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English 12 – Tests
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Name :
Class :
I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
1. A. tricks B. leftovers C. laughs D. roofs
2. A. biologist B. shift C. decision D. close-knit
3. A. clothes B. enjoys C. solutions D. baths

II. Find out the word that has different stress from the rest.
4. A. supportive B. obedience C. biologist D. mischievous
5. A. confidence B. pressure C. responsible D. project

III. Choose the best answer
6. Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
A. deal with B. manage C. help together D. work together
7. Some of my students are quite _______ and enjoy playing tricks on their friends.
A. mischievous B. obedient C. supportive D. passive
8. Vietnamese athletes performed_______ and won a lot of gold medals.
A. excellent B. excellently C. excellence D. excel
9. When he was driving to work , he stopped _______ some petrol.
A. getting B. to get C. so to get D. so that to get
10. Since her first year at university , my sister was allowed _______ to ride the motorbike.
A. to ride B. to ride C. to ride D. to riding
11. So far , they _______ hands to create a cozy family atmosphere.
A. join B. have joined C. joined D. have been joined

12. Mark : “ I get on well with my elder brother.” – Trinh : “_______”
A. so am I B. Neither do I C. I do , too D. I am , too
13 .She revised her lessons well and could answer all the questions with _____________.
A confide B. confident C. confidence D. confidently
14. My little brother is very naughty ; Our grandparents always say he’s as _______ as a
A. supportive B. obedient C. caring D. mischievous
15. When I came to her house yesterday , she _______ .
A. was still sleeping B. is sleeping C. sleeps D. slept
I don't have my own room. I have to_____________ the bedroom with my elder brother.
A. divide B. share C. separate D. live
17. Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn't have enough ____________
A. confide B. confident C. confidence D. confidently
18. ____________ most men , my father is willing to doing the household chores.
A. Not like B. Unlikely C. Unlike D. Dislike
19. If the bus to the airport ________ so late, we'd have caught the plane.
A. weren't B. hadn't been C. haven't been D. wouldn't be
20. What________ to you yesterday?
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A. had happen B. has happened C. happened D. did happen
21. “ Would you like to come on a picnic with us ?”
– He ____________ us to come on a picnic with him.
A. advised B. ordered C. allowed D. invited
22. He has taught in this school _______ he graduated from university.
A. when B. until C. since D. before
23. Pat noticed a secret door behind the wardrobe while she _______ the house.
A. cleaned B. is cleaning C. was cleaning D. had cleaned

24. Christopher Columbus_______ America more than 500 years ago.
A. was discovering B. has discovered C. had discovered D. discovered
25. Many people would be out of work if that factory _______ down.
A. closes B. has to close C. had closed D. closed
26. She asked me ______ my holidays ______.
A. where I spent / last year B. where I spent / the previous year
C. where I had spent / the previous year D. where did I spend / last year
27. Neither my gloves nor my hat _______ with this dress.
A. is going B. goes C. go D. are going
28. Jane : “____________________________________? ”
Lan : “ My mother . I often share nearly all my problem with her .”
A. Are you close to your mother
B. Who has the most problems in your family
C. Who are you closer to , your mother or father
D. Do you share your problems with your mother
29. All the villagers are willing to ________to build a new school for their children.
A. shake hands B. give hands C. join hands D. take responsibility
30. My doctor _________me to take up swimming as it is such good exercise
A. suggested B. proposed C. advised D. said
IV. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below.
The Family
The family in the Western world has changed during the last two centuries. Social scientists say
that this change in the family is one of the important changes from a traditional society to a
modern society.
Before the 19"' century, families usually arranged marriages for their children. Young people did
not decide who they wanted to marry. After they got married, they usually had a lot of children.
By the 19`" century, most young people could choose the person they wanted to marry. A
marriage joined two people and not two families. Two people could get married because they
loved each other, not just because their families wanted them to marry.
At the same time, parents began to realize that they had to take very good care of their children.

They had to take care of their health and try to give them an education. Before this, most people
did not go to school. Later, people realized that education was necessary for a good life.
Many parents decided that they should have fewer children so that they could give each one a
good life. More fathers worked outside the home for money. Mothers stayed at home and had
greater control of the children and the home than the fathers had.
Family life is changing even faster in 'he United States today. Each year there is almost one
divorce for every two marriages. Many children grow up in a home with a mother but no father,
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and the mothers generally have to work outside the home to take care of the family.
Some social scientists think that soon there will be no family life in the United States as we know
it today. They do not know how people will live. Others think that society needs families, and we
will always have them.
31. The change in the Western family in the last two centuries is _________ ?
A. rather small
B. the most important change
C. One from a traditional to a modern society
D. an important change in the modern society .
32. Before the nineteenth century , families _________
A. were usually large
B. allowed their children to arrange their own marriage.
C. did not decide their children’s marriage.
D. had few children
33. After 1800, people usually got married _________
A. because their families wanted them to. B. to join the two families.
C. to join two people. D. because they loved each other.
34. Many parents decided to have fewer children_________
A. to take care of their health. B. to give them an education.
C. to give them a better life. D. to give them greater control.
35. It can be inferred about family life in the United States today that _________

A. there is almost one divorce each year.
B. many children don't have fathers.
C. the mothers have to stay home to take care of the family.
D. there are more divorces.
V. Read the passage and choose the best option to each gap.
To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always
(36)_____________joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best
friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown
(37)____________ ___ with.
There are all sorts of things that can (38)____________about this special relationship. It may be
the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone
that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. However, it really
takes you years to get to know someone well (39)______to consider your best friend.
To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and (40)_____understands us better
than anyone else. It's the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets.
36. A. have B. share C. give D. spend
37. A. up B. through C. on D. in
38. A. provide B. bring C. cause D. result
40. A. such B. too C. enough D. so

VI. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.
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41. Even though they were late, they didn't hurry.
A. Despite being late, they didn't hurry
B. In spite that they were late, they didn't hurry
C. They were in a hurry because they were late
D. Because of being late they were in a hurry.
42. Emma hasn’t gone to the cinema for five years.
A. The last time Emma went to the cinema was in 5 years.

B. Emma hasn’t gone to the cinema yet this year, but she did last year.
C. Emma doesn’t go to the cinema unless she has the time.
D. Its is five years since Emma last went to the cinema .
43. They felt disappointed because of the bad exam results.
A. The bad exam results made them disappointing.
B. They felt disappointed, so the exam results were bad.
C. The exam results were so bad that they felt disappointed.
D. The bad exam results made them to feel disappointed
44 . I regret not booking the seats in advance.
A. I wish I booked the seats in advance.
B. I wish I have booked the seats in advance.
C. I wish I had booked the seats in advance.
D. I wish I could book the seats in advance.
45. He didn’t not pass the driving test until he was thirty.
A. When he was thirty, he didn’t pass the driving test.
B. It was not until he was thirty that he passed the driving test.
C. Passing the driving test was what he didn’t do at the age of thirty.
D. When thirty, he thought of passing the driving test.
VII. Identify one word or phrase that has a mistake.
46. Our family is a base from which we can go into the world with confident.
47. The doctor strongly advised her take a few days’ rest
48. What a pity ! I don’t have money enough to buy this expensive watch .
49. When he was a little boy, he is used to go swimming in the river with me.
50. People are not allowed enter the park after midnight because of lack of security.

The end
