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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 206 pdf

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1.A.resolution B.recources C.research D.require
2 A.possesion B.address C.guess D.mess
3. A.consumption B.production C.industrial D.industry
4. A.dealt B.dreamt C.heal D.threaten
5. A.little B.possible C.edible D.terible
1. A.walking B.reading C.beginning D.singing
2. A.remember B.questions C.accept D.decide
3. A.financial B.unlikely C.century D.receive
4. A.shouting B.produced C.business D.different
5. A.supply B.harmful C.important D.prevention
1. Don’t… what she says too seriously.
A.make B.take C.understand D.have
2. You won’t pass your driving test…. doing a lot more practice.
A.without B.although C.except D.if
3. Experts are worried that… is damaging the ozon layer.
A.polution B.chemicals C.fumes D.waste
4. I wish I… her the truth earlier.
A.would tell B.had told C.have told D.told
5. A good friend will always… you when you’re in trouble.
A.stand up B.stand for C.stand by D.stand up agains
6. We’ll give him the message as soon as he…
A.will phone B.phones C.is phoning D.will have phoned
7. He… to find a job but he had no luck.
A.hardly tried B.tried hardly C.tried hard D.try hardly
8. Several people, … voices could be clearly heard,were waiting outside.
A.who B.whom C.of which D.whose
9. Give me some copies of this document,….?

A.do you B.will you C.have you D.don’t you
10. I gradually became… in the book.
A.absorb B.to absorb C.absorbing D.absorbed
IV.Sentence transformation
1. She prefers Italian food to French food.
 She’d…………………………………
2. All his suits were made in Paris.
 He……………………………
3. Walking in the rain gives him pleasure.
 He enjoys………………………………
4. If you missed the programme, you can’t really judge.
 Unless you………………………………………….
5. I am amazed by the mistakes he makes.
 What…………………………………
6. “It wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob.
 Bob denied………………………………
7. I’m only interested in why he did it.
 The only thing…………………….
8. My brother works better when he’s pressed for time.
 The less…………………………………………….
9. Their chances of success are small.
 It is not…………………………
10. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed the exam.
 It came…………………………………………………….
V. Word transformation
1. It’s the most… film I’ve ever seen. (fright)
2. The police are interested in the sudden… of the valuable painting. (appear)
3. In some areas water has to be boiled to… it. (pure)
4……. is an extremely popular hobby. (photograph)
5. A holiday in Thailand can be… cheap. (surprise)

6. I didn’t know who it was - with a mask on. She was completely… (recognize)
7. There are very few…… places left on the Earth. Man has been nearly everywhere (explore)
8. Travelling in big cities is becoming more…… everyday. (trouble)
9. The American war of…… was won in 1776. (depend)
10. He’s quite an…… person. He plays a lot of sport everyday. (energy)
VI. Find and correct mistakes
1.When I finally tried to ring home, my phone battery was gone flat.

2. I tell them it’s nothing personally but they still found offended.

3. Apart from lunch and two short break during the day I’m speaking to people all
day long.

4. My computer has an internet connect which gives me access to all sorts of information.

5. The diameter of the Sun is more than one hundred times greater than Earth.

6. Alike my parents, however, I am interested in film work.

7. I think I’m very lucky to having been noticed so early in my career.

8.Under no circumstance I will leave you alone in this country.

9. Researches in economics, psychology and marketing can help business

10.I would listen to them talked about the temporary jobs they had

VII. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best fit to fill in the blank
Clean freshwater resources are essential for drinking, bathing, cooking, irrigation, industry, and for plant

and animal (1)______ . Unfortunately, the global supply of freshwater is (2)______ unevenly. Chronic
water shortages (3)______ in most of Africa and drought is common over much of the globe. The (4)
______ of most
freshwater supplies -groundwater (water located below the soil surface), reservoirs, and rivers- are under
severe and (5) ______ environmental stress because of overuse, water pollution, and ecosystem
degradation. Over 95 percent of urban sewage in (6) ______ countries is (7) ______ untreated into surface
water such as rivers and harbours.
About 65 percent of the global freshwater supply is used in (8) ______ and 25 percent is used in industry.
Freshwater (9) ______ therefore requires a reduction in wasteful practices like (10) ______ irrigation,
reforms in agriculture and industry, and strict polution controls worldwide.

1. A.survive B.survived C.surviving D.survival
2. A.delivered B.distributed C.provided D.given
3. A.exist B.lie C.show D.stay
4. A.resources B.springs C.sources D.starting
5. A.increasing B.growing C.climbing D.ascending
6. A.growing B.miserable C.poverty D.developing
7. A.recharged B.discharged C.charged D.discharging
8. A.farming B.planting C.agriculture D.growing
9. A.reservation B.conservation C.preservation D.retention
10. A.ineffective V.illogical C.irrational D.inefficient

VIII. Read the passage carefully then choose the best answer to the questions below
The planet Earth is 4,600 million years old. It is difficult for us to think about such an enormous length
of time because it has little meaning for us. We can, however, simplify the idea to make it more
understandable. We can compare the planet Earth to a person of forty- six years of age.
Nothing is known about the first seven years of this person’s life. Very little information exists about
the middle period either. It was only at the age of forty- two that the Earth began to flower.
Dinosaurs and great reptiles did not appear until one year ago, when the planet of forty- five. Mammals
only arrived eight months ago. In the middle of last week, man- like apes became ape- like men and began

to communicate with each other. Last weekend, the Ice Age covered the Earth.
Modern man has only been around for four hours. During the last hour man discovered agriculture. The
industrial Revolution and the rise of large cities began just sixty seconds ago.
During that short time, modern man has made a rubbish tip of the Earth. In one minute, he has
increased his numbers to terrible proportions, and has caused the death of hundreds of species of animals.
He has robbed and destroyed the planet in his search of fuels. Now he stands, like a violent, spoilt child,
delighted at the speed of his rise to power, on the edge of the final mass destruction and of killing all the
life which exists in the solar system.

1. The passage tells us that ______
A.a great deal is known about how the Earth was created.
B.life on Earth began relatively recently.
C.more is known about the first part of the Earth’s life.
D.scientists are well- informed about the middle part of the Earth’s life.
2. We are informed by the author that ______
A.the dinosaurs appeared during the middle period.
B.mammals and great reptiles both appeared at the same time.
C.there were more than forty- five kinds of great reptiles.
D.ape- like men appeared before the last Ice Age.
3. The author is mainly interested in ______
A.the time when man first evolved from apes.
B.what has happened since the Industrial Revolution.
C.the effects of farming.
D.the period before the last Ice Age.
4. It would appear that the main danger ahead is that ______
A.man will destroy everything on Earth.
B.man will use up all the fuels.
C.there will be a population explosion.
D.more species of animal may die out.
5. The author’s general view of man seems to be that ______

A.he has no right to be so destructive.
B.he has been the most successful animal.
C.he will be able to control the environment.
D.he has learned a lot from past mistakes.

IX. Writing: 180- 200 words
How do you think about a good teacher?

§¸p ¸n:
I.5 ®iÓm
1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A
II.5 ®iÓm
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B
III.10 ®iÓm
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D
IV.10 ®iÓm
1.She’d rather have Italian food than French food.
2.He had all his suits made in Paris.
3.He enjoys walking in the rain.
4.Unless you saw/heard the programme, you can’t really judge.
5.What amazes me is the mistakes he makes.
6.Bob denied taking my car.
7.The only thing I’m only interested in is why he did it.
8.The less time my boss has, the better he works.
9. It is not likely that they will succeed.
10. It came as no surprised to me that Harry had failed the exam.

1.frightening 2.disappearance 3.purify 4.photography
5.surprisingly 6.unrecognizable 7.unexplored 8.troublesome
9.independence 10.energetic
VI.10 diÓm
1.was gonewent 2.personallypersonal 3.breakbreaks
4.connectconnector 5.Earththe Earth 6.AlikeLike
7.havinghave 8.I willwill I 9.ResearchesResearch
10.talked abouttalking about
VII.10 ®iÓm
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D
VIII. 10 ®iÓm
1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A
IX.10 ®iÓm
Tæng ®iÓm: 80/4=20
