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Exercise 1. Chọn đáp án đúng.
1. There’s ( little / few / many / much ) ______ tea in the cup.
2. ( Some of / Some / Each / Every ) _______ women are waiting outside.
3. We haven’t got ( many / a lot of / much / little ) _______ money. Don’t think we are rich.
4. Let’s start work again. We have too ( many / a lot of / much / few ) ______ holidays.
5. Would you like ( any / some / a lot of / a little ) _________ coffee ?
6. The children were standing around me. I gave ( all / several / each / neither ) _____ an apple.
7. He’s a careful man. He doesn’t make ( either / all / much / any ) ________ mistakes.
8. ( Each of / Some / All / Every ) ________ student has a book.
9. ( No / Never / Any / Neither ) ________ beer nor wine is my favourite drink.
10. ( Only some / Just a few / Not many of ) _____ the people in our village buy meat everyday.
11. Kate hasn’t got ( a lot / some / any / much ) ________ friends.
12. I don’t know ( a few / many / a lot of / every ) _______ people in this town.
13. He spends ( his all / the all of his / all his ) _______ time sleeping.
14. Eat ( many fewer / many less / much less / more less ) ________ bread and more fruit.
15. He decided to give ( each child / all the childen / all children / a few children ) _____ a present.
16. We’ve got ( plenty / plenty of / lots ) __________ food in the house.
Exercise 2. Chia động từ ở dạng đúng.
1. It’s a huge company. Two thousand people ( employ ) _________ there.
2. The explosion ( happen ) _______ just after 9p.m. Fortunately, no one ( hurt ) _______.
3. The hotel we stayed at was quite good. The room ( clean ) __ everyday and the towels ( change ) __
4. He only has himself to blame. He (warn) he could lose his licence the next time he (catch ) speeding.
5. All the children (send) home when the school’s central heating system ( break down ) __ last winter.
6. The watch isn’t worth much: it has sentimental value. It ( give ) _______ to me on my 21th birthday.
7. Five hundreds employees ( make ) __ redundant since the company ( take over )___ six months ago.
8. I wonder why Michael ( not invite ) ________ to Lee’s party next Saturday. Everyone else is going.
9. He ( interview ) ________ at the moment.
10. Mary ( arrest ) _________ yesterday by the police because of her involvement in the accident.
Exercise 3. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi
1. My brother sent me a set of chess from America two months ago.

I ___________________________________________________
2. We sing the national anthem every Monday morning.
The _________________________________________________
3. Her behaviour shocked her father when he first came back home.
Her _________________________________________________
4. What do you often give your children on their birthdays ?
What ________________________________________________
5. We have made a lot of effort to help him. 6. I read The Times every morning
A lot of __________________________ The Times ____________________
7. In the old days, people believed the earth was square. 8. His appearance extremely impressed me
In the old days , it ___________________________ I ____________________________
Exercise 4. Cho dạng đúng của từ
1. Football is like a ______ for Bill. RELIGIOUS
2. You’re ________ invited to a party for my father on his _______. CORDIAL / RETIRE
3. Egyptian mummies preserved for all _________. ETERNAL
4. I find it absolutely _________ that none of you liked the play. ASTONISH
5. Do you know the ________ of this restaurant? OWN
6. We always think of Lenin with great ________. RESPECT
7. I was greeted with a show of ___________. CORDIAL
8. To my __________, it had completely disappeared. ASTONISH
9. I admire his _________ / ________ in what he is doing. PASSION / BELIEVE
10. There’s no _________ in what he says TRUE
Exercise 5. Điền giới từ thích hợp
1. Max is known __________ his honesty.
2. Mr and Mrs Johns have always been faithful ________ eacg other.
3. Do you promise to come ? I’m counting _________ you to be there.
4. Trucks are prohobited _________ using residential streets .
5. The little girl is afraid _________ an imaginary bear that lives _______ her closet.
6. Do you take good care ________ your health ?
7. I’m worried _________ this problem.

8. I don’t agree _________ you.
9. We decided ________ eight o’clock as the time we should meet.
10. Who did you vote ________ in the last election ?
11. How many students were absent ________ class yesterday ?
12. It is important to be polite ________ other people.
13. The farmers are hoping ________ rain.
14. Jason was late _______ school because he wasn’t aware _________ the time.
15. We will fight ________ our rights.
Exercise 6. Hoàn thành câu bằng những câu hỏi đuôi.
1. We shall be visiting the Home for the Aged next week, _________ ?
2. Andrew is willing to help us with the history project, __________ ?
3. John shouldn’t have played truant, _________ ?
4. The mime artist, Jacques Polls, will be present at the drama festival, __________ ?
5. Samin can do the mathematical problem, ___________ ?
6. Lien went home yesterday after school, ___________ ?
7. It wouldn’t hurt you to come downstairs and greet your aunt, _________ ?
8. Carolyn hasn’t done anything wrong, _________ ?
9. The police are doing something about the recent spate of burglaries in the neighbourhood, ___ ?
10. The children must sleep before ten o’clock , __________ ?
Exercise 7. Điền từ thích hợp
Information about what has happened in the world, in our country, in our area, or even in our town comes
to us in many ways. People who can read often get their (1) ________ from (2) ______. Because many
people in the worls are illiterate, however, they have to get the news from (3) ______ or (4) ____.
Newspapers around the world are similar in many ways. They all (5) _______ new stories that tell readers
about the events of the day or week. Most newspapers include editorials that give the (6) ______ of the
government or of the newspaper’s publishers.
Often, papers have other (7) _______ that are devoted to business, sports, and maybe the latest fashion
news. Papers usually appear (8) _______ or everyday, but in some places they may only appear (9) ____.
(10) _______ are another way that some people get the news. Magazines are longer and usually appear

(11) ______ . (12) _______ and (13) ________ are two other sources of news
Exercise 8. Dịch sang tiếng Việt
Ho Chi Minh will live forever in the revolutionary cause. Mankind has lost a great revolutionary leader.
President Ho Chi Minh has dedicated his wonderful life and all his talent to the struggle for the bright future
of his people. He successfully applied the universal truth of Marxism – Leninism to the concrete practice of
the Vietnamese revolution. He brought out the birth of the first socialist country in South East Asia. Ho Chi
Minh has actively supported the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat of all countries. It is very hard to
tell all his contribution to the prosperity of his country and to the development of the fraternal friendship
between the Vietnamese people and the socialist and progressive people all over the world. Ho Chi Minh’s
life was full of hardship and sacrifice. He loved children and they loved him so much, too. Ho Chi Minh
will live forever in the hearts of his people and in the revolutionary cause.
Exercise 9. Viết lại cấu sao cho nghía câu không đổi.
1. The weather was so nice that they decided to eat outside.
It was __________________________________________________
2. The house was so far from the road that you couldn’t hear any traffic.
The house was ___________________________________________
3. It was such a boring film that they left during the interval.
The film ________________________________________________
4. Although he had a bad cold, he went to work.
In spite _________________________________________________
5. I’m sunburnt because I didn’t use any sunscreen.
I wish __________________________________________________
6. I caught a cold because I went out without a coat.
If I ____________________________________________________
7. I regret not finishing my homework at the weekend.
I wish __________________________________________________
8. The train crash was the result of an electrical fault.
An electrical fault _________________________________________
