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Bài 16 - Writing concise sentences ppsx

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Bài 16 - Writing concise sentences
(Cách viết câu ngắn gọn súc tích)-

Bạn hãy tưởng tượng nếu bạn là người đầu tiên nói những câu
rất thông minh như "She fell head over heels in love" hoặc "She's
cool as a cucumber." thì thật sự sẽ rất tuyệt. Nhưng thật đáng
buồn những câu nói ấy sẽ dần dần mất đi vẻ hào nhoáng ban đầu
mà trở nên cũ rích và thậm chí khiến người khác bực mình.
Chính vì vậy các bạn hãy hạn chế sử dụng những lời nói sáo và
từ chêm. Bởi người đọc sẽ cảm thấy thực sự bực bội nếu người
viết sử dụng văn phong tẻ nhạt cùng với mớ hổ lốn những lời nói
sáo và từ chêm đó.

Ví dụ, ngài thị trưởng của Austin, Texas, đã từng thông báo trước
sự bối rối của mọi người như sau: "I wanted all my ducks in a
row, so if we did get into a posture, we could pretty much slam-
dunk this thing and put it to bed."
Những lời nói đó thực sự đã làm cho người dân cảm thấy không
thoải mái. Chính vì vậy khi viết câu các bạn hãy lưu ý đến điều
Sau đây danh sách những từ gây bực bội cho người đọc sẽ được
giới thiệu để các bạn tránh dùng.
acid test meaningful dialogue
at loose ends moving experience
babe in the woods needle in a haystack
better late than never open-and-shut case
brought back to reality pain in the _____
black as pitch point with pride

blind as a bat pretty as a picture
bolt from the blue put it in a nutshell
busy as a bee/beaver quick as a flash/wink
cat's meow rat race
cool as a cucumber ripe old age
cool, calm, and collected

ruled the roost
crack of dawn sad but true
crushing blow sadder but wiser
cry over spilt milk set the world on fire
dead as a doornail sick as a dog
dog-eat-dog world sigh of relief
don't count your chickens

slow as molasses
dyed in the wool smart as a whip
easier said than done sneaking suspicion
easy as pie spread like wildfire
feathered friends straight as an arrow
face the music straw that broke
flash in the pan the camel's back
flat as a pancake strong as an ox
gentle as a lamb take the bull by the
go at it tooth and nail thin as a rail
good time was had by all

through thick and thin
greased lightning tired but happy

happy as a lark to coin a phrase
head over heels to make a long story
heavy as lead trial and error
horns of a dilemma tried and true
hour of need under the weather
keep a stiff upper lip white as a sheet
ladder of success wise as an owl
last but not least work like a dog
looking a gift horse
worth its weight in gold
in the mouth
Bài tập thực hành: Các bạn hãy viết lại các câu sau để thành
câu ngắn gọn, súc tích. Đáp án sẽ được đưa ra ở cuối bài.
1. At this point in time we can't ascertain the
reason as to why the screen door was left open.

2. My sister, who is employed as a nutritionist at
the University of Michigan, recommends the
daily intake of megadoses of Vitamin C.

3. Basically, in light of the fact that Congressman
Fuenches was totally exhausted by his last
campaign, there was an expectation on the part
of the voters that he would not reduplicate his
effort to achieve office in government again.

4. It is to be hoped that we discover a means to
create an absolutely proper and fitting tribute to

Professor Espinoza.

5. There is a desire on the part of many of us to
maintain a spring recess for the purpose of
getting away from the demands of our studies.

6. Joe was an honest and hard working man.
Basically, he never gave much consideration to
sitting idly about, doing nothing
constructive. (Viết lại bằng một câu)

7. What is your basic understanding of

8. At what point in time will a downturn in the stock
market have a really serious effect on the social
life of people as a whole?

9. I would call your attention to the fact that our
President, who was formerly the Governor of
Arkansas, is basically a Southerner.


There are millions of fans who desperately want
the Hartford Whalers to stay in the city.


Bothered by allergies, a condition that made

them sneeze, some of the preschool children
had sinus troubles that caused them to miss
several days in nursery school this spring.


The nursery school teacher education training
sessions involve active interfacing with
preschool children of the appropriate age as well
as intensive peer interaction in the form of role


In order to prove that he could hold his own on
the track team, Gordo had to train hard like the
old runners.


If you go to the store, you will see that the store
is closed on Sundays because the storeowner
likes to go to church.


Due to the fact that Jim liked chocolate, he was
very upset when the candy company canceled
production of his favorite chocolate bar.

Đáp án
1. We don't know why the screen door was left

2. My sister, a nutritionist at the University of
Michigan, recommends daily megadoses of
Vitamin C.

3. Because Congressman Fuenches was
exhausted by his last campaign, voters expected
he would not seek re-election.
Voters thought that Congressman Fuenches
was so exhausted by his last campaign that he
wouldn't seek re-election.

4. We hope for an appropriate tribute to Professor

5. We want a spring recess so we can get away
from our studies. OR We want a spring recess to
escape our studies.

6. Honest and hard working, Joe was never idle.

7. Explain predestination.

8. When will a downturn in the stock market affect

9. Our President, formerly the Governor of
Arkansas, is a Southerner.


Millions of fans desperately want the Hartford
Whalers to stay in the city.


Bothered by allergies, some children missed
several days in nursery school this spring.


Training for nursery school teachers involves
interacting with preschoolers and role playing
with peers.


To prove that he could hold his own on the track
team, Gordo had to train hard like the older


If you go to the store, you will see that it is
closed on Sunday because the owner likes to go
to church.

Hoặc: The store is closed on Sundays because
the owner attends church.


Because Jim liked chocolate, he was very upset
when the candy company canceled his favorite
chocolate bar.
Hoặc: Jim was upset when the candy company
canceled production of his favorite chocolate bar
