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The year potx

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The year 2990

Technology has been progressing at a great rate over the
past few decades. I think that in a few centuries’ time, the
world will be very different.

Perhaps, in the year 2990, the world will be entirely
computerized. Every household will have a mainframe
which is linked to all other systems. Adults do not have to
go to work and children need not go to school as
everything can be done at home.

Probably, by then, humans will not even have to take food
in the form of meat, vegetables and rice to survive. Tablets
containing the ideal proportion of the essential nutrients
will be enough for us.

Robots could become so cheap that every household
could afford a few of them. Life will be easy and
comfortable with all the household chores being done by
the robots.

Visiting relatives during Chinese New Year will not be
necessary any more. All that the Chinese need to do is to
switch on the mainframe and exchange greetings through
the big screen. The money will be credited to their bank
accounts using the mainframe.

All these changes are just my own idea of what life in the
future could be like. I wonder if they will come true.

If I had three wishes

If a fairy were to grant me three wishes, I know what I
would like to wish for.

First of all, I would wish for plenty of money. With lots of
wealth, I could help the poor. I could donate lots of money
to the orphanages, homes for the aged, schools for the
blind and so on. Many would benefit from the money as it
could be put to good use.

Secondly, I would like to wish for the good health of my
parents and my family. Health is very important to man.
Without good health, it would be impossible to enjoy a lot
of things. With good health, we could travel around the
world, do whatever we want to do and live our lives the
way we want to.

Thirdly, I would like to wish for a book that has everything
to know in it. It will be thick and informative. There will be
science, mathematics and other topics. I would read it and
be a wiser person.

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