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Global Warming Essay.

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“Global warming” is not the phrase which is strange with us. This is also the
greatest challenge we are facing. It is one of the most current and widely
discussed topics. It has impacted deeply on biodiversity and climatic
conditions of the planet. Several current trends clearly demonstrate that
global warming is directly impacting on rising sea levels, the melting of ice
caps and significant worldwide climate changes. “Global warming”
represents a fundamental threat to all living things on Earth.
Beginning from the first one, we have to understand what is the “Global
warming”? “Global warming” is the increase of Earth’s average surface
temperature due to effect of greenhouse, such as: Cacbon dioxide emissions
from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation. This means there are fewer
and fewer trees to suck carbon out of the atmosphere. There are many
reasons make our Earth become warmer. The main cause behind global
warming is the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere due to green house effect. Green house effect leads to increase in
the temperature of earth by trapping the sun's heat and light in the earth's
atmosphere. In this phenomenon the heat and light of sun enters the
atmosphere but cannot go out as they are trapped in earth's atmosphere by
the green house gases and thus resulting in temperature rise. The green
house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide plays the major
role in green house effect and excessive emission of these gases through
various means is a major cause of global warming.
Moreover, due to burning of large amount of coal in power plant excessive
amount of carbon dioxide is emitted in different forms in the atmosphere. In
addition to that, countless number of vehicles running in the road today is
one of the major source of emission of a large amount of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere leading to increase in the temperature of earth's atmosphere.
projected that, 34 million acres of trees are cut and burned each ear resulting
in 25% of all carbon dioxide release entering the atmosphere. The
developing of industry effects directly to environment.
In additon to, Another major cause of global warming is continuous cutting

of a large number of trees across the world that is also referred as
deforestation. It is projected that, 34 million acres of trees are cut and burned
each ear resulting in 25% of all carbon dioxide release entering the
Especially, increasing population is also a cause of global warming that
cannot be neglected. As human being is known to exhale carbon dioxide
means more population will lead to more emission of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere resulting in increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere and thus resulting in global warming. Furthermore, many
people don’t have consciousness to protect our environment.
All of those reasons lead to many bad consequences to our Earth. Global
average temperature rose significantly during the past century. Most
scientist agree that planet’s temperature has risen 0,5 degree Celsius since
1990 and will continue to increase.
Unfortunately, the imbalance which we have created between our life and
earth is already showing the signs disaster in the form of flood. Cyclones,
landslides, drought, etc, If the imbalance continue to rise, one day this will
pose a question mark on the existence of this planet. CO2 which is an
important contituent of environment is causing a warming effect on the
Earth’s surface. It increases the evaporation of water into the atmosphere.
The next, global warming also lead to melting of glaciers, changes in rainfall
patterns, increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather. According to
the lastest survey report the rate of melting of glaciers has seen sharp
increase in recent times. Scientist have warmed in their reports that most of
the glaciers will disappear within a period of 15 to 25 years. It will creat a
problem of drinking water an food grains in most of the North American
countries. A large number of cities located in coastal areas will submergy in
the sea. This also means many kinds of animal will lose their habitats and
it’s really hard to survive for them.
The rise in sea levels should be concerned more. Many island countries will

be washed away from the surface of the Earth. Experts believe that global
warming could increase the intensity of hurricanes over 50 percent. In
addition to, rise in atmospheric temperature will lead to the outbreak water-
borne diseases. The problem of drought would be frequent so malnutrition
and starvation will pose a serious challenge before humanity. Global
warming is a great threat to flora and fauna of the Earth. A large number of
species of them may become extinct.
Low rainfall and rising temperature could add to the intensity and frequeny
of dusty storm. This will effect strongly the agriculltural land and
agricultural produce.
Now we must prevent those consequences from making our lives become
extinct. Global is real and it’s happening now. The good news is it can be
solve with many solutions. Obiviously, there is no one magic to the problem
of global warming. The changes we can make, both large and small when
combined will decrease global warming for the better.
The first way by which we can give our support is changing our habitatsat
home, modifying our behaviour towards electrical devices, the use of water
and recycling. First of all, the use of heating and cooling systems should be
reduced anh moreover, they shoud switch off when they are not at home.
Secondly, we should use energy saving devices instead of luxury appliances
which consume a greater amount of energy and are not eco-friendly.
Furthermore, it is necessary or taking a shower instead of a bath. Recycling
is another important habit we have to adopt at home reducing the things we
buy and reusing items instead of wasting them.
Besides, using the energy from the sun is a good way to save your money
and protect the environment. If you’re moving, you have a number
opportunities to reduce your energy usages and thus reduce your carbon
dioxide contributions. Though energy usage is also affected by climate and
use of energy efficient technologies, it’s generally true that the large your
living space, the more energy it will use. So “right-sizing” your new home

will not only cost your less up front, it will also reduce your operating costs
and carbon output. Choosing a new home that is close to where you work,
shop, and play is a great way to reduce your annual driving miles and energy
In addition, forestation can be of great help in this regard. Planting more
trees and reducing timber cuts worldwide will help restore the imbalance.
The next, the use of fuel-efficient vehicles should be promoted as there
vehicles have lower emissions of harmful gases.
Finally, public awareness campaign is also another important way to stop
gloabal warming because each individual is aware only goverments’ effect
cannot bring disired different. Moreover, we should contact our local
authorities and our governments in order to be informed and keep up with
the lastest information and measues.
In conclusion, making small changes now in the way we live means
avoiding huge change in the future. Scientist, governments and individuals
must work together to overcome this serious threat. Our future is at risk
because of what we did. We need to take action now before ii’s too late.

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