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Đề thi anh văn lớp 6

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Time allotted : 90 minutes
Section A: Choose the best answer and circle your choice ( 20 points.)
1. He ………………breakfast at six o’clock
a. eat b. has c. have d. take
2. There is a well in front…………….…the house
a. on b. from c. to d. of
3. Minh’s father is an engineer. He works in a ……………….…
a. school b. drugstore c. factory d. restaurant
4. She lives in the country. It’s very………………….there
a. quite b. small c. quiet d. old
5. Look at that man on the motorbike. He’s going………………….the street
a. in b. to c. on d. into
6. ……………….….color are her eyes?
a. What b. How c. Who d. Where
7. Look! The train……………… ……
a. come b. is coming c. comes d. coming
8. What………………………………………….?
a. you would like b. would you like c. you would want d. would you want
9. I’m tired . I’d like ………………….a rest
a. have b. having c. to have d. has
10. How much is this …………….……of cooking oil?
a. box b. glass c. bottle d. bar
11. ……………….….you like your teacher?
a. Would b. Do c. Can d. Does
12. There are……………… grapes in the fridge
a. any b. some c. a d. an
13. My younger brother…………… …….happy

a. feel b. feeling c. feels d. to feel
14. What’s………………… lunch? _ There is some rice and some meat
a. at b. in c. for d. to
15. Do you like a hot drink ……………….…a cold drink?
a. and b. or c. but d. a & b are correct
16. I……………………the noise of motorbike
a. smell b. taste c. see d. hear
17. I’d like some noodles. ……………………….you?
a. How about b. What about c. And d. all are correct
18. What’s your………………… ……food? _ I like cheese
a. like b. want c. cold d. favorite
19. She………………….… any beer
a. don’t like b. doesn’t like c. doesn’t likes d. likes
20. She ……………………….her hair every day
a. watches b. washes c. do d. has
Section B: Read the following passage and the unfinished sentences carefully. Then choose the best
answer and circle your choice. ( 10 points )
When springtime comes, everything begins to wake up. Many animals in the woods have
been asleep all winter. Birds have been away. Under the snow, the ground has been hard and still.
Then, all at once, it is spring! The days begin to grow long. From the south the birds fly
back, ready to build their nests. Animals wake up and start to look for food.
Trees grow new leaves. Plants begin to flower. Baby birds and animals are born. Farmers
are busy from morning until night.
In many countries, people greet the spring with songs and dancing. Springtime is a happy
time all over the world.
1. The story as a whole is about……………
a. living in winter. b. birds flying south. c. flowers. d. springtime
2. Spring is the time when ………………
a. birds fly to the south. b. it starts to snow.

c. baby birds and animals are born. d. farmers have more free time.
3. Farmers ……………………… in the spring.
a. have little to do b. begin to look for food
c. sing and dance to greet the spring. d. begin to get very busy.
4. Many animals go to sleep in winter because ……………………
a. it is difficult for them to find food. b. they have been awake during the other seasons.
c. it is too cold for them to look for food. d. they don’t need to eat
5. Birds fly south in winter because …………………
a. there are more trees for them there. b. it is warmer in the south than it is in the north.
c. they want a warmer place to lay eggs. d. the days there are longer.
Section A: Choose the best reply in List B for each sentence in List A . Write the correct letters in the
blanks ( 6 points )
List A List B
Good evening, sir. A. Just a glass of water
Is this table all right? B. Rice, please
Would you like anything to drink? C. Yes, it’s fine
Here’s the menu. D. Good evening. A table for one
Potatoes or rice with it? E. Some soup, please
Anything else, sir? F. Thanks. I’d like fish
Section B: Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capital. ( 14 points )
1. Ha lives in the country . Her………… ……… is simple LIVE
2. I have lots of friends . They are very…………………………… FRIEND
3. We like Bach Ma National Park because of its……………………. BEAUTIFUL
4. Nhung is my ……………… ………. She is very kind NEIGHBORHOOD
5. Your school is ………………… … from mine DIFFERENCE
6. Our roads are ………………….…. You must be careful DANGER
7. Mary likes the …………………… …….…little fish in the lake COLOR
Section C: Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following letter. Use only one word in each space
Dear Peter, ( 10 points )

I’m a……(1)………in grade six at a school ……(2)……Hue and I am twelve years old. I live
in a house …(3)……… my family in the country. I ride …… (4) … … school every morning.
I ……(5)……… listening to music and playing soccer. On the weekends I go ……(6)………
with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema, and sometimes we just go for ……(7)…… walk.
My favorite ………(8)………… at schools are math ……(9)………… English, but I don’t like
What ……(10)…………… you? Please write to me.
Best wishes,
Section A: Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences. ( 20 points )
1. Your father / travel / work / car / the moment ?
2. There / many / road signs / our streets
3. What time / the / bank / close?
4. There / any / water / the bottle?
5. Mr.David / big breakfast / go / school
6. How much / a box / chocolates / cost ?
7. You / go / evening classes?
8. The students / wait / bus stop / the moment
9. What / your / favorite/ food?

10. He / get / up / early / morning?
Section B: In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it ( 20 points )
1. He is drawing a picture by his pencil.
2. A child can remembers easily.
3. I would like a tube of chocolate, please
4. There are five hundreds students in my school.
5. Mr Nam rides his bike to work at the moment
6. Does your teacher give you a lot of homework every day?
7. School begins at 7 o’clock. Don’t to be late .
8. Would she like her teacher?
9. He arrives at home at half past eleven.
10. She has got black long hair.
The End – Good Luck

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