinds of foods that nutritionists say everyone should eat rarely, if at all. If you
stay in the outer aisles of the grocery store, you won’t be tempted to buy foods you shouldn’t eat, and
you will find a wide variety of healthy foods to choose from. Another benefit of shopping this way is
that grocery shopping takes less time.
1. A good title for this article would be
a. How to Shop in a Health Food Store.
b. How to Shop Efficiently.
c. How to Shop for Healthy Food.
d. How to Cook Healthy Food.
2. According to the passage, the best way to shop in a grocery store is to
a. make a list and stick to it.
b. stay in the outer aisles.
c. stay in the inner aisles.
d. check the newspaper ads for bargains.
3. According to the food pyramid, people should
a. eat more grains than meat.
b. never eat fats and sweets.
c. eat mostly vegetarian meals.
d. rarely eat bread and other starches.
4. According to the passage, on the inner aisles of the grocery store you will find
a. cleaning products.
b. dog and cat food.
c. wine and beer.
d. chips and snacks.
5. According to the passage, to maintain good health, people should
a. buy their food in health food stores.
b. worry more about nutrition than exercise.
c. exercise and eat right.
d. eat from the top of the food pyramid.
6. In order to follow the main advice in the passage, it would be most helpful to know
a. where to purchase a copy of “The Food Pyramid.”
b. whether rice has more calories than pasta.
c. which supermarket the author is referring to.
d. how much of each kind of food equals a serving.
7. The purpose of this passage is to
a. persuade.
b. inform.
c. entertain.
d. narrate.
8. This passage is based on
a. opinion.
b. fact.
c. outdated information.
d. predictions for the future.
Open-ended questions
Answer the following two questions using information from the passage above. Write complete sentences.
1. What evidence does the author provide to support his position that it is healthier to shop the outer
aisles of the grocery store?
2. Explain why the author would suggest that everyone have a copy of the food pyramid in his or her
See page 145 for possible answers.
Still a third type of text-based question is the one where you may be given two or more short texts, includ-
ing a diagram, chart, or other visual. You will be asked to answer short scaffold questions following each text.
Then, using your answers to the scaffold questions, you will respond to a more complete essay question. This
is called a document-based question, similar to the Advanced Placement exam format. The following ques-
tion was taken from a state exit exam.
Read the texts on the following pages, answer the scaffold questions, and write a response based on the
task described at the end of the documents.
Document 1
The average Japanese consumes 10 times as much of the world’s resources as the aver-
age Bangladeshi. Japan and Bangladesh have the same [number of people] but [these people] have
a vastly different effect on their ecosystems [environments].
—The “Living Planet” Report
1a. How does Japan’s use of resources differ from Bangladesh’s use of resources?
1b. What is the reason for this difference?
Document 2
Rich nations point out that developing countries, while responsible for just 26 percent of
carbon emissions since 1950, are quickly becoming major emitters in their own right. And, as
industrial countries emphasize, booming populations and economic growth are fueling an explo-
sive increase in carbon emissions. The United States Department of Energy projects that carbon
output from developing nations will, in the absence of any new policies, outgrow that of their
neighbors as early as 2020, with China eclipsing the United States as the world’s leading emitter
by 2015.
—World Watch, 1998
2a. What concern about the future of the environment is being expressed in this document?
2b. According to the document, what current trends have caused the United States Department of Energy
to make this projection?
Document 3
➡ British Petroleum President John Browne surprised the oil industry when he announced last year
. . . BP’s intention to step up investments in solar energy.
➡ Toyota stunned the auto world with the delivery to its showrooms of the world’s first hybrid elec-
tric car—with twice the fuel economy and half the CO
[carbon dioxide] emissions of conven-
tional cars.
➡ After a decade of effort, Denmark now generates [some] of its electricity from wind power and . . .
from the combustion of agricultural wastes.
—World Watch, November/December 1998
3. Identify two ways that nations or corporations of the world are responding to environmental prob-
Document 4
The United States and 34 other industrial countries met in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, to discuss world environ-
mental concerns.
Rio Pact 1992
Agenda 21
The Agenda establishes the following priorities for international environmental action:
➡ achieving sustainable growth, as through integrating environment and development in decision
➡ making the world habitable by addressing issues of urban water supply, solid waste manage-
ment, and urban pollution
➡ encouraging efficient resource use, a category which includes management of energy resources,
care and use of fresh water, forest development, management of fragile ecosystems, conserva-
tion of biological diversity, and management of land resources
➡ protecting global and regional resources, including the atmosphere, oceans and seas, and living
marine resources
➡ managing chemicals and hazardous and nuclear wastes
4. Identify two environmental issues discussed at the Rio Conference.
Using information from the documents, write an essay in which you discuss the problems that industrial-
ization has caused in the nations of the world. Explain how nations are responding to these problems. Sup-
port your response with relevant facts, examples, and details from at least four of the documents.
Notice that this question is more complex and requires more reading than some of the previous exam-
ples. Practice the techniques we learned:
1. Read the texts.
2. Answer the scaffold questions. Did you notice that the answers to the questions provide the para-
graph structure for your essay?
3. Identify the topic.
4. Identify the direction words.
5. Box the question. Use your answers to the scaffold questions for your boxes.
6. Write a purpose statement.
7. Write a thesis statement with a because clause.
8. Write your essay being sure to have an introduction and at least three body paragraphs with a con-
See page 145 for a sample response.
Now that you have practiced reading and writing for information and understanding as they relate to
test questions, let’s look at reading and writing for information in term paper assignments.