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MÔN TIẾNG ANH - Năm học 2009 - 2010
Thời gian làm bài 150'
Họ tên giám khảo 1………………………………………………………….
Chữ ký: ………………………………………………………………………….
Họ tên giám khảo 2…………………………………………………………
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Bằng chữ:
I. Read the following paragraph, then decide whether the statements below it are T or
F or NI (no information):
Many people now think that teachers give students too much homework. They say that it is
unnecessary for children to work at home in their free time. Moreover, they argue that most
teachers do not properly plan the homework tasks they give to students. The result is that students
have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school.
Recently in Greece, many parents complained about the difficult homework which teachers
gave to their children. The parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and they
wanted to stop it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework recently. In
Denmark, West Germany and several other countries in Europe, teachers can not set homework at
weekends. In Holland, teachers allow students to stay at school to do their homework. The
children are free to help one another. Similar arrangements also exist in some British schools.
Most people agree that homework is unfair
A student who can do his homework in a quiet
and comfortable room is in a much better position than a student who does his homework in a
small room with the television on
Some parents help their children with their homework. Other

parents take no interest at all in their children's homework.
It is important, however, that teachers talk to parents about

homework. A teacher should
suggest suitable tasks for parents to do with their children. Parents are often better at teaching
their own children
1. ……………… According to the writer, many parents would like their children to have less
2 ………………… Many teachers think that students should have homework
3 …………………

Parents think that students shouldn’t have to do a lot of world in their
leisure time.
4 ………………… A lot of homework has not been planned properly, according to many
5 …………………….

Parents say that most teachers give homework which is different from the
work the students have done in class.
6 ……………………. In Turkey, Spain, and West Germany now children do not have any
7 ……………………….

In some countries now in Europe, teachers are allowed to give children
homework only at weekends.
8 …………………………. In Britain, children can do their homework at school and help one
another in some schools.
9 …………………………

No parents think that homework is fair
10 ………………………….

Teachers should advise parents about how to work together with
their children at home.
II. Choose the correct word or phrase for each space from the list below :
anything, are capable, even, keep, owing to, perform, raise, recover from, regardless of,
relax, something, take up, weave
A hobby can be almost (1) ……………………………

a person likes to do in hi s spare time
Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, (2)…………………

baskets or carve soap figures. They watch
birds, hunt animals, climb mountains, (3) flowers, fish, ski, skate, and swim. Hobbyists
also paint pictures, attend concerts and plays, and (4) ……………………………. On musical
They collect everything from books to butterflies, and from shells to stamps.
People (5)

hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendships,
knowledge, and relaxation. Sometimes they (6) yield financial profit. Hobbies help
people (7) after period of hard work. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for person
who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a satisfying hobby,
(8) his age, position, or income.
Hobbies can help a person's mental and physical health. Doctors have found that hobbies
are very valuable in helping patients (9) ……………………………… physical or mental illness. Hobbies

give bedridden or wheel-chair patients something to do and provide interest that (10) ………………
them from thinking about themselves .
III. Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use only one
word in each space :
Thanksgiving is a truly American holiday. Nobody should have dinner alone on that day
That's what Thanksgiving is all (1) ……………………… The first immigrants, who were called Pilgrims,
(2) to America from Europe about three hundred and fifty years (3) ……………………
They were good friends with (4) ………………………Indians and they tried ( 5 ) ……………… corn
and other stuff together but it was really hard farming at that time
When they got the first
harvest, the (6) …………………… and the Americans had a big dinner together to (7

God for their good luck. And the food the American eat now (8) …………………………… Thanksgiving
are the same kinds of things that the Pilgrims ate: turkey, com, and squash. The date is (9)
…… every year but it is always the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, they
(10) …………………………

it in October.
IV. Rewrite these sentences:
1 “What time did you come home 1ast night?” she said to me.
She asked
2. It was a very good film and I saw it twice.
I didn't know she was sick, so I didn't visit her.

4. Someone has stolen her bike.
5. “Why don't you go out for dinner tonight?” She said.
She suggested :
6. You can stay with us for a week.
We can
7. We can't afford the ticket to see the movie.
If we
8. It's a pity that Charles always complains so much.
If only
9. The actor is very popular.
10 She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know.
She is a
V Using the words given in the blanks to rewrite these sentences :
1 Angela regrets not seeing that film. (wishes)
2. It's possible that the building was burgled after midnight. (may)
3. John's students always respected him
4. “It's your fault the bike was stolen, George,” said Lucy. (blamed)
5. In spite of the expense, the train is still the best way to travel. (even)
VI. Choose the best answer:
1 The air of the hills is cooler than
a. one of the plains b. of the plains c. that of plains d. the plain
There is one television program which is above all . . .
. . .

. . . . . . in popularity
a. another b. other c. the other d. others
The more he tried to help her,
. . .
. . .
. . . .
she seems to appreciate it.
a. less b. lesser c. the less d. the lesser
4. Gold, as well as silver

in price, he said.
a. have fallen b. has fallen c. fall d. are falling
The headmaster ………………………………… several announcements
a. did b. spoke c. made d. said
6. Those interested in the post of Assistant Manager are requested to apply
a. as a person b. in person c. as person d. by person
7. It is not easy to study a foreign language all by
a. oneself b. itself c. himself d. herself

Will you be ……………………… kind as to help me with this heavy box?
a. as b. so c. very d. enough
9. We hire out bicycle .…
a. by hours b. by an hour c. by the hour d. for hour
10. Nobody is ready to go ?
a. are they b. isn't he c. is he d. aren’t they
11 “Would you like some entertainment?”
“I wouldn't mind having

a. little b. a few c. a little d. few
12. What a pity I didn't know about the show! I would l1ke
a. to have gone b. going c. having gone d. to go
13. Don't leave your clothes .
. .
. . . . .
. .
. .
. . .
about on the bedroom floor
a. lie b. lay c. lying d. laying
14. He bought
a. a leathered belt b. a leather belt c. leathered belt d. leather belt
15. Have you heard
a. to day b. today's c. of today d. in today
VII. Use the correct form of the words:

1 Liz looked in silent ……………………………… at the beautiful scenery of the countryside. (admire)
1 A pound can be ……………………………………

for more than two dollars . (exchange)
3 ………………………… the room without knocking is considered impolite
The wind moved …………………………………

through the trees all the night. ( rest)
A lot of foreign tourists like going to Ha Long Bay for ………………………… (sightsee)
VIII. Phonetics
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. ell B. cube C. city D. rice
2. A. brought B. ought C. thought D. though
3. A. hear B. spear C. dear D. swear
4. A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realise
5. A. bush B. pull C. brush D. push
B. Choose the word with the position of the stressed syllable different from the rest.
1. A. career B. avoid C. manage D. advise
2. A. burglary B. employment C. courageous D. dependent
3. A. computer B. expression C. instantly D. appliance
4. A. population B. electricity C. popularity D. concentrate
5. A. curriculum B. enthusiast C. arrangement D. temperature
IX. You are going to a high school

Choose the school you like and persuade your
friends to choose that school. Write a paragraph about 120-150 words.
The end
NĂM HỌC 2009-2010
I. 2,5 M (lo X 0,25 M)
1 T 2. NI 3. T 4. T 5. NI
6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. F
II 2,5 M(10 X 0,25 M)
1 anything 2. weave 3. raise 4. perfonn
5. take up 6. even 7. relax 8. regardless of
recover from 10
III. 2,5 M(lo X 0,25 M)
1 about 2
came 3 . ago 4 . the 5 . growing
6. Indians 7. thank 8. for 9. different 10. celebrate
IV. 2,5 M (lo X 0,25 M)
1 She asked me what time I had come home the night before.
2. Such a good film was it that I saw it twice.
3 . Had I known that she was sick, I would have visited her.
4. She has had her bike stolen.
She suggested that I should go out for dinner that night.

6. We can put you up for a week.
7. Ifwe h.ad much mone, we could buy the ticket to see the movie.
8. Ifonly Charles wouldn't complain so much.
9. Everyone knows the actor.
10 She is a more sympathetic 11stener than anyone else I know.
V 1,25 M (5 X 0,25 M)
1 Angela wishes she had seen that film.
2. The building may have been burgled after midnight.
3. John was always 1ooked up to by his students.
4. Lucy blamed George for the stolen bike.
5. Even thongh it is expensive, the train is still the best way to travel.
VI. 3 M (15 x 0,2 M)
1. c 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. c
6. b 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. a
11. c 12. a 13. c 14. b 15. b
VII. 1 25M (5X 0,25 M)
1. admiration 2. exchanged
3. Entering 4.

restlessly 5.

VIII. 2,5 M (lo x 0,25 M)
A. 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. c
B. 1. C 2. A 3. c 4. D 5. D
IX. 2 M
The end
