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A day at the market ppt

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A day at the market

Last Sunday, I woke up early to go to the market with my
mother. After taking breakfast, I carried my mother’s
shopping basket and we left for the market.

The market is only a few blocks away from my flat. When
we reached the place, it was already very crowded. I was
surprised to see men in the market besides the
housewives. There were also a few children following their
mothers obediently. The whole place was very noisy. I
could hear the stall keepers and their customers
bargaining loudly over the prices of the goods.

There were many stalls in the market. First, we went to the
vegetable stall to buy some cabbages, carrots and
tomatoes. Then we bought some pork from the butcher’s
and a salmon and some prawn form the fishmonger’s. We
proceeded to the poultry stall to get a fat chicken.

Very soon, we found that we could hardly carry any more
things. However, my mother insisted that we buy some
fruits before going home. Despite of being very tired, I was
glad that I had been of help to my mother.

Talk about a rainy morning

Outside poured the rain. It was so snug and comfortable in
bed. I did not want to get up, but unfortunately it was a
Monday morning. I could see the light of morning coming

through my window and I knew I had to get up. Why can’t
today be Sunday? I thought. Then I would not have to get
out of the warm bed. It was so pleasant there. However,
the rain did not care whether it was a Monday or a
Sunday. So I reluctantly got up.

After going through my morning routine in the toilet, I felt a
little more alive. The warm bed was still inviting but I had
to get ready to go to school. So I dressed up, picked up
my bag and descended the stairs to the dining room

My parents, sisters and brothers were already having their
breakfast. I sat down and helped myself. Everyone was
quiet as we ate our breakfast. Anyway the noise made by
the pouring rain made conversation a bit hard and recently
awakened people tended to be on the quiet side. Anyway
rain always made me hungry, so I had a hearty breakfast.

Although the time showed seven, the sky was still not very
bright. The dark clouds and the pouring rain kept the sky
looking drab and grey. My father said that we have to get
going, rain or not, or we would be late for school. My
mother countered by saying that it was better to be late
than wet. My father relented and so we waited for a while
in the house for the rain to subside.

Fifteen minutes later, the rain slowed down sufficiently for
my father to reserve out his car. We all packed ourselves
into it, all five children. We waved farewell to our mother

and soon we were on our way to school.

My father drove very carefully. He switched on the
headlights and wiper. Soon the screen misted up and he
had to switch on the air conditioner.

On the way to school, I saw other not-so-fortunate school
children and adults walking along the road or waiting for
the bus. Each of them had some kind of raincoat on or
carried an umbrella. There were puddles of water on the
road, by the side of the road, in fact, everywhere. The rain
had not stopped and the drains were filled to the brim.
Water overflowed onto the road, making it hazardous for
the users.

Anyhow we arrived at our schools without any mishaps.
My sisters got out at the convent while my brothers and I
went further on to another school. The rain had slowed to
a drizzle so as soon as we got out of the car, we dashed
to our classrooms. We had to be careful not to slip.
Anyway we made it to our classrooms. Some of my
classmates were already there. Some were soaking wet
while others were slightly wet like me.

The school bell rang, but not even half of the class was
present. Even the teacher had not come. So we sat down
in the class and waited for the others to come. Meantime
there was nothing to do but to talk with each other and
wished that we were all in our warm beds.

Outside it drizzled on.

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