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Tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 7

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Minh: Is your house (1) ……… ?
Hoa: No, it isn’t. It’s (2) ………
Minh: Is it (3) ………
Hoa: Yes, it is.
Minh: Is (4) ………… a yard?
Hoa: Yes, there is.
Minh: Is there a well?
Hoa: No, there isn’t.
Minh: Are there any (5) ………
in your yard?
Hoa: Yes, there are.
Minh: Are there any (6) ……… ?
Hoa: No, there aren’t.
ACTIVITY 1: Listen and ll in each blank with a suitable word.
My name’s Ba. I live in an apartment in
town. Near the apartment there is a
supermarket, a post office, a bank, a
clinic, a market and a zoo. It’s very
noisy here.
My name’s Chi. I live in a house
in the country. There aren’t any
stores here. There are trees and
flowers, a river, a lake and paddy
Acvity 2: Read then choose the correct
a Does Ba live in town? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
b Does he live in a house? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
c Is it noisy? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

d Does Chi live in town? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
e Are there any stores? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
f Is it quiet? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
ACTIVITY 3: Write 8 sentences to describe the posion of
the people/ things in the picture
ACTIVITY 4: Let’s play a game: What is it?
It is on the
wall. Is is
black. The
teacher uses it.
Is it the
Now you do the same!
Yes, it is.
ACTIVITY 5: Look at the pictures and give the names of these
means of transport.
c d
ACTIVITY 6: How do you go to school?
Go by + means of transport
Go on foot

I go to school
by bicycle.
I walk to school.
How do you
go to school?
Now practice the same dialogue with your partner based on the given words.
Mr. Pike/ work/ bus
Larry/ school/double-decker
Mr. Smith/on business/plane
His parents/Rome/boat
These workers/factory/truck
ACTIVITY 7: Read the passage about Jean and answer
the following questions.
Hi! My name is Jean. I’m from Holland.
I’m a sixth-grade student. Everyday I
get up at half past six. I take a shower,
get dressed and have breakfast with my
family. Then I leave house. I catch a bus
to school. The school is near my school
so it takes me about twenty minutes to
school by bus. After school, I go home
by underground. The traffic in my city is
always crowded in rush hours.
1. What time does Jean get up?
2. What does he often do after he gets up?
3. How does he go to school?

4. How long does it take him to go to school?
5. How does he go home after school?
ACTIVITY 8: Rewrite the following sentences.
1. George walks to school.
George goes…………………
2. He goes to work by car.
He ……………………………
3. He rides to the park.
He goes…………………………
4. He takes a train to the oce.
He goes………………………….
5. They take the underground to get to the city centre.
They go …………………………………………
6. Do you go to the theatre by motorbike?
Do you …………………………………………?
7. The children go camping on the school bus.
The children take……………………………
8. John catches the train to the hospital.
John ……………………………………………

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