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DE KT KY II lop 11 09-10 TQC

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Full name: School-year: 2009-2010
Class: 11/ Time: 45 minutes
Candidate’s Index Number: Code: 529

I. Language focus:

Choose the letter A, B, C or D that you think it the best option for each of the following sentences.
01. My cousin has never been one to indulge gossip.
A. in B. with C. of D. on
02. This district 15 communes one sub-town.
A. consists on/ or B. consists of/ and C. belongs to/ also D. consists / beside
03. Linda has been collecting all the royal mementoes since 1960. The word "mementoes" means
A. symbols B. crowns C. sticks D. souvenirs
04. Are these the books you are looking for?
A. whose B. Ø C. for which D. which it
05. The fence our house is made wood.
A. surrounding/ of B. surrounds/ from C. surrounding/ from D. surrounded/ of
06. reading / help / widen my knowledge / on every aspect /. / (With the cue words, we can make a
meaningful sentence as follows: )
A. It is reading helps me widen my knowledge on every aspect.
B. It is reading that helps me widen my knowledge on every aspect
C. Reading it is that helps me widen my knowledge on every aspect.
D. Reading that helps me widen my knowledge on every aspect.
Phonetics: Which of the following words is stressed differently from the others?

07. A. document B. Philippines C. automobile D. magazine
08. A. transfer (verb) B. household C. although D. until
09. A. envelope B. original C. chemistry D. category
Which of the following underlined sounds is pronounced differently from the others?
10. A. delivered B. telephoned C. subscribed D. developed
11. A. dull B. lull C. adult D. pull
12. A. courses B. villages C. difficulties D. services
13. Spectator sport is a
A. sport that many people take part in. B. sport that many people watch.
C. sport that is interesting to watch. D. Both B and C are correct
14. A/An …………………. is someone who breaks into a certain house to steal things.
A. tenant B. coward C. burglar D. shoplifter
15. Pick out one from the four below that is not as the same as the others in expression.
A. I don't quite agree with you. B. I don't think that's a good idea.
C. That's a good idea, but D. Yes, let's do that.
16. There are two beds. You can sleep in one, it doesn't matter.
A. either B. each C. every D. neither
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17. Garbage is considered to be some kind of …… …
A. pollution B. pollutants C. polluted D. polluting
18. She is a very accomplished pianist. We can also say that she is a pianist.
A. skilled B. beautiful C. skilful D. Both A and C could be used
19. Hi! Nora I have something nice ………………
A. to tell you B. telling you C. that tell you D. be told you
20. The number of rare animals is decreasing quickly. The word "quickly" means:
A. seriously B. gradually C. rapidly D. eventually
21. We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibility the European market.
A. for B. of C. to D. with
22. Experts …………… feel that they are related to the deep wishes and fears of the dreamer.
A. study dreams B. who dream study C. studied dreams D. who study dreams

23. The song was beautiful. We listened to it last night. The two sentences can be rewritten like this:
A. The song which to it we listened last night was beautiful.
B. The song to which we listened last night was beautiful.
C. The song to that we listened it last night was beautiful.
D. The song to which we listened to it last night was beautiful.

Choose the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences that needs correcting.
24. Peter Smith, who has just gone to live in Ireland, is one of my best friend.
25. Strong law must be pass to protect the rights of animals.
26. Neither Philip nor John could not write the essay perfectly.
27. Beside the ordinary telephone call service, our Post Office provides the Messenger Call Service.
28. The success of a shared holiday depends to whom you share it with.
II. Reading comprehension :
Choose the best option to complete the passage below.
Conservationists look for ways to save natural resources. They try (29)
natural resources so that people will have enough lumber, fossil fuels, water, and food. They look for
ways to save endangered plants and animals.
People need to use renewable resources wisely. It’s important to plant a tree for every tree cut
down. Conservationists look for ways to protect wilderness areas. Governments (30)
national parks to preserve unusual areas. Families on vacation can then enjoy
the parks and the plants and animals that (31) them. Logging, mining, hunting,
and other activities that use up natural resources are usually (32) in national
Even our endless supply of air and water must be (33) . Factories, power

plants, cars, and trucks (34) smoke that pollutes air. Some factories dump
chemicals into lakes and rivers. Polluted air can make you sick. You cannot drink polluted water.
Fish die in polluted lakes and rivers. It is important (35) air and water clean.
Some places on Earth have plenty of water, but (36) and other places do
not. It is important to conserve water so that everyone has enough to drink and use for watering
29. A. to manage B. managing C. managed D. management
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30. A. make up B. set up C. establish D. B and C are correct
31. A. live on B. live in C. live of D. live into
32. A. not allowed B. allowed C. being not allowed D. not allow
33. A. protecting B. protect C. protected D. protection
34. A. give in B. give away C. give off D. give up
35. A. to keep B. to help C. to provide D. to let
36. A. desserts B. deserts C. deserters D. rivers

III. Writing: Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the
first ones. Example: The workers are going to repair the road.
→ The road is going to be repaired by the workers.
37. We don't smoke and we don't drink coffee in the morning.
We neither ……………………………………………………………………………………….
38. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress. (using participle to
The scientists……………………………… ……………………………………………………
39. Unless you dry the shrimps, they will be decayed.
If … ………………………………………………………………………………………
40. Margaret studied Spanish last year and so did her sister.
Both …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Chú ý: Trả lời các câu trắc nghiệm vào phiếu này bằng cách tô đậm bằng bút chì

hoặc bút mực.
01 13 25
02 14 26
03 15 27
04 16 28
05 17 29
06 18 30
07 19 31
08 20 32
09 21 33
10 22 34
11 23 35
12 24 36
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